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Misha Medvedchuk

Short answer exam


1. Lady Macbeth and Macbeth both know that what are they doing is wrong. They
understand their policies but do not want to accept them. The consequences of
their mental anguish the grief and feeling sorry.
2. First of all, Macbeth is violent and brutal, but there are good qualities of him.
Macbeth has a reputation for being loyal, he has been a good soldier. He
respects his wife and relationships
3. He is motivated by his pride, by witches' prophecies, by piggybackiLadyady
4. It is dishonest. It is misleading. It tells people what they want, but don’t want the
full picture.
5. He announces, that there will be a new ruling class and everyone can go back to
the country. It seems like it is a happy ending, Malcolm won’t be a king for a while
and there will be another problem

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