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The Interview

Division of tasks:
Pranaya - ask questions
Khushi - ask questions
Sasha - reporter
Niyati - camera
Priyanka - record keeper
Teacher - Ms. Tanisha [Social Emotional Learning teacher]

Questions and Answers :

1. According to you, what are green meals?
=Tanisha Miss believes a healthy diet consists of various fruits and vegetables. She
emphasized the importance of including these green foods for our well-being. Miss
Tanisha states that the vitamins and minerals in these green foods contribute to a
nourishing diet.

2. Do you consume green foods?

= Tanisha Miss expressed her liking for home-cooked meals rather than packaged
meals. She believes cooking meals at home gives you more control over your health
and ensures a good diet. Tanisha Miss also thinks that they are ten times better than
blindly eating toxic food outside if you know what you will add to your meals

3. Non-vegetarian food or green food?

= When asked about her preferences between non-vegetarian and green food
diets, Tanisha Miss provided her interesting perspective. She told us about the tendency
for people to follow a non-vegetarian diet based on their family traditions and locations.
She encourages people to decide what to consume by knowing what their body requires
rather than consuming strictly vegetarian or non-vegetarian food.

4. How does India contribute to green food consumption?

= Tanisha Miss told us about the different food chains based on geographical
locations. She recounted a story of a girl who grew up in the coastal side and most of
the people in her area ate mostly seafood and preferred that.

5. On average, how many times a day do you consume non-vegetarian food?

= Tanisha Miss follows her advice, as proven by her reply saying she consumes meat
only if she requires protein.
We are extremely grateful for our teachers’ responses and time. They play a vital role in
our research. Their answers will surely be acknowledged for other topics.

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