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Me: A modest living room with

a computer desk and Lily's

online class on the screen. The
room is dimly lit, and outside,
it's raining. Lily is seated in
front of her computer with
headphones on, intently
listening to her teacher's voice
coming from the screen. Lily's
concentration is suddenly
shattered by loud voices
coming from the kitchen. Her
eyes widen with concern.

Eleiah, you don't understand! I
can make it all back if I get just
one more win!
Juan, you've said that before.
It's tearing our family apart. We
can't go on like this.
Me: The voices become more
heated, and the sound of
dishes crashing and bottles
clinking is audible. Drazen
slowly removes her
headphones, and her teacher's
voice calls out from the

ME: Lily hesitates, torn

between her family's tumult
and her online class.

Eleiah, tell your mother I know
what I'm doing!

ME: Tears start welling up in

Lily's eyes as she struggles to
focus on the class. The
argument in the kitchen

She's our child, Juan! This is
affecting her too!
Me: Lily tries to concentrate on
her teacher's voice but can't
help but listen to the ongoing
argument. Her heart is heavy
with worry and sadness.

Me: Lily's mind drifts away from

the lesson as she becomes
more engrossed in her parents'

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