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Student Interview Report

Our interview with Kruti Devani, a zealous student, was truly a profound
experience. On 12th Jan, 2024, she thoughtfully collaborated and shared
her views on plastic recycling. When asked what makes people motivated
to recycle, Kruti emphasized that recycling is a personal choice and that
our earth itself motivates people with its enchanting beauty, making them
conscious of their environment.
During our interview with Kruti, we were impressed by her creative abilities
and commitment to sustainability. When asked if she had ever created
something out of waste materials, she proudly shared her valuable
creations using plastic bottles and newspapers. It was inspiring to hear how
the pandemic had also served as an opportunity for many people to recycle
materials and become more environmentally conscious. Kruti's passion for
repurposing waste into beautiful creations is truly commendable.

One of the standout points she shared was the insightful practice among
Indians of utilizing shopping bags wisely to encourage reusability and save
money. She also highlighted the commendable efforts undertaken by the
Indian government in combating plastic pollution, such as the ban on
polythene bags. It was truly enlightening to learn about these sustainable
initiatives and their positive impact on both individuals and the environment
in India from Kruti.


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