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For all students of 100 Lambs

 The foundational principle on which we base our school rules and

regulations is to nurture students on the spirit of obedience, discipline and
diligence from which will come success in life. As a result, this generation of
young people will become a blessing to their family, school and country.

 Counselling when provided is structured towards an inner change in

core beliefs so that transformation is from within and change is permanent.
Geared towards achieving self confidence and perpetuating a positive self
image, topics such as why one should subscribe to hard work and enjoy it at
the same time as well as why we should bless others through forgiveness and
compassion are but a few channels through which teenagers discover their self
worth and aptitude.

 It is the school policy to award, reward and motivate more than punish,
penalize and condemn. It is important for students to realise that compliance
with rules and regulations will lead to breakthroughs in one’s schooling
journey. During our Annual Awards & Concert Night, our awards are not only
given for Academic Achievement. What we look for is to award exemplary
behaviour and recognise qualities such as helpfulness and hard work. So we
urge everyone to believe that rules and regulations are in place to help you
achieve victory.

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Taking pride in one’s appearance is a step towards improving self esteem.

Correct attire is a form of respect to the institution you belong to.
1) All uniforms must be clean and ironed. All (primary and secondary)
students are to wear ties with uniform.
2) Girls must tie up long hair without any fringe that covers the eyes or part of
the face. Skirts must be at minimum knee length. No make-up, earrings, nail
polish, or jewellery. Blouse can be tucked in or kept out depending on
3) Boys’ hair must not touch eyebrow or go below the ears or touch the collar.
4) No (dye) colouring of hair or streaks of colour (highlights).
5) Boys must wear long black smart pants and no jeans. No skinny, tight long
pants or pants with any designs on them or pockets that line the length of the
pants. The black colour must not be faded.
6) At no time in school or during any school functions are shorts allowed. For
sports, wear track pants or shorts that are near knee length. After PE please
change back to long pants and school T-shirt for classes.
7) Shoes (any colour or brand) are to be worn every day. Socks can be any
colour too. Though there is no colour restriction, we do not allow shoes that
do not match or are too flamboyant and flashy. We recommend that shoes are
chosen because they protect the feet and help young people with their growth
in stature (good posture is important for good health) and lend support for
their skeletal system. Not because they look trendy, hip or fashionable.
8) When playing sports (or athletics), sports shoes (trainers) are to be worn.
9) School T-shirts are worn on Fridays (though uniform is also acceptable)
with long pants or track pants and shoes as more activities are conducted on
10) Fingernails are to be kept short and clean.
11) No tattoos or piercing of body parts.

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1) Students are to speak only in English when in school (except during BM or

Chinese). Unwillingness to adhere to this will mean disciplinary measures as
well as being moved to another class where English Language teaching is
2) All students must learn to use words that encourage or edify. There should
be no screaming or shouting or speaking rudely. Speak gently and politely.
Abusive or defamatory language must not be used. This means we do not use
words that may cause fear, distress, anxiety, apprehension or intimidation to
3) An attitude of caring for others irrespective of race, colour or religion is the
culture of 100 Lambs. We take care of newcomers and make them feel at ease.
We offer assistance to our teachers to help them carry their books or
equipment from class to class and we do not marginalise those who are weaker
or different. Helpfulness is not just a virtue- it is our way of life.
4) An attitude of gratitude means we say “thank you” or “please” when we ask
for help or when we receive help. Expressing thankfulness and greeting your
teachers and fellow school friends is an ethos in this school. Willing to go an
extra mile for others will mean we have begun to be compassionate for others,
an attitude that must be cultivated.
5) Students must show respect and obey teachers and staff. Communicate your
ideas effectively and learn to trust that teachers are on your side, so you may
accept any correction with an attitude of wanting to improve. Work towards
being in partnership with your teachers who are ever willing to go all out for
6) All students must not be found to be in possession of the following items:
alcohol, e-cigarettes, vape, cigarettes, drugs, weapons or sharp objects of any
kind, indecent literature and any items as specified by the school from time to
time. Violation of this rule will lead to immediate dismissal. Students are also
discouraged from bringing toys, expensive items or any electronic gadgets to

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7) No smoking cigarettes or e-cigarettes (vape) in the school premises at any

time. Students are not to be found smoking at any place or any time at all. If a
student is caught smoking or vaping on school grounds, immediate dismissal
will take place.
8) Students must arrive by 8.15am. School bell rings at 8.25am and classes
commence at 8.30am. Those arriving after 8.25am without a valid reason from
parents will be denied entry. Names recorded will mean forfeiture of awards.
9) Students taking school bus must also behave appropriately in the vehicles
and comply with the drivers’ regulations.
10) There is to be no eating or sleeping in class even when there is no lesson
going on.
11) No close proximity with any student, particularly from the opposite sex
either in class or around the school premises. Any boy-girl relationship is
strictly prohibited and may lead to dismissal.
12) No fighting with or hitting, slapping or punching anyone and no physical
contact with any student, male or female under any circumstances.
13) No destruction of school property or graffiti or taking of any item (food,
stationery or furniture) without permission from school. Any form of stealing
of students’ or school property will render the student liable for dismissal.
14) No one is to leave the school premises before dismissal time without
permission from the Principal once in school. Only appointed transport
operators are allowed to take the students. Any change must be notified to the
school office or Principal immediately.
15) Students are to go home from school and parents must be aware of their
children’s whereabouts at all time. We do not encourage students to go out
together after school unless accompanied by their parents.
16) No running inside the school building or when moving from class to class
or when going up and down the stairs. Students are not allowed to leave their
classroom without teachers’ permission.

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1) There is to be no talking or going to the toilet when teaching is in session.

Questions can be asked after teaching or after class.
2) If a student is to be absent from school, we appreciate if parents can inform
the school or class teachers either by calling, text messaging or writing a letter.
3) Students are responsible for bringing their own school books, homework,
assignments or stationery as required by the school each day. No excuses will
be accepted.
4) All students are to complete daily or weekly homework as set by teachers
and to communicate any difficulty to the teacher honestly so that appropriate
assistance can be given. Those not able to meet daily goals will be required to
stay back after school to complete outstanding work. (At the teachers’
5) School equipment such as computers or musical instruments is only to be
used with permission and as specified by teachers. No student is allowed to
access the computer or use any electronic gadget without permission from the
teachers or staff members.
6) No cheating in tests, examinations or school work. Copying of other
students’ work is also prohibited. Students caught copying or cheating will be
placed on detention and dismissed after repeated offences.
7) Hand-phones or any electronic gadgets are not to be brought to school. All
hand-phones if brought to school are to be kept by teachers until dismissal
time. Failure to surrender hand-phones will lead to confiscation. Only on
special occasions are students allowed to bring their hand-phones to school
with notifications from parents.
8) Each student is responsible to keep their place and classroom clean and
tidy. All students must comply with the duty roster set by teachers for keeping
classrooms clean.

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NOTE: If any item is lost during confiscation, it will not be replaced. It is

strongly advised that students do not bring any expensive phones or items to
school. We cannot be held responsible if any item is claimed to be lost.

IMPORTANT: Violation of any of the above rules can lead to suspension,

detention or dismissal. It will also affect the students’ chances of winning the
school annual awards given out at the end of each year.

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1. A parent may withdraw the child from the School by giving the School
ONE (1) full academic month notice, failing which the fee deposit
SHALL be forfeited. The said notice shall set out the date of such
withdrawal (‘Withdrawal Date’), failing which the same shall be
deemed as insufficient notice. Please note that the notice of withdrawal
must straddle One (1) FULL MONTH. In amplification hereof the
following illustrations of what constitute insufficient notice:

1. If it is intended that the child will leave the School at the end of
an academic month, notice of withdrawal must be received by the
School not later than the end of the first day of the same
academic month, failing which the deposit shall be forfeited.

2. If the child is withdrawn from the School prior to the Withdrawal


3. If the notice of withdrawal does not set out the Withdrawal Date.
2. Provisional or conditional notice of withdrawal is not accepted. If the
child is not withdrawn from the School on the Withdrawal Date, a fresh
notice of withdrawal of not less than One (1) full academic month must
be received by the School.

3. All deposits paid under no circumstances be treated as payment of

school fees or any part thereof and any other payments required to be
paid and may not be used to set-off any amount due and payable by the
parent. The parent shall pay such additional monies as are necessary to
top up the deposit to maintain it on or before the commencement of the
relevant academic month.

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