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This bar chart compares the average monthly rental price in five different cities

around the world between 2002 and 2022.

At this point we will observe that in the 2000s the highest rental price was Los

Angeles with a price of $600, second place was occupied by Melbourne with a price

of $500, without a doubt the difference is not much. On the other hand, in 2012, the

figures change, taking first place again is Los Angeles with $1100 and in second

place is Vancouver with $8000, in 2022 it takes an unexpected turn and Seoul is

positioned in first place with $2100 and secondly Vancouver. In this first part we

observe the highest prices from 2002-2022.

However, Seoul and Vancouver are the fastest growing cities. In 2002 Seoul the rent

price was $300, however in 2022 the rent will be $2100, thus having an abysmal

growth. Elsewhere is Vancouver with $400 in 2000 and in 2022 it will grow to $1800.

Finally, the rental price is due to the increase in inflation or demand, since they are

developing cities.

(180 words).


The salary is the economic remuneration that a worker receives for the provision of

his or her labor services. This is the amount of money that the worker

receives from his employer, generally on a periodic basis, in exchange for

the work he does.

Today the world economy is an issue that affects us all. Work and in turn salary play

a very important role since the quality of life of each person depends on it.

The salary seeks to monetarily value the employee's work performance.

However, if the salary is minimal and the family is large, there are very few

possibilities that this will be enough to cover all expenses ranging from

housing, food, education, etc. Mexico is in the 16th place for the minimum

wage in Latin America. Mexico is one of the places with a lot of industry,

however it is not used 100%.

There is also The right to equal remuneration between men and women for work of

equal value, usually called “equal pay”, and is the principle designed to

achieve equal pay between men and women. Pay equity is a matter of

remunerative justice.
In addition, equal pay refers to the concept according to which individuals who

perform similar jobs (or jobs with the same productivity) should receive the

same remuneration, regardless of sex, race, sexual orientation, nationality,

religion or any other category. To do this, we start from the principle of

equality before the law

Therefore, it plays a very important role in our lives, it is worth mentioning that it is

linked to the needs as human beings.

(269 WORDS)

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