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A Research Proposal

Presented to

The Faculty of the Senior High School


In Partial Fullfillments

Of the Requirements for the Subjects

Inquiries, Investigations, and Immersion


Debbie S. Wacangan

Marrerro A. Guimpatan

Russel Kate C. Sulang

Kenny S. Yadan

Kiervin S. Latap

April 2022
Chapter 1


Background of the Study

Innovation and invention are influential forces in the economy.

These skills cannot be developed apart from an education system that

prepares student to fulfill these demands. Among the success factors

in education innovation are teachers and also facilities have a great

impact on academic performances of students. Previous empirical

studies showed that teacher’s STEM (science, technology, engineering,

and mathematics) instruction have impacted on student identity

development (Slavit, Nelson, & Lesseig, 2016), achievement (Henry et

al., 2014) and interest (Price, 2010).

STEM education is perceived as an educational philosophy in

which science, technology, engineering and mathematics are used as

integrative means to solve real-life problems (Priemer et al., 2019) and

through the application of the four disciplines innovations emerge

(Vasquez et al., 2013).

It has become a topic of interest among the international

community. The US government uses it as a way to increase the

number of workforces in science and technology whose contributions

can give rise to the development of technological advancement which

can in turn prosper the country (Hira, 2010). In addition, this

educational viewpoint has been spread throughout Europe where

learning of science is no longer considered as the study of separate

subjects of physics, chemistry and biology, but integrative knowledge

that can be used to understand natural phenomena and to apply to

solve complex problems and to innovate new developments (Kudenko

& Gras-Vel azquez, 2016). Likewise, across Asian countries including

Japan, Singapore, and China STEM education is believed to be a key

promoting factor of the development of stronger innovative economy

as learners can experience the application of the four disciplines

which can promote their interest in STEM-related careers (Han &

Appelbaum, 2018).

STEM education is viewed as a tool used for understanding the

ever-changing, natural world in daily life (Srikoom et al., 2017).

Science is generally perceived as foundational understanding to

explain how things work in nature. Then, it is the use of technology

that can give rise to humans’ convenience by modifying some aspects

of the natural world to meet our daily needs. In addition, to arrive at

such innovative development, learners are prone to use the

engineering process to design, create and redevelop innovative

products or processes using both hard-skills and soft-skills.

Ultimately, learners can use mathematical skills including calculation

and decision making to solve problems (Reeve, 2013).

Although different practices regarding STEM activities can be

seen from countries to countries, it is likely that in addition to

conceptual understanding of science and mathematics, they all aim to

cultivate 21st century learning skills including problem solving,

creativity, collaboration, communication and critical thinking for

learners (Ostler, 2012). Therefore, it is commonly seen that active

learning of science in the forms of project-based learning, problem-

based learning, inquiry-based learning, engineering design process,

and many others, have been utilised (Bell, 2010; Christiansen et al.,

2013; Andrini, 2016; Mangold & Robinson, 2013). This is due to the

fact that active learning involves group work where communication

and collaboration are intrinsic (Frykedal & Chiriac, 2017). In addition,

through solving problems or designing products, creativity and critical

thinking can be sufficiently promoted (Stollbergeret al., 2017). Based

on this factual information, science teaching that focuses more on the

traditional learning which often starts with teachers teaching the

content directly to students for them to memorize will be sooner or

later replaced with active learning (Ghavifekr & Rosdy, 2015; Setiawan

et al., 2019).

Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics was designed

to help bring these core subjects together in the school education

program. The program was developed to lift student engagement, build

confidence in these particular learning areas and to support teachers to

improve student outcomes (Education council, p. 1, 2015). According to

Tsupros, STEM education is an interdisciplinary approach to learning

where rigorous academic concepts are coupled with real-world lessons

(2009). It is the foundation of future researchers, scientist, and

engineering and so on. STEM education is expanding is over many

nation and becoming a major part of Tadian School of Arts and Trades’

education program, it aims to bring the outside world to the students to

develop competence in areas that will be relevant to their futures.

The term STEM initiatives and STEM education are used by

many educators in to reflect the effort towards improving science,

technology, engineering, or mathematics (STEM) especially at the

school level. The elaboration of the four subjects as provided by the

National Research Council, United States are as follows:

i. Science is the study of the natural world, including the laws of

nature associated with physics, chemistry, and biology and the

treatment or applications of facts, principles, concepts, or

conventions associated with these disciplines.

ii. Technology comprises the entire system of people and

organization, knowledge, processes and devices that go into

creating and operating technological artifacts, as well as the

artifacts themselves.
iii. Engineering is body of knowledge about the design and

creation of products and a process for solving problems.

Engineering utilizes concept in sciences and mathematics and

technological tools.

iv. Mathematics is study of patterns and relationships among

quantities, numbers, and shapes. Mathematics includes

theoretical mathematics and apply mathematics.

STEM has the great opportunity in a highly status occupation

with high income and a good reputation (Xie and Killewald, 2012;

Rothwell, 2013). According to Merton (1942), science has always

believed into a norm that is special to high status occupations, which

are a universal profession. Which means that universalistic jobs do

not base their status in gender, race, religion, nationality, wherein it

implies that STEM education is more universal than the non-related

STEM education (Yu, Fang & Shauman, 2015).

STEM has to be more focused in the integrated curriculum

because the school, student, and teacher needs to adjust to the new

environment they would witness. They need to change in order to

meet the standard of the education. STEM learning experiences

prepare students for the global economy of the 21st century

(Cachaper, 2008; Cullum, 2007; Hynes & Santos, 2007) and students
need a solid STEM knowledge to become ready for college and

employment. According to U.S Department of Education, most

occupation were related in STEM education and is required to at least

joined a science or mathematics training.

In 2010, President Obama’s Council of Advisors on Science and

Technology (PCAST) prepared an extensive report providing a two-

pronged strategy for improving K-12 STEM education: Prepare and

inspire the next generation of students. The five overarching

recommendations contained in this report include (1) improve Federal

coordination and leadership on STEM education; (2) support the

state-led movement to ensure that the Nation adopts a common

baseline for what students learn in STEM; (3) cultivate, recruit, and

reward STEM teachers that prepare and inspire students; (4) create

STEM-related experiences that excite and interest students of all

backgrounds; and (5) support states and school districts in their

efforts to transform schools into vibrant STEM learning environments

(President’s Council of Advisors on Science and Technology, 2010).

A 2011 follow-up report by the National Research Council (NRC)

on successful K-12 STEM education cited 14 indicators related to

tracking progress toward students’ access to quality learning,

educator’s capacity, and policy and funding STEM initiatives. These

indicators aim at creating and implementing a national-level

monitoring and reporting system to Science Education International

249 assess progress toward key improvements; measuring student

knowledge, interest and participation in STEM disciplines and STEM-

related activities; tracking financial, human, capital, and material

investments in K-12 STEM education at the federal, state and local

levels; providing information about the capabilities of the STEM

education workforce, including teachers and principals; and

facilitating strategic planning for federal investments in STEM

education and workforce development when used with labour force

projections (National Research Council, 2012).

STEM, is an educational approach that addresses all student

levels from pre-school education to university, which includes

teaching the disciplines of science, technology, engineering and

mathematics in an integrated manner. This education approach is of

great importance in terms of transforming theoretical knowledge into

practice and creating an environment for design and product


In our age, institutions and organizations expect individuals to

be productive, so individuals need to have competence in many areas

and also have practical skills in the field of engineering (Siew et al.,

2015). The emphasis of the STEM approach, especially on technology

and engineering disciplines, provides students with an

interdisciplinary perspective from an early age, gives the opportunity

to put theoretical knowledge into practice, and enables it to be

implemented, giving it a very important place in the age of information

technologies and communication (Akgündüz et al., 2015; Smyrnova-

trybulska et al., 2016).

The implementations of STEM learning activities could combine

science, technology, engineering, and mathematics as well as nurture

students’ problem-solving skills so that students can place thinking

and exploration in a central part of their lives (Gunawan & Shieh,

2020). Although the in-class implementation methods of STEM

education show some differences, a process is followed in which gains

from more than one discipline are given together, basically starting

from an interdisciplinary approach. In the STEM approach, one of the

four main disciplines is placed at the focus and the other three

disciplines are used as supporting subjects. In the next step, lesson

plans are created. “Authentic Problems of Knowledge Society (APKS)”

is kept central of the plans that are created by taking student

achievements into account. The lesson plans of APKS, which are

shaped over a scenario aimed at solving the problems involving a

section of real life, are prepared with materials suitable for the student

level and are implemented to the students in the classroom (Aşık et

al., 2017; Bayazit et al., 2018; Çorlu et al., 2014; English, 2016;

Yıldırım & Altun, 2015). The teacher guides the students during the

course process and gives them the opportunity to socialize.

In today’s world where the Industry 4.0 move is rapidly taking

place, smart homes, smart factories, industrial robots, areas where

artificial intelligence is used, and the internet of objects have started

to take a large place in our lives. In this respect, the need for

individuals with 21st-century skills, who can think, design, produce,

adapt, query, communicate, analyze and solve extraordinary

problems, manage and develop themselves, who can

implementthemselves systematic and creative thinking in the fields of

science, technology, mathematics, and engineering (Bybee, 2010;

Windschitl, 2009).

According to the results of the study titled “STEM Education

and Its Reflections on Field Teacher Education” conducted by Çorlu et

al. (2014); Turkey’s competitiveness on an international scale as

STEM in many countries has strategic importance to be retained.

There are intense criticisms that our teachers, who are expected to

train the manpower to specialize in these fields, are not trained in

accordance with the requirements of the age. In the research, it is

aimed to introduce STEM approach within a theoretical framework.


lfulton For this purpose, ongoing education reform initiatives and

researches conducted in Turkey and in the world in the fields of

integrated curriculum and teaching knowledge were examined. When

focusing on the interaction between science and mathematics, which

is an output of the conceptualized model, it was concluded that

teachers in Turkey only having the knowledge of teaching in their field

of expertise would not be sufficient to train the manpower that

Turkey's needs (Çorlu et al., 2014).

In many studies, STEM approach nourishes students’ social

skills as well as academic success. For example, the findings of the

study (Şahin et al., 2014) showed that STEM-related after-school

activities have the potential to contribute to the development of 21st-

century skills for independent and collaborative scientific research.

According to another study (Cotabish et al., 2013) there is a

statistically significant difference in science content, concept

knowledge and scientific process skills by the primary school students

in the experimental group compared to the students in the control

group. In addition, teacher participation in the STEM program had a

statistically significant effect on the variability of students’ final

scores. In a study conducted by Wyss et al. (2012), the change in

middle school students’ interest in STEM education was followed. The

findings revealed significant differences in favor of the experimental

group. Although the interest of middle school students was positively

affected by this situation and their interest in STEM increased as a

result of STEM professionals informing students about their potential

career through videos, it is seen that the changes in attitude were not

deliberately addressed in the study.

Being part of STEM education, it has many struggles to begin

with. Many schools have this education which have the future jobs of

doctor, physicians, engineers and so on. Many schools have this

strand which makes the highest population of students who chose

STEM education. Teachers has many roles being created to teach

students who take this strand, teachers are to guide students who

takes this strand. The purpose of this paper is to find out how the

Implementation of STEM program is done at Tadian School of Arts

and Trades (TSAT).

There are also studies in which teachers’ opinions are

determined regarding the STEM approach, which has a positive effect

on students at different educational levels. The teachers believe that

STEM could lead to students learning science in ways that exhilarate

them, which in turn could nurture their interest, motivation and

attention in science-related topics. Teachers believed that STEM

would not only allow students to gain science content but it could also

in providing an avenue for them to express their creative ideas.

Teachers care about the interdisciplinary nature of STEM projects

(Siew et al., 2015).

As a result of study conducted by Bayazit et al. (2018) , it was

observed that teachers generally gave positive opinions about the

activity. They thought the activity was intriguing, economical, fun,

interdisciplinary, suitable for teamwork, and reinforcing engineering

skills. In addition, considering that teachers from different branches

thought that they could highlight the concepts they want to

emphasize by making small changes in the activity, it can be

suggested to use the “Edible Cars” activity in STEM field lessons or

extracurricular activities.

In the study conducted by Akdağ and Güneş (2017), which

included the opinions of Science High School students and teachers

about STEM implementations on energy, it was determined that STEM

implementations contributed to students’ learning. It was determined

that the students had the opportunity to use their knowledge more

actively in the process. The limitation of the implementation process

with the course hours was determined as the biggest negativity. It has

been concluded that it would be more beneficial to spread the

implementations in different units over a wide period.

Education in the 21st century is in a time of accelerating

information and increasing knowledge supported by the application of

digital media and technology. Educational institutions are required to

be able to innovate in order to facilitate students to have the skills

needed in the 21st century (Care, Griffin, & Wilson, 2018; Griffin,

Care, & McGaw, 2012; Shidiq & Yamtinah, 2019; Trilling & Fadel,

2009; Urbani et al., 2017). Research-based knowledge about 21st

century skills is dynamic and developing (Fadel, 2016). In line with

the increasing interest in teaching and assessing 21st century skills,

educational researchers have made significant efforts to improve the

quality of learning, especially about cognitive processes in students

who emphasize context in learning and assessment. These changes

led to the development of a variety of contextual teaching methods in

education (Klassen, 2006). Contextual learning and teaching are

based on situations of cognition that construct the construction of

students' thought processes such as critical thinking, inquiry and

problem solving which are adjusted according to the intellectual and

social conditions of students. This contextual learning complex

problems in the future (Glynn & Winter, 2004).

Students' ability to solve problems has been the focus of

learning today. However, in the 21st century there are several things

that need to be integrated to produce logical problem solving. The

Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) approach

can be used as an alternative to develop students' skills. STEM is an

interdisciplinary approach that focuses on educating students in four

disciplines - science, technology, engineering and mathematics - and

integrating these disciplines into contextual problems (Wang, Moore,

Roehrig, & Park, 2011). greater STEM approach opportunities in

helping students to solve real world problems by applying concepts

from various disciplines as well as critical thinking skills,

collaboration, and creativity (Burrows & Slater, 2015). There have

been many integration of STEM with learning in the classroom

conducted by researchers (Khatri et al., 2017). Such as the

implementation of STEM in Biology in high school (Saptarani, Widodo,

& Purwianingsih, 2019), in learning chemistry (Sudarmin et al.,

2019), and in various laboratory and learning activities (Blotnicky,

Franz-odendaal, French, & Joy, 2018; Burrows & Slater, 2015; Porter,

2018; Shin, Rachmatullah, & Roshayanti, 2018). The implementation

of STEM mostly conducted at the level of university level. Even so,

that does not mean STEM cannot be taught at the high school level

maybe even elementary school level. STEM learning can have

implemented at the high school level, but the level of difficulty is not

as high as the university level. So it becomes interesting to know the

readiness of high school teachers to implement STEM-based

contextual learning.

High school teachers usually have the responsibility to teach all

subject areas, this is one of the advantages in developing student

skills and their professional skills, because teachers can plan teaching

across fields of study (Bush & Cook, 2019). Integrated contextual

learning has a special role for teachers and students in High schools.

Through integrated contextual learning the teacher can make learning

more meaningful, motivate students and improve their skills (Cook &

Bush, 2018). Most educational research focuses on improving the

skills possessed by students, the education curriculum and

educational assessment. But few pays attention to the readiness,

views and attitudes of teachers in teaching (Shidiq & Yamtinah, 2019;

Tetenbaum & Mulkeen, 1986). Readiness, views and attitudes of

teachers will affect the way they do learning in the classroom (Adams

& Krockover, 1997; Haney, Lumpe, Czerniak, & Egan, 2002; Harlen &

Holroyd, 2007; Jones & Levin, 1994; Ucar, 2012). Therefore, the

purpose of this study was to analyze the high school teachers’

readiness to implement STEM-based contextual learning. This study

was intended to answer three questions on how the learning

management in the classroom carried out by the teacher; the teacher's

perception of integrated contextual learning implementation; and the

teacher's readiness in implementing STEM-based contextual learning

in senior high schools. By conducting this research, it is expected to

provide an overview of the problems and opportunities for

implementing STEM-based contextual learning at the senior high

school level.

Statement of the Problem

The research study aims to assess the Implementation of STEM

strand in TSAT as another strand to be offered to the students.

1. What are the challenges faced by the school to accommodate this

new strand in terms of:

a. Facilities

b. Learning Materials

c. Teacher preparedness
2. What is the degree of challenge faced by the school to

accommodate this new strand?

a. Teacher preparedness

b. Facilities

c. Learning materials


1. There are lots of challenges faced by the school to accommodate

this new strand in terms of teacher preparedness, facilities and

learning materials.

2. The degree of challenges faced by the school to accommodate

this new strand are the same.

Scope and Delimitation of the Study

The general intent of our study is to gain more understanding

on what will be the effect to the students who are currently enrolled

on STEM strand. Students who are currently enrolled on STEM strand

were conveniently sampled to answer in the survey. Through social

media, the researchers identified the respondents who are

participating in the study. The respondents are the students who

chose the STEM strands. This study is only limited to students who

are currently taking STEM strand at Tadian School of Arts and

Trades. Respondents voluntarily agreed in participating in the study,

and the personal information answered in the survey will stay

Theoretical Framework of Research

The development of STEM education approach is based on four

different pillars: Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics.

The approach was further defined as the development of a discipline

on the basis of the integration of other disciplinary knowledge into a

new whole (Sanders, 2009). This integration of different subjects into

a single whole was meant to equip students with the ability to deal

with the growing challenges. Since the early 90s, the concept of STEM

education has occupied the interest of policy makers and educators.

Since then, the integration of STEM into curriculum has been a part

of many curriculum reforms such as the Next Generation Science

Standards (NGSS) (NGSS Lead States, 2013). Most of the changes

implemented by the STEM education involved the amalgamation of

four different subjects to develop both theoretical and practical skills

in students. According to the study of Kloser (2014) the

implementation of STEM education has mainly emphasized on the

change in teaching practices and caused the emergence of a shift

particularly in teaching methodology. The approach further promotes

practice-based teaching philosophy which bounds teachers to apply

useful knowledge, skills and values to develop a strong student

engagement. Another feature of the STEM education is that it

promotes a curriculum consisting of integrated content of all four

subjects including Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths.

These curricula are based on very specific objectives which aim to

develop the target skills in students (Alhomairi, 2018).

Importance or Significance of the Study

The importance of this study stems from the absolute benefit it

will bring to students, teachers, parents and administrators who are

all concerned with the implementation of STEM programs here in

Tadian School of Arts and Trades. The study evaluated the possible

beneficiaries and this study will be useful to the following:

The students, this will help them realize whether the knowledge

and skills developed in the program would be useful to them in their

future careers. It would also encourage them to appreciate and pursue

their career. The Students may use this study to give them greater

knowledge and deeper understanding about the importance of

implementing STEM program in Tadian School of Arts and Trades and

it help them to determine the effect of implementing STEM programs

in TSAT.

The teachers may be useful to this because they know what this

issue takes a big part or serves as a big factor that students get low or

higher grades in school and for them to be aware and to be open-

minded to this issue.

This research aims to encourage the school administration in

building and sustaining quality STEM programming in their schools.

Administrators must set the goals and establish the sense of purpose

within their organization as they work to address educational needs

and emerging trends. Like the teachers, the parents may find this

research reveal parts of the students.

By this research, parents will know the thoughts of their

children getting involved to this matter and to guide their children in a

good and pleasing way.

Furthermore, this study will serve as a theoretical model for

future studies of the same nature if ever the existing problem has

penetrated in this case will exist in the future. Future researchers will

benefit from this study, and it will provide them the facts needed to

compare their study during their respective time and usability.

Chapter 2:

Research Design and Methodology

This Chapter presents the ways and means the researchers will

be using in the conduct of the study. This includes the research

design, locale and population, data gathering instrument, reliability

and validity of research instrument, data gathering procedures and

statistical treatment to be used in dealing with the data to be


Research Designs

The study on Implementation of STEM program in STAT

would be conducted using phenomenological qualitative

research design which will be obtained through a paper survey

which will be printed and will be distributed to the target

participants. Paper questionnaire might seem to be outdated,

but many market researchers still use them. Paper-based

surveys increase response rates and target difficult to reach

audiences. Printed surveys do not need an internet connection

to let the participants answer questions. They collect responses

offline and can be moved to your online account. Printed

surveys have excellent visibility as compared with how we see

on a computer screen and in a printed questionnaire,

respondents don’t mind 3-4 lines long question text and this is
best for fewer respondents if you want to distribute your paper

forms to a limited number of respondents who are not quite

tech-savvy, paper-based questionnaire make the right choice.

Locale and Population of the Study

The study will be conducted among the Tadian School of

Arts and Trades STEM students and STEM teachers at Tadian

Mountain Province. Here in this very particular place is where

we would want to measure and study the insights of TSAT

students regarding our research about the Implementation of

STEM program in TSAT and so, it would be much easier for us

to gather information. In choosing the informants would make it

easier for us to gather data needed on our research study.

Data Gathering Tool

The data gathering tool that will be used is a

questionnaire. The researchers chose this tool as it takes

minimum cost and time and is a safe and better choice for this

time of pandemic. The questions will be printed and will be

distributed to the respondents. The advantage of using a

questionnaire are objectivity, freedom to think, flexibility of time

and free to answer. While the limitations of using a

questionnaire is that they can be resource-intensive in terms of

both labor and financial investment and also it is a challenge to

analyze and collect the answers.

Data Gathering Procedure

The researchers will distribute the questionnaires to the

said target respondents by delivering them to their household or

office which will be filled out by the respondents by hand.

Before proceeding, we must first ask for consent of the

respondents before we distribute the survey in order for us to

know if they are willing to answer the questionnaire. Although it

may take a large amount of work and time but respondents may

be more honest on printed surveys and can generate much

higher response rate.

Treatment of Data

The researchers will conduct a survey through

distributing the printed survey to the target respondents and

the respondents were teachers of STEM and students who are

taking the STEM strand. Statistics such as mean and

percentage were reviewed and considered. The researcher tallied

and tabulated the data using Microsoft Excel.

Mean. This was applied to determine the statistical value

of the responses in the survey. It was utilized to determine the

Implementation of STEM programs in TSAT. Weighted mean

was used to answer the statement of the problem A, B, C and D.

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