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4 Web Quest

Search the National Geographic Kids website for answers to the questions about Greek myths.
Answer the questions with one word.

1 How many heads has Scylla got?  

2 How many men does Scylla eat?  

3 What’s the minotaur going to eat?  

4 What object does Theseus use to escape from the labyrinth?  

5 How many heads does the Hydra have?  

6 Who helps Heracles kill the Hydra?  

7 What does Medusa have on her head?  

8 What’s Medusa doing when Perseus kills her?  

9 What animal’s head does the Chimera have?  

10 What animal does Bellerophon ride to kill the Chimera?  

CHAMPIONS Level 3 Unit 4 Printable © Oxford University Press 2015

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