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Field Staff (User) Benefits – Android App

1. Field Visit Reporting (Check-In & Check-Out) and Automated address generation (Google
Map - GPS based)
2. Digitalize (MOM) Meeting Minutes (Client Visit Information/Discussion Points Report)
3. Real-Time In-App Photo Capturing (Location photo or Shop Rack Stock or Visiting Card)
4. Auto Suggestive Existing Client Name (district-wise) with Mobile number (auto fill).
5. Product Order / Service Sign-up Creation with pre-defined/custom 1 level item list.
6. App perfectly works both Online (3G/Internet) and Offline (Rural Towns) modes.

Enterprise (Admin) Benefits – Web Panel

1. Admin Managed User Account Operation (existing account can rename for new staffs)
with user "District" assignments (can assign multiple district to a user).
2. Zero malpractice of field Employees (Proxy (fake) location log Monitoring, Single Device
Login only permitted).
3. Real Time Centralized Reporting (1) Field Visit Data, (2) Meeting Minutes/Notes, (3)
and Product/Service Order intimation/creation.
4. Analytics & Reports Summery (Total Days Worked (Attendance), Total Monthly Visit,
Total Number of Orders/Sign-up)
5. Field Staff Performance Analytics & Reports | A- Business-wise Analytics (Total Visits,
Total Orders, Total Quantity/Value) with Product-wise split-ups)
6. Field Staff Performance Analytics & Reports | B- Product/Service-wise Analytics (Total
Orders, Total Quantity/Value) with Business-wise split-ups).
7. Admin Tools: Excel Export Option of Reports (Client Visit and Orders/Sign-ups as
8. One Level Product/Service Configuration, Business/Client Data Archive and
Management (Biz Name & Mobile Number)

 Tour (Client Visit) Schedule Pre-Plan, Monthly Sales Target Creation, Assignments and Comparison.

Add-on Features

1. Daily Travel Expense (TA) Module- Users can add day-wise total expense (total cost) with a custom
description. Admin: Users TA Report Listing (Total Monthly Cost & Day-wise data).
2. Custom Reminder Module with Push Notification (User Level - independent, Business/Client Name
3. Automated Mail Report to Admin (All Users Consolidated (A) Daily Field Visit Count with Total Order
Count; (B) Monthly Basic Performance Summery Report).
4. Custom Admin Notes (From Web Admin Panel) to each user Dashboard (Business Specific / General).

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