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As we know, Encouraging plastic recycling programs has many good outcomes,

one such is that it can boost the local economy and create jobs for both skilled as
well as unskilled workers. This is the reason why we, group 3 of Eumind, have
selected the plastic recycling topic. Here is everything we have collated so far:

The lifecycle of a plastic bottle-2.mp4

This is a video prepared by us highlighting the lifecycle of a plastic bottle.


1. Interview with students: Our group had prepared a survey to send to our
fellow friends to get a better idea of how much people are aware of the
increasing problem of plastic pollution and how necessary it is to recycle
plastic. The following spreadsheets contains the responses of a few students
- Plastic recycling (Eumind project survey) (Responses)
2. Interview with school: Our group had interviewed our EVS teacher miss
Shubha who told us about her responses on the following questions:
a. How does plastic interfere in the development of your field of studies?
(Basically how plastic impacts your field of studies)
Here mam describes how microplastics continue to be a problem in
the progress of biological studies and the problems caused to humans
due to microplastics.
b. How important is it to make students aware about plastic pollution?
Here she describes how it was her dream to make a change in the
world by teaching children about how harmful plastic can be and how
necessary it is to control the growing plastic pollution.
c. Are there any hands-on projects or experiments you imagine to teach
students about the recycling process?
Here she suggested a way to teach students about the recycling
process by making an inter-house competition in which the house
which recycles the most plastic wastes wins and get a special trophy at
the end of the year.
d. In your opinion, what could be the long-term impact of integrating
plastic recycling education into the curriculum
Here Miss Shubha suggested that if plastic recycling education was
integrated into the curriculum the plastic pollution in the future might
decrease tenfold as educating the younger generation is extremely

The SDG our group has chosen is clean water and sanitation as it focuses on
improving the quality of freshwater. The pollution of inland bodies of water must
be reduced and much more water needs to be purified in order to increase the
amount available for safe consumption. Keeping the beautiful blue oceans from
becoming a sea of plastic is necessary both for the fishes and us humans, and hence
reducing plastic pollution in water bodies in necessary to combat the overall
growing problem of plastic pollution.
Our group’s observations:

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