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Name: _________________________

Section: ________________________

Direction: Encircle the letter of the correct answer.

1. Which of the following are songs written by the folks and are sung while doing daily
activities such as farming, fishing and putting the baby to sleep?
A. Folk Songs C. Metal Rock Songs
B. Hip-hop Music D. Rap

2. In Luzon, what music is colonially-influenced and not religious in nature?

A. Devotional Music C. LiturgicaL music
B. Indigenous Music D. Secular Music

3. Which of the following statements is NOT true?

A. Folk songs are long and complex
B. Composers and lyricists are usually unknown.
C. Concepts of folk songs are based on nature or people’s work, tradition and culture.
D. Folksongs are originally passed down orally to the family and to the other members
of the community.

4. The ability of the body to function effectively and efficiently without excessive fatigue.
A. Exercise B. Health-related C. Physical Fitness D. Skill-related

5. Which dimension is involved when you express your emotions in a postitive way?
A. Emotional B. Mental C. Physical D. Moral-Spiritual

6. Exercise is mainly a component of _________.

A. Emotional health C. Spiritual Health
B. Mental Health D. Physical Health

7. What is the best way to improve your moral-spiritual well-being?

A. Choose friends who share the same interest
B. Get adequate rest and sleep.
C. Show respect and affection for others.
D. Spending quality time wu=ith your family and friends.

8. Which of the following best describes a vocal music?

A. Vocal music are boring.
B. Vocal music is an expression of human artistry that sometimes if not all the times is
taken for granted.
C. Vocal music are music that should be used in joining singing contest especially in an
international platforms.
D. Vocal music is written, usually to a text to be sung by the human voice, either with
instrumental accompaniment or a capella.

9. All can be inferred from folk songs of Lowland Luzon, EXCEPT:

A. Music is greatly influenced by the artist’s environment.
B. Folk songs of Lowland Luzon reflect our Philippine culture.
C. Folk songs of Lowland Luzon are products of technological advancement in music
D. Studying the folk songs of Lowland Luzon also means studying history, sociology,
etc. thus, ethnomusicology is interdisciplinary.

10. A hand weaving technique of the Ilocanos that is produced using traditional wooden
A. Inabel B. Burnay C. Labba D. Bul’ul

11. A wooden sculpture that represents the rice granary spirits. It is used in rituals that are
performed to call the ancestors to protect their rice fields from pestilence and to ask for
an abundant harvest.
A. Inabel B. Dinumug C. Wanes D. Bul’ul

12. Exercise is mainly a component of ________.

A. Emotional B. Mental C. Physical D. Spiritual
13. How might someone demonstrate intellectual wellness?
A. through religion C. through emotional control
B. through social connections D. through serious thinking

14. Saying sorry when you hurt someone, means you _________.
A. do not have to pay back C. want the person to feel satisfied
B. want the person to forgive you D. are to proud to accept your mistake

15. How can unpleasant body odor due to active secretion of sweat glands be prevented?
A. Change clothes more often C. Take a bath regulary
B. Shave the hair of the armpit D. use perfume

16. Responsible hormones that create moodiness among adolescent.

A. Adrenaline and hypothalamus C. Parathyroid and Pancreas
B. Estrogen and testosterone D. Pituitary gland and thymus

17. A string ensemble which is originated in Spain.

A. Bandurria B. Laud C. Guitar D, Rondalla

18. It is a process of tying and dyeing the threads to prepare the patterns before they are
woven into the textile of the Natives of Bontoc.
A. ikat B. balwasi C. Tingguians D. Kabayan

19. The following are the examples of Tagalog folk songs, except:
A. Magtanim ay Di Biro C. Sitsiritsit
B. Bahay Kubo D. Pamulinawen

20. A Philippine music genre which originally passes down orally to members of the family
and usually the composers and lyricists are unknown.
A. Folk Songs B. Harana C. Kundiman D. Pasyon

21. A Philippine music genre which originally passes down orally to members of the family
and usually the composers and lyricists are unknown.
A. Folk Songs B. Harana C. Kundiman D. Pasyon

22. Angono in Rizal Province is considered as the ______ because of thetown’s rich artistic
expressons that include music, painting, sculptures and folk arts.
A. Balisong Capital of the Philippines C, Arts Capital of the Philippines
B. Woodcarving Capital of the Philippines D. People of the Lake

23. This province is known for its giant Lanterns or parol.

A. Pampanga B. Laguna C. Bulacan D. Davao

24. She is the last ‘mambabatok” or traditional Kalinga tattoo artist.

A. Lang Dulay B. Ka Marcela C. Wang Od D. Balawat

25. A healthful way to show your friend you are angry is to ________.
A. Ignore him/her
B. Stay away from him/her
C. Tell others you are angry with your friend
D. Tell your friend what he/she said that made you feel angry.

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