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Plastic recycling has a great deal of potential to benefit the

environment. Despite the vast array of recommendations, viewpoints,
and opinions that have been expressed, it is remarkable to observe
that the transformative power of recycling is the most widely held
belief among all respondents. It is obvious that adopting recycling
practices can help create a more sustainable future and lifestyle for
future generations. We've come to some important findings about
plastic recycling after a thorough investigation and have highlighted a
variety of plastic substitutes as well as practical methods for cutting
down on plastic consumption in our day-to-day activities.

We found that avoiding single-use plastics like straws and disposable

plastic cutlery is one of the most effective ways to reduce plastic
consumption through our research. People can take an active role in
reducing plastic waste and fostering a greener future by adhering to
these recommendations. We discussed plastic recycling and its
alternatives in-depth with Ms. Sheetal Shah during our interview. She
acknowledged and strongly suggested using glass and stainless steel
as an alternative, as it is reusable, easy to clean, and long-lasting. By
providing alternatives, we can minimize our reliance on single-use
plastics and move toward a more sustainable future.

In addition to emphasizing the significance of putting strategies into

action and considering alternatives, it makes a strong case for the
urgent need to address plastic consumption. We can significantly
reduce plastic waste and advance a more sustainable future for our
planet by implementing these strategies. Together, let's come up with
creative solutions that benefit not just ourselves but also our priceless
Mother Earth.

- Shanessa Dsouza

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