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Project: WP5 - 2300 STRUCTURAL OF CLUBHOUSE PROJECT, Hann Reserve Project

Location: Bamban (New Clark City), Tarlac


Consider all potential hazards: weather, wet or slippery conditions, overhead

Unidentified and/or unmitigated hazards, or unsafe
1. Mobalizations Preparing to move materials. hazards, proximity to trails and/or visitor traffic patterns/volume, slope, loose
footing, elevation, fatigue, hazardous insects or plants, etc

Each employee should be provided training on the safe and proper use of
the most important, primary tool their bodies (Strong, Alert, Focused,
Muscle strains, pulls and repetitive motion injuries. Energetic, or SAFE training). Proper techniques of stretching, lifting,
bending, moving, rolling rocks, securing good footing, the importance of
good nutrition and hydration.

Each employee will be given time on the job to properly stretch and warm-up
before and during physical activity for a period of time deemed appropriate
by the crew leader, or on-site supervisor.

Employees will be encouraged to switch hands often and vary the types of
activities performed to limit exposure to repetitive motion injuries.

The appropriate number of workers should be used to move materials. This

decision may vary between individuals.

Each employee should be provided training on the safe and proper use of
the most important, primary tool their bodies (Strong, Alert, Focused,
Moving materials. Muscle strains, pulls and repetitive motion injuries. Energetic, or SAFE training). Proper techniques of stretching, lifting,
bending, moving, rolling rocks, securing good footing, the importance of
good nutrition and hydration,

Employees will be encouraged to switch hands often and vary the types of
activities performed to limit exposure to repetitive motion injuries.

The appropriate number of workers should be used to move materials. This

decision may vary between individuals.

Injuries resulting from lack of communication, or Crew leaders will conduct, whenever appropriate, tailgate safety talks to
miscommunication. provide orientation, discuss project, safety concerns, assign wor

Good communication between crewmembers should reinforce individual

awareness of real and potential hazards.
Communication methods or jargon should be discussed and agreed upon
prior to moving materials

The plan of attack should be discussed before attempting to move materials.

Instructions should come from one person when working in teams of two or
Patos must be needed prior to start the work activities.
Vehicle or machinery damage, operator injury, or
Moving materials with machinery Proper training of all workers involved to activity should be
injury to others working around machinery.
required. Check list of machiner of equipment must be provided.
Patos must be needed prior to start the work activities.
Injury or death caused by dropped, shifting, or
Proper training of all workers involved to activity should be
swinging loads
required. Check list of machiner of equipment must be provided.

Assigned spotter of flagmen to all curv/blind spot.

full time supervisor of Foreman, Engineer and Safety Officer.

Clear the route of hazards and debris before moving materials.

Fill holes, build temporary structures, and explore options to maximize safety
and efficiency in moving materials, especially on steep or loose slopes.F8


Toolbox must be prior before starting the work activity, Driver and spotter
AND SUBGRADE Subgrade preparation Collition of equipment
well trained, operator must be NCII holder.
Install appropriate signage for other communcation
Spotter of equipment should be have a complete flaglets and wistle

Maintained the water spray at site to prevent increasing level of dust on site.
Dust inhallation
Use of fase mask or cover the mouth and nose a wet clothes.

Patos and toolbox meeting,Provision of water station, Provision of teporary

Hot outdoor temperature, Dehydration
shelter, PPE working long sleeves
Stoppage of work incase of bad weather condition, Provision of rain coat
Bad weather condition
incase of minimal rain.
Observeproper work distance between worker and equipment, Provision of
Moving equipment
machine guards
Eye Irritation wash eyes, use of safety glass
Observe of workplace, eliminate obstacles, use of hardhat and always chin
Struck by struck
strap is on
Hausekeeping, signage(slippery/tripping area), eliminate all obstacles and
Slipping and tripping
proper use of safety shoes
Check the machine first before operate, Wear of earflug to prevent air drum
Machine Operators must be authorized and trained, Only trained and
Lack of, or Improper, Training and Education
competent personnel are permitted to perform maintenance
If an object or material appears to be awkward in shape or too heavy, it may
Musculoskeletal disorders (MSD) & Repetitive Strain
require additional help to be handled safely, When possible workers should
Injuries (RSI)
rotate between repetitive job tasks
Self hydration is encouraged; Workers and staff shall be well oriented on the
Hot outdoor temperature, Dusty terrai
Soil poisoning current site condition.
Basic (Safety shoes / boots, work trousers, long sleeves / safety jacket, hard
hat, reflectorized vest, eye protection) + face mask.
Frequent walking. Breaktime shall be observed; Take rest whenever necessary.
Employees deployed on site shall be well oriented on the different flora and
Animals and insects; fauna that they may encounter; First aider and first aid kit/s shall be made
Basic + face&neck cover

Preparation of chemicals to be used Dangerous substance found on chemicals that may be Use of proper mixing container.
on soil poisoning. corrosive or harmful to touch.
Administrative: Workers and staff shall be well trained and competent to deal
with the chemicals to be used. PATOS
chemicals to be used. PATOS should be done prior to any activities.
Basic (Safety shoes / boots, work trousers, long sleeves / safety jacket, hard
hat, reflectorized vest, eye protection). +rubber gloves (chemical resistant) &
n95 face mask
Breaktime rest shall be observed.
Chemical inhalation,eye irritation, skin alergy Always use of face mask, safety gloves and long sleeves
Provide a hand and eyes station to prevent the chemical hazard.

Application of chemicals using man-

portable sprayers to areas that are Slipping; Tripping; Danger of cave-ins; Hot outdoor
Provision of lifeline for deep excavated areas; Provison of entry / exit ladders
to be concreted like slab on grade, temperature.
column and footings. Make sure
that the chemicals penetrated the
soil based on the manufacturer's
Workers and staff shall be well oriented on the current site condition; Proper
safety signages and early warning devices should be present; Proper
coordination among personnels shall be monitored during the activity;
Designate watchman on the upper portion of the excavation; Self hydration is

Basic (Safety shoes / boots, work trousers, long sleeves / safety jacket, hard
hat, reflectorized vest, eye protection). + rubber gloves (chemical resistant),
full body harness
Proper working posture shall be encouraged; Lifting of heavy objects shall
Awkward working
always be a 2-man carry (if applicable) or relieving method; Breaktime rest
positions; Manual lifting of heavy loads.
shall be observed
Employees shall be aware of different flora and fauna that may be present
Insects, Fungi and bacteria present underground.
on site and may pose threath to their health.
Basic PPE + wear arm and face&neck protection clothing

Final inspection by the Engineers of

Self hydration is encouraged; Workers and staff shall be well oriented on the
the chemically applied areas prior to Hot outdoor temperature, Dusty terrain.
current site condition.
concrete pouring or soil covering.

PPE: Basic (Safety shoes / boots, work trousers, long sleeves / safety jacket,
hard hat, reflectorized vest, eye protection) + face mask.

Perform a last minute risk assessment before performing any material

3.) Housekeeping Poor Housekeeping Repetitive motion or other ergonomic concerns
handling task.
Make sure to check the path of travel for any obstacles before moving any
Heavy manual lifting/moving
Perform a proper warm up and stretch before performing any material
handling task.

The PPE required for any material handling tasks are: Safety glasses,
appropriate gloves and appropriate non slip footwear. Additional PPE may
be required depending upon environment conditions.

Nothing follows

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