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Taiebat, H. A. & Carter, J. P. (2002). Géotechnique 52, No.

1, 61–64


Bearing capacity of strip and circular foundations on undrained clay

subjected to eccentric loads
H . A . TA I E BAT  a n d J. P. C A RT E R 

KEYWORDS: bearing capacity; clays; foundations; numerical The contact between the footings and the soil is unable to
modelling and analysis. sustain tension. A thin layer of ‘no-tension’ elements was used
under the foundation to model the interface. The separation of
the foundation and the soil is signalled by the occurrence of
INTRODUCTION tensile vertical stress in the interface elements. Immediately
The bearing capacity of foundations has always been a subject after the separation no shear stress can be sustained in the
of major interest in soil mechanics and foundation engineering. interface elements.
There is extensive literature dealing with this topic, from both The geometries of the problems considered, as well as the
the theoretical and experimental standpoints. A list of prin- detailed dimensions of the elements in the near-field zone, are
cipal contributions to this subject can be found in Vesic (1973), presented in Fig. 1. The breadth on the strip footing and the
Chen & McCarron (1991), and Tani & Craig (1995). Recently, diameter of the circular footing are B and D respectively.
Houlsby & Purzin (1999) investigated possible lower-bound and
upper-bound solutions to the problem of the bearing capacity of
a strip footing using a scaling procedure. A series of failure loci FINITE ELEMENT RESULTS
were presented, which include both lower-bound and upper- A series of finite element analyses of circular and strip
bound solutions. It was found that no exact solution exists for footings were performed to investigate the shape of the failure
the general cases of vertical moment and horizontal loading. envelope for the footings in the (V, M ) space. The predicted
Because the normality condition is violated at the interface failure envelopes are compared with the solutions obtained
between the footing and the soil, a unique failure surface may using the lower- and upper-bound theorems of plasticity. The
no longer be defined, and the upper-bound or lower-bound lower-bound solutions used here satisfy equilibrium and do not
theorems may not be valid. violate the yield criterion. However, some of the solutions may
The objective of the current studies is to determine the shape not adhere strictly to all requirements of the lower-bound
of the failure locus in (V, M ) space using the results of a finite theorem. For example, loss of contact at the footing–soil inter-
element study of this problem. Both strip and circular footings face implies that the normality principle is not always obeyed.
are considered. The (V, M ) load case is significant, as it also Therefore the term apparent lower bound is used for these
corresponds to footing problems in which the vertical load is solutions, as suggested by Houlsby & Purzin (1999). The equa-
eccentrically applied. tion for the apparent lower-bound solutions proposed by
Houlsby & Purzin (1999) in V –M loading space is similar to
the equation derived from the application of the effective width
DEFINITION OF THE PROBLEM method, which is commonly used in the analysis of foundations
Finite element modelling of the problem of the bearing subjected to eccentric loading (e.g. Meyerhof, 1953; Vesic,
capacity of strip and circular footings under vertical load and 1973). In this method, the eccentric bearing capacity of a
moment is described in this section. The footings rest on the foundation is assumed to be equivalent to the vertical bearing
surface of a uniform homogeneous soil that deforms under capacity of another foundation with a fictitious effective area on
undrained conditions. The soil is assumed to obey the Tresca which the load is centrally applied.
failure criterion. It has a uniform undrained shear strength su
and an undrained Young’s modulus, Eu ¼ 300 su . A Poisson’s
ratio of í  0:5 (in practice í ¼ 0:49 to avoid numerical dif- Two-dimensional analyses
ficulties) was assumed for the soil to model the constant-volume The failure envelope predicted by the two-dimensional finite
elastic response of the soil under undrained conditions. The element analyses for a strip footing under both vertical load and
Young’s modulus for the foundations was set as Ef ¼ 1000Eu : moment is presented in Fig. 2. Also shown in this figure are the
that is, the foundations are much stiffer than the soil, and failure envelopes resulting from the apparent lower-bound and
therefore they can be considered as effectively rigid. apparent upper-bound solutions suggested by Houlsby & Purzin
The finite element code AFENA (Carter & Balaam, 1995) (1999). The apparent lower-bound envelope suggested by
was employed for the analyses of the foundations. The strip Houlsby & Purzin (1999) can be obtained from
footing was modelled using isoparametric quadrilateral plane  
V 2M
strain elements in both load-controlled and displacement- ¼ (ð þ 2) 1  su (1)
controlled analyses. The circular footing was modelled using A VB
three-dimensional wedge elements, which are equivalent to iso- where V is the vertical load, A is the area of the foundation,
parametric brick elements. The analysis using wedge elements and M is the moment applied to the foundation.
was formulated following the ‘semi-analytical’ approach in The load-controlled finite element method of analysis is
finite element modelling described by Zienkiewicz & Taylor unable to predict the failure load when the ratio M=V is high.
(1989). Details of this semi-analytical solution method may be However, the displacement-controlled method of analysis pro-
found in Taiebat (1999) and Taiebat & Carter (2001). vides a failure load for all conditions. The predicted failure
points resulting from both methods of analysis are entirely
Manuscript received 26 April 2001; revised manuscript accepted l consistent to a high degree of accuracy. The deformed shape of
November 2001. the soil and the strip foundation under an eccentric load is
Discussion on this paper closes 1 August 2002, for further details see shown in Fig. 3.
inside back cover. The predicted failure envelope is very close to the apparent
 Civil Engineering Department, University of Sydney. upper-bound solutions and also is in good agreement with the

interface elements



4B 4D

8B 8D

Strip foundation Circular foundation

Fig. 1. Geometry of the finite element mesh and details of the mesh in the near field


Apparent lower-bound solution

2-D finite element analyses, displacement-controlled
2-D finite element analyses, load-controlled
2 Apparent upper-bound solution (Houlsby & Purzin, 1999)

0 0·1 0·2 0·3 0·4 0·5 0·6 0·7 0·8

Fig. 2. Failure loci for strip footing under eccentric loading

and moment is presented in Fig. 4. The failure envelope

obtained from the apparent lower-bound solutions is also pre-
sented in the same figure. For three-dimensional conditions, the
apparent lower-bound solutions have been obtained based on the
0 following considerations.
A circular foundation subjected to a vertical load applied
B/4 with an eccentricity e ¼ M=V can be regarded as an equivalent
fictitious foundation with a centrally applied load (Fig. 5), as
suggested by Meyerhof (1953) and Vesic (1973). In this case,
B/2 the area of the fictitious foundation, A9, can be calculated as
–3B/4 –B/2 –B/4 0 B/4 B/2 3B/4 0 1
Fig. 3. Deformed shape of the soil and the strip footing under an D2@ 2e 2e 2e A
A9 ¼ arc cos  1 (2)
eccentric load 2 D D D

failure envelope obtained from the apparent lower-bound solu- The aspect ratio of the equivalent rectangular area can also be
tions for most of the loading range. approximated as the ratio of the line lengths b to l, as shown in
Fig. 5: that is,
Three-dimensional analyses B9 b D  2e
The failure envelope predicted by the three-dimensional finite ¼ ¼ (3)
L9 l D þ 2e
element analyses for circular footings under both vertical load


Apparent lower-bound solution

Three-dimensional finite element analyses

0 0·1 0·2 0·3 0·4 0·5 0·6 0·7

Fig. 4. Failure loci for circular footing under eccentric loading

e = M/V
L′ l D/4


–3D/4 –D/2 –D/4 0 D/4 D/2 3D/4

b Fig. 6. Deformed shape of the soil and the circular footing under an
eccentric load
Fig. 5. Effective area of circular footings subjected to eccentric load

Therefore, in this case the shape factor for the fictitious A picture of the deformed mesh of the soil and the foundation
rectangular foundation is given by (Vesic, 1973) under the circular footing, in the plane of the applied moment,
rffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi provided by the finite element analysis, is presented in Fig. 6.
DV  2M
îs ¼ 1 þ 0:2 (4)
DV þ 2M
Hence the bearing capacity of circular foundations subjected to The failure envelopes for strip and circular footings subjected
eccentric loading can be obtained from the effective width to vertical load and moment were obtained from finite element
method as analyses and from the simple lower-bound solutions based on
V ¼ îs A9(2 þ ð)su (5) the effective width method. Derivation of the upper-bound
solution for the problem of bearing capacity of foundations
Note that based on Vesic’s recommendation the shape factor subjected to combined vertical load and moment is complex.
for circular footings under the pure vertical load is predicted However, comparison of the failure envelopes obtained in this
by equation (4) as îs ¼ 1:2. However, exact solutions for the study shows that the effective width method, commonly used in
vertical bearing capacity of circular footings on uniform Tresca the analysis of foundations subjected to eccentric loading,
soil (Shield, 1955; Cox, 1961) suggest the ultimate bearing provides good approximations to the collapse loads for these
capacity of 5:69 Asu and 6:05 Asu for smooth and rough footings problems.
respectively. Therefore the appropriate shape factors are actually
1·11 and 1·18 for smooth and rough footings, so that equation
(4) will give shape factors and hence bearing capacity values REFERENCES
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procedure described here is very close to the exact solution for Centre for Geotechnical Research, The University of Sydney.
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