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 Custom e-commerce website development: 100 hours

 Hourly rate: 400

 Development cost: 100 hours * 400/hour = 40,000

 Research and decide on a domain name for the client.

 Estimate annual domain registration costs (e.g., 1500 per year).
 Research and select a hosting provider.
 Estimate monthly or annual hosting costs (e.g., 500 per month or 3000 per year).

 Domain registration: 1500

 Hosting: 2500 true host

 Add a contingency percentage (e.g., 10-15%) to account for unforeseen issues or changes in

 Development cost: 40,000

 Domain and hosting: 4000 (domain + hosting)

 Contingency (10%): 5,000

Total Quote: KSH 49,000 ~ 50,000

If okay we can talk about the price though feel to reach

out. 0700349970 or 0758206444

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