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Name: Pamela A. Ayoso Course:BSED Yr.&Sec.

: 3-A

Module 5 Lesson 1

18th Century


 Application
Answer these questions comprehensively:

1. Why is 1700-1750 considered the Age of Enlightenment?

It is commonly called the Age of Reason because of the philosophical trends at

that time stressed the superiority of reason over superstition and religion. As of moment
it is also called the Age of Enlightenment, where ideas such as natural and individual
rights, scientific thought, and the separation of powers were prominent. Philosophers of
that time were inspired from previous century, they sought to discover and to act upon
universally valid principles governing humanity, nature, and society. Because of this
philosophers influenced it results to critical of established institutions such as the
Catholic Church and the monarchy. A philosophical movement that dominated in Europe
during the 18th century, was centered around the idea that reason is the primary source
of authority and legitimacy, and advocated such ideals as liberty, progress, tolerance,
fraternity, constitutional government, and separation of church and state.

2. What significant literary events happened during this age?

The significant literary events happened during this age is the discovery of the
philosophical movement known as the Enlightenment or the Age of Reason.

The period from 1700 to 1750 is known as the Augustan Age. This period's
literature reflected the global Age of Enlightenment or the Age of Reason. This was a
time to celebrate the human mind and all that humanity had accomplished. Furthermore,
the Age of Reason emphasized a rational and scientific approach to contemporary
issues. This period's literature is primarily political and secular.

 Assessment
Make a web of the important events or travels in the Novel Gulliver’s Travels by
Jonathan Swift. Discuss your answer.
Gulliver is the only
survivor of a shipwreck,
and he swims to Gulliver’s second voyage takes him to
Lilliput, where he is tied Brobdingnag, inhabited by a race of
up by people who are giants. A farm worker finds Gulliver
and delivers him to the farm owner.
less than 6 inches (15
The farmer begins exhibiting Gulliver
cm) tall. He is then
for money, and the farmer’s young
taken to the capital city daughter, Glumdalclitch, takes care of
and eventually him. One day the queen orders the
released. He flees to farmer to bring Gulliver to her, and she
Blefuscu, where he purchases Gulliver. He becomes a
finds a normal-size favourite at court, though the king
boat and is thus able to reacts with contempt when Gulliver
return to England. recounts the splendid achievements of
his own civilization.

After Gulliver describes his

History of England by
concluding that the English
country and its history to
must be a race of “odious the master Houyhnhnm,
vermin.” Gulliver offers to
the Houyhnhnm concludes
make gunpowder and
cannon for the king, but the Novel Gulliver’s that the people of England
king is horrified by the are not more reasonable
thought of such weaponry. Travels
than the Yahoos. At last it
Eventually Gulliver is picked
is decided that Gulliver
up by an eagle and then
rescued at sea by people of
by: Jonathan Swift
must leave the
his own size.
Houyhnhnms. Gulliver
then returns to England, so
disgusted with humanity
that he avoids his family
and buys horses and
converses with them

On Gulliver’s third voyage

he is set adrift by pirates
and eventually ends up on
the flying island of Laputa. Later Gulliver visits
The people of Laputa all Glubbdubdrib, the island
have one eye pointing of sorcerers, and there
inward and the other
upward, and they are so
he speaks with great
lost in thought that they men of the past and In the extremely bitter fourth
part, Gulliver visits the land of
must be reminded to pay learns from them the the Houyhnhnms, a race of
attention to the world lies of history. In the intelligent horses who are
around them. Though they
are greatly concerned with
kingdom of Luggnagg cleaner and more rational,

mathematics and with he meets the communal,

and benevolent (they have,
music, they have no struldbrugs, who are
most tellingly, no words for
practical applications for immortal but age as deception or evil) than the
their learning.
though they were mortal brutish, filthy, greedy, and
and are thus miserable. degenerate humanoid race
From Luggnagg he is called Yahoos, some of whom
they have tamed—
able to sail to Japan and an ironic twist on the human-
thence back to England. beast relationship.
Write the implication to the present society of the story Gulliver’s Travels

Jonathan Swift’s Gulliver’s Travels is a novel about the adventures of a man named Lemuel
Gulliver, who travels through various kingdoms and encounters a wide variety of people. Swift
uses the differences between the communities of individuals Gulliver interacts with, as well as
Gulliver’s views on and opinions of them, to repeatedly emphasize the central themes of the
novel, especially social status.

The implication of this story is that traveling in different place in the present society is
happening every single day. Through the use of social media, we can see that some most of the
people record their travels and post it online. Some of them are vlogging while making travels in
different countries and places, but when pandemic strikes, the numbers of travellers decreases
due to this threat. As years passed by, the country slowly got used to this pandemic and started
to know the safety protocols. There are lots of processes in order to do some travels but the
travellers still take this in order to travel again. I, as a person really love traveling and adventures
but I don’t have enough money for that but I claim it, someday I will become successful and
when the pandemic ends, I will be able to travel with enough money.

Name: Pamela A. Ayoso Course:BSED Yr.&Sec.: 3-A


18th Century - Age of Sensibility

List the symbols,rhymes,and figurative languages that you can find in the poem “Elegy Written in
the Country Churchyard” by Thomas Gray.

List of Symbols List of Rhyming Words List of Figurative


Nightfall day, way lea, me Imagery

Grave sight, flight holds, folds Personification

Darkness tower, bower complain, reign Metaphor

Hamlet shade, laid heap, sleep

Beauty morn, horn shed, bed

Voice burn, return care, share

Alone yield, afield broke, stroke

Elegy toil, smile obscure, poor

The voice power, hour gave, grave

Foot fault, vault raise, praise

bust, dust breath, death

laid, sway’d page, rage

unroll, soul serene, unseen

bear, air breast, rest

withstood, blood command, land

despise, eyes alone, throne

confined, mankind hide, pride

shame, flame strife, life

stray, way protect, deck’d

nigh, sigh muse, strews

supply, die prey, day

resigned, behind relies, cries

requires, fires dead, led

relate, fate say, away

dawn, lawn beech, stretch

high, by scorn, forlorn

rove, love hill, rill

tree, he array, lay

borne, thorn

Write your reflection to the Epitaph by Thomas Gray.

As I have read “Epitaph” by Thomas Gray, it shows his discontent toward the way that
life and death are categorized on this planet --- meaning he compares the life and death of
people. He stated about how earth as a place which holds people for the time being that they
are going through this grand cycle of what is called “life”. The Epitaph shows a lot things of
happenings about how people are being brought up and down in a dark sort of way. He says, the
one and only sole purpose in this world are to waste space in the earth and rot away for
eternity. I know it was shocking and intriguing part of his reaction in the this poem but, I think
he have a big reason behind this words. He try to spoke with God,about how there are certain
things around world that are we only now known as “frailties” of what used to be in life. He
speaks out against the way this person was treated, in the circle of his families, loveones and
society which is symbolic of how people are being treated as a whole. I probably knew someone
who died at a young age and it had a traumatizing effect on person especially to our loveones.
Sometimes, we can’t get easily forget and move on, with those memories its either happy nor
sad,but still we’re trying the best we could to. Its just that we need to prepare ourselves to face
what’s happen next, to our life.


Research the biography of Thomas Gray and highlight the important events in his life.

"Thomas Gray"

Thomas gray was born in Cornhill Londonon, on 26th December 1716. he was the fifth of
twelve children, and the only one to survive infancy. An English poet, letter-
writer, classical scholar, and professor at Pembroke College, Cambridge Gray was a delicate and
scholarly boy who spent his time reading and avoiding athletics Robert became Gray's first
teacher and helped inspire in Gray a love for botany and observational science. In 1734, Gray
went up to Peterhouse, Cambridge,but he found out thatt the curriculum was dull. He spent
most of his time as an undergraduate reading classical and modern literature, and
playing Vivaldi and Scarlatti on the harpsichord for relaxation. He left Peterhouse for Pembroke
College after being the victim of a practical joke played by undergraduates. Gray sent his most
famous poem, "Elegy," to Walpole, then sent off the poem as a manuscript and it appeared in
different magazines andspent most of his life as a scholar in Cambridge, and only later in his life
did he begin travelling again. In 1757, he was offered the post of Poet Laureate, which he
refused. Gray was so self-critical and fearful of failure that he published only thirteen poems
during his lifetime

He is widely known for his Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard. The poem was a
literary sensation when published by Robert Dodsley in February 1751. Its reflective, calm,
and stoic tone was greatly admired, and it was pirated, imitated, quoted, and translated into
Latin and Greek. It is still one of the most popular and frequently quoted poems in the English
language. The Elegy was recognised immediately for its beauty and skill. It contains many
phrases which have entered the common English lexicon, either on their own or as quoted in
other works.

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