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Job safety analysis (JSA) – Manual handling DOC : ITN/HSE/JSA/Manual Handling

Company name: Date:

Site name: Permit required:

Contractor: Approved by:

Activity: Manual handling

Job activities OHS hazards Risk Control measures

Lifting and moving equipment 1. Employees may suffer with manual M  Ensure correct safety equipment is being used
handling injuries if required to lift and when lifting and moving equipment/structures
move items — sprains, strains, muscular  Ensure correct manual handling procedures are
injuries etc. abided by

2. Crush injuries of hands and feet from lifting and  Ensure more than one person lifts or moves
dropping heavy items heavy equipment
 If equipment is still too heavy to lift by any
persons, then machines must be used
3. Injury to other workers when equipment is  Ensure site is clear of persons at the location of
being moved within the site where the equipment is being moved from and
also the location of where the equipment will
move to
 Ensure all correct manual handling procedures
are abided by

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