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Genetic Origin 293

wheat, evolved from an alloploid combining T. monococcum (AA) and an un-

known and possibly extinct species containing the BB genomes. The hexaploid
bread wheats and spelt-T. aestivum (AABBDD)-originated as an alloploid
combining the tetraploid species T. turgidum and the diploid species T. tau-
schii (DD). A hexaploid wheat that resembles spelt and forms fertile hybrids
with it was first synthesized from a cross between T. turgidum and T. tauschii.
The genome relationships are illustrated in Fig. 14.1.
The 21 chromosomes (gametic number) of hexaploid wheat have been as-
signed into seven groups, known as homoeologous groups. Each homoeologous
group contains three partially homologous chromosomes, one in each of the A,
B, and D genomes. The relationships of the chromosomes are shown in Table
14.2, in which the homoeologous groups are numbered 1-7 and the genome is
indicated by the letter A, B, or D. This system of nomenclature for the chromo-
somes identifies both the genome and the homoeologous group to which a
chromosome belongs. Chromosomes within a homoeologous group will carry
many loci in common, even though the chromosomes originated within a dif-
ferent genome. The loci in common indicate that the genomes were probably
derived from a common ancestor. A large number of common loci within a
homoeologous group would indicate a recent origin, while fewer loci in com-
mon would indicate an earlier origin and that more evolutionary changes have
occurred since the origin of the new species. In the past it was difficult to
identify specific chromosomes of wheat except by detailed genetic analysis. A
Giemsa staining technique developed for wheat chromosomes reveals that
they have distinct banding patterns. This staining technique provides addi-
tional information to use in identifying specific chromosomes.
It will be noted that the 42-chromosome wheats have been referred to as
hexaploid wheat. This is, of course, because they have originated by polyploidy
and contain the diploid chromosome complement of three separate species. In
nature these wheats perform as diploids (n = 21 and 2n = 42). It has been
shown that hexaploid wheats acquired this property of diploid pairing from a
dominant gene Ph in chromosome 5B, which inhibits pairing between homo-

TABLE 14.2
Identification of the 21 Chromosomes of Hexaploid
Wheat by Homoeologous Group and Genome

Chromosome number and genome

group A B D
2 2A 2B 2D
3 3A 3B 3D
4 4A 4B 4D
5 5A 5B 5D
6 6A 6B 6D
7 7A 7B 7D

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