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Every organization possesses distinct varieties of its organizational framework and corresponding

design. Many organizations in the corporate world commonly adopt a matrix structure, which combines
regional and project-based elements. The organizational structure represents the workgroup, design,
duties, and various tasks of various divisions and functional members. The hierarchical organizational
design was implemented to facilitate tight collaboration among many departments and enable the
formation of distinct work teams, all with the aim of achieving the organizational objectives. In this
context, the authority was allocated based on functional specialization and the project being managed.

Within such an organization, each employee is accountable to their supervisor, who in turn is
accountable to their functional or project leader. A functional manager's primary duty is to oversee the
operations and activities pertaining to specific functional domains such as marketing, accounts,
production, and supply chain management. The primary duty of the project director is to oversee and
regulate the many operations of a project.

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