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Biology Assignment – 4

1. In multicellular organism, cells are

grouped to form tissues. These tissues are
specialized to carry out a particular
function at a definite place in the body. For
example, the muscle cells form muscular
tissues which helps in the movement,
nerve cells form the nervous tissues which
helps in the transmission of messages. This
is known as division of labor in
multicellular organisms. It is because of
this division of labor that multicellular
organisms are able to perform all functions
2. The tip of a growing root is cut off.
The roots did not continue to grow in after
cutting down their tips. The tips of root
stopped growing because the tips were of
these roots were cut down and the tissues
which helps in the growth of roots i.e.
meristimatic tissue are removed from it.
3. As plants grow older, the outer
protective tissues undergoes certain
changes. A strip of secondary meristem
located in the cortex forms layers of cells
which constitute the cork. Cells of cork are
dead and compactly arranged without
intercellular spaces.
4. A. Stem of a plant
B. Cambium is a meristimatic tissue
C. Parenchyma cells
Xylem Phloem
Conduction is mostly In it the conduction may
Unidirectional, that is, be bidirectional, that is,
from roots to apical from leaves to storage
parts of the plant organs or growing parts
are from storage organs
to growing parts of
Conducting channels Conducting channels are
or treachery elements sieve tubes
are tracheid’s vessels
Components of xylem Components of phloem
includes tracheid’s, include sieve tubes,
vessels, xylem companion cells,
parenchyma and phloem parenchyma and
xylem fibers phloem fibers
In addition to Phloem performs no
conduction, xylem mechanical function for
provides mechanical the plants
strength to the plant

Shreya Das, Class: IX, Sec: E, Aft, Id No:

10-0383, Roll No: 40

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