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1. Which combines the art of storytelling with multimedia features such as photography, text, audio,
voiceover, hypertext and video.
● Digital Storytelling

2. Which makes it easy and convenient to create a digital story.

● Digital Tool

3. Which are interconnected by hyperlinks, which are typically activated by a mouse click, keypress set, or
screen touch.
● Hypertext

4. It must have unambiguous reference to the document: this is usually information on the document's
location (where in some file space or network it is) and the mechanism to
access it (called the communication protocol).
● Hyperlink

5. This allows the reader to loop to portions of the document that they have already seen.
● Jump

6. Each jump along the path, the user can narrow the scope of the search until the fragment containing
the topic of their interest is reached.
● Focusing

7. Multiple outgoing links from a document allow the user to broaden their search. This is useful when the
user does not have a precise idea of what is being searched for, or wishes to conduct a broad search in a
certain domain.
● Broadening

8. Which is the reader is free to choose which links and jumps a path through a hypertext document is to
follow, it is possible for a user to return to a point previously visited.
● Loops and Mesh

9. It is one of the original purposes for hypertext was the storage and management of textual documents.
● Hypermedia

10. The process of preparing______or quite often, of converting a flat (linear) collection of documents into
hypertext, is referred to as authoring.
● Hypertext Documents

11. This problem of navigating a hypertext network is also known as being_____

● Lost in Hyperspace

12. The user simply backtracks through all the previous documents, link by link, until they reach the one
they want to revisit.
● Return Path
13. It helps to remind the user the path he has taken before and may even serve as a starting point to
another path.
● Homepage

14. It has to know the name and location of the portion to directly jump to it.
● User

15. What information through the search facility can help narrow the information space to the domain of
● Browsing

16. The most common example of hypertext is the text on a webpage that is displayed in a web browser,
with hyperlinks that can be clicked to access other webpages or resources on____
● Internet

17. Which creates space for meaningful listening. Digital stories provide students with the opportunity to
digest information in a meaningful way.
● Digital Storytelling

18. Which is that it is the process of creating blog posts and publishing them on a website.
● Blogging

19. Which can be owned by an individual or a company, and the posted content can be articles, photos or
other digital media.
● Website

20. Which may then be uploaded to streaming services, which users can listen to on their smartphones or
digital music and multimedia players. like an iPod.
● Files


1. Which can be owned by an individual or a company, and the posted content

can be articles, photos or other digital media.
● Website

2. Which involves sharing long-form articles on a specific subject.

● Blogging

3. Which is the preparation and distribution of audio files using RSS feeds to the
computers of subscribed users.
● Podcasting

4. These____may then be uploaded to streaming services, which users can listen

to on their smartphones or digital music and multimedia players, like an iPod.
● Files
5. Which is a portable electronic device for playing and storing digital audio and
video files.
● Ipod

6. Which refers to the practice of taking video of a podcast recording session but
a vodcast can be any kind of podcast with video elements.
● Vodcasting

7. It refers for more opportunity of learning, this is also viewed a positive

reinforcement to enhance the macro skills in English like listening and viewing skills
among the learners.
● Vodcast

8. Which can easily understand how native speakers talk as podcasts inherently
contain authentic materials, and thus, learn from real sources
● Learners

9. Blogging is a ______ type that provides immediate, often informal, information

on current events, personal opinions, and news.
● Blogging

10. The_______ potential of blogs has been increasingly acknowledged.

● Instructional

11. Blogging gives students the opportunities to speak their______

● Unique Voices

12._____ can practice their communication and conversation skills when they comment on others'
postings or reply to others' feedback on their blogs.
● Students

13. Blogging can also help students be courteous and_____

● Thoughtful

14. Blogging develops students' analytical thinking and increases learning to a higher level, not merely
just "understanding" and "remembering"____
● Instructional Material

15. Blogging facilitates creative expression when they develop original content and
layout of their_____
● Blog

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