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Unit 4 Test A

Vocabulary and grammar Podkreśl odpowiednią formę czasownika.

Uzupełnij zdania podanymi czasownikami. Example

I usually am getting / get up late.
drinks climbs eating sleeps
1 Birds sometimes are talking / talk.
lying playing
2 Do / Are tigers hunt?
Example 3 My dog sleeps / is seeping now.
My cat Fluffy usually climbs trees.
4 They don’t / aren’t playing tennis.
1 She’s her breakfast now.
5 Black bears live / lives in North America.
2 She a lot of milk.
3 She likes with toys.
Napisz podane czasowniki w odpowiedniej
4 She usually in an armchair. formie.
5 She’s in her bed now. Example
5 My parrot sometimes talks . (talk)
Podpisz rysunki. 1 I . I’m reading a book.
(not sleep)
2 They sometimes trees.
3 Look! Those horses .
4 Mum dinner now. (cook)
5 Tom usually after his dog.
goat 1 (look)
Ułóż pytania z podanych wyrazów.
spiders, do, legs, four, have
Do spiders have four legs?
2 3 1 what, bats, do, night, at, do

2 what, that, monkey, eating, is

3 she, like, mice, does

4 5
4 crocodiles, where, do, hunt

5 bear, doing, is, that, what

20 Unit 4 Test A © Oxford University Press Photocopiable

Unit 4 Test A
Reading Writing
Przeczytaj i podkreśl prawidłowe Dokończ zdania o zwierzętach.
odpowiedzi. Example
Example A hamster is a popular pet / eats everything.
These animals are very small. They have six
1 A cow
legs and work a lot. They make houses in the
forests. 2 An elephant
A mice B ants C rabbits D bats 3 A sheep
1 These animals are nice pets. They live in 4 A bat
cages. They like vegetables. They like
jumping. 5 A penguin
A cats B snakes C dogs D rabbits
2 These animals are long. They don’t have legs. Napisz 5 zdań o swoim ulubionym zwierzęciu.
Some people don’t like them but sometimes
people have them as pets.
A snakes B pigs C bats D rats
3 They are farm animals. The work on the
farms. Some people ride them and it’s a very
popular sport now.
A ducks B horses C cows D goats 5
4 These animals live in forests. They climb trees
and like fruit. They don’t eat in winter – they Extra tasks
Znajdź nazwy 5 zwierząt.
A monkeys B rats C goats D bears
5 These animals live under the water. They hunt
ou a l re

for other animals. They eat birds, fish and










ba gg

A fish B ducks C crocodiles D snakes ter teati ol d f

Listening 34 Popraw zdania tak, aby zawierały prawdziwe
Posłuchaj i wpisz brakujące wyrazy.
Example Penguins can fly. Penguins can’t fly.
Dolphins sleep with one eye open .
1 A crocodile is a small animal.
1 never jump.
2 Bats are birds.
2 Ants 6–8 kilometres a day.
3 Horses live in forests.
3 River don’t drink water.
4 A tiger eats vegetables.
4 sleep standing up.
5 Goats come from eggs.
5 Lions sleep hours a day.

Total 45 Total 55

© Oxford University Press Photocopiable Unit 4 Test A 21

Unit 4 Test B
Vocabulary and grammar Podkreśl odpowiednią formę czasownika.

Uzupełnij zdania podanymi czasownikami. Example

I usually am getting / get up late.
drinking climbs eats sleeping
1 My cat sleeps / is seeping now.
lies plays
2 They don’t / aren’t reading now.
Example 3 Elephants live / lives in hot countries.
My cat Fluffy usually climbs trees.
4 Dogs sometimes are fighting / fight.
1 She’s milk now.
5 Do / Are you understand?
2 She a lot of fish.
3 She with toys.
Napisz podane czasowniki w odpowiedniej
4 She likes . formie.
5 She usually on my bed. Example
5 My parrot sometimes talks . (talk)
Podpisz rysunki. 1 Dad TV now. (watch)
Example 2 Carrie usually mum in
the kitchen. (help)
3 I . I’m listening to the
radio. (not sleep)
4 They sometimes at home.
5 Look! This mouse . (jump)
goat 1 5
Ułóż pytania z podanych wyrazów.
spiders, do, legs, four, have
Do spiders have four legs?
1 tigers, where, do, hunt
2 3
2 this, bird, doing, is, what

3 what, bears, do, winter, in, do

4 what, the, foal, eating, is

4 5
5 she, does, like, spiders

22 Unit 4 Test B © Oxford University Press Photocopiable

Unit 4 Test B
Reading Writing
Przeczytaj i podkreśl prawidłowe Dokończ zdania o zwierzętach.
odpowiedzi. Example
Example A hamster is a popular pet / eats everything.
These animals are very small. They have six
1 A cow
legs and work a lot. They make houses in the
forests. 2 A penguin
A mice B ants C rabbits D bats 3 A pig
1 These animals live in forests. They climb trees 4 A tiger
and like fruit. They don’t eat in winter – they
sleep! 5 A spider
A tigers B rats C bears D goats
2 These animals live under the water. They hunt Napisz 5 zdań o swoim ulubionym zwierzęciu.
for other animals. They eat birds, fish and
A snakes B fish C ducks D crocodiles
3 These animals are long. They don’t have legs.
Some people don’t like them but sometimes
people have them as pets.
A bats B rats C snakes D pigs 5
4 These animals are small. They like playing
and jumping. They eat everything. Extra tasks
A cats B mice C parrots D monkeys Znajdź nazwy 5 zwierząt.
5 They are farm animals. The work on the Example
farms. Some people ride them and it’s a very n t ve e g g ol

popular sport now.

ea t

r r ow

is h
ke n

A horses B cows C pigs D goats



r pr


t ra




Listening 34 an t m or
Posłuchaj i wpisz brakujące wyrazy.
Popraw zdania tak, aby zawierały prawdziwe
Example informacje.
Dolphins sleep with one eye open . Example
1 Elephants never . Penguins can fly. Penguins can’t fly.
2 walk 6–8 kilometres a day. 1 A foal is a big horse.
3 fish don’t drink water. 2 Bats are birds.
4 Horses standing up. 3 Cows live in forests.
5 sleep twenty hours a day. 4 Elephants are very small animals.
5 5 Cats come from eggs.

Total 45 Total 55

© Oxford University Press Photocopiable Unit 4 Test B 23

Unit 5 Test A
Vocabulary and grammar Uzupełnij brakujące fragmenty odpowiedzi.

Uzupełnij nazwy miejsc znajdujących się Example

w mieście. Is there a market in your town? Yes, there is.
Example 1 What’s the name of the village? It
We like playing in the pa r k. called Warmsworth.

1 There is a lot of money in the b . 2 Are there cinemas in your town? Yes,

2 I go to s at 8 o’clock. 3 Is there an airport? No,

3 There is a big l in my town with 4 Do you like your town? Yes,

lots of books. 5 Where does he live? Chicago.
4 I like going to the computer s . 5
5 There is a swimming p in my town. Przetłumacz.
5 Example
Popatrz na mapkę i uzupełnij zdania. Skręć w prawo.
Turn right.
pet shoe 1 Idź wzdłuż tej ulicy.
You are bookshop
shop shop
X H I G H S T R E E T 2 Skręć w lewo.

cinema bank
3 Nie skręcaj w prawo.

You’re on High Street. The bookshop is on the 4 Gdzie jest dworzec autobusowy?
1 The bank is on the . 5 Czy jest tu bank?
2 The bookshop is the cinema.
3 The pet shop is the bookshop and the 5
shoe shop.
4 The shoe shop is the pet shop. Reading
5 The shoe shop is on the . Przeczytaj i wstaw brakujące wyrazy.
5 near visit there in are is
Podkreśl odpowiednią formę.
Example I’m Kasia. I live in Wrocław. There is a
There isn’t a / the bank in my town. river 1 my town with lots of bridges.
The river is called the Odra. We live in an
1 The bookshop is next / opposite to the bank.
old building 2 the river. There are
2 The park is on a / the left. nice parks in my town. 3 are lots of
3 There is a / the castle in my town. restaurants and shops in my town. We often
go to a cake shop on Sunday. My mum’s
4 We go to school in / by train.
favourite place in our town is the museum.
5 There are lots / lot of restaurants in my town. There 4 big pictures in this
5 museum. My favourite place is the zoo and
my favourite animals are monkeys. We
often 5 the zoo.

24 Unit 5 Test A © Oxford University Press Photocopiable

Unit 5 Test A
Listening 114 Extra tasks
Posłuchaj i zaznacz, które zdania są Napisz nazwy 5 miejsc znajdujących się
prawdziwe (✔), a które fałszywe (✘). w mieście.

Example Example
Harry’s favourite place in his town tamker market
is a music shop. ✘ 1 rabliry
1 Harry likes going to the café or to 2 ceahb
the cake shop.
3 uasrtrenta
2 Harry often goes shopping to the
4 karp
5 posh
3 The library is opposite Harry’s
house. 5
4 There isn’t a park near Harry’s house. Popraw błędy.
5 Harry likes going to the cinema. Example
5 There is supermarket.
There is a supermarket.
Writing 1 There is a book shop.

Napisz 5 zdań o swojej miejscowości, 2 Is there a castle in the your town?

używając podanych wyrazów. 3 There are a lots of restaurants.
museum bank park 4 The bank is at the left.
cinema school café 5 Where your school is?

There are two museums in my town.
There isn’t a museum in my town.

Napisz 5 zdań o swoim ulubionym miejscu.

Napisz, co to za miejsce, gdzie się znajduje,
co tam można robić, jak często tam bywasz
i z kim tam chodzisz.

Total 45 Total 55

© Oxford University Press Photocopiable Unit 5 Test A 25

Unit 5 Test B
Vocabulary and grammar Uzupełnij brakujące fragmenty odpowiedzi.

Uzupełnij nazwy miejsc znajdujących się Example

w mieście. Is there a market in your town? Yes, there is.
Example 1 Is there an airport? No,
We like playing in the p a r k. 2 Do you like your town? Yes,
1 We like watching films at the c . 3 Where do you live? New York.
2 I like shopping in the m . 4 What’s the name of the river? It
3 There is a bus s in my town. called the Don.

4 There is a lot of money in the b . 5 Are there supermarkets in your town? Yes,

5 I go to s at 8 o’clock.
Popatrz na mapkę i uzupełnij zdania.
Skręć w prawo.
pet shoe
You are bookshop Turn right.
shop shop
here 1 Nie skręcaj w lewo.

cinema bank 2 Gdzie jest basen?

Example 3 Czy jest tu kino?

You’re on High Street. The bookshop is on the
4 Idź wzdłuż tej ulicy.
1 The pet shop is the bookshop and the
shoe shop.
2 The bookshop is the pet shop. 5 Skręć w lewo.

3 The cinema is on the .

4 The shoe shop is on the .
5 The bank is the shoe shop. Reading
Przeczytaj i wstaw brakujące wyrazy.
Podkreśl odpowiednią formę.
near go there in are is
My school is in / on the right.
I’m Kasia. I live in Wrocław. There is a
1 There is a / the river in my town.
river in my town with lots of bridges. The
2 We go to school in / by train. river is called the Odra. We live in an old
3 There are lots / lot of shops in my town. building 1 the river. There are nice
parks 2 my town. There 3
4 The zoo is next / opposite to the shoe shop.
lots of restaurants and shops in my town.
5 The school is on a / the left. We often 4 to a cake shop on Sunday.
5 My mum’s favourite place in our town is the
museum. 5 are big pictures in this
museum. My favourite place is the zoo and
my favourite animals are monkeys. We
often visit the zoo.

26 Unit 5 Test B © Oxford University Press Photocopiable

Unit 5 Test B
Listening 114 Extra tasks
Posłuchaj i zaznacz, które zdania są Napisz nazwy 5 miejsc znajdujących się
prawdziwe (✔), a które fałszywe (✘). w mieście.

Example Example
Harry’s favourite place in his town tamker market
is a music shop. ✘ 1 karp
1 The café is opposite the cake shop 2 posh
2 Harry likes going to the market. 3 abliryr
3 Harry likes going to the park. 4 ahbce
4 There isn’t a pool in Harry’s town. 5 sumemu
5 Harry likes going to the zoo. 5
5 Popraw błędy.

Writing Example
There is supermarket.
Napisz 5 zdań o swojej miejscowości, There is a supermarket.
używając podanych wyrazów.
1 There are a lots of shops.
museum castle park 2 The park is at the right.
cinema school shop
3 Where your school is?
Examples 4 There is a super market.
There are two museums in my town. 5 Is there a museum in the your town?
There isn’t a museum in my town. 5
Napisz 5 zdań o swoim ulubionym miejscu.
Napisz, co to za miejsce, gdzie się znajduje,
co tam można robić, jak często tam bywasz
i z kim tam chodzisz.

Total 45 Total 55

© Oxford University Press Photocopiable Unit 5 Test B 27

Unit 6 Test A
Vocabulary and grammar Wpisz formę ’s w odpowiednich miejscach.

Napisz nazwy miejsc znajdujących się poza Example

miastem. This is my mum ’s book.

Example 1 Jenny backpack is red.

There are many trees in the f o r e s t. 2 The cat basket is in my room.
1 There are lots of cars on the r . 3 This is my friend sandwich.
2 We swim in a big l . 4 Is your dad car blue?
3 We like sitting on the b by the river. 5 This boy picture is very good.
4 The farmer says that we mustn’t walk across 5
the f .
Ułóż pytania z podanych wyrazów.
5 We like going up the m .
5 swim, here, can, we
Popatrz na znaki i napisz, co oznaczają. Can we swim here?
Example 1 is, this, whose, pencil

2 picnic, here, can, we, have, a

You mustn’t swim.
3 is, bike, Mark’s, this

4 they, camp, where, can

5 how, oranges, many, there, are


3 Wstaw brakujące wyrazy.

put stand say wear eat write

You mustn’t stand on the desks.
1 You mustn’t or drink in class.
2 You must clean T-shirts and trousers.
Utwórz liczbę mnogą. 3 You must ‘please’.
Example 4 You mustn’t in the books.
tomato tomatoes
5 You must rubbish in the bins.
1 cow
2 sandwich
3 woman
4 mouse
5 lorry
6 child

28 Unit 6 Test A © Oxford University Press Photocopiable

Unit 6 Test A
Reading Writing
Przeczytaj i odpowiedz na pytania. Opisz w 5 zdaniach miejsce, w którym lubisz
spędzać czas, gdy jest ładna pogoda. Napisz,
Hi Lisa! co lubisz tam robić.
I’m camping too. We are in the country in
the mountains. There is a river. We can
swim and play volleyball on the beach.
There is a waterfall but we mustn’t swim
near the waterfall. The mountains are
great. We walk up and down the mountain
paths every day. We mustn’t walk on the
flowers. 5
We do a lot of sports. The boys often play
football. In the evening we can make a fire. Extra tasks
We sing and talk. I have lots of friends here.
See you, W poniższych zdaniach pozamieniano
Caitlin, rzeczowniki. Przestaw je, uzyskując 5
logicznych zdań.
Example 1 You mustn’t feed the flowers. the bears
Where is Caitlin? She’s in the country. 2 I mustn’t make the bears in the forest.
1 What can they do on the beach?
3 We can fly the dog here.
4 You must keep the kite on the lead
2 Where mustn’t they swim?
5 You must take a fire home.
6 You mustn’t pick the rubbish in the park.
3 Where do they walk every day? 5
Popraw błędy.
4 Where mustn’t they walk?
How much it is for students?
5 Can they make a fire in the evening? How much is it for students?
1 There are two mens in the forest.
5 2 Is this your friend hat?
3 Can walk we here?
Listening 56
4 You must’nt camp here.
Posłuchaj i wpisz brakujące wyrazy. 5 Who’s box is this?
Example 5
They can walk across the field .
1 They must stay on the .
2 They can swim in the .
3 They mustn’t make a .
4 They must take their home.
5 The mountain is up the path, on the left after
the .

Total 45 Total 55

© Oxford University Press Photocopiable Unit 6 Test A 29

Unit 6 Test B
Vocabulary and grammar Wpisz formę ’s w odpowiednich miejscach.

Napisz nazwy miejsc znajdujących się poza Example

miastem. This is my mum ’s book.

Example 1 This is my friend box.

There are many trees in the f o r e s t. 2 Is your dad sweater red?
1 We like sitting on the b by the lake. 3 This girl hat is beautiful.
2 The farmer says that we mustn’t play in the 4 Jenny backpack is red.
f . 5 The cat basket is in my room.
3 We like going up the m . 5
4 We must walk along the p .
Ułóż pytania z podanych wyrazów.
5 We swim in a big r every day.
5 swim, here, can, we
Popatrz na znaki i napisz, co oznaczają. Can we swim here?
Example 1 Erick’s, dog, is, this

2 they, swim, where, can

You mustn’t swim.
3 many, how, pictures, there, are

4 is, this, whose, bag

5 fire, here, can, we, make, a


3 Wstaw brakujące wyrazy.

be stand say keep drink write

You mustn’t stand on the desks.
1 You must quiet in class.
2 You mustn’t eat or in class.
Utwórz liczbę mnogą. 3 You must your pencils in the box.
Example 4 You must ‘thank you’.
tomato tomatoes
5 You mustn’t in the books.
1 man
2 mouse
3 butterfly
4 child
5 orange
6 bus

30 Unit 6 Test B © Oxford University Press Photocopiable

Unit 6 Test B
Reading Writing
Przeczytaj i odpowiedz na pytania. Opisz w 5 zdaniach miejsce, w którym lubisz
spędzać czas, gdy jest ładna pogoda. Napisz,
Hi Lisa! co lubisz tam robić.
I’m camping too. We are in the country in
the mountains. There is a river. We can
swim but we mustn’t jump in the water. We
can play volleyball on the beach. There is a
waterfall but we mustn’t swim near the
waterfall. The mountains are great. We
walk up and down the mountain paths
every day. 5
We do a lot of sports. The boys often play
football. In the evening we can make a fire. Extra tasks
We sing and talk. I have lots of friends here.
See you, W poniższych zdaniach pozamieniano
Caitlin, rzeczowniki. Przestaw je, uzyskując 5
logicznych zdań.
Example 1 You mustn’t feed the flowers. the bears
Where is Caitlin? She’s in the country. 2 We can have the bears in the forest.
1 Can they jump in the water?
3 We can fly the dog here.
4 You must keep the kite on the lead
2 Where do they play volleyball?
5 You must take a picnic home.
6 You mustn’t walk on the rubbish in the park.
3 Where mustn’t they swim? 5
Popraw błędy.
4 Where do they walk every day?
How much it is for students?
5 What can they make in the evening? How much is it for students?
1 Can camp we here?
5 2 You must’nt walk here.
3 Who’s pencil is this?
Listening 56
4 There are two childs in the forest.
Posłuchaj i wpisz brakujące wyrazy. 5 Is this your friend bike?
Example 5
They can walk across the field .
1 They must keep their on the
2 They must stay away from the .
3 They mustn’t make a .
4 They must take their home.
5 The mountain is up the , on the
left after the forest.
Total 45 Total 55

© Oxford University Press Photocopiable Unit 6 Test B 31

Progress test 2 Test A
Vocabulary and grammar Wpisz brakujące wyrazy.

Dopisz pasujący wyraz do każdej listy. Example

You must turn left into High Street.
Pets: cat, dog, mouse 1 Vets look animals.

1 Shops: bookshop, supermarket, 2 Bats fly night.

2 Places in town: library, bank, 3 You mustn’t a fire here.

3 The country: mountain, lake, 4 There is supermarket next

to the museum.
4 Farm animals: sheep, pig,
5 There are lots bridges on the river.
5 Irregular plurals: men, children,
6 Is a zoo in your town?
Podkreśl poprawną formę.
Napisz pytania i odpowiedzi.
How many / much balls are there?
1 You must keep / keeping the dog on the lead.
2 Who’s / Whose bike is this?
3 My mum isn’t / doesn’t working now.
4 She usually run / runs in the garden.
'Whose ball is it?'
5 There is a library opposite / next to the bank.
5 'It's Dan's.'
Wpisz czasowniki w czasie Present simple lub
Present continuous.
She is sleeping now. (sleep)
1 Bears in winter. (sleep)
2 Mr Black in the garden
now. (work)
3 Sam often his gran. (visit)
1 2
4 The dogs in the forest
now. (run)
5 Tom to the cake shop
every Saturday. (go)

3 4

32 Progress test 2 Test A © Oxford University Press Photocopiable

Progress test 2 Test A
Reading Napisz kartkę z wakacji do kolegi lub
Połącz pytania i odpowiedzi.
How many sheep are there in
the field? B
1 Whose bike is this?
2 Can we camp here?
3 What mustn’t you do at school? 5
4 Is your dog sleeping now?
5 Where do alligators live?
Extra tasks
A Yes, you can but you must be quiet. Znajdź 5 nazw miejsc spotykanych w mieście
B Twenty-two and twelve cows. lub poza miastem.
C In rivers in North America. M W G B E A C H
D No, it isn’t. It’s playing in the garden.
E We mustn’t eat in class.
F It’s Jenny’s. My bike is black. R R L T F A D T

5 B O O K S H O P
Listening 115 N E M A R K E T
Posłuchaj i zaznacz, które zdania są
prawdziwe (✔), a które fałszywe (✘).
Przetłumacz fragmenty zdań.
The school is opposite the museum. ✘
1 There is a bread shop in the street.
Niedźwiedzie jedzą owoce.
2 The bus station is in Market Street Bears eat fruit.
on the right.
1 Gdzie żyją tygrysy?
3 The cinema is next to the library.
4 There isn’t a bookshop near here.
2 Myszy lubią się bawić.
5 The bookshop is opposite the library.
3 Nie skręcaj w prawo.
Writing Don’t
4 Nie wolno wam skakać do wody.
Uzupełnij zdania.
You mustn’t
Cats usually sleep a lot. 5 Czy możemy tu grać w siatkówkę?
1 You mustn’t in the forest. Can we
2 Alligators usually 5
3 Pigs don’t
4 There is in my town.
5 There aren’t near my school.

Total 45 Total 55

© Oxford University Press Photocopiable Progress test 2 Test A 33

Progress test 2 Test B
Vocabulary and grammar Wpisz brakujące wyrazy.

Dopisz pasujący wyraz do każdej listy. Example

You must turn left into High Street.
Pets: cat, dog, mouse 1 There is museum next to the park.

1 Places in town: park, bank, 2 You must your dog on the lead.

2 The country: waterfall, river, 3 Is a cinema in your town?

3 Farm animals: sheep, horse, 4 Vets look animals.

4 Irregular plurals: mice, children, 5 Bats fly night.

5 Shops: shoe shop, supermarket, 6 There are lots cars here.

5 6

Podkreśl poprawną formę. Napisz pytania i odpowiedzi.

Example Example
How many / much balls are there?
1 Terry isn’t / doesn’t doing homework now.
2 She usually play / plays in the garden.
3 There is a park opposite / next to the bank.
4 You must take / taking the rubbish home.
'Whose ball is it?'
5 Who’s / Whose hat is this?
'It's Tracy's.'
Wpisz czasowniki w czasie Present simple lub
Present continuous.
She is sleeping now. (sleep)
1 The cats in the garden
now. (play)
2 Tom to the cinema on
Saturday. (go)
1 2
3 Alligators in the water.
4 Mr Black on the farm
now. (work)
5 Sam often his gran. (help)

3 4

34 Progress test 2 Test B © Oxford University Press Photocopiable

Progress test 2 Test B
Reading Napisz kartkę z wakacji do kolegi lub
Połącz pytania i odpowiedzi.
How many sheep are there in
the field? B
1 What mustn’t you do in the forest?
2 Is your dog playing with a toy?
3 Where do black bears live? 5
4 Whose car is this?
5 Can we walk here?
Extra tasks
A Yes, you can but you must take your Znajdź 5 nazw miejsc spotykanych w mieście
rubbish home. lub poza miastem.
B Twenty-two and there’s a horse. M W C B L A K E
C In forests in North America.
D No, it isn’t. It’s sleeping.
E We mustn’t make a fire but we can camp here. U R N T F A D T
F It’s the teacher’s. He’s in that shop there. N P E T S H O P
5 T D M H C E H A
Listening 115
Posłuchaj i zaznacz, które zdania są
prawdziwe (✔), a które fałszywe (✘).
Example Przetłumacz fragmenty zdań.
The school is opposite the museum. ✘ Example
Niedźwiedzie jedzą owoce.
1 There isn’t a bread shop in the street.
Bears eat fruit.
2 The bus station is in Queen Street
on the left. 1 Nie skręcaj w lewo.

3 The cinema is opposite the library. Don’t

4 There is a bookshop near here. 2 Nie wolno wam biegać po polu.

5 The bookshop is opposite the You mustn’t

supermarket. 3 Czy możemy tu pływać?
5 Can we
4 Gdzie żyją lwy?
Writing Where
Uzupełnij zdania. 5 Koty lubią się bawić.
Example Cats
Cats usually sleep a lot.
1 Elephants don’t
2 There isn’t near my school.
3 There aren’t near my school.
4 You mustn’t at school.
5 Rabbits usually
Total 45 Total 55

© Oxford University Press Photocopiable Progress test 2 Test B 35

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