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1. S + began / started + to V/ V-ing + ....

Viết lại thành: S + have/has + P2 / V3

been Ving+ for / since …

Ví dụ: She began to play the piano 5 years ago

=> She has played/ has been playing the piano for 5 years.

2. S + last + Ved + time+ ago: lần cuối cùng làm gì

=> S + have/ has +not+ V3+ ..........

=> It’s + time+ since + S + last + Ved/V2.

=> The last time + S + V ed+ was +khoảng t/g+ ago.

+ in/at/on + mốc t/g

Ví dụ: It last snowed 2 weeks ago.

=> It hasn’t snowed for 2 weeks

=> It’s 2 weeks since it last snowed.

=> The last time it snowed was 2 weeks ago.

3. This is the first time + S +have/has+P2/V3: Lần đầu làm gì

=> S +have/ has + never + P2/V3+ before

=> S+ have/ has not+ P2/V3+ before

Ví dụ: This is the first time I have met him

=> I have never met him before.

=> I haven’t met him before.

4. This is the Superlative (…est/ most ADJ + N) S +have/has+ ever + P2

=> S +have/ has + never + P2/V3+ such a/an+ ADJ+ N

=> S+ have/ has never+ P2+ a more + ADJ (SHORT Adj-er) + N + than this (one/N)
This is the most interesting novel I have ever read.

=> I have never read such an interesting novel.

=> I have never read a more interesting novel than this (one/ novel)
Teacher: Bui Thi Kim Thuy Bien Giang Secondary School
Cấu trúc 5,6,7,8 thay thế cho nhau linh hoạt.

5. S + Be/V + too + adj/adv + (for someone) + to do something: Quá.. .để cho ai làm
Ví dụ:

- The top shelf is too high for the children to reach.

- He ran too fast for me to follow.

6. S + Be/V + so + adj/ adv + that + S + V+O: Quá... đến nỗi mà...

Ví dụ:

- The top shelf is so high that the children cannot not reach it.

- He ran so fast that I could not follow him.

Notes: Trong cấu trúc So… that: vế sau that là mệnh đề mới nên cần có thêm O sau V nên
ta có reach it và follow him, trong khi đó ở cấu trúc “too” thì không, các em hết sức lưu ý.

Còn cấu trúc S + Be/V + so + many/much/little/few +N + that + S + V + O.

Ví dụ: She has so much work to do that she cannot go out with me tonight.
She has so many things to do that she cannot go out with me tonight
7. It + Be/V + such + (a/an) + (adj) + N(s) + that + S + V +O: Quá... đến nỗi mà...
Ví dụ:

- It is such a high top shelf that the children cannot reach it.

- He was such a fast runner that I could not follow him

8. S + Be/V + adj/ adv + enough + (for someone) + to-V/ do something: Đủ. . .cho ai đó
làm gì...
Chúng ta thường lấy ADJ đối nghĩa của ADJ cho sẵn trong câu “too” để dùng tạo câu mới.

Ví dụ: She is too young to get married.

=> She isn’t old enough to get married.
9. It’s adj (for Sb) to-V/ do sth: Ai đó làm gì như thế
nào? S + be + busy + V-ing
=> Doing sth be ADJ (for sb)

=> S+ find +Ving/ it/ N + ADJ to-V/ do sth

Ví dụ: It’s difficult for me to wake up early in the morning.

=> Waking up early in the morning is difficult for me.

Teacher: Bui Thi Kim Thuy Bien Giang Secondary School

=> I find waking up early in the morning difficult.

=> I find it difficult to wake up in the

morning. (với N) I find English interesting to

Ví dụ: It’s cool to try your best for what you want.

=> Trying your best for what you want is cool.

I find it cool to try your best for what you

10. S+ should/ ought to/ had better+

V Or If I were you,…

=> It’s time for sb to do sth

=> It’s (high/ about) time S+ did/V2 sth. (thể hiện sự phàn nàn, chê trách “sao tới bây
giờ mà vẫn chưa làm?”)
Ví dụ: You’d better go right now.

=> It’s time for you to go now.

=> It’s time you went now.

=> If I were you, I would go now.

11. Although/ Though/ Even though + clause (S+V)

=> Despite / In spite of+ Noun/gerund (Ving)

=> Despite/ in spite of the fact that S+ V,….

Ví dụ: Although they don’t have money, they still live happily.

=> Despite no money/ having no money, they still live happily.

=> In spite of the fact that they don’t have money, they still live happily.

12. S + V + so that/ in order that+ S + V (chỉ mục đích)

=> S + V + to + V/ in order to + V/ so as to + V
Ví dụ: She studies hard in order that she can pass the final examination.
=> She studies hard to pass the final examination
Teacher: Bui Thi Kim Thuy Bien Giang Secondary School
13. There’s no point in V-ing: không đáng, không có ích khi làm gì?
=> It’s no good/ no use V-ing

Teacher: Bui Thi Kim Thuy Bien Giang Secondary School

=> It’s not worth V-ing

Ví dụ: There’s no point in arguing.

=> It’s no good/ no use arguing

=> It’s not worth arguing

14. Các cấu trúc liên quan đến câu gián tiếp
- Đề nghị: Suggest

Shall we+ V..../Let's+ V.../How/What about+ Ving..../Why don’t we + V ...

=> S+ suggested+ Ving: đề nghị cùng làm gì.

Ví dụ: "Why don’t we go out for a walk?” said the boy.

=> The boy suggested going out for a walk

- Gợi ý cho người khác: “Why don’t you+ Vo?”

=> S+ suggested+ that+ S+( should/shouldn't)+ V

Ví dụ: “Why don’t you have a rest?” he said to her

=> He suggested that she should have a rest.

15. Cáo buộc : S accused Sb of doing sth

“You stole the money on the table”, she said to him

=> She accused him of stealing the money on the table.

16. S+ admitted/ denied+ Ving/ having P2: Thừa nhận hoặc phủ nhận

He said “Yes, I did”

=> He admitted stealing/ having stolen the money on the table

He said: “ No, I didn’t”

=> He denied stealing/ having stolen the money on the table

17. Lời khuyên (should/ought to/ had better/ If I were you.../ Why don’t you)

S + advised sb + (not) to V: khuyên ai lam gì đó

“If I were you, I would save some money” she said

Teacher: Bui Thi Kim Thuy Bien Giang Secondary School

=> She advised me to save some money.

“You shouldn’t believe him” Jane said to Peter.

=> Jane advised Peter not to believe him.

18. Câu mời: Would you like some +N...? Yes, please/No, thanks

to-V.....?  Yes. I’d love to/Sorry. I can’t.

S+ offered Sb Sth

S+ offered to do

Sth S + invited sb+

to V
Would you like a cup of coffee, Peter?” I said.

=> I offered Peter a cup of coffee.

“Would you like me to clean the house for you” he said.

=> He offered to clean the house for me.

“Would you like to go to the cinema with me tonight?” he said.

=> He invited me to go to the cinema with him that night.

19. Dặn dò: S + remember + to do Sth

=> S + don’t forget + to do Sth

=> S + remind Sb to do Sth

He told me: “Don’t forget to come here on time tomorrow”.

=> He reminded me to come there on time the next day.

She said to all of us: “Remember to submit the report by this Thursday”

=> She reminded all of us to submit the report by that Thursday.

20. Cảm ơn: Thank Sb for V-ing/ N

“Thank you for helping me finish this project “ he said to us.
=> He thanked us for helping him finish that
Teacher: Bui Thi Kim Thuy Bien Giang Secondary School
project. “ Thank you for this lovely present.” I said

to him.

Teacher: Bui Thi Kim Thuy Bien Giang Secondary School

=> I thanked him for that lovely present.

21. Xin lỗi: S apologized to sb for V-ing

“Sorry, I broke your vase” he said to his mother.

=> He apologized to his mother for breaking her vase

22. Khen ngợi/ Chúc mừng: S congratulated Sb on V-ing/Sth

“Congratulations! You won the first prize” he said to me.

=> He congratulated me on winning the first prize.

23. Đe dọa: S+ threatened (sb)+to V/ not to V : đe doạ (ai) làm gì

He said " I will kill you if you don’t do that "-

=> He threatened to kill me if I didn’t do that

24. Câu điều kiện

*Type 1. : If + S1 + V (present simple)…, S2 + will/won’t/can/ Modal V + V…

- Unless = If not. (unless + S + Vs,es….)

- Or = if not (trước or là câu mệnh lệnh)

If you don’t have a visa, you cannot come to America

=> Unless you have a visa, you cannot come to America

- Đảo ngữ trong điều kiện loại 1: Should+ S+ V

* Type 2: If + S1 + V (past simple)…, S2 + would/wouldn’t/could… + V…

Đảo ngữ: Were S+ Adj/N / to V

+ Type 3: If + S1 + had +V3 (past perfect)…, S2 + would/wouldn’t/could + have V3…

Đảo ngữ: Had+ S+ (not) P2
25. Các cấu trúc liên quan đến so sánh:
Sự chuyển đổi từ cấu trúc ngang bằng - so sánh hơn - so sánh hơn nhất:
Ví dụ: Sally is the tallest girl in her class

=> No one in Sally’s class is as tall as her.

=> No one in Sally’s class is taller than her.

Teacher: Bui Thi Kim Thuy Bien Giang Secondary School
- Cấu trúc tăng tiến cấp độ:

The 8-year-old bride movie is more and more interesting.

- Cấu trúc càng… càng: the + SS hơn S + V…, the SS hơn + S +

V… VD: The older he is, the less he wants to travel.

26. Các cấu trúc liên quan đến bị động thể nhờ bảo
- Have Sb do sth => have Sth

V3/done Get sb to do sth => get sth

Ví dụ: We get him to look after our house when we are on business.

=> We get our house looked after (by him) when we are on business

- Make Sb do sth-> Sb be made to do Sth

The teacher made the students work
=> The students were made to work hard.

- People/ they+ say+ that S2+ V

=> It be said that S2+ V

=> S2 be said to V/ to have P2/V3

Ví dụ: People say that he drinks a lot of wine.

=> It is said that he drinks a lot of wine.

=> He is said to drink a lot of wine.

27. Các cấu trúc liên quan đến câu đảo ngữ.
- Never will I speak to him again.

- No sooner had I arrived home than the phone rang.

- Hardly had I arrived home when the phone rang.

- Only after posting the letter did I realize that I had forgotten to put on a stamp.

- Not until I asked a passer-by did I know where I was = It was not until I asked a passer-by
Teacher: Bui Thi Kim Thuy Bien Giang Secondary School
that I knew where I was.

28. Too/so/either/neither: đồng tình với ai về việc gì

Teacher: Bui Thi Kim Thuy Bien Giang Secondary School

(+) S + trợ đt/be +, too (me
too) So + trợ đt/be + S
Ex: I like English and Lan does, too. does Lan.
(-) S + trợ đt/be+ not + , either
Neither + trợ đt/be + S (me neither)
I didn’t go to school yesterday and Lan didn’t, either.
........................................................ neither did Lan.
29. Adv clause of reason: because/ because
of Because/As/Since + SVOA
Because of/ Due to/Owing to/On account of + V-ing/N/(a/an)+ Adj+N
Ex: Because he studies hard, he always gets good marks.
Because of studying hard,..........................................
30. Wish sentences:
- Có thể thực hiện được ở hiện tại hoặc
T.lai: S1 + wish(es)+ S2+ would/ could+
V(bare) Ex: I wish I could play the piano one
- Không có thật ở H.tại:
S1 + wish(es)+ S2+ Ved/V2 (be-were)
Ex: I wish I lived in a big house.
- Không có thật ở quá khứ:
S1 + wish(es)+ S2+ had + V3/ would have V3
= S + regretted + (not) V-ing: hối tiếc đã làm việc gì
= That’s/ What a pity + SVO...
Ex: I regretted not taking his advice.
= I wish I had taken his advice.
Teacher: Bui Thi Kim Thuy Bien Giang Secondary School
31. Tag questions:

Teacher: Bui Thi Kim Thuy Bien Giang Secondary School

(+)...., (-)? He plays the guitar well, doesn’t he?
(-)....,(+)? He doesn’t plays the guitar well, does
he? I am..., aren’t I?
I’m not..., am I?
Let’s..., shall we?
V+O..., will you?
S1 là Nobody/no one/everybody/everyone/somebody/someone....., S2 là they
S1 là nothing, everything, something....., S2 là it
Tên, danh từ ...., đại từ nhân xưng (he,she,it,they. .)
Vế 1 có trang từ mang nghĩa phủ định: never, rarely, seldom,. . ., Vế 2 để khẳng định
32. Kết hợp giữa 2 thì:
* By the time S + V2 (quá khứ đơn). . ., S + had + V3 (quá khứ hoàn thành)
* After+ S + had + V3 (quá khứ hoàn thành) S........., + V2 (quá khứ đơn)
 Có thể đổi 2 vế câu, nên các bạn chú ý nhé.
* When + S + V2 (quá khứ đơn)........., S + was/were + V-ing (QHTD)
While + S + was/were + V-ing (QHTD)...., S + V2 (quá khứ đơn)
S + was/were + V-ing (QHTD)....while + S + was/were + V-ing (QHTD).
33. Dành t/g làm việc gì:
S + spend + time + V-ing... Chú ý: động từ chia theo ngôi, thì...
= S + use + time + to-V
= It takes + Sb + time + to-V
I spend 2 hours doing my homework a day.
= It takes me 2 hours to do my homework a day.
= I use 2 hours to do my homework a day.,

Teacher: Bui Thi Kim Thuy Bien Giang Secondary School

34. Relative clause: Mệnh đề quan hệ:
N(người)+ who + V
whom + S
N (vật) + which + V
which + S+
N (người + vât) + that +S +V ( không dùng trong mệnh đề ko xác định có dấu

N(place-địa điểm) + where + S +

V N(time,day...-t/g) + when + S +
V N(reason-lí do) + why + S + V

Quy tắc Ví dụ Ngoại lệ
1. Từ có 2 âm tiết: candy, really,
- Danh từ hoặc tính từ: nhấn ở âm tiết đầu active, carrot cadec, listen,
- Động từ: nhấn ở âm tiết cuối dictate, present, open, guitar,
export, begin, dictate, patrol, visit
present, export,
2. Các từ tận cùng là: IC, ION, IA, IAL, economic, revision, arithmetic,
IAN, IAR, IENCE, IENCY, IENT, colonial, musician, heretic,
IANCE, IUM, IOUS, EOUS, UOUS ( familiar, experience, appliance,
nhấn trước nó 1 âm) efficient, gymnasium, reliance,
continuous defiance
3. Các từ tận cùng là: OUS, ATE, TUDE, adventurous, considerate, incarnate,
ITY, ETY, AL, LOGY, GRAPHY, attitude, capacity, variety, disastrous
METRY, NOMY, CY (nhấn trước nó mechanical, astrology,
2 âm) photography, democracy
4. Các từ tận cùng là: ADE, EE, ESE, employee, Vietnamese, centigrade,
EER, OO, OON, ETTE, ESQUE, trọng engineer, volunteer, committee,
âm thường nhấn ở âm cuối. ( nhấn vào bamboo, balloon, overseer
chính nó) cigarette, picturesque

Teacher: Bui Thi Kim Thuy Bien Giang Secondary School

5. Danh từ kép, trọng âm rơi vào âm tiết blackbird, greenhouse

Teacher: Bui Thi Kim Thuy Bien Giang Secondary School

6. Tính từ kép, động từ kép, trọng âm bad-tempered, old-
rơi vào âm tiết thứ hai fashioned understand,
Chú ý: Đối với từ có 2 âm tiết
- Khi âm tiết đầu được phát âm là /ə/ thì trọng âm rơi vài âm tiết thứ 2
Ví dụ: agree,about, afraid
Đối với từ có 3 âm tiết hoặc có 4 âm tiết
- Trọng âm rơi và âm tiết ở trước hậu tố ‘tion, ion, ment’
Ví dụ : decision, department, construction, information
Ngoại lệ: development
Mark the letter A, B, c, or D to indicate the word that differs from the other three in
the position of the main stress in each of the following questions.
1. A. adorable B. ability C. impossible D. entertainment
2. A. engineer B. corporate C. difficult D. different
3. A. popular B. position C. horrible D. positive
4. A. selfish B. correct C. purpose D. surface
5. A. permission B. computer C. million D. perfection
6. A. scholarship B. negative C. develop D. purposeful
7. A. ability B. acceptable C. education D. hilarious
8. A. document B. comedian C. perspective D. location
9. A. provide B. product C. promote D. profess
10. A. different B. regular C. achieving D. property
11. A. education B. community C. development D. unbreakable
12. A. politics B. deposit C. conception D. occasion
13. A. prepare B. repeat C. purpose D. police
14. A. preface B. famous C. forget D. childish
15. A. cartoon B. western C. teacher D. theater
16. A. Brazil B. Iraq C. Norway D. Japan
17. A. scientific B. ability C. experience D. material
18. A. complain B. luggage C. improve D. forgive

Teacher: Bui Thi Kim Thuy Bien Giang Secondary School

19. A. offensive B. delicious C. dangerous D. religious
20. A. develop B. adjective C. generous D. popular
21. A. beautiful B. important C. delicious D. exciting
22. A. element B. regular C. believing D. policy
23. A. punctual B. tolerant C. utterance D. occurrence
24. A. expensive B. sensitive C. negative D. sociable
25. A. education B. development C. economic D. preparation
26. A. attend B. option C. percent D. become
27. A. literature B. entertainment C. recreation D. information
28. A. attractive B. perception C. cultural D. expensive
29. A. chocolate B. structural C. important D. national
30. A. cinema B. position C. family D. popular
31. A. natural B. department C. exception D. attentive
32. A. economy B. diplomacy C. informative D. information
33. A. arrest B. purchase C. accept D. forget
34. A. expertise B. cinema C. recipe D. similar
35. A. government B. musician C. disgusting D. exhausting
36. A. successful B. interest C. arrangement D. disaster
37. A. competition B. repetition C. equivalent D. disappointment
38. A. private B. provide C. arrange D. advise
39. A. academic B. education C. impossible D. optimistic
40. A. study B. knowledge C. precise D. message
41. A. industry B. performance C. importance D. provision
42. A. contain B. express C. carbon D. obey
43. A. impress B. favor C. occur D. police
44. A. regret B. selfish C. purpose D. preface

Teacher: Bui Thi Kim Thuy Bien Giang Secondary School

45. A. govern B. cover C. perform D. father
46. A. writer B. teacher C. builder D. career
47. A. morning B. college C. arrive D. famous
48. A. ambitious B. chocolate C. position D. occurrence
49. A. furniture B. abandon C. practical D. scientist
50. A. devote B. compose C. purchase D. advise
51. A. affordable B. compulsory C. identify D. habitable
52. A. overweight B. convenient C. resistant D. allowance
53. A. resident B. accurate C. assistant D. adequate
54. A. considerate B. desirable C. reliable D. admirable
55. A. sandal B canal C. standard D. spacecraft
56. A. arrival B. technical C. proposal D. approval
57. A. philosophy B. phenomenon C. optimism D. petroleum
58. A. handicraft B. astounding C. conductor D. efficient
59. A. tolerate B. horrible C. amazement D. elephant
60. A. particular B. independence C. ability D. majority
61. A. embroider B. lantern C. impress D. desire
62. A. workshop B. remind C. outskirts D. village
63. A. recipe B. tablespoon C. ingredient D. benefit
64. A. avocado B. traditional C. ingredient D. significant
65. A. competition B. generation C. conical D. authenticity
66. A. family B. typical C. grandparents D. embroider
67. A. assure B. pressure C. figure D. leisure
68. A. concentration B. favorable C. adolescence D. relaxation
69. A. artefact B. embroider C. carpentry D. conical
70. A. complicated B. experience C. prosperity D. traditional
71. A. acceptable B. affordable C. reliable D. fashionable
72. A. skyscraper B. populous C. financial D. fabulous
73. A. access B. wander C. conduct D. asset
74. A. cosmopolitan B. communication C. multicultural D. metropolitan
75. A. celery B. marinate C. versatile D. mayonnaise
76. A. cucumber B. delicious C. tomato D. nutritious
77. A. accent B. mistake C. global D. rusty
78. A. bilingual B. dialect C. dominance D. lemonade
79. A. unequal B. enrolment C. encourage D. minimum
80. A. physically B. equality C. remarkably D. discriminate
Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the others
1 A. theater B. that C. with D. the
Teacher: Bui Thi Kim Thuy Bien Giang Secondary School

Teacher: Bui Thi Kim Thuy Bien Giang Secondary School

2 A. heat B. wear C. meat D. seat
3 A. weeks B. thousands C. bags D. years
4 A. these B. complete C. equal D. emblem
5 A. come B. gone C. long D. want
6 A. dove B. world C. money D. love
7 A. walked B. needed C. laughed D. brushed
8 A. exercise B. choose C. because D. increase
9 A. chemistry B. orchestra C. machine D. mechanic
10 A. message B. measure C. gymnastics D. pleasure
11 A. cook B. wood C. look D. soup
12 A. daughter B. cause C. aunty D. autumn
13 A. piece B. guitar C. pretty D. busy
14 A. money B. period C. some D. onion
15 A. climb B. comb C. doubt D. black
16. A. historical B. system C. landscape D. business
17. A. carved B. impressed C. embroidered D. weaved
18. A. grate B. staple C. marinate D. shallot
19. A. dials B. calls C. talks D. plays
20. A. museum B. cultural C. drum D. sculpture
21. A. tablecloth B. authenticity C. through D. although
22. A. versatile B. slice C. sprinkle D. combine
23. A. sprinkle B. drain C. tender D. garnish
24. A. treasure B. pleasure C. ensure D. measure
25. A. daughter B. author C. laundry D. sausage
26. A. spread B. cream C. bread D. head
27. A. sauce B. stew C. sugar D. steam
28. A. garnish B. slice C. dip D. grill
29. A. layer B. frame C. artisan D. place
30. A. rusty B. punctual C. universal D. subject
31. A. office B. official C. accent D. fluency
32. A. massive B. immersion C. imitate D. variety
33. A. chore B. work C. more D. divorce
34. A. lighthouse B. heritage C. hotel D. hour
35. A. conducts B. returns C. wanders D. wonders
36. A. trashed B. talked C. reached D. loved
37. A. prepare B. help C. tennis D. tell
38. A. decision B. erode C. checkout D. exotic
39. A. resort B. season C. excursion D. reasonable
40. A. skill B. split C. children D. finance
41. A. breadwinner B. clean C. each D. lead
42. A. attraction B. surface C. lacquerware D. artisan
43. A. bank B. travel C. delay D. magnificent
44. A. variety B. bilingual C. derivative D. dialect
Teacher: Bui Thi Kim Thuy Bien Giang Secondary School

Teacher: Bui Thi Kim Thuy Bien Giang Secondary School

45. A. massive B. immersion C. establish D. rusty
46. A. imitate B. translate C. phrase D. language
47. A. practice B. device C. service D. office
48. A. although B. ethnic C. there D. gather
49. A. author B. daughter C. taught D. laugh
50. A. culture B. popular C. regular D. fabulous
51. A. conflict B. forbidden C. reliable D. determine
52. A. closed B. looked C. rained D. followed
53. A. enough B. cough C. though D. rough
54. A. complete B. object C. defend D. prevent
55. A. rhinoceros B. habitat C. vehicle D. whale
56. A. education B. graduate C. individual D. confident
57. A. embarrassed B. awareness C. abandoned D. captain
58. A. asked B. stopped C. kissed D. raised
59. A. nation B. language C. place D. Asian
60. A. helpline B. empathize C. embarrassed D. depressed
61. A. tense B. decision C. skill D. house-keeping
62. A. columnist B. frustrated C. study D. adulthood
63. A. safari B. variety C. versatile D. operate
64. A. exotic B. stir C. orchid D. massive
65. A. marinate B. drain C. punctual D. fluent
66. A. achieved B. advanced C. required D. replied
67. A. explanation B. experience C. existence D. exciting
68. A. nursery B. work C. excursion D. certificate
69. A. application B. apply C. applicant D. applicator
70. A. delighted B. helpline C. advice D. decision
71. A. classmate B. pressure C. embarrass D. missing
72. A. stressed B. tense C. concentrate D. self-aware
73. A. financial B. responsive C. applicant D. breadwinner
74. A. burden B. curtain C. turtle D. curriculum
75. A. discussion B. provision C. permission D. cushion
76. A. chair B. cheap C. chemist D. child
77. A. easy B. head C. heavy D. weather
78. A. scheme B. school C. charity D. chorus
79. A. another B. together C. tomorrow D. petrol
80. A. surface B. drumhead C. multicultural D. frustrated

Teacher: Bui Thi Kim Thuy Bien Giang Secondary School



Exercise 1. Use the correct verb form:

1. I wish I ………………. one twin sister like my friend Sally. (have)
2. My parents wish the beach this weekend. (go)
3. I’m fed up with the rain. I wish it..............................(stop)
4. Jimmy wishes he..........................old enough to drive a car. (be)
5. I wish I...................................go to the moon for a vacation. (can)
6. I wish you.............................................all the time. (not complain)
7. He wished he..............................harder during the examination. (work)
8. We wish it.................................raining now. (not be)
9. She wishes he.............................a lie with her. (not tell)
10. My father wishes I..............................the entrance 10 next month. (pass)
11. She wishes her to help her now. (be)
Exercise 2. Write sentences beginning with I wish:
1. I haven’t got much money.  I wish …………………………………..………..……
2. She’d like to be far away from house.  I wish ……………………………..…….…
3. Francisco lives a long way away.  I wish ……………………………………….…
4. I have to practice the piano every day.  I wish ……………………….………….…
5. I’m very bad at math.  I wish …………………………………………………....….
6. Daniel doesn’t live in the center of town.  Daniel wishes …………………………
7. I don’t know how to repair the car.  I wish ………………………………...….……
8. It rains here every day.  I wish …………………………………..…………….……
9. Nicholas is sorry he smashed up his car.  Nicholas wishes……………………...…
10. The snow won’t stop until tomorrow.  I wish …………………………………....…
11. I am not lying on a beach in the Caribbean.  I wish ………………………….….…
Teacher: Bui Thi Kim Thuy Bien Giang Secondary School
12. I don’t have time to go around the city.  I wish ………………………………….…
13. My friend cannot stay with me longer.  I wish ……………………………………
14. I don’t know many English words.  I wish ………………………………….…..…
15. She doesn’t send me her recent photos.  She wishes………………………………


Exercise 1. Choose the best answer to complete these following sentences.
1. They angry if you didn’t visit them.
A. would be B. should be C. would D. should
2. What would you do if you _ a million dollars?
A. win B. won C. had won D. will win
3. What will happen if the air ?
A. was polluted B. be polluted C. is polluted D. has polluted
4. He wouldn’t have had an accident if he more carefully.
A. drives B. drove C. had driven D. was driving
5. If you better last night, you wouldn’t have been so tired.
A. sleep B. had slept C. was sleeping D. slept
6. If I had noticed him, I hello to him.
A. say B. said C. would say D. would h
8. If I his address, I would give it to you.
A know B. would known C. knew D. had known
9. If you_ time, please write to me.
A. have B. had C. have had D. has
10. I shouldn’t go there at night if I you.
A. am B. was C. be D. were
11. If I get a pole, I will go fishing.
A. can B. could C. may D. might

Teacher: Bui Thi Kim Thuy Bien Giang Secondary School

12. If you had the chance, _ you go fishing?
A. did B. may C. would D. do
13. If you a choice, which country would you visit?
A. have B. had C. have had D. will have
14. Trees won’t grow there is enough water.
A. if B. when C. unless D. as
15. she agreed, you would have done it.
A. if B. had C. should D. would
16. If I had taken that English course, I much progress.
A. had made B. would have made C. made D. would make
17. If I were in your place, I a trip to England.
A. will make B. had made C. would make D. made
18. You disappointed if there no snow for this winter holiday?
A. Would be / was B. will be / is C. will be / are D. could be / is
19. If she yesterday, she would come here with us tomorrow night.
A. finished it B. finishes it C. had finished it D. has finished it
20. If I for an accounting firm, I would be working in a post-office.
A. wasn't working B. worked C. hadn't worked D. weren't working
21. What would you have done if you a lot of money?
A. had B. will C. had had D. have had
22. If we had known that you were there, we you a letter.
A. would write B. would have write C. would have written
D. had written
23. If we had checked the petrol before we started, we here.
A. wouldn't stop B. wouldn't have stopped C. would have stopped D. would stop
24. “Did he study yesterday?” “No, but if he , he would have done better on today’s

Teacher: Bui Thi Kim Thuy Bien Giang Secondary School

A. had B. has C. will study D. had done
25. My sister you the technique of weaving if you ask her.
A. would show B. shows C. will show D. showed
26. She would be happy if we her a bunch of flowers.
A. had sent B. sent C. would send D. send
27. If you don’t feel well, you _ better take a rest.
A. are B. would C. had D. have
28. What would you have done if you a lot of money?
A. had B. had had C. have had D. have
29. I’ll be very disappointed if you the exam.
A. don’t pass B. won’t pass C. aren’t passing D. wouldn’t pass
30. If he _ harder, the results would be better.
A. has worked B. works C. will work D. worked
31. If I had had free time, I _ shopping.
A. would have gone B. can go C. will go D. will have gone
32. _ if you take the map with you.
A. You will get lost B. You won’t get lost C. You get lost
D. You got lost
33. If you had come to the party, you her.
A. would meet B. had met C. would have met D. met
34. I’m not tired enough to go to bed yet. I wouldn’t sleep if I to bed now.
A. go B. went C. had gone D. would go
35. If I were you, I _ that shirt. It’s much too expensive.
A. won’t buy B. don’t buy C. am not going to buy D. wouldn’t buy
36. I decided to stay at home last night. I would have gone out if I so tired.
A. wasn’t B. weren’t C. wouldn’t have been D. hadn’t been
37. What will I do if no one _ me at the airport?

Teacher: Bui Thi Kim Thuy Bien Giang Secondary School

A. meet B. will meet C. meets D. met
38. Jean gets very agitated if her daughter _ her once a week.
A. doesn't ring B. didn't ring C. not ring D. don't ring
39. If the train is late, we to the office.
A. walk B. will walk C. would walk D. walks
40. She _if she has time.
A. calls B. would call C. will call D. calling
Exercise 2: Put the verbs in brackets in to the correct forms:
1. If he (eat).........................................all that, he will be ill.
2. She could give us some advice if she (be) now.
3. What (happen)...........................................if my parachute does not open?
4. The baby (wake).........................................up if you spoke louder.
5. If I (know)..............................................the answer, I would tell you.
6. You (not have) many accidents if you drove more carefully.
7. If Peter (ask), I’ll help him with all my ability.
8. If she studied harder, she (get)....................................................better grades.
9. If I (be)................................. you, I (tell)........................................them the truth.
10. Lee will go to a Disneyland if he (save).........................................enough money.
11. If you (do)........................... as I told you, you (succeed).......................................
12. I (not go) his house unless you go with me.
13. We could have a drink if it.............................................(not be) so late.
14. Please don’t disturb him if he (be)..............................................busy.
15. If ice (be)........................ heavier than water, it (not float)....................................
Exercise 3 : Rewrite the following sentences using If clauses.
a/ My brother will have enough money. He will buy a bicycle.
 If my brother has enough money, he will buy a bicycle.
Teacher: Bui Thi Kim Thuy Bien Giang Secondary School
b/ She can’t speak English. She won’t apply for the job.
 If she could speak English she would apply for the job.
c/ He wasn’t here. He didn’t have a lot of fun.
 If he had been here, he would have had a lot of fun.
1/ She can’t be employed because she doesn’t have a college degree.

2/ I don’t have enough money. I can’t go on a long holiday this year.

3/ He is very slow, so we won’t give his such an important task.

4/ I’ll have to work this Sunday, so I shan’t join your picnic.

5/ He works overtime to get more money because he has to pay father’s debt.

6/ City life isn’t enjoyable because everything is very expensive.

7/ Everything on the earth grows well because the sun always shines.

8/ I don’t have a typewriter. I can’t type it myself.

9/ I’ll buy a new hat. I’ll give it to you.

10/ You’ll ask the teacher. He’ll explain the lesson to you.

11/ Mary doesn’t see the sight. She can’t tell you about that.

Teacher: Bui Thi Kim Thuy Bien Giang Secondary School

12/ I don’t know his address. I can’t give it to you.

13/ He didn’t look a lot better because he didn’t shave more often.

14/ She was ill. She didn’t go to work.

15/ It was raining all morning. We didn’t go out.

Exercise 4. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence
that is closest in meaning to each of the following questions.
1. Without transportation, our modern society would not exist.
A. Our modern society will not exist without having traffic.
B. Our modern society does not exist if there is no transportation.
C. If transportation no longer exists, our modern society will not either.
D. If there were no transportation, our modern society would not exist.
2. Work hard or you will fail the exam.
A. You will fail the exam if you work hard.
B. If you work hard, you won’t pass the exam.
C. You won't fail the exam if you don't work hard.
D. If you don’t work hard, you will fail the exam.
3. I can’t understand him because he speaks so quickly.
a. If he spoke so quickly, I’d understand him.
b. If he speaks so quickly, I can understand him.
c. If he didn’t speak so quickly, I’d understand him.
d. If he didn’t speak so quickly, I understood him.
4. I regret going to bed so late last night.
A. I wish I hadn’t gone to bed so late last night.
B. I wish I had gone to bed so late last night.
C. I wish I went to bed so late last night.
D. I wish I didn’t go to bed so late last night.
5. We did not visit the museum because we had no time.
A. If we have time, we will visit the museum.
B. If we had time, we would visit the museum.
C. If we had had time, we would have visited the museum.
D. If we had had time, we will visit the museum.
6. It’s a pity that you didn’t tell us about this.
A. I wish you told us about this. B. I wish you would tell us about this.
C. I wish you had told us about this. D. I wish you have told us about this.
Teacher: Bui Thi Kim Thuy Bien Giang Secondary School
7. Julia couldn’t pass the driving test because she was so nervous.
A. Julia could pass the driving test if she hadn’t been so nervous.
B. Julia could pass the driving test if she wasn’t very nervous.
C. Julia could have passed the driving test if she hadn’t been so nervous.
D. Julia will pass the driving test if she wasn’t so nervous.
8. She is too busy to come to the party.
A. If she was not so busy she must come to the party.
B. If she was not so busy she could come to the party.
C. If she was not so busy she needs to come to the party.
D. If she was not so busy she should come to the party.
9. She was careless. A fire broke out in the kitchen.
A. If she were careless, a fire broke out in the kitchen.
B. If she had been careful, a fire broke out in the kitchen.
C. If she had been careless, a fire would have broken out in the kitchen.
D. If she had been careful, a fire would not have broken out in the kitchen.
10.Men can’t fly because they don’t have wings.
A. If men have wings, they will fly. B. If men could fly, they
would have wings
C. Men couldn’t fly unless they had wings. D. Men could fly if they
had wings.
11.She didn't do the test because it was too difficult.
A. If the test had been too difficult, she could have done it.
B. If the test hadn't been too difficult, she could have done it.
C. If the test were not too difficult, she could do it.
D. If the test hadn't been too difficult, she couldn't have done it.
12.Peter doesn't read a lot. He can't find the time.
A. If Peter hadn't got the time, he would read a lot.
B. If Peter has the time, he will read a lot.
C. If Peter had had the time, he would have read a lot.
D. If Peter had the time, he would read a lot.
13.She didn’t stop her car because she didn’t see the signal.
A. If she saw the signal, she would stop her car.
B. If she had seen the signal, she would stop her car.
C. If she had seen the signal, she would have stopped her car.
D. If she saw the signal, she would have stopped her car.
14.I did not understand what the lecturer was saying because I had not read his book.
A. What the lecturer wrote and said was too difficult for me to understand.
B. The lecturer's book which I had not read was difficult to understand.
C.I found it very difficult to understand what the lecturer said in his book.
D.I would have understood what the lecturer was saying if I had read his book.
15.John is fat because he eats so many chips.
A. If John doesn’t eat so many chips, he will not be fat.
B. John is fat though he eats so many chips.
Teacher: Bui Thi Kim Thuy Bien Giang Secondary School
C. being fat, John eats so many chips.
D. If John didn’t eat so many chips, he would not be fat.
16.Susan regretted not buying that villa.
A. Susan wished she had bought that villa.
B. Susan wished she bought that villa.
C. Susan wished she could buy that villa.
D. Susan wished she hadn’t bought that villa.
17.You drink too much coffee, that's why you can't sleep.
A. If you drank less coffee, you would be able to sleep.
B. You drink much coffee and you can sleep.
C. You would sleep well if you didn't drink any coffee.
D. You can sleep better without coffee.
18.If you don't have his number, you can't phone him.
A. You can phone him unless you have his number.
B. You can't phone him unless you don't have his number.
C. You can phone him unless you don't have his number.
D. You can't phone him unless you have his number.
19.She took the train last night, so he wasn’t late.
A. If she had taken the train last night, she would have been late.
B. Unless she hadn’t taken the train last night, she would be late.
C. If she took the train last night, she would be late.
D. Unless she had taken the train last night, she would have been late.
20.I didn’t have an umbrella with me, so I got wet
A. If I had had an umbrella, I wouldn’t get wet
B. If I had had an umbrella, I would get wet
C. If I had had an umbrella, I wouldn’t have got wet
D. If I had had an umbrella, I would have got wet

Teacher: Bui Thi Kim Thuy Bien Giang Secondary School



Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer.
1. Charlie said, "I'm thinking of going to live in Canada".
a. Charlie said that I was thinking of going to live in Canada.
b. Charlie said that I am thinking of going to live in Canada.
c. Charlie said that he was thinking of going to live in Canada.
d. Charlie said that he is thinking of going to live in Canada.
2. Charlie said, "My father is in hospital".
a. Charlie said that my father is in hospital.
b. Charlie said that his father was in hospital.
c. Charlie said that his father is in hospital.
d. Charlie said that my father was in hospital.
3. Charlie said, "Nora and Jim are getting married tomorrow
a. He said that Nora and Jim are getting married tomorrow
b. He said that Nora and Jim were getting married the next day.
c. He said that Nora and Jim were getting married tomorrow.
d. He said that Nora and Jim are getting married the next day.
4. Charlie said, "I haven't seen Bill for a while".
a. He said that he hadn't seen Bill for a while.
b. He said that I haven't seen Bill for a while.
c. He said that he hasn't seen Bill for a while.
d. He said that I hadn't seen Bill for a while.
5. Charlie said, "I've been playing tennis a lot recently"
a. Charlie said that I've been playing tennis recently.
b. Charlie said that he had been playing tennis recently.
c. Charlie said that he has been playing tennis recently.
d. Charlie said that I had been playing tennis recently
6. Charlie said, "Margaret has had a baby".
a. Charlie said Margaret has had a baby.
b. Charlie said Margaret had had a baby.
c. Charlie said Margaret had a baby.
d. Charlie said Margaret has a baby.
7. Charlie said, "I don’t know what Fred is doing".
a. He said that he doesn’t know what Fred is doing.
b. He said that he didn’t know what Fred is doing.
c. He said that he doesn’t know what Fred was doing.
d. He said that he didn’t know what Fred was doing.
8. Charlie said, "I hardly ever go out these days".
a. He said that he hardly ever went out these days.
b. He said that I hardly ever go out these days.
Teacher: Bui Thi Kim Thuy Bien Giang Secondary School
c. He said that I hardly ever went out these days.
d. He said that he hardly ever goes out these days.
9. Charlie said, '"I work 14 hours a day".
a. He said that he works 14 hours a day.
b. He said that he worked 14 hours a day.
c. He said that I work 14 hours a day.
d. He said that I worked 14 hours a day.
10.Charlie said, "I'll tell Jim I saw you"
a. He said he'll tell Jim he saw me.
b. He said I would tell Jim I had seen you.
c. He said he would tell Jim he had seen me.
d. He said I would tell Jim he had seen me.
11.Charlie said, "You can come and stay with me if you are ever in London".
a. He said you could come and stay with him if you were ever in London.
b. He said I could come and stay with him if I were ever in London.
c. He said you can come and stay with him if you are ever in London.
d. He said I can come and stay with him if I am ever in London.
12.Charlie said, "Tom had an accident last week but he wasn't injured".
a. He said Tom had an accident last week but he wasn't injured.
b. He said Tom had had an accident last week but he wasn't injured.
c. He said Tom had had an accident last week but he hadn't been injured.
d. He said Tom had an accident last week but he hadn't been injured.
13.Charlie said, "I saw jack at a party a few months ago and he seemed fine".
a. He said he had seen Jack at a party a few months ago and he had seemed fine
b. He said I saw Jack at a party a few months ago and he seemed fine
c. He said he had seen Jack at a party a few months ago and he seemed fine
d. He said he saw Jack at a party a few months ago and he had seemed fine
14.Tom said, "New York is bigger than London".
a. He said that New York was bigger than London.
b. He says that New York is bigger than London.
c. He says that New York was bigger than London.
d. He said that New York is bigger than London.
15."Stay in bed for a few days", the doctor said to me.
a. The doctor told me stay in bed for a few a days.
b. The doctor told to me to stay in bed for a few days.
c. The doctor said me to stay in bed for a few days.
d. The doctor told me to stay in bed for a few days.
16."Don’t shout", I said to Jim.
a. I told Jim don't shout b. I told to Jim not to shout
c. I told Jim not to shout d. I said to Jim don't shout.
17."Please don’t tell anyone what happened", Ann said to me
a. Ann asked me don't tell anyone what happened.
b. Ann told me don't tell anyone what happened.
Teacher: Bui Thi Kim Thuy Bien Giang Secondary School
c. Ann said to me don't tell anyone what happened.
d. Ann asked me not to tell anyone what happened.

18."Can you open the door for me, Tom?" Ann asked.
a. Ann asked to open the door for her, Tom.
b. Ann asked Tom to open the door for her.
c. Ann asked Tom open the door for her.
d. Ann asked Tom to open the door for me.
19."Listen carefully", he said to us.
a. He told us listen carefully b. He told to us to listen carefully
c. He told us to listen carefully d. He said us to listen carefully
20."Don’t wait for me if I'm late", Ann said.
a. Ann said don't wait for her if she was late.
b. Ann said not to wait for me if I was late.
c. Ann said not to wait for her if she was late.
d. Ann said don't wait for me if I'm late.
21."Eat more fruit and vegetables", the doctor said.
a. The doctor said eat more fruit and vegetables
b. The doctor said to eat more fruit and vegetables
c. The doctor said me to eat more fruit and vegetables
d. The doctor told me eat more fruit and vegetables
22."Read the instructions before you switch on the machine", he said to me.
a. He told me to read the instructions before I switched on the machine.
b. He told me read the instructions before I switched on the machine.
c. He told to read the instructions before I switched on the machine.
d. He said to read the instructions before you switched on the machine.
23."Shut the door but don't lock it", she said to us.
a. She told us to shut the door but don’t lock it.
b. She told us to shut the door but not to lock it.
c. She told us shut the door but don’t lock it.
d. She told us shut the door but not to lock it.
24."Can you speak more slowly? I can't understand", he said to me.
a. He asked me to speak more slowly because he couldn't understand.
b. He asked me to speak more slowly and he couldn't understand.
c. He asked me to speak more slowly but he couldn't understand.
d. He asked me to speak more slowly. He can't understand.
25."Don't come before 6 o'clock", I said to him.
a. I told him don’t come before 6 o'clock.
b. I told him to come not before 6 o'clock.
c. I told to him not to come before 6 o'clock.
d. I told him not to come before 6 o'clock.
26."I can see you later", he said.
a. He said he could see me later b. He said I can see you later
Teacher: Bui Thi Kim Thuy Bien Giang Secondary School
c. He said I can see you later b. He said he can see me later
27."I shall tell him exactly what I think", she said.
a. She said she should tell him exactly what she thought
b. She said she would tell him exactly what she thought
c. She said she shall tell him exactly what she thinks.
d. She said I would tell him exactly what I thought.
28."Are you willing to travel?" she asked.
a. She asked me am I willing to travel?
b. She asked me if I am willing to travel
c. She asked me was I willing to travel?
d. She asked me if I was willing to travel
29."You should see a specialist", he told me.
a. He told me I should see a specialist.
b. He told me you should see a specialist.
c. He told me I should have seen a specialist.
b. He told me to should see a specialist.
30."I would like an appointment tomorrow", I said to my dentist.
a. I told my dentist that I would like an appointment the next day.
b. I told my dentist that I would like an appointment tomorrow.
c. I told my dentist that I would have liked an appointment the next day.
d. I told my dentist that I would have liked an appointment tomorrow.
31."You ought to slow down a bit", the doctor told Jim.
a. The doctor told Jim ought to slow down a bit.
b. The doctor told Jim that ought to slow down a bit.
c. The doctor told Jim that he ought to slow down a bit.
d. The doctor told Jim that he slowed down a bit.
32."I must have slept through the alarm", she said.
a. She said she must have slept through the alarm
b. She said I must have slept through the alarm
c. She said she left through the alarm
d. She said she had to have slept through the alarm
33."I must have slept through the alarm", she said.
a. She said she must have slept through the alarm.
b. She said I must have slept through the alarm.
c. She said she slept through the alarm.
d. She said she had to have slept through the alarm.
34."You needn't come in tomorrow", the boss said.
a. The boss said I needn't come in tomorrow.
b. The boss said you needn't come in the next day.
c. The boss said I didn't have to come in tomorrow.
d. The boss said I needn't come in the next day.
35."If you pass your test, I'll buy you a car", he said.
a. He said that If I pass my test, he'll buy me a car.
Teacher: Bui Thi Kim Thuy Bien Giang Secondary School
b. He said that If you pass your test, he would buy you a car.
c. He said that If I pass my test, he would buy me a car.
d. He said that If I had pass my test, he would have bought me a car.
36."If you passed you test, I would buy you a car", he said.
a. He said that if I passed my test, he would buy you a car.
b. He said that if you had passed your test, he would have bought you a car.
c. He said that if I had passed my test, he would have bought me a car.
d. He said that if you passed your test, he would buy you a car.
37."If you'd passed your test, I'd have bought you a car", he said.
a. He said that I'd passed my test, he'd have bought me a car.
b. He said that if I passed my test, he would buy me a car.
c. He said that if you had passed your test, he would have bought you a car.
d. He said that if you had passed your test, he would buy you a car.
38."What a silly boy you are!" she exclaimed
a. She told him what a silly boy you are.
b. She told him what a silly boy he is.
c. She told him what a silly boy he was.
d. She told him what a silly boy you were.
39.The police officer said to us, "Where are you going?"
a. The police officer asked us where we were going.
b. The police officer asked us where were we going.
c. The police officer asked us where are we going.
d. The police officer asked us where we are going.
40.Clair asked, "What time do the banks close?"
a. Claire wanted to know what time the banks close.
b. Claire wanted to know what time do the banks close.
c. Claire wanted to know what time did the banks close.
d. Claire wanted to know what time the banks closed.
41."How long have you been working at your present job?" she asked
a. She asked me how long I had been working at my present job.
b. She asked me how long had I been working at my present job.
c. She asked me how long I have been working at my present job.
d. She asked me how long have you been working at your present job.
42."What do you do in your spare time?" she asked.
a. She wanted to know what I do in my spare time.
b. She wanted to know what I did in my spare time.
c. She wanted to know what did I do in my spare time.
d. She wanted to know what do I do in my spare time.
43."Do you have a driver's license?" she asked
a. She asked me did you have a driver's license.
b. She asked me do you have a driver's license.
c. She asked me if I had a driver's license.
d. She asked me if I have a driver's license.
Teacher: Bui Thi Kim Thuy Bien Giang Secondary School
44."Where did you go?".
a. She asked me where I had gone.
b. She asked me where did you go.
c. She asked me where did I go.
d. She asked me where you had gone.
45."Can you use a computer?" she asked
a. She wanted to know whether I can use a computer.
b. She wanted to know whether I could use a computer.
c. She wanted to know could I use a computer.
d. She wanted to know can I use a computer.
46."How are you?" he asked.
a. He asked me how are you. b. He asked me how I am.
c. He asked me how was I d. He asked me how I was.
47."Where have you been?" he asked
a. He asked me where had I been. b. He asked me where have you been.
c. He asked me where I had been. d. He asked me where you had been.
48."How long have you been back?" he said.
a. He asked me how long had I been back.
b. He asked me how long I had been back.
c. He asked me how long have you been back.
d. He asked me how long you had been back.
49."What are you doing now?" he asked.
a. He asked me what I am doing now.
b. He asked me what you were doing now.
c. He asked me what was I doing now.
d. He asked me what I was doing now.
50."Why did you come back?" he asked.
a. He asked me why I had come back.
b. He asked me why had I come back.
c. He asked me why did you come back.
d. He asked me why you had come back.
51."Are you glad to be back?" he asked.
a. He asked me if I was glad to be back.
b. He asked me was I glad to be back.
c. He asked me if I am glad to be back.
d. He asked me are you glad to be back.
52."Do you plan to stay for a while?" he asked
a. He asked me if I plan to stay for a while.
b. He asked me if I planned to stay for a while.
c. He asked me did I plan to stay for a while.
d. He asked me do you plan to stay for a while.
53."Can you lend me some money?"
a. He asked me can you lend him some money.
Teacher: Bui Thi Kim Thuy Bien Giang Secondary School
b. He asked me could you lend him some money.
c. He asked me if I can lend him some money.
d. He asked me if I could lend him some money.
54."Where can I buy a phone card in this city?" he asked.
a. He asked me where could he buy a phone card in that city.
b. He asked me where he could buy a phone card in that city.
c. He asked me where I could buy a phone card in that city.
d. He asked me where he can buy a phone card in that city.
55.She asked, "will you go to night?"
a. She asked me if I will go that night.
b. She asked me if I would go that night.
c. She asked me if will I go night.
b. She asked me would I go that night.
56.They said, "Hurrad! We have won the contest!"
a. They said "Hurrad" that they had won the contest.
b. They said they had won the contest.
c. They exclaimed with joy that they had won the contest.
d. They said with joy that they have won the contest.
57.Miss White said to him, "Why are you so late? Did your car have a flat tire?"
a. Miss White told him why was he so late and did your car have a flat tire.
b. Miss White asked him why was he so late and did your car has a flat tire.
c. Miss White asked him why he was so late and if your car have a flat tire.
d. Miss White asked him why he was so late and whether his car had a flat tire.
58.His friend said to Peter "I'm sad. Let me alone".
a. His friend said that I am sad and let me alone.
b. His friend said that I was sad and let me alone.
c. His friend said that he was sad and told Peter to let him alone.
d. His friend said that he was sad and if Peter let him alone.
59."What does she like?" he asked me
a. He asked me what she likes. b. He asked me what she liked.
c. He asked me what do I like. d. He asked me what did I liked.
60.She said, "Don't tease me, John"
a. She said not to tease me to John. b. She said John not to tease me.
c. She told John not to tease her. d. She told John do not tease her
Rewrite the following sentences in Reported Speech (Statements/Questions)
1. Nam said: "I am told to be at school before 7 o'clock".
2. Thu said: "All the students will have a meeting next week".
3. Phong said: “My parents are very proud of my good marks".
4. The teacher said: "All the homework must be done carefully".

Teacher: Bui Thi Kim Thuy Bien Giang Secondary School

5. Her father said to her: "You can go to the movie with your friend".
6. Do you enjoy reading?", Phong asked Peter.
7. Do your sister and brother go to the same school?", she asked Nam.
8. Are there any oranges in the fridge?", she asked her mom.
9. Were you reading this book at 8 o'clock last Sunday?", she asked Ba.
10. Will it rain tomorrow morning?", he asked his friend.
11. Where does your father work?" the teacher asked me.
12. How many people are there in your family?" she asked Lan.
13. Tam's friend asked him: "How long will you stay in England?"
14. The teacher said to Lien: "What's your hobby?"
15. How do you go to the airport?" his friend asked him.
16. I wish I hadn't gone to the party last night" she said.
17. The Earth moves around the Sun", my teacher said.
18. Peter said: "I want to tell you the news. You must be surprised"
19. The woman said: “When I was walking on the pavement, a strange man stopped
and asked me the way to the nearest bank."
20. “How many lessons are you going to learn next month?” He asked me.

Rewrite the following sentences in Reported Speech (Conditional in reported speech)

1. He said, “If I catch the plane, I’ll be home by five.”
2. He said, “If I had a permit, I could get a job.”
3. “If she had loved Tom,” he said, “she wouldn’t have left him.”
4. He said, “If you have time what will you do?”

Teacher: Bui Thi Kim Thuy Bien Giang Secondary School

5. He said, “If you want to lose weight, you must eat less bread.”
6. He said, “If I had a map, I would lend it to you.”
……………………………………………………………………………………… .
7. He said, “If I had known that you were coming, I would have met you t the airport.”
8. He wondered, “If the baby is the girl what will they call her?”
9. He said, “If I lived near my office, I’d be in time for work.”
10. He said, “If you feel ill, why don’t you go to bed?”


Rewrite the following sentences “with Passive voice” ( Bị động các thì )
1. My father waters this flower every morning.
=> This flower……………………………………………………………………………
2. John invited Fiona to his birthday party last night.
=> Fiona…………………………………………………………………………….……
3. Her mother is preparing the dinner in the kitchen.
=> The dinner……………………………………………………………………….……
4. We should clean our teeth twice a day.
=> Our teeth……………………………………………………………..……….………
5. Our teachers have explained the English grammar.
=> The English grammar…………………………………………….………………..……
6. Some drunk drivers caused the accident in this city.
=> The accident………………………………………………………………………..
7. Tom will visit his parents next month.
=> Tom’s parents…………………………………………………………………………
8. The manager didn’t phone the secretary this morning.
=> The secretary……………………………………………………………………………
9. Did Mary this beautiful dress?
=> Was this…………………………………………………………………………………
10.I won’t hang these old pictures in the living room.
=> These old…………………………………………………………………….…….……
Rewrite the following sentences “with Passive voice” ( Bị động các động từ tường
thuật )
1. They think that he has died a natural death.
=> He……………………………………………………………………………….............
2. Some people believe that 13 is an unlucky number.
=> 13……………………………………………………………………………….............
Teacher: Bui Thi Kim Thuy Bien Giang Secondary School
3. They say that John is the brightest student in class.
=> John………………………………………………………………………….........
4. They reported that the President had suffered a heart attack.
=> The President………………………………………………………………………
5. I knew that they had told him of the meeting.
=> They………………………………………………………………………............
Rewrite the following sentences “with Passive voice” ( Bị động thể nhờ bảo)
1. I had my nephew paint the gate last week.
=> I had…………………………………………………………………………….
2. She will have Peter wash her car tomorrow.
=> She will…………………………………………………………….…………….
3. They have her tell the story again.
=> They have………………………………………………………………………….
4. John gets his sister to clean his shirt.
=> John gets……………………………………………………………..……….
5. Anne had had a friend type her composition.
=> Anne has……………………………………………………………………………


Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer.
1. We should call Rita, ?
a. should we b. shouldn't we c. shall we d. should not we
2. Monkeys can's sing _?
a. can they b. can’t they c. can it d. can't it
3. These books aren't yours, ?
a. are these b. aren't these c. are they d. aren’t they
4. That's Bod's ?
a. is that b. isn’t that c. are they d. aren’t they
5. No one died in the accident, ? (British English)
a. didn’t they b. did he c. didn't he d. did they?
6. I'm right, ?
a. aren't I b. amn't I c. isn't I d. not I am
7. They never came to class late, and
a. neither did we b. so did we c. we did either d. neither we did
8. My wife had never been to Hue, an I.
a. never have b. so did we c. we did either d. neither we did
9. They are studying pronunciation with Mr. Brown, ?
a. are they b. aren’t they c. do they d. don’t they
10.She should have obeyed her parents, she?
a. should b. should have c. shouldn't have d. shouldn't
11.My father doesn’t speak Chinese, and _
a. my mother does neither b. my mother doesn't too
Teacher: Bui Thi Kim Thuy Bien Giang Secondary School
c. neither does my mother d. so doesn’t my mother
12.The air-hostess knows the time she has been here,
a. does she b. isn’t it c. doesn’t she d. did she'
13.This is the second time she has been here, ?
a. has she b. hasn't she c. isn’t this d. isn't it
14.They must do as they are told,
a. so must I b. I must either c. I do too d. I am too
15.'I don’t like strong coffee' 'No, "
a. I don't too b. either don't I c. me either d. neither don't I
16.He hardly has anything nowadays, ?
a. has he b. doesn’t he c. does she d. hasn't she
17.You've never been in Italy, ?
a. haven’t you b. have you c. been you d. had you
18.Sally turned in her report, ?
a. had she b. did she c. hadn't see d. didn’t she
19.You have a ticket to the game, ?
a. do you b. haven't you c. don't you d. have you
20.Tom knows Alice Reed, ?
a. doesn't he b. does he c. is he d. isn’t he
Add the tag questions to complete the sentences.
1. She is collecting stickers,.................................................?
2. We often watch TV in the afternoon,.................................................?
3. You have cleaned your bike,.................................................?
4. John and Max don't like Maths,.................................................?
5. Peter played handball yesterday,.................................................?
6. They are going home from school,.................................................?
7. Mary didn't do her homework last Monday,.................................................?
8. He could have bought a new car,.................................................?
9. Kevin will come tonight,.................................................?
10. I'm clever,.................................................?
11. He's not coming,.................................................?
12. I'm not late,.................................................?
13. The bank lent him the money,.................................................?
14. You shouldn't do that,.................................................?
15. You don't take sugar in coffee,.................................................?
16. She looks tired,.................................................?
17. There's a cinema near the station,.................................................?
18. He arrived late,.................................................?
19. Nobody has arrived yet,.................................................?
20. It's time to go,.................................................?

Teacher: Bui Thi Kim Thuy Bien Giang Secondary School



Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer.
1. Sunday is the day I go to Water park with my kinds.
a. when b. where c. why d. which
2. Do you know the reason 006 was killed?
a. when b. where c. why d. which
3. That was the reason he didn’t marry her.
a. when b. where c. why d. which
4. An architect is someone deigns buildings.
a. who b. whom c. which d. whose
5. The boy to I lent my money is poor.
a. that b. whom c. who d. which
6. The land and the people I have met are nice.
a. who b. whom c. that d. which
7. Did you ever find out penetrated in your house last month?
a. who b. whom c. that d. which
8. The year _ the first man traveled in space will never be forgotten.
a. which b. that c. when d. where
9. I cannot tell you all I heard.
a. which b. that c. as d. because
10.I can answer the question is very difficult.
a. which b. whom c. who d. whose
11.We saw the girl _ you say is beautiful.
a. which b. whom c. who d. whose
12.This is the place _ the battle took place ten years ago.
a. which b. in where c. where d. from where
13.Sunday is the day which we usually go fishing.
a. during b. at c. in d. on
14.The person you want to see is not her.
a. who b. whom c. whose d. which
15.This is the last time I speak to you
a. of which b. that c. when d. whose
16.He talked about the books and the authors_ interested him.
a. who b. that c. which d. whom
17.He talked about the woman he loves.
a. who b. that c. which d. whom
18.You know your lesson surprises me.
a. who b. which c. that d. when
19.Bondi is the beautiful beach I used to sunbathe.
a. when b. where c. which d. why
20. Dec 26th, 2005 was the day the terrible tsunami happened
Teacher: Bui Thi Kim Thuy Bien Giang Secondary School
a. when b. where c. why d. which
21. The woman lives next door is doctor.
a. who b. whom c. which d. whose
22. The boy Mary likes is my son.
a. who b. whom c. which d. whose
23. The boy _ eyes are brown is my son.
a. who b. whom c. which d. whose
24. The book is on the table is interesting.
a. who b. whom c. which d. whose
25. The book you bought yesterday is interesting.
a. who b. whom c. which d. whose
26. The table legs are broken should be repaired.
a. who b. whom c. which d. whose
27. The novel you bought yesterday is boring.
a. who b. whom c. why d. which
28. This is the room _006 was killed.
a. when b. where c. why d. which
29. The princess was happy during the years she lived with the fairy.
a. when b. in which c. where d. that
30. The town _ we are living is noisy and crowded
a. in where b. which c. at which d. where
Combine These Pairs Of Sentences Using Relative Pronouns:
1. The first boy has just moved. He knows the truth.
 The first boy ………………………………………………………………………….
2. I don’t remember the man. You said you met him at the canteen last week.
 I don’t remember the man …………………………………………………………...
3. The only thing is how to go home. It make me worried.
 The only thing ………………………………………………………………………….
4. The most beautiful girl lives city. I like her long hair very much.
 The most beautiful girl ……………………………………………………..………
5. He was Tom. I met him at the bar yesterday.
 The man …………………….……………………………………………………….
6. The children often go swimming on Sundays. They have much free time then.
 The children often………………………………………………………………….
7. They are looking for the man and his dog. They have lost the way in the forest.
 They’re looking for the man……………………………………………………...
8. The tree has lovely flowers. The tree stands near the gate of my house.
 The tree …………………………………………………………………...
9. My wife wants you to come to dinner. You were speaking to my wife
 My wife ……………………………………………………………………………
10.The last man has just returned from the farm. I want to talk to him at once.
 I want to talk to the last man…………………………………………………...
Teacher: Bui Thi Kim Thuy Bien Giang Secondary School
11.The students will be awarded the present. The students’ reports are very valuable.
 The students ………………………………………………………………………….
12.The book was a lovely story. I was reading it yesterday.
 The book……………………………………………………………………………….
13.The botanist will never forget the day. He found a strange plant on that day.
 The botanist will never …………………………………………………..
14.Someone is phoning you. He looked for you three hours ago.
 The person …………………………………………………………………………….
15.The man works for my father’s company. The man’s daughter is fond of dancing.
 The man ……………………………………………………………………………..


Choose the word or phrase that is CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined part in each
of the following sentences.
1. Nam is very smart. He always answers the teacher’s question well.
A. clever B. bad C. lazy D. hardworking
2. Hoa is a good friend. She always shares things with her classmate.
A. gives B. listens C. takes D. wants
3. He lives with his family in a villa in Dong Anh District.
A. big house B. small house C. old house D. new house
4. It is foolish of him to do out alone at midnight.
A. smart B. handsome C. crazy D. normal
5. Personality is more important than appearance.
A. Characteristic B. Appearance C. zodiac D. date of birth
6. I can trust my best friend in everything.
A. rely on B. talk to C. listen to D. smile at
7. The new theme park is dead boring. There aren’t many things to do there.
A. uninteresting B. exciting C. sad D. fantastic
8. I love walking down the narrow streets in the Old Quarters at the weekends.
A. broad B. huge C. wide D. thin
9. Forest is being cleared to make way for new fanning land.
A. Plant B. Animal C. River D. Wood
10. The cold weather has made it necessary to protect the crops.
A. popular B. essential C. incredible D. unbelievable
11. Santa Claus handed out presents to the children.
A. gifts B. decorations C. fireworks D. candies
12. They hang several of his paintings in the Museum of Modem Art.
A. come up B. look up C. take up D. put up
13. The content of the movie I watched last night is really thrilling.
A. topic B. theme C. script D. plot
14. Hello Fatty! is a cartoon series about a clever fox and his clumsy human friend.
A. smart B. skilful C. careful D. foxy
Teacher: Bui Thi Kim Thuy Bien Giang Secondary School
15. Playing sports regularly can bring many health benefits.
A. frequently B. rarely C. sometimes D. randomly
16. What happened at the football match yesterday?
A. played B. occurred C. mattered D. came
17. I love looking at tall buildings at night with their colourful lights.
A. sky trains B. skyscrapers C. skylines D. sky zones
18. Oxford University is the most ancient university in Britain.
A. biggest B. youngest C oldest D. most famous
19. Home appliances have changed very much during the past few years.
A. devices B. toys C. machine D. furniture
20. After a long working day, I want to stay in my comfy bed and watch my
favourite channel.
A. warm B. comfortable C. large D. soft
21. The development of cities is becoming faster and faster and this causes wildlife
animals’ homes disappear.
A. reason B. make C. do D. purpose
22. Everyone can save power by unplugging the home appliances when they’re not in use.
A. turn in B. switch on C. switch off D. turn on
23. I think robots now cannot do complicated things or communicate with people.
A. easy B. difficult C. simple D. uncomplicated
24. One of the best things about robots is their ability to do jobs that would be
just dangerous for people.
A safe B. risky C. secure D. safety
25. Their funny stories make us laugh a lot.
A. amusing B. lovely C. cute D. reliable
26. We organize expensive furniture carefully.
A. act B. show C. watch D. arrange
27. Try' to be quick! We're late already.
A. slow B. fast C. long D. short
28. Our city was polluted with the exhaust fumes emitted from vehicles.
A. clean B. populated C. popular D. dirty
29. She has walked almost 1,000 steps today.
A. just B. over C. nearly D. fast
30. The Olympic Games are held every four years.
A. carried B. taken C. brought D. organized
31. I'm not comfortable to live in my new house in the city center. It's crowded with-people.
A. packed B. quite C. noisy D. many
32. When I came to Da Nang, I ate many local foods which are very delicious.
A. national B. regional C. international D. provincial
33. Hopefully the tree will produce some blossom next year.
A. trunk B. branch C. flower D. root
34. As soon as we can afford it, we'll move to the suburbs.
A. downtown B. countryside C. inner city D. outskirts
Teacher: Bui Thi Kim Thuy Bien Giang Secondary School
35. Hung can run very fast, so he was chosen to take part in the school running
competition next month.
A. rapid B. quick C. quickly D. soonly
36. I always want to come back to my cozy house whenever I have free time.
A. cool B. warm C. hot D. comfortable
37. Solving that math problem was a piece of cake to me. I just needed two minutes.
A. very hard B. very easy C. very delicious D. very cheap
38. Ngoc is very interested in watching cartoon on TV.
A. fond of B. fed up with C. tired of D. sick with
39. If you are going out tonight, you will have to count me out.
A. excluded me B. number me C. persuade me D. ask for my permission
40. He comes from a very wealthy family, so he has a lot expensive cars.
A. rich B. traditional C. expensive D. Normal
41. In the United State, almost everyone, at one time or another, has been a volunteer.
A. nearly B. hardly C. mostly D. scarcely
42. Americans have had the tradition of volunteering and helping one another since the
early days of the country.
A. something new and modern. B. something old and last long.
C. something precious and rare. D. something common and cheap.
43. Going to the zoo is an exciting experience. You have a chance to look at a lot animals.
A. very boring B. very interesting C. very uncommonD. very cheap
44. Ngoc is very different from her sister. She has dark hair and brown eyes.
A. unlike B. similar to C. the same as D. like
45. Vietnamese spring rolls are very delicious so a lot of people like eating them.
A. tasty B. salty C. sweet D. bitter
46. Pizza in the restaurant near my house is the best pizza I’ve ever eaten.
A. hardest B. worst C. greatest D. softest
47. Oxford is one the most ancient universities in the world
A. oldest B. most modern C. biggest D. best
48. Chu Van An was one of the most famous teacher in Vietnam.
A. richest B. named C. located D. construct
49. You have to strictly obey traffic signals when riding on the road.
A. catch B. follow C. see D. observe
50. Hoi An used to be a peace and quiet city.
A. peaceful B. lively C. crowded D. noisy
51. “Captain America: Civil War” is so amazing. We couldn’t take our eyes off the screen.
A. couldn’t stop watching B. couldn’t go to sleep
C. couldn’t see the screen clearly D. couldn’t close the eyes
52. Critics say the film is shocking but it is must-see.
A. a boring movie B. a highly-recommended movie
C. a successful movie D. an interesting movie
53. Tet Holiday is the most important festival in Vietnam which takes place in late
January or early February.
Teacher: Bui Thi Kim Thuy Bien Giang Secondary School
A. appears B. occurs C. brings D. holds
54. Some people take naps after the feast with the whole family.
A. play games B. go out C. go to sleep D. hang out
55. He’s bought me a smart new camera to change from my old one.
A. recharge B. reuse C. replace D. redo
56. When will the information be made available?
A. accessible B. busy C. plentiful D. abundant
57. A video game will provide endless hours of fun.
A. irregular B. short C. deep D. limitless
58. The city is facing serious pollution problems.
A. hard B. minor C. false D. light
59. One major problem of the device is that it can fall over easily.
A. main B. small C. secondary D. little
60. People from diverse cultures choose to live in America.
A. same B. similar C. uniform D. varied
61. You should be cautious when you cross the streets.
A. brave B. confident C. healthy D. careful
62. Being well-known is great but Ashley isn’t interested in buying lots of expensive things.
A. famous B. knowledgeable C. intelligent D. wealthy
63. He often eats fatty food so he has put on a lot of weight recently.
A. controlled B. decreased C. lost D. gained
64. The English test today is really difficult. No one can complete it.
A. exciting B. tricky C. planned D. easy
65. Linh is the most intelligent student in her class.
A. new B. lonely C. stupid D. smart
66. Many people took part in Loykrathong Festival in Thailand last year.
A. attended B. supported C. visited D. went to
67. “Despicable me” is a hilarious film – I couldn’t help laughing from beginning to
the end.
A. unable to laugh B. unable to help
C. unable to stop laughing D. unable to stop helping
68. I am sure I can make good use of the tips you gave me.
A. apply B. play C. abuse D. ban
69. To tell the truth it’s a bit weird being out here on my own.
A. common B. good C. strange D. usual
70. WWF is a non-profit organization that protects the wildlife.
A. making no money at all B. not working for money
C. earning a lot of money D. needing no money
71. Living in a damp environment is not good for your health.
A. old B. humid C. dry D. run-down
72. Exercising will help you stay in shape.
A. slim B. chubby C. keep fit D. tall
73. Lynn found the whole situation hilarious.
Teacher: Bui Thi Kim Thuy Bien Giang Secondary School
A. extremely funny B. white funny
C. extremely safe D. quite safe
74. The most popular evening out among teenagers is going to the cinema.
A. common B. famous C. interesting D. boring
75. He is hooked on football so much that he goes to every match of his favourite team.
A. is interested in B. is fed up with C. is tired of D. is in favour of
76. What do you like doing in your leisure time! - I often listen to music and play
basketball with my friends.
A. working time B. holiday time C. free time D. break time
77. It easy to get on well with neighbourhood in the countryside. People are all friendly and
willing to help each other.
A. to work together with B. to be a helpful friend of
C. to have a friendly relationship with D. to exchange goods with
78. The baby is sleeping sound in her mother’s arms.
A. deeply and peacefully B. easily to wake up
C. sensibly D. safely
79. People in this village are all skillful craftsmen. Their products are qualified for the
European market.
A. professional B. amateur C. intelligent D. fast
80. It is risky to travel across the mountain at night.
A. safe B. unsafe C. convenient D. inconvenient

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word or phrase that is OPPOSITE in

meaning to the italic part in each of the following questions.
1. We ought to keep these proposals secret from the chairman for the time being.
A. lively B. frequented C. accessible D. revealed
2. They have not made any effort to integrate with the local community.
A. cooperate B. put together C. separate D. connect
3. There has been insufficient rainfall over the past two years, and farmers are
having trouble.
A. adequate B. unsatisfactory C. abundant D. dominant
4. We offer a speedy and secure service of transferring money in less than 24 hours.
A. slow B. open C. unsure D. uninterested
5. The young are now far more materialistic than their precedents years ago.
A. monetary B. greedy C. spiritual D. object - oriented
6. One of the key to successful business is careful planning.
A. falling B. victorious C. faulty D. impossible
7. Mr. Smith’s new neighbors appear to be very friendly.
A. amicable B. inapplicable C. hostile D. futile
8. The clubs meet on the last Thursday of every month in a dilapidated palace.
A. renovated B. regenerated C. furnished D. neglected
9. His extravagant ideas were never brought to fruition.

Teacher: Bui Thi Kim Thuy Bien Giang Secondary School

A. impressive B. exaggerated C. unacceptable D. practical
10. This shouldn’t be too taxing for you.
A. comfortable B. demanding C. easy D. relaxing
11. The Germany’s war hysteria has accounted for its people’s hostility towards foreigners.
A. disease B. ceremony C. malaria D. serenity
12. He was ostracize by his colleagues for refusing to support the strike.
A. crucify B. include C. patronize D. lionize.
13. Population growth rates vary among regions and even among countries within the
same region.
A. fluctuate B. stay unchanged C. restrain D. remain unstable
14. She could not hide her dismay at the result.
A. disappointment B. depression C. happiness D.
15. Certain courses are compulsory; others are optional.
A. voluntary B. free C. pressure D. mandatory
16. We offer a speedy and secure service of transferring money in less than 24 hours.
A. uninterested B. unsure C. slow D. open
17. The Red Cross is an international humanitarian agency dedicated to reducing the
sufferings of wounded soldiers, civilians and prisoners of war.
A. worry and sadness B. pain and sorrow C. loss D.
18. After five days on trial, the court found him innocent of the crime and he was released.
A. innovative B. naïve C. guilty D. benevolent
19. Mr. Brown is a very generous old man. He has given most of his wealth to a
charity organization.
A. hospitable B. honest C. kind D. mean
20. In the first two decades of its existence, the cinema developed rapidly.
A. leisurely B. sluggishly C. weakly D. shortly
21. The earth is being threatened and the future looks bad.
A. done B. made C. defended D. varied
22. Thousands are going starving because of the failure of this year's harvest.
A. hungry B. poor C. rich D. full
23. I’d like to pay some money into my bank account.
A. withdraw some money from B. put some money into
C. give some money out D. leave some money aside
24. We offer a speedy and secure service of transferring money in less than 24 hours.
A. uninterested B. unsure C. open D. slow
25. The International Organizations are going to be in a temporary way in the country.
A. permanent B. guess C. complicated C. soak
26. My little daughter would spend an inordinate amount of time in the shop,
deciding exactly which 4 comics she was going to buy.
A. excessive B. limited C. required D. abundant

Teacher: Bui Thi Kim Thuy Bien Giang Secondary School

27. About 95 percent of all animals are invertebrates which can live anywhere, but
most, like the starfish and crabs, live in the ocean.
A. with backbones B. with ribs
C. without ribs D. without backbones
28. He had never experienced such discourtesy towards the president as it occurred at
the annual meeting in May.
A. politeness B. rudeness C. measurement D. encouragement
29. We offer a speedy and secure service of transferring money in less than 24 hours.
A. uninterested B. unsure C. open D. slow
30. Why are you being so arrogant?
A. snooty B. humble C. cunning D. naive
31. His policies were beneficial to the economy as a whole.
A. harmless B. crude C. detrimental D. innocent
32. The doctor advised Peter to give up smoking.
A. stop B. continue C. finish D. consider
33. Advanced students need to be aware of the important of collocation.
A. of high level B. of great important
C.of low level D. of steady progress
34. Fruit and vegetables grew in abundance on the island. The islanders even exported
the surplus.
A. excess B. large quantity C. small quantity D. sufficiency
35. There is growing concern about the way man has destroyed the environment.
A. attraction B. consideration C. ease D. speculation
36. The bank announced that it was to merge with another of the high street banks.
A. associate B. separate C. cooperate D. assemble
37. He had never experienced such discourtesy towards the president as it occurred at
the annual meeting in May.
A. politeness B. rudeness C. measurement D. encouragement
38. Affluent families find it easier to support their children financially.
A. Wealthy B. Well-off C. Privileged D. Impoverished
39. She had a cozy little apartment in Boston.
A. uncomfortable B. dirty C. lazy D. warm
40. A frightening number of illiterate students are graduating from college.
A. able to read and write
B. able to join intramural sport
C. inflexible
D. unable to pass an examination in reading and writing
41. Because Jack defaulted on his loan, the bank took him to court.
A. failed to pay B. paid in full
C. had a bad personality D. was paid much money
42. His career in the illicit drug trade ended with the police raid this morning.
A. elicited B. irregular C. secret D. legal

Teacher: Bui Thi Kim Thuy Bien Giang Secondary School

43. The government is not prepared to tolerate this situation any longer.
A. look down on B. put up with C. take away from D. give on to
44. I clearly remember talking to him in a chance meeting last summer.
A. unplanned B. deliberate C. accidental
D. unintentional
45. The International Organizations are going to be in a temporary way in the country.
A. soak B. permanent C. complicated D. guess
46. The US troops are using much more sophisticated weapons in the Far East.
A. expensive B. complicated
C. simple and easy to use D. difficult to operate
47. In remote communities, it’s important to replenish stocks before the winter sets in.
A. remake B. empty C. refill
D. repeat
48. There has been no discernible improvement in the noise levels since lorries
were banned.
A. clear B. obvious C. thin
D. insignificant
49. In remote communities, it’s important to replenish stocks before the winter sets in.
A. remake B. empty C. refill
D. repeat
50. There has been no discernible improvement in the noise levels since lorries
were banned.
A. clear B. obvious C. thin
D. insignificant
51. As an executive director of a big company, she is a woman of extraordinary
A.remarkable B. moderate C. little D. sufficient
52. We have been out of touch him since he moved to London.
A. kept contact with B. made a call to C. contacted with D.written to
53. Mr. Smith's new neighbors appear to be very friendly.
A. mean B. pleasant C. hostile D. easy-going
54. China has become the third country in the world which can independently carried out
the manned space activities.
A. put up B. put in C. put on D. put off
55. Because Jack defaulted on his loan, the bank took him to court.
A. failed to pay B. paid in full
C. had a bad personality D. was paid much money
56. The government is not prepared to tolerate this situation any longer.
A. look down on B. put up with C. take away from D. give on to
57. About 95 percent of all animals are invertebrates which can live anywhere, but
most, like the starfish and crabs, live in the ocean.
A. with ribs B. without ribs C. without backbones D.with
Teacher: Bui Thi Kim Thuy Bien Giang Secondary School
58. The International Organizations are going to be in a temporary way in the country.
A. permanent B. guess C. complicated C. soak
59. My little daughter would spend an inordinate amount of time in the shop,
deciding exactly which comics she was going to buy.
A. excessive B. limited C. required D. abundant
60. The bank announced that it was to merge with another of the high street banks.
A. associate B. separate C. cooperate D. assemble
61. He had never experienced such discourtesy towards the president as it occurred at
the annual meeting in May.
A. politeness B. rudeness C. measurement D. encouragement
62. Our farmland was very adjacent to the river, which is quite an advantage, especially
in the dry season.
A. inconvenient for B. handy for C. disadvantaged at D. distant from
63. Names of people in the book were changed to preserve anonymity.
A. reveal B. conserve C. cover D. presume
64. During the five-decade history the Asian Games have been advancing in all aspects.
A. holding at B. holding back C. holding by D. holding to
65. The World Cup is followed with great interest around the globe- the final game of
the 1994 tournament was played to a television audience of more than 1 million viewers.
A. bad B. clumsy C. inferior D. awful
66. The World Cup is followed with great interest around the globe- the final game of
the 1994 tournament was played to a television audience of more than 1 million viewers.
A. primal B. first C. beginning D. starting
67. Founded in 1930 with just 13 teams, the tournament now attracts more than
140 countries.
A. repels B. throws C. destroys D. kills
68. These are all-star, professional teams composed of 22 players each.
A. stupid B. ugly C. amateurish D. ill
69. The 2002 World Cup was held jointly by Japan and South Korea, and with the victory
over Germany in the final match, Brazil became the first team to win the trophy five
A. fall B. lose C. upset D. defeat
70. Name some famous football players in the world.
A. infamous B. unknown C. impossible D. irregular
71. If you don’t feel well, go to bed and rest.
A. poorly B. badly C. clumsily D. hardly
72. For many young people in Britain, sport is a popular part of school life, and being
in one of the school teams and playing in matches is very important.
A. ill B. sick C. minor D. small
73. My suitcases are so heavy.
A. thin B. light C. trivial D. delicate
74. The best time to visit is during the dry season, from October to April, when the hard forest
rain is over.
Teacher: Bui Thi Kim Thuy Bien Giang Secondary School
A. wet B. engaging C. obvious D. cordial

Teacher: Bui Thi Kim Thuy Bien Giang Secondary School

75. The best time to visit is during the dry season, from October to April, when the hard forest
rain is over.
A. plastic B. simple C. relaxed D. soft


PART I. Rewrite the following sentences using the provided word and keep meaning as
that of the root one.
Đềsố 01
1. Their teacher is making them study hard.
 They………………………………………………………………………..
2. As I get older, I want to travel less.
 The older…………………………………………………………………..
3. I have never been to Liverpool in my life.
 Never….…………………………………………………………………..
4. My father speaks very little French.
My father speaks hardly ………………………………………………….
5. I am leaving now so that I won't be late for work.
I am leaving now in ………………………………………………………………
6. New York City is the busier than any other city in the world.
New York City…………………………………………………………………
7. Dina is like her mother's side of the family.
Dina takes ………………………………………………………………
8. "How long have you been standing here?" he asked me.
He asked me ………………………………………………………………
9. The salary of a professor is higher than that of a secretary.
The salary of a secretary is ……………………………………………………
10. He felt very miserable, so he looked for someone to share his life with.
He looked ……………………………………………………………………
Đềsố 02
1. I didn't realize how late it was and didn't stop studying till after midnight.
 I didn't realize how late it was and I went …………………………………….
2. When did you start working on the project?
How long ……………………………………………………………………..
3. It took me a long time to be accustomed to living in the country.
It took me a long time to get ………………………………………………………
4. My school is near my home, so I go to school on foot every day.
My school isn't ………………………………………………………

Teacher: Bui Thi Kim Thuy Bien Giang Secondary School

5. I would like my sister to improve her English speaking.
I wish ………………………………………………………
6. Vietnamese people only eat dried candied fruit at Tet.
Dried candied fruit ………………………………………………………
7. They often went to school by bike when they were young.
They used………………………………………………………
8. She has taught her children to play the piano for 4 years.
She started………………………………………………………….
9. It's a pity I can't cook as well as my mom.
I wish... …………………………………………………..
10. Shall we use Perfume Pagoda as a theme of the presentation?
She suggests ……………………………………………………
Đềsố 03
1. Jack's parents made him study a lot for the entrance exam to high school.
Jack was ………………………………………………………………….
2. You can't register for a course abroad if you don't have a passport.
Unless ……………………………………………………………………
3. "Why don't we visit the Royal Citadel first?" Quang said.
Quang suggested that …………………………………………………….
4. People expect that he will join the company soon.
He …………………………………………………………………………..
5. Everybody had gone home when I came to the party.
As soon as…………………………………………………………....
6. This country is unsafe to visit during summer vacation.
It is………………………………………………………………………
7. There has been a dramatic increase in the number of people learning English. The
number of people ……………………………………………………
8. Phong went to the beach after working hard for a week.
After Phong……………………………………………………………………
9. They had been on board before he arrived at the airport.
As soon as …………………………………………………………..
10. How long has you possessed that Chanel bag?
When. ……………………………………………………………….
Đềsố 04
1. "Why do I have to conduct this research?" she asked me.
She asked me.... …………………………………………………..
2. He needs to talk to the psychologist about his current situation.
→ It is ........…………………………………………………………..
3. He suggested visiting MocChau to learn about Thai and H'mong people.
→What about …………………………………………………………………..
4. They believe that touching the head of a Buddha statue is a sign of disrespect.
→ It ……………………………………………………………………
Teacher: Bui Thi Kim Thuy Bien Giang Secondary School
5. It's a pity I can't get my visa extended.
→I wish.... ………………………………………………………………………..
6. "Please follow my instructions if you want to pass this module," my teacher said. →My
teacher told me ……………………………………………………………
7. It's exciting for me to learn that I can come to visit my friend in Phu Yen next month.
Iam …………………………………………………………………………
8. Those children need to be taught about how Vietnam has transformed itself
It is ……………………………………………………………………………….
9. She was so rude to shout at his face in the department store.
It was …………………………………………………………………………….
10. My father was pleased when he learned that I had passed the entrance exam to high school.
My father ………………………………………………………………………
Đềsố 5
1. Don't leave the computer on when you leave.
Turn ……………………………………………………………………..
2. They wanted to apologize for their behavior: that's why they paid for dinner. They paid
for dinner in order …………………………………………….
3. When I was a child, I usually went to the local park every Saturday afternoon. When I
was a child, I used ……………………………………………….
4. Their teacher is making them study hard.
They …………………………………………………………………………
5. I'm really excited about the upcoming pottery workshop.
I'm looking ……………………………………………………………………
6. We invited a pop star to the chat show, but he didn't arrive.
The pop star...... ……………………………………………………………..
7. He misbehaved in the class so the teacher asked him to go out.
The teacher asked... ……………………………………………………..
8. The artisans carved figures of lions and unicorns on the top of the box.
Figures ……………………………………………………………………….
9. Mrs. Taylor regretted buying the second-hand washing-machine.
Mrs.Taylorwished ……………………………………………………………….
10. Nobody can deny that she has a beautiful voice.
It ………………………………………………………………………………
1. Jane is the tallest girl in her class.
Nobody …………………………………………………………………….
2. They couldn't find the manager anywhere.
 The manager was …………………………………………………….
3. "Please do not litter as you are walking along the coast", the guard said to us.
→ The guard told ..…………………………………………………….
4. Haven't bought any clothes since my trip to Hanoi.
→ The last time …………………………………………………..
Teacher: Bui Thi Kim Thuy Bien Giang Secondary School
5. They think that a garden would be a perfect setting for the house.
6. Although I had all the necessary qualifications, they didn't offer me the job.
→ Despite ......... ……………………………………………………………
7. It is necessary to finish the work today.
You need. ………………………………………………….
8. Sally finally managed to get the job.
Sally finally succeeded. ………………………………………….
9. This is the last time go to this restaurant.
I certainly....…………………………………………………..
10"I advise you to take a holiday," the doctor continued.
You'd ………………………………………………………………
Đềsố 7
1. Why don't you consider our suggestion before making official decision?
Why don't you think ……………………………………………………
2. Watching TV is not as important as doing homework
Doing homework …………………………………………………
3. My friend plays the piano brilliantly
My friend is …………………………………………………
4. I find most of the young men of my own age so boring
I feel …………………………………………………
5. I've never had to wait this long for a bus before.
This is ……………………………………
6. Remember to take note of what the tour guide said.
Remember to put ……………………………………
7. It took us more than 3 hours to discover the inner Hanoi.
We spent ... ……………………………………
8. No other book is more popular than Dickens "David Copperfield".
Dickens' “David Copperfield” is……………………………………
9. The furniture was too old to keep
It was ……………………………………………………
10. Gary is the best guitarist in her class.
 No one else ……………………………………………………
Đềsố 8
1. Since the invention of computer, people have saved a lot of time.
 Since the computer was ……………………………………………………
2. It's necessary for everybody to clean up their neighborhood once a week. Everybody
3. It may rain hard this afternoon, so take the raincoat with you.
In case …………………………………………………
4. She had to do the washing up but she didn't.
She forgot. …………………………………………………
Teacher: Bui Thi Kim Thuy Bien Giang Secondary School
5. English is easy to learn.
→ It ....…………………………………………………
6. Don't leave the lights on all night, you will waste electricity.
If …………………………………………………
7. When did you first know him?
How …………………………………………………
8. Their trip lasted three days.
They had …………………………………………………
9 He can't afford to buy the car.
The car …………………………………………………
10. Shirley didn't begin to read until she was eight.
 It wasn't …………………………………………………

1. It is a three-hour drive from Hanoi to Nam Dinh.
It takes ……………………………………………
2. It's a pity you didn't tell us about this.
I wish ……………………………………………
3. They think the owner of the house is abroad.
 The owner ……………………………………………
4. The children couldn't go swimming because the sea was very rough
 The sea was too ……………………………………………
5. Lan went to school after saying goodbye to her parents.
After Lan……………………………………………
6. The family becomes a source of encouragement in times of personal success ordefeat.
We are conscious of that.
We are conscious.... ……………………………………………
7. He was so brave that he ran after the thief to get the bag back.
It was ……………………………………………
8. Each family needs its own special set of rules and guidelines. It is sure about that.
It is sure……………………………………………
9. "Let's go swimming"
She suggests …………………………………………………
10. "Would you like a cup of tea?"
He …………………………………………………
1. We got lost in the jungle because we didn't have a map.
If we had …………………………………………………
2. I last saw Bob when I was in Ho Chi Minh City
I haven't seen …………………………………………………
3. The Old Quarter is the noisiest part of the city.
No other parts ………………………………………………………
Teacher: Bui Thi Kim Thuy Bien Giang Secondary School
4. This place was the most dangerous I've ever been.
I've ………………………………………………………
5. No other cities in China are bigger than Shanghai.
Shanghai is China's ………………………………………………………
6 This is the best food I've ever eaten in this country
I've never... ………………………………………………………
7. Hang's house is farther from the city center than my house.
My house …………………………………………………
8. No other cities in Germany are older than Cologne
Cologne is ... …………………………………………………
9 Living in the big city is harder than living in the country.
 Living …………………………………………………
10. KhaiQuang is larger than any other manufacturing area in VinhPhuc.
KhaiQuang is …………………………………………………
1. When did you start the project?
How long..………………………………………………
2. Their wedding will be held in a lovely church.
The church ………………………………………………
3. My father used to play football when he was young
My father doesn't ………………………………………………
4. Jane gave me a present on my last birthday
I was………………………………………………
5. We invited a pop star onto the talk show, but he didn't turn up.
The pop star..……………………………………
6. Although she said that she would come, I don't think she ever will.
7. The plane had hardly left the airport when the accident happened.
No sooner..……………………………………
8. You feel tired now because you didn't sleep very well last night
Had ……………………………………
9. You should take the train instead of the bus.
10. I'm sure that someone forgot to lock the door.
Someone must ... ……………………………………………
1. They bought this house ten years ago.
They have ……………………………………………
2. The course finished with a big party.
At the end ……………………………………………
3. People thought that the cover was made of iron.

Teacher: Bui Thi Kim Thuy Bien Giang Secondary School

The cover ………………………………………
4 He went to London. He had lived there when he was a boy.
He went to London where………………………………………
5. Jane was absent from class because of her sickness.
Because Jane was ………………………………………
6. The package was too heavy for Peter to carry
The package was so ………………………………………
7. They are producing motorbikes in Vietnam.
Motorbikes are ………………………………………
8. I Wasn't there yesterday, so I didn't know who he was
9. If you do not try hard, you can't pass the examination.
Unless ... ………………………………………
10. They spent more money, they had to work harder.
The more ………………………………………

1. "I think you should try the chicken Marengo," said the waiter.
The waiter recommended ……………………………………………
2 This is the most delicious cake I have ever tasted.
I have ……………………………………………
3. The questions are so easy that everyone can answer them.
They're such ……………………………………………
4. The boy will receive some money to continue his study. His parents died in a traffic
The boy whose ……………………………………………
5. I was going to leave, but because of what she said, I didn't.
She persuaded ……………………………………………
6. He was very sorry that he didn't see Andrew on her trip to London.
He greatly regretted ……………………………………………
7. It's thought that the accident was caused by human error.
The accident is ……………………………………………
8. "Will you be visiting the TajMahal when you go to India?" he asked Elizabeth.
He asked ……………………………………………
9. He said he was not guilty of stealing the car.
He denied ………………………………………
10. Is this the only way to reach the city centre?
Isn't there............................................................?
Đềsố 14
1. He never suspected that the money had been stolen.
At no time ………………………………………
2. It's my opinion that you should take more exercise.
Teacher: Bui Thi Kim Thuy Bien Giang Secondary School
If I………………………………………
3. I haven't been to the dentist's for two years.
4. Whenever she went to Paris she bought a new dress.
She never ……………………………………
5. I spent seven years at secondary school and then I went to university.
 After.... ……………………………………
6. It's not worth making her change her mind.
There's ……………………………………
7. I was very interested in our conversation.
It was interesting ……………………………………………
8. Why did you do that ?
Whatever ……………………………………………
9. These bookshelves are my own work.
I made ……………………………………………
10. I don't play tennis as well as you do.
You ……………………………………………
1. "Would you mind not smoking in here?"
I'd rather ………………………………………
2. He wrote the letter in two hours.
It took ………………………………………
3. "Why don't we go out for a walk?"
My father suggested ………………………………………
4. In spite of his age, Mr. Benson runs 8 miles before breakfast.
Though ………………………………………
5. I can't believe that he passed the exam.
I find ………………………………………
6. This is the fastest way to get to the city center.
There ………………………………………
7. If anyone succeeds in solving the problems, it will probably be him.
He is the most ………………………………………
8. We arrived too late to see the first film.
We didn't ………………………………………
9. I should like someone to take me out to dinner.
What I should ……………………………………………
10. Martin may not be very well but he still manages to enjoy life.
Martin's poor ……………………………………………

Teacher: Bui Thi Kim Thuy Bien Giang Secondary School



Mẫu này thể hiện nội dung người nói muốn người khác làm việc gì đó. Các dạng
thường gặp là:
- V1......, please.
- Please + V1 ……
- Can you + V1….?
- Could you + V1….?
- Would you please + V1….?
- Would / Do you mind + Ving ….?
Đáp lại các mẫu trên:
Đồng ý giúp thì nói: Không đồng ý giúp thì nói:

- Certainly. I'm sorry. I'm busy.

- Of course. I’m sorry, I can’t.
- Sure. I’m afraid not.
- OK. / All right.
- No problem .
- What can I do for you?
- How can I help you?

Riêng mẫu : Would / Do you mind + Ving…. ?( Nếu không có gì phiền , làm ơn…)
Đồng ý giúp thì nói:
- No. I don't mind. (Dĩ nhiên là không phiền gì)
- No, of course not.
- Not at all.
Không đồng ý giúp thì nói:
- I'm sorry, I can't.
-I’m sorry , that is not possible.
Cách nhớ như sau:
Mẫu câu nhờ người khác làm thì đối tượng phải là “you”. Tức là nhìn trong câu thấy chủ
Teacher: Bui Thi Kim Thuy Bien Giang Secondary School
từ thực hiện hành động luôn là “you” ( mệnh lệnh thì “you” được hiểu ngầm)
Ví dụ : " Would you please open the door for me? " ta thấy chủ từ của hành động “
open” là
“ you” => nhờ người khác làm.
Về các câu trả lời ĐỒNG Ý thì hay dùng : Sure, Of course,.....còn không làm được thì
luôn: Sorry
Riêng mẫu câu - Would / Do you mind + Ving ...... “ mind ” ở đây mang nghĩa "phiền
lòng" tức là hỏi người đó có phiền gì không khi giúp mình. Từ đó ta suy ra câu trả lời là :
không (phiền )
- Can I help you?
- What can I do for you?
- May I help you?
- Do you need any help?
- Let me help you.
Đáp lại các mẫu trên:
-Yes/No. Thank you.
-That's very kind of you.
-That would be nice.
Mẫu này dùng khi xin phép ai để làm việc gì đó.
- May I +V1....?
Ví dụ:
May I go out ? xin phép cho tôi ra ngoài
ạ. Cũng có thể dùng :
- Can I +V1.. . .?
Ví dụ :
Can I sit here ?
- Would you mind if I + V2/ed…?
Ví dụ :
Would you mind if I smoked ? Bạn có phiền gì không nếu tôi hút thuốc?
- Do you mind if I + V1…?
Ví dụ :
Do you mind if I smoke ? Bạn có phiền gì không nếu tôi hút thuốc ?

Đồng ý Không đồng ý

- Certainly. - I'd rather you didn't.
- Of course. - I'd prefer you didn't.
- Please do.
- Please go ahead.

Teacher: Bui Thi Kim Thuy Bien Giang Secondary School

4 ) CÁC MẪU CÂU "RỦ , GỢI Ý ":
Các mẫu này thường dùng để rủ ai cùng làm gì đó.
- Let's + động từ nguyên mẫu.
- Why don't we + V1 ?
- Shall we +V1 ?
- How about / What about + Ving ?

Trả lời:
- Yes, let's.
- No, let's not.
- That's a good idea.


 Thank you.
 Thank you very much .
 Thanks .
 Thanks a lot .
 Thanks for your advice .
 I’m really grateful to you .
 It was very kind of you .
 I really/ highly appreciate it .
 Thanks anyway .(Cám ơn người khác đã giúp mình cho dù điều người đó làm
không mang lại lợi ích gì cho mình)

Note : Đôi khi, người nói có thể thêm một ít thông tin trong lời cám ơn của mình, đặc biệt
là khi cám ơn những lời khuyên, động viên, khen ngợi.

Example 1: A: What a beautiful dress you’re wearing!

B: Thanks. I made it myself .
Example 2: A: Don’t worry, John. I believe you can make it.
B: Thank you. I’ll try my best


 You’re welcome .
 No problem .
 It’s OK.
 Not at all .
 Never mind .
 Don’t mention it.
 (It’s) my pleasure (dùng trong những tình huống trang trọng)

Teacher: Bui Thi Kim Thuy Bien Giang Secondary School

Example 1: A: Thanks for reminding me .
B: You’re welcome .
Example 2: A: It was very kind of you to help
me. B: It’s my pleasure


 I’m sorry (for…)
 I’m so / very / terrible / extremely sorry
 I apologize for…
 I hope you’ll forgive my…
 Please accept my apologies for…

Note: Thông thường, người xin lỗi sẽ đưa ra lí do phạm lỗi, nhận trách nhiệm về mình,
hoặc hứa một điều gì đó.

Example : Oh, I’m sorry. I didn’t see you. ( lí do làm sai)

I’m so sorry. It’s all my fault. (nhận trách nhiệm)
I’m sorry. I’ll be more careful next time. (lời hứa)


 That’s alright .
 Never mind .
 Don’t worry about it .
 Don’t apologize .
 It doesn’t matter .
 It’s OK.
 Forget about it .
 No harm done .
 It’s not your fault.
 Please don’t blame yourself .

Example 1: A: I apologize for the noise last

night B: Don’t worry about it .
Example 2: A: I’m very sorry. I just forgot to bring your
book B: It’s alright

Note: Người nói cũng có thể đưa ra lí do mình tha lỗi cho người khác.

Example 1: A: I apologize for the noise last night

B: Don’t worry about it. I slept very well all night.
Example 2: A: I’m very sorry. I just forgot to bring your book
Teacher: Bui Thi Kim Thuy Bien Giang Secondary School
B: It’s alright. I don’t need it today, anyway.


- Pardon?
- Please say that again.


a) Mời ăn uống:
- Would you like + món ăn/uống
? Ví dụ:
Would you like a cup of tea? ( mời bạn uống trà )

Đáp lại:
- Yes, please.
- No, thanks.

b) Mời đi đâu:
- Would you like + to inf
? Ví dụ:
Would you like to go to the cinema with me? ( mời bạn đi xem phim với tôi)
Would you like to go to the party? ( mời bạn đi dự tiệc)
Đáp lại:
Yes , I’d love to.
I’m sorry , I




 Well done!
 Good job!
 You’ve done a good job!
 I’m proud of you!
 Good for you!

Example 1: A: Mom, I passed the

exam B: Really? I’m proud of you.
Example 2: Your essay is very good. Well done, Tom!.

Teacher: Bui Thi Kim Thuy Bien Giang Secondary School

 Your house is so beautiful.
 I really love/like your house.
 What a nice house!
 Isn’t your house beautiful!
 You look very good in this dress!
 This soup is so delicious. My compliments to you!
 Thank you.
 Thank you very much.
 How nice of you to say so.
 I’m glad you like it.
 Yeah, it’s my favorite, too.
 It was nothing really. (Thể hiện sự khiêm tốn của người nói)

Example 1: A: You look gorgeous in this

dress! B: Really? It’s my favorite, too.
Example 2: A: Your performance was wonderful!
B: Thanks! I’m glad you like it.


 Congratulation!
 Congratulation on your success!

 Thank you.
 Thanks a lot.

Example: A: Congratulation !
B: Thanks a lot. I’m glad you’re here.


 Good luck! = Break a leg!
 You can do it!
 I believe you can make/do it!
Teacher: Bui Thi Kim Thuy Bien Giang Secondary School
 Don’t worry. Just do your best.
 Be confident!
Example 1: A: I’m so worry about the exam next week.
B: Don’t worry. Just do your best.
Example 2: A: I have an interview
tomorrow. B: Good luck!


 Don’t worry!
 That’s OK
 Everything will be fine
 Take it easy
 It’s going to be alright
 Don’t give up!
 Be strong!
 It’s not that bad.
Example 1: A: I’m so depressed. I think I’ll quit my job soon.
B: Take it easy. Everything will be fine.
Example 2: A: My French is
hopeless. B: Don’t worry. It’s not that

Example 1: A: Don’t worry. Everything will be fine.
B: Thank you. I really hope so.
Example 2: A: Don’t give up, John. I believe you make it.
B: Thanks.

1. “ Shall we eat out this evening?” – “ ”
A. Yes, we shall B. How do you do?
C. Yes, let’s! D. You’re welcome.
2. “ ” – “It’s nice of you to say so!”
A. We have no other choices. B. What you did was inexcusable.
C. I’d like to stop you doing so. D. That’s a great achievement you’ve made!
3. Phil: “I'd like to become a tour guide. What do you think I should do?” -
Leonie: “ ”
A. Shall we have a package tour this summer? B. Yes, a tour guide is a good job!
C. I don't agree with you. D. I think you
should practice spoken English.
Teacher: Bui Thi Kim Thuy Bien Giang Secondary School
4. Susan: “Can you do the cooking today?” - Bill: “ .”

Teacher: Bui Thi Kim Thuy Bien Giang Secondary School

A. No, thank you B. Oh, all right C. Yes, please D. I know that
5. George: “In my opinion, action films are exciting.” - Frankie: “ ”
A. Yes. Congratulations! B. What an opinion!
C. You shouldn’t have said that. D. There’s no doubt about
it. 6.- “May I go out for just a while?”
-“ ”
A. It’s a nice day! B. That’s great! C. Go ahead! D. Yes, you could!
7. - “Rita, I’d like a friend of mine, Lucie.”
- “Pleased to meet you, Lucie!”
A. to meet you B. introduce you to C. you see D. you to meet
8. - “Why don’t we go to the cinema now?”
-“ ”
A. Will you join us? B. Yes, let’s! C. I’d like it. D. What play is it?
9. " Would you like another coffee?" - " _"
A. I’d love one B. Willingly C. Very kind of your part D. It's a pleasure
10: Joan: “ Our friends are coming. , Mike? ”
Mike: “ I’m sorry, but I can’t do it now.”
A. Shall you make some coffee, please B. Shall I make you like some coffee
C. Why don’t we cook some coffee D. Would you mind making some
coffee 11: Sue: “ Can you help me with my essay? ”
Robert: “ ”
A. Yes, I’m afraid not. B. I think that, too.
C. Not completely D. Why not?
12: Alfonso: “I had a really good time. Thanks for the lovely
evening.” Maria: “ .”
A. I’m glad you enjoyed it B. Yes, it’s really good
C. Oh, that’s right D. No, it’s very kind of
you 13: Harry: “Are you ready, Kate? There’s not much time left.”
Kate: “Yes, just a minute. !”
A. No longer B. I won’t finish C. I’d be OK D. I’m
coming 14: “Why don’t you sit down and ?”
A. make yourself at peace B. make yourself at rest
C. make it your own home D. make yourself at
home 15: Tom: “Can I have another cup of tea?
Christy: “ .”
A. Be yourself B. Do it yourself C. Allow yourself D. Help yourself
16: Lora: “Do you mind if I turn on the fan?”
Maria: “ .”
A. Not for me B. Not at all C. Never mind D. Not enough
17: Ann: “Do you need any help?”
Kate: “ .”
A.That’s fine by me B. No, thanks. I can manage
C. I haven’t got a clue D. That’s all for now.
Teacher: Bui Thi Kim Thuy Bien Giang Secondary School
18: Mary: “I will never go mountaineering
again.” Linda: “Me .”
A. neither B. so C. too D.
either 19: Mary: “Thanks a lot for your help.”
John: “ .”
A. My excitement B. My delight C. My happiness D. My pleasure
20. Sarah: “Oh my God, I’ve missed my bus.”
Christ: “ . Another will come here in ten minutes.”
A. Thank you B. Don’t mention it C. I hope so D. Don’t worry
21. Jack: “What’s wrong with you?”
Jill: “ .”
A. I’m having a slight headache B. No, I don’t care
C. Yes, I was tired yesterday D. Thank you very much
22. Mary: “ Do you mind if I sit here?”
Laura: “ ”
A. No, not at all. B. My pleasure. C. Yes, why not? D. Don’t mention it.
23. George: “ .”
Michelle: “Thank you for your compliment.”
A. You’ve done your work B. This is a present for you
C. I’m glad that you’re well again D. You look pretty in this dress
24. John: “Would you like to have a get-together with us next
weekend?” Mickey: “ .”
A. No, I wouldn’t B. Yes, let’s C. No, I won’t D. Yes, I’d love to
25. Helen: “Would you rather go to the beach or to the
mountains?” Kim: “ .”
A. Thanks for the mountains B. I’d love to go
C. That’s very nice of you D. The beach definitely

1 - “Thank you for the present, Jimmy.”
- “ ”
A. I’m sorry. B. Very glad. C. No, of course. D. You’re welcome.
2. - Would you like something to drink? - “ ”
A. Yes, I do. B. Tea, please. C. I will. D. No, I would.
3. Lan: “Thanks for the lovely
evening.” Mai: “ ”
A . No , it’s not good. B. Yes, it’s really great
C. Oh , that’s right. D. I’m glad you enjoyed it.
4. David: “ Could you bring me some water
?” Waiter: “ ”
A. Certainly, sir B. Yes, I can C. I don’t want to D. No, I can’t
5. Lora: “ Your new blouse looks very nice ,
Hellen.” Hellen : “ ”
Teacher: Bui Thi Kim Thuy Bien Giang Secondary School
A. Thanks, I bought it at Macy’s B. You can say that again.
C. I’d rather not. D. It’s up to
you. 6.- “Don’t fail to send your parents my regards .”
- “ ”
A. Good idea, thanks. B. It’s my pleasure.
C. You’re welcome. D. Thanks, I will.
7. A friend needs to get to the airport as quickly as possible. You have a car. What do you
say to him:
A. I’ give you a lift if you like. B. Can you sit in my car?
C. Do you mind sitting in my car? D. Do you like my car?
8. I’m studying for my test tomorrow. Could you turn the TV down, please?
A. Never mind. B. You’re welcome. C. Yes, of course D. Really?
9. Loan: “Congratulations! “ – Trang “ ”
A. Don’t worry B. Not at all C. You’re welcome. D. Thanks
10. – I’m sorry, I have broken your bicycle.
- I can fix it.
A. Don’t worry B. Not at all C. You’re welcome. D. Thanks
11.- Let’s go to Nha Trang on the weekend.
A. That’s a fine day B. That’s a good trip C. Yes, please D. Yes, let’s
12. – Thank you very much.
A. Are you worried? B. Not all C. You’re welcome D. Nothing
13. A: I’m leaving for lunch.
B : Thanks , but I can’t right now . I’m really busy.
A. Do you come? B. Could you come?
C. Do you feel like going? D. Would you like to come?
14. – Let’s play some music.
A. Yes, please B. Thank you C. Certainly D. Good idea.
15. - Lorna,
- I’m sorry, but I can’t do it now.
A. would you like some coffee? B. why don’t you make some coffee?
C. would you mind making some coffee? D. will you drink some coffee?
16. - Do you mind if I borrow a chair? -
A. I’m sorry B. Not at all C. Yes, I do D. Yes, I would
17. How about going fishing next weekend?
A. Let’s do that B. Why not C. Sure D. Oh, there’s no hurry
18. Would you like me to collect you?
A. Yes, I like B. Not at all C. I’d love to D. No, I wouldn’t
19. I think we should take a shower instead of a bath to save energy.
A. That’s a good idea. B. Let’s do that. C. All right D. A, B and
C are correct
Teacher: Bui Thi Kim Thuy Bien Giang Secondary School
20.Mai: Well done, Trang.
Trang: -
A. Thanks B. It’s nice of you to say so.
C. That’s very kind of you. D. A , B and C are correct
21. Could you open the door, please? It’s very hot.
A. Sure B. OK C. All right D. A , B and C are correct
22. Would you like a cup of tea? -
A. Yes, I would B. No , thank you. C. Yes, I do D. You’re welcome
23. Do you mind closing the door?
A. No, I don’t mind B. No, of course not C. Not at all D. A , B and C are correct
24. Remember to return the newspaper to my mother.
A. I will B. Why not C. I won’t D. Of course
25. Do You mind if I sit here? -
A. Not at all B. Yes, I do C. I’m sorry D. Yes, I would
26. Thank you very much for a lovely party.
A. Thanks B. Have a good day C. You’re welcome D. Cheers
27. Would you mind giving me a hand with this bag?
A. Yes, I’ll do it now B. No, not at all C. Well, I’d love to D. Yes, I am
28. Can I help you?
A. Yes, please B. That would be nice
C. You can D. A and B are correct
29. It’s a beautiful day, isn’t it? -
A. No B. Oh , why not C. Yes, it’s lovely D. I’m not sure
30. What shall we do this weekend?
A. I went out for dinner B. Oh, that’s good
C. Let’s go out for dinner D. No problem


Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word whose underlined
part differs from the other three in pronunciation in each of the following questions.
1. A. curly B. bury C. hurt D. nurse
2. A. recommended B. enjoyed C. recognized D. arrived
Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that differs from the
other three in the position of primary stress in each of the following questions.
3. A. event B. behave C. surprise D. damage
4. A. impossible B. academic C. optimistic D. education
Teacher: Bui Thi Kim Thuy Bien Giang Secondary School
Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the underlined part that
needs correction in each of the following questions.
5. I sometimes wish that I will have another
car. A B C D
6. Your friends went to your native village last weekend, weren’t
they? A B C D
7. I asked him how far was it to the station if I went there by
taxi. A B C D
Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each
of the following questions.
8. She asked me where I from.
A. come B. came C. to come D. coming
9. John’s mother’s birthday, he made her a big cake.
A. In B.X C. At D. On
10. She will get good marks if she hard
A. studies B. studied C. study D. studying
11. My mum to her hometown recently.
A. didn’t return B doesn’t return C. hasn’t returned D. returned
12. You should avoid chocolate if you want to keep fit.
A. to eat C. eating D.ate
13. After he his homework, he went to bed.
A. finishes B. finished C. has finished D. had finished
14. If she _ harder, she get higher marks.
A. worked/ will B. works/ would C. worked/ could D. worked/ can
15. You have read this article on the website, ?
A. haven"t you B. do you C. have you D. did you
16. My brother doesn’t have an Iphone. He wishes he one.
A. has B. have C. had D. will have
17. Lan got up late, she couldn’t catch the first bus.
A. as B. so C. when D. then
18. She suggested to the beach for a change.
A. go B. to go C. going D. goes
Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the most suitable response to
complete each of the following exchanges.
19. Nam: I’ve just finished my painting. Look! Tam: “ “
A. How cool! B. I wish I could do it
C. Wow, I can’t imagine that. D. Sure
20. Jane: “Congratulation! You have got high marks in the last term.” Mary:“ ”
A. Really? Never say so. B. I’d love to say so.
C. It is kind of you to say so. D. You’re welcome.
Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word CLOSEST in
meaning to the underlined word in each of the following questions.
21. His school is located in the mountainous are
Teacher: Bui Thi Kim Thuy Bien Giang Secondary School
A. lain B. stood C. situated D. stayed

22. There are some drawbacks in the city life nowadays.

A. bad B. advantage C. good D. disadvantages
Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE
in meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.
23. The church is quite an ancient building.
A. old B. fresh C. historic D. modern
24. She"s been trying to find a good job in the city and she"s finally succeeded.
A. stopped B. failed C. lost D. managed
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to
indicate the correct word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks.
Over the last century, there have been many significant changes in the way we live.
Obviously, it is difficult to (25)………..the life of ancient people and the life of the people
living in the twenty- first century because so many changes have occurred Even the changes
that have (26)… over the last ten years are amazing.
People in the past were not (27) travel so long distance within such a short
period of time. Nowadays, we have become very mobile. We have fast and comfortable
cars. In addition, more and more people travel by plane. Moreover, in the past people had to
work harder as they did not have (28)……… and machine to make their work easier.
25. A. compare B. suppose C. predict D. discuss
26. A. considered B. expressed C. occurred D. arranged
27. A. capable B. able C. might D. use
28. A. rules B. ideas C. tools D. teams
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to
indicate the correct answer to each of the questions.
Package holidays, covering a two weeks" stay in an attractive location are
increasingly popular, because they offer an inclusive price with few extras. Once you get to
the airport, it is up to the tour operator to see that you get safely to your destination.
Excursions, local entertainment, swimming, sunbathing, skiing - you name it - it"s all laid
on for you. There is, in fact, no reason for you to bother anything yourselves. You make
friends and have a good time, but there is very little chance that you will really get to know
the local people. This is even less likely on a coach tour, when you spend almost your entire
time travelling. Of course, there are carefully scheduled stops for you to visit historic
buildings and monuments, but you will probably be allowed only a brief stay overnight in
some famous city, with a polite reminder to be up and breakfasted early in time for the
coach next morning. You may visit the beautiful, the historic, the ancient, but time is
always at your elbow. There is also the added disadvantage of being obliged to spend your
holiday with a group of people you have never met before, may not like and have no
reasonable excuse for getting away from. As against this, it can be argued that for many
people, particularly the lonely or elderly, the feeling of belonging to a group, although for a
short period on holiday, is an added bonus. They can sit safely back in their seat and watch
the world go by.
Teacher: Bui Thi Kim Thuy Bien Giang Secondary School
29. In spite of its disadvantages, spending a holiday with a group is particularly
good for
A. schoolboys and schoolgirls B. the lonely or elderly people
C. newly married young couples D. those who always travel
by themselves
30. "Time is always at your elbow." This means
A. your time always is limited when visiting a place
B. your time is always limited when visiting a place
C. you can take your time visiting a place
D. you can take your time visiting a place
31. When you go on a package holiday, you don"t have to
A. arrange anything yourself B. pay for any extra activities
C. follow the tour schedules D. travel in an organised group
32. Which of the following statements is NOT true?
A. A coach tour is always exhausting.
B. You are constantly on the move when you are on a coach tour.
C. You get no chance to visit historic buildings in famous cities on a coach tour.
D. You don"t get enough sleep on a coach tour.

Mark letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that is closest in
meaning to the original sentence in each of the following questions.
33. Study hard or you will fail the exam.
A. You don’t fail the exam unless you study har
B. If you don’t study hard, you will fail the exam.
C. You don’t study hard, so you will fail the exam.
D. Because you study hard, you don’t fail the exam.
34. My school has no playground equipment or extra activities.
A. I wish my school had had playground equipment or extra activities.
B. I wish my school had playground equipment or extra activities.
C. I wish my school can have playground equipment or extra activities.
D. I wish my school will have playground equipment or extra activities.
35. Children are allowed to have a voice in decision making in the family. We
are pleased about that.
A. We are pleased about children are allowed to have a voice in decision making in
the family.
B. We are pleased that children are allowed to have a voice in decision making in
the family.
C. We are pleased that children allowed to have a voice in decision making in the family.
D. We are pleased for children to be allowed to have a voice in decision making in
the family.
36. Although his leg was broken, he managed to get out of the car.
A. In spite his broken leg, he managed to get out of the car.
B. In spite of his broken leg, he managed to get out of the car.
Teacher: Bui Thi Kim Thuy Bien Giang Secondary School
C. In spite his leg broken, he managed to get out of the car.
D. In spite of his leg was broken, he managed to get out of the car.
37. They reported that the troops were coming.
A. It had been reported that the troops were coming.
B. It was being reported that the troops were coming.
C. It was reported that the troops to be coming.
D. It was reported that the troops were coming.
38. “What time did you come home last night, Mark?” said Tom.
A. Tom asked Mark what time had he come home the previous night.
B. Tom asked Mark what time he had come home last night.
C. Tom asked Mark what time he came home last night.
D. Tom asked Mark what time he had come home the previous night.
39. Did you always eat sweets when you were small?
A. Were you use to eat sweets when you were small?
B. Did you used to eat sweets when you were small?
C. Were you used to eat sweets when you were small?
D. Did you use to eat sweets when you were small?
40. We last visited Ho Chi Minh city 3 years ago.
A. We didn’t visit Ho Chi Minh city for 3 years.
B. We haven’t visited Ho Chi Minh city for 3 years
C. We haven’t visited Ho Chi Minh city for 3 years ago.
D. We didn’t visit Ho Chi Minh city for 3 years go.
The end


Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word whose underlined part is pronounced
differently front that of the rest in each of the following questions.
1. A. ocean B. remote C. occasion D. metro
2. A. festival B. cultural C. sculpture D. virtual
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word that differs from the other three in the
position of primary stress in each of the following questions.
3. A. external B. determine C. mysterious D. customer
4. A. miraculous B. individual C. certificate D. astronomy
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the underlined part that needs correction in
each of the following questions.
5. Now that the stress of examinations are over, we can go somewhere for our holiday.
Teacher: Bui Thi Kim Thuy Bien Giang Secondary School
6. The English summer course will start in May 29th and finish in August.
7. There were so a lot of people trying to leave the burning building that the police
had a great deal of trouble controlling them.
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the following
8. The earthworm is a worm _in moist, warm soil in many geographical areas.
A. it is found B. is found C. and found it D. which is found
9. Our flight from Amsterdam to London was delayed the heavy fog.
A. as a result B. on account C. instead of D. due to
10. It is to translate each lesson into your language.This is not a good way to
study English.
A. productive B. unproductive C. producing D. unproducing
11. A good clock always keeps time.
A. certain B. accurate C. true D. serious
12. It seems that the world record for this event is almost impossible to_ .
A. meet B. compare C. break D. balance
13. The soldier was punished for to obey his commanding officer's order.
A. refusing B. regretting C. objecting D. resisting
14. It is believed that she'll be a billionaire by the time she forty.
A. is B. was C. will be D. would be
15. Some of the passengers spoke to reporters about their in the burning bus.
A. occasion B. knowledge C. event D. experience
16. the rise in unemployment, people still seem to be spending more.
A. Because of B. Meanwhile C. Despite D. Although

Teacher: Bui Thi Kim Thuy Bien Giang Secondary School

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the most suitable response to complete each of
the following exchanges.
17.- Passenger 1: “I think you've taken my bag by mistake.”
-Passenger 2: “ ”
A.What a shame! B. Pardon? C. I'm so sorry. D. Have I?
18. - Laura: “May I have something to drink, please?”
- Jane: “ ”
A. Yes, of course. Help yourself. B. Of course you may.
C. Why do you have to ask? D. You must help others too.
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in meaning to the
underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.
19. The Internet is available only in cities and towns, so we cannot easily get access to it
in the countryside.
A. visiting B. existing C. safe D. helpful
20. The naughty boy was scolded for breaking the neighbour's window yesterday.
A. told off B. complimented C. caught D. taken care of
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in meaning to the
underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.
21. The Ministry of Health is carrying out a health project for the poor in mountainous
regions and rural areas.
A. urban B. mountainous C. suburban D. coastal
22. Our children must attend some acceptable school during the years of compulsory
A. advisory B. inspirational C. commercial D. voluntary
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct word
that best fits each of the numbered blanks.
People enjoy living in large cities. But cities have problems. One problem is that they
frequently grow very rapidly. Transportation (23) _ complicated. There are a lot of
cars, buses and bicycles. As a result, people are trying to improve the big cities, and they
are also planning for new cities. Plan A is a large city (24) _ smaller cities around
it. There is an open land with trees, fields, and lakes between the large city and smaller
Teacher: Bui Thi Kim Thuy Bien Giang Secondary School
cities. Each small city is (25)_ . It has offices, schools, hospitals, and places of
entertainment. In Plan B the cities are (26) by a road. In Plan C, the cities are in
rings around the central city and all of them are connected to each other. The goal of all
these plans is to limit the (27)_ of the large city.
23. A. becomes B. returns C. happens D. develops
24. A. in B. for C. with D. at
25. A. entire B. finished C. total D. complete
26. Ạ. chain B. connected C. attached D. fastened
27. A. progress B. growth C. movement D. improvement
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct
answer to each of the questions.
It is often considered that the schoolyard is where bullies go to make other kids a
miserable school life, but a new study suggests that classrooms are another popular
place.The study, presented recently at the American Public Health Association's yearly
meeting in Philadelphia, is based on the results of the research from more than 10, 000
middle school students who answered questions online.
Of those researched, 43% said they'd been physically bullied within the last month.A bit
more than half said they had been laughed at in an unfriendly way, and half reported
being called hurtful names.About one third said groups had excluded them to hurt their
feelings.28% said their belongings had been taken or broken; 21% said someone had
threatened to hurt them.According to the results, two-thirds of the students said they had
been bullied in more than one way over the previous month.
The study authors mentioned that 8% of the students who answered said they had missed
school at least once during the school year because of fear of being bullied.25% said they
had taken other actions, such as missing recess, not going to the bathroom or lunch, missing
classes, or staying away from some area of the school to escape from experiencing a
bully.Bullies did too much to the school life.
28. Bullies can happen in the following places EXCEPT .
A. schoolyards B. classrooms C. bathrooms D. teachers' offices
29. The underlined phrase ‘‘laughed at” in the passage is closest in meaning
A. made fun of B. smiled nicely C. shouted at D. looked after well
30. Which of the following might some students do to protect themselves from bullies?

Teacher: Bui Thi Kim Thuy Bien Giang Secondary School

A. They miss school. B. They call their parents for help,
C. They try to hurt others. D. They break others' belongings.
31. How does the writer feel about bullies at school?
A. Excited B. Disappointed C. Worried D. Puzzled
32. Which of the following is probably the best title for the passage?
A. Bad School Life B. Bullies at School C. Fear at School D. School Problems
Mark letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that is closest in
meaning to the original sentence in each of the following questions.
33. I have not met her for three years.
A. The last time I met her was three years ago. B. It is three years
when I will meet her.
C. I did not meet her three years ago. D. During three years, I met her once.
34. "How beautiful your dress is!" Peter said to Mary.
A. Peter promised to buy Mary a beautiful dress.
B. Peter said thanks to Mary for her beautiful dress.
C. Peter complimented Mary on her beautiful dress.
D. Peter asked Mary how she had just bought her beautiful dress.
35. Barry continued to smoke even though we had advised him to quit.
A. Barry took our advice so he stopped smoking.
B. If we had advised Barry, he would have quit smoking.
C. Barry did not quit smoking because of our advice.
D. Despite being told not to smoke, Barry continued to do.
36. Many people think Steve stole the money.
A. It was not Steve who stole the money.
B. Steve is thought to have stolen the money.
C. Many people think the money is stolen by Steve.
D. The money is thought to be stolen by Steve.

Teacher: Bui Thi Kim Thuy Bien Giang Secondary School

37. Even though it was raining heavily, the explorers decided to continue their
A. It rained so heavily that the explorers could not continue their journey.
B. The explorers put off their journey due to the heavy rain.
C. The heavy rain could not prevent the explorers from continuing their journey.
D. If it had rained heavily, the explorers would not have continued their journey.
38. He cannot afford a new computer.
A. The new computer is so expensive that he cannot buy it.
B. Therefore, he would buy a new computer.
C. So, he would buy a new computer.
D. The new computer is so expensive but he can buy it.
39. The roads were slippery because it snowed heavily.
A. It snowed too heavily to make the roads slippery.
B. The heavy snow prevented the roads from-being slippery.
C. Thanks to the slip of the roads, it snowed heavily.
D. The heavy snow made the roads slippery.
40. “You’d better take a taxi; it was raining hard outside”, she said.
A. She told you’d better take a taxi in case it was raining
B. She advised us to take a taxi because it had been raining outside
C. She gave us a lift because it was raining heavily
D. She didn’t lend us any raincoats but a taxi
The end _
Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word whose underlined
part differs from the other three in pronunciation in each of the following questions.
1. A. hates B. works C. stops D. lives
2. A. school B. child C. cheese D. church
Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that differs from the
other three in the position of primary stress in each of the following questions.
3. A. recent B. suggest C. apply D. divide
Teacher: Bui Thi Kim Thuy Bien Giang Secondary School
4. A. expensive B. official C. impossible D. beautiful
Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the underlined part that
needs correction in each of the following questions.
5. She will pay less but she uses two energy-saving
bulbs. AB C
6. The questions the teacher wrote on the board was not
easy. A B C D
7. She walked ten kilometers a day to get water enough for her family to use.
Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each
of the following questions.
8. If we go on littering, the environment seriously polluted.
A. becomes B. will become C. became D. would become
9. The boy was very hungry he ate nothing.
A. so B. and C. therefore D. but
10. The man suggests to the seaside in the summer.
A. to go B. go C. going D. goes
11. A dripping faucet 500 liters of water a month.
A. can waste B. is wasted C. waste D. are wasting
12. He sighed when he heard the news.
A. sadly B. sad C. sadden D. sadness
13. Please _the lights. It’s very dark.
A. turn on B. go on C. get on D. put on
14. Not only her father, but you will know about his job if you go with us.
A. you meet B. will you meet C. you are meeting D. do you meet
15. The man sat down on the chair started to tell the story.
A. so B. and C. or D. because
16. You should travel by bike by motorbike to save energy.
A. therefore B. instead of C. however D. because
17. Please go with what you’re doing. Don’t look at them!
A. on B. out C. away D. down
18. The new appliance does not only work but also saves energy.
A. effect B. effective C. effectively D. effectiveness
Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the most suitable response to
complete each of the following exchanges.
19. Anne: "I think that's worth celebrating. Don't you agree,
Charlie?" Charlie: " "
A. Yes, I do actually. B. No, I agree.
C. Nevermind. D. Yes, I think so.
20.Tom: "You've got a lovely singing voice,
Teacher: Bui Thi Kim Thuy Bien Giang Secondary School
Mary: " "
A. It's all right. B. Congratulations!

Teacher: Bui Thi Kim Thuy Bien Giang Secondary School

C. Thank you. D. No, thanks.
Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word CLOSEST
in meaning to the underlined word in each of the following questions.
21. The Internet is available only in cities and towns, so we cannot easily get access to it
in the countryside.
A. visiting B. existing C. safe D. helpful
22. The naughty boy was scolded for breaking the neighbour's window yesterday.
A. told off B. complimented C. caught D. taken care of
Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in
meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.
23. If we had taken his sage advice, we wouldn't be in so much trouble now.
A. unwilling B. clever C. unwise D. eager
24. When you put on clothing or make-up, you place it on your body in order to wear it.
A. take off B. look after C. wash up D. get on
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to
indicate the correct word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks.
Our demand for water is constantly increasing. Every year there are more and more
people in the world. Factories turn out more and more products and (25) _ more and
more water. We live in a world of water. But almost all of it - about 97% - is in the oceans.
This water is too salty to be used for drinking, farming, and manufacturing. Only about 3%
of the world's water is fresh. Most of this water is not easily available to man (26) it
is locked in glaciers and icecaps.
There is as much water on earth today as there ever was or will ever be. Water is used
and reused over again. It is never used up. Although the world as a whole has plenty of (27)
water, some regions have a water shortage. Rain does not fall evenly over the
earth. Some regions are always too dry, and others too wet. A region that usually gets
enough rain may suddenly have a serious (28) and another region may be flooded with too
much rain.
25. A. need B. must C. should D. necessitate
26. A. so that B. because C. though D. even if
27. A. salty B. new C. clean D. fresh
28. A. flood B. drought C. famine D. abundance
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to
indicate the correct answer to each of the questions.
New York has Central Park; London has Hyde Park while Kuala Lumpur has its own
piece of green belt amidst the hustle and bustle of city life. It's an ideal place for a leisurely
stroll in a tranquil setting, all without having to leave the city. The Lake Gardens was
created by Sir Alfred Venning, who persuaded the ruling government to allow him to turn a
swamp land into rambling trails with man-made lakes, spanning 60 hectares. However, as
the city expanded, the Lake Gardens reduced in size. But it is still a sizeable area and boasts
of more than just grass and water within its grounds. For example, the gardens incorporate
the National Monument, Bird Park, Hibiscus Garden as well as Malaysia's Parliament
Teacher: Bui Thi Kim Thuy Bien Giang Secondary School
Additionally, Carcosa Seri Negara is on a hilltop overlooking the Lake Gardens. Today, the
nineteenth-century British colonial mansion has been converted into an exclusive hotel.
29. According to the passage, what do New York, London and Kuala Lumpur have
in common?
A. They each have a lake in the city.
B. They each have a swamp land in the city.
C. They each have a park in the middle of the city.
D. They each have a 60-hectare garden in the city.
30. In the Lake Gardens, you can visit the following spaces EXCEPT .
A. Hyde Park B. the Bird Park
C. the Hibiscus Garden D. the National Monument
31. Over time, the Lake Gardens has become smaller because .
A. it is swampy B. the city developed
C. it is too noisy D. it is getting overpopulated
32. The word “converted” in the last sentence is closest in meaning to .
A. built B. consumed C. made D. changed

Mark letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that is closest in
meaning to the original sentence in each of the following questions.
33. We’ll get there early so that we’ll be able to get tickets.
A. If we get there early, we’ll be able to get tickets.
B. If we don’t get there early, we’ll be able to get tickets.
C. If we get there early, we won’t be able to get tickets.
D. Unless we get there early, we’ll be able to get tickets.
34. “Close your books and go out to play”, the teacher said to us.
A. The teacher told us close our books and go out to play.
B. The teacher told us to closing our books and go out to play.
C. The teacher told us closing our books and go out to play.
D. The teacher told us to close our books and go out to play.
35. My dad worked in a factory in the past, but doesn’t work there now.
A. My dad used to working in a factory.
B. My dad used to be working in a factory.
C. My dad used to work in a factory.
D. My dad used to be work in a factory.
36. Mr. Peter has written a lot of articles for the CNN News.
A. A lot of articles have written for the CNN News by Mr. Peter.
B. A lot of articles have been written for the CNN News by Mr. Peter.
C. A lot of articles has written for the CNN News by Mr. Peter.
D. A lot of articles has been written for the CNN News by Mr. Peter.
37. Although he was tired, he finished doing his homework.
A. In spite his tiredness, he finished doing his homework.
B. In spite of his tiredness, he finished doing his homework.
Teacher: Bui Thi Kim Thuy Bien Giang Secondary School
C. In spite of he was tired, he finished doing his homework.
D. In spite his tired, he finished doing his homework.
38. He is a much slower speaker than my brother.
A. He speaks much more slowly than my brother.
B. He doesn’t speak much more slowly than my brother.
C. He speaks much more quickly than my brother.
D. He doesn’t speak much more quickly as my brother.
39. They often went to school by bike when they were young.
A. They used go to school by bike when they were young.
B. They used to going to school by bike when they were young.
C. They used to go to school by bike when they were young.
D. They used to went to school by bike when they were young.
40. She has taught her children to play piano for 4 years.
A. She started teaching her children to play piano 4 years ago.
B. She started to teaching her children to play piano 4 years ago.
C. She started teaching her children to play piano for 4 years ago.
D. She started teaching her children to play piano since 4 years.

The end

Teacher: Bui Thi Kim Thuy Bien Giang Secondary School

Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word whose underlined
part differs from the other three in pronunciation in each of the following questions.
1. A. leaves B. songs C. deserts D. knives
2. A. chalk B. chemistry C. chapter D. approach
Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that differs from the
other three in the position of primary stress in each of the following questions.
3. A. question B. investigate C. motorcycle D.
4. A. comfortable B. restaurant C. informal D. special
Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the underlined part that
needs correction in each of the following questions.
5. I've been studying French since I have started high
school. A B C D
6. It took them at least two months learning how to pronounce these
words. A B C D
7. Lake Superior, that lies on the US Canadian border, is the largest lake in North
America. A B
Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each
of the following questions.
8. Mary the country by the time this letter reaches her.
A. is going to leave B. will leave C. is leaving D. will have left
9. Most Americans don't object _ being called by their first names.
A. for B. to C. in D. about
10. Let's go to the library, ?
A. shall we B. will we C. would we D. should we
11. the rise in unemployment, people still seem to be spending more.
A. While B. Despite C. Meanwhile D. Although
12. The bomb _ in a crowded street.
A. went out B. went off C. came off D. came out
13. I'm sorry for such a fuss about the unfruitful plan.
A. making B. doing C. paying D. taking
14. Smoke, dirt and noise are all kinds of _ .
A. pollute B. polluting C. pollutants D. polluter
15. The speaker said _ nothing worth listening to.
A. complete B. completing C. completely D. completion
16. This switch is high for him to reach.
A. very B. too C. enough D. so
17. This is the first time I the experiment on plant breeding.
A. have done B. do C. would do D. did
18. I have been invited to a wedding _ 14 February.
A. in B. of C. on D. at
Teacher: Bui Thi Kim Thuy Bien Giang Secondary School
Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the most suitable response to
complete each of the following exchanges.
19. - "You look nice today. I like your new hair style." - "."
A. It's nice of you to say so B. Shall I? Thanks.
C. Oh, well done! D. I feel interesting to hear that.
20. - "A motorbike knocked Ted down I" - " ."
A. What is it now? B. Poor Ted I
C. How terrific! D. What a motorbike!
Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word CLOSEST in
meaning to the underlined word in each of the following questions.
21. I only have time to tell you the main idea of it, not the details.
A. story B. gist C. list D. start
22. Wildlife on Earth is disappearing fast and will continue to do so unless urgent action
is taken.
A. vanishing B. damaging C. polluting D. destroying
Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE
in meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.
23. My mother often tells me never to accept a lift from someone I've just met!
A. assist B. deny C. refuse D. prevent
24. When you bought that new computer a couple of years ago, you probably thought
its 500-megabyte hard disk would last forever.
A. certainly B. absolutely C. possibly D. generally
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to
indicate the correct word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks.
The relationship between students and teachers is less formal in the USA than in many
other countries. American students do not stand up (25)_ their teachers enter the
room. Students are encouraged to ask questions during class, to stop in the teacher's office
for extra help, and to phone if they are absent. Most teachers (26) _students to enter
class late or leave early if necessary. Despite the lack of formality, students are still
expected to be polite to their teachers and fellow classmates.
When students want to ask questions, they usually (27) a hand and wait to be
called on. When a test is being given, talking to a classmate is not only rude but also risky.
Most American teachers consider that students who are talking to each other (28) a
test are cheating.
25. A. when B. where C. that D. whether
26. A. let B. allow C. make D. encourage
27. A. rise B. arise C. raise D. put
28. A. in B. when C. while D. during
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to
indicate the correct answer to each of the questions.
Man is a land animal, but he also closely tied to the sea. Throughout history the sea has
served the needs of man. The sea has provided man with food and convenient way to travel

Teacher: Bui Thi Kim Thuy Bien Giang Secondary School

to many parts of the world. Today, nearly two thirds of the world's population lives within
80 kilometers of the sea coast.
In the modern technological world, the sea offers many resources to help mankind
survive. Resources on land are beginning to be used up. The sea, however, still can be
hoped to supply many man's needs. The list of riches of the sea yet to be developed by
man's technology is impressive. Oil and gas explorations have been carried out for nearly
30 years. Valuable amounts of minerals existing on the ocean floor are ready to be mined.
Fish farming promises to be a good way to produce large quantities of food. The culture
of fish and shellfish is an ancient skill practiced in the past mainly by Oriental people.
Besides oil and gas, the sea may offer new sources of energy. Experts believe that the warm
temperature of the ocean can be used in a way similar to the steam in a steamship. Ocean
currents and waves offer possible use as a source of energy.
Technology is enabling man to explore ever more deeply under the sea. The development
of strong, new materials has made this possible. The technology to harvest the sea continues
to improve. Experts believe that by the year 2020 the problems that prevent US from
exploiting fully the food, minerals, and energy source of the sea will be largely solved.
29. The major things that the sea offers man are .
A. fish and oil B. minerals and oil
C. food, energy sources, and minerals D. ocean currents and waves
30. We can conclude from the passage that .
A. the sea resources have largely been used up.
B. the sea, in a broad sense, has not yet been developed.
C. the problems that prevent US from fully exploiting the sea have already been solved
D. by the year 2000, the technology will be good enough to exploit all these
resources 31.The words "Oriental people" in the fourth paragraph means _.
A. people in Asia B. people in Africa
C. European people D. American people
32. The best title for this paragraph is .
A. Seafood B. Sea Harvest
C. Man and the Sea D. Technology for Exploiting the Sea

Mark letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that is closest in
meaning to the original sentence in each of the following questions.
33. It's a pity I can't cook as well as my mom.
A. I wish I could cook as well as my mom.
B. I wish I can cook as well as my mom.
C. I wish I could cook as good as my mom.
D. I wish I can cook as better as my mom.
34. Shall we use environmental problem in Ha Noi as a theme of the presentation?
A. She suggests use environmental problem in Ha Noi as a theme of the presentation.
B. She suggests to use environmental problem in Ha Noi as a theme of the presentation.
C. She suggests to using environmental problem in Ha Noi as a theme of the presentation.
D. She suggests using environmental problem in Ha Noi as a theme of the presentation.
Teacher: Bui Thi Kim Thuy Bien Giang Secondary School
35. Finish your homework or you can't go out with your friend.
A. Unless you finish your homework, you can go out with your friend.
B. If you don't finish your homework, you can go out with your friend.
C. If you don't finish your homework, you can't go out with your friend.
D. If you finish your homework, you can't go out with your friend.
36. It took me 4 hours to read the first chapter of the book.
A. I spent 4 hours reading the first chapter of the book.
B. I spent 4 hours to read the first chapter of the book.
C. I spent 4 hours to reading the first chapter of the book.
D. I spent 4 hours read the first chapter of the book.
37. Snowboarding is more dangerous than tennis.
A. Tennis is as dangerous as snowboarding.
B. Tennis is not as dangerous as snowboarding.
C. Tennis is as dangerously as snowboarding.
D. Tennis is not as dangerously as snowboarding.
38. Nobody saw her book at the party last night.
A. Her book was seen at the party last night.
B. Her book was not seen at the party last night.
C. Her book were seen at the party last night.
D. Her book were not seen at the party last night.
39. Jenny took a taxi, but she still arrived late for the interview.
A. In spite of Jenny took a taxi, she still arrived late for the interview.
B. Although taking a taxi, Jenny still arrived late for the interview.
C. Although Jenny took a taxi, she still arrived late for the interview.
D. In spite of took a taxi, Jenny still arrived late for the interview.
40. We didn’t go out because of the heavy rain.
A. We didn’t go out because it rained heavily.
B. We didn’t go out because of it rained heavily.
C. We didn’t go out because it didn’t rain heavily.
D. We didn’t go out because it rained heavy.
The end


Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word whose underlined
part differs from the other three in pronunciation in each of the following questions.
1. A. watches B. misses C. makes D. wishes
2. A. book B. pool C. school D. soon
Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that differs from the
other three in the position of primary stress in each of the following questions.
3. A. suggested B. remember C. restaurant D. increase
4. A. population B. government C. understand D. scientific

Teacher: Bui Thi Kim Thuy Bien Giang Secondary School

Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the underlined part that
needs correction in each of the following questions.
5. It’s late. It’s a time for us going
home. A B C D
6. I thought I recognized the assistant which served us.
7. The twentieth century was a time when there was a lot of important
events. A B C D
Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each
of the following questions.
8. My house in 1986.
A. is built B. was building C. was built D. has been built
9. The doctor _me not to stay up too late at night.
A. advised B. suggested C. insisted D. forced
10. Tomorrow we'll go to Noi Bai Airport to meet Maryam, comes from
A. who B. whom C. whose D. that
11. His house looks very large and beautiful. It is _house.
A. a seven-room B. a seven-rooms C. seven room D. seven rooms
12. If you get up early, you late.
A. weren't B. wouldn't be C. aren't D. won't be
13. It's very hot today. I wish I on the beach now.
A. am B. was C. were D. had been
14. When he lived in the city, he _to the theater twice a week.
A. uses to go B. has gone C. used to go D. was going
15 My father asked us too much time playing computer games.
A. not to spending B. did not spend C. not to spend D. to not spent
16. Hoai cannot remember the name of the restaurant she ate her favorite roasted
A. which B. whose C. whom D. where
17. If I were a flower, I a sunflower.
A. was B. were C. will be D. would be
18. Nobody went to the party, ?
A. does he B. do they C. didn’t they D. did they
Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the most suitable response to
complete each of the following exchanges.
19. Sally: "What about collecting used paper every day?" ~ Jenny: " "
A. Yes, you must. B. Well done.
C. That's a good idea. D. Thanks, it's nice of you.
20. Peter: “Would you like some more tea?" ~ John: " "
A. Yes, give me some B. Yes, you would
C. No, I won't D. No, please

Teacher: Bui Thi Kim Thuy Bien Giang Secondary School

Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word CLOSEST in
meaning to the underlined word in each of the following questions.
21. The development of basic skills like how to cross the street, or what to do when you
get lost, must be carefully taught at primary school.
A. social B. necessary C. cultural D. difficult
22. I’m happy that my sister is getting on very well in her new job.
A. making progress B. avoiding punishment
C. feeling surprised D. learning new things
Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in
meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.
23. The spoken language differs considerably from the written language.
A. greatly B. a lot C. very little D. similarly
24. In some rural areas, English is an optional subject for school children.
A. compulsory B. interesting C. voluntary D. academic
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to
indicate the correct word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks.
Newspapers, magazines, and books are the written media. Newspapers are one of the
main sources for spreading news and events (25) the world.
Radio and television supply information and entertainment to the public. Motion
pictures are one of the most (26) forms of entertainment. Movies can also teach people
many other subjects.
The multimedia computer helps students learn about a particular topic in a (27) _
of ways. When we use the Internet, we can give and get a lot of information very (28)_ .
25. A. all B. throughout C. out D. on
26. A. right B. interested C. expensive D. popular
27. A. variety B. difference C. change D. kind
28. A. exactly B. correctly C. secretly D. quickly
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to
indicate the correct answer to each of the questions.
Malaysia is one of the countries of the Association of South East Asian Nations
(ASEAN). It is divided into two regions, known as West Malaysia and East Malaysia. They
are separated by about 640 km of the sea and together comprise an area of 329,758 sq. km.
Malaysia enjoys tropical climate. The Malaysian unit of currency is the ringgit, consisting
of 100 sen.
The capital of Malaysia is Kuala Lumpur and it is also the largest city in the country.
The population in 2001 was over 22 million. Islam is the country’s official religion. In
addition, there are other religions such as Buddhism and Hinduism. The national language
is Bahasa Malaysia (also known simply as Malay). English, Chinese, and Tamil are also
widely spoken. The language of instruction for primary school children is Bahasa Malaysia,
Chinese, or Tamil. Bahasa Malaysia is the primary language of instruction in all secondary
schools, although some students may continue learning in Chinese or Tamil. And English is
a compulsory second language.
29. According to the paragraph one, which of the following is NOT correct?
Teacher: Bui Thi Kim Thuy Bien Giang Secondary School
A. The sea divides Malaysia into two regions. B. A ringgit consists of 100 sen.
C. Malaysia is a member of ASEAN. D. Malaysia has got about 640 km of the sea.
30. Kuala Lumpur .
A. had over 22 million people in 2001 B. is the second largest city in Malaysia
C. is the capital city of Malaysia D. is the biggest city in West Malaysia
31. The national religion of Malaysia is .
A. Islam B. Buddhism C. Hinduism D. Bahasa
32. The number of languages widely spoken in Malaysia .
A. one B. two C. three D. four
Mark letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that is closest in
meaning to the original sentence in each of the following questions.
33. I’m sorry I can’t go to your birthday party tomorrow.
A. I wish I can go to your birthday party tomorrow.
B. I wish I can’t go to your birthday party tomorrow.
C. I wish I could go to your birthday party tomorrow.
D. I wish I couldn’t go to your birthday party tomorrow.
34. “Why don’t you meet to discuss how to organize the fair?”
A. He suggested that we should meet to discuss how to organize the fair.
B. He suggested that we shouldn’t meet to discuss how to organize the fair.
C. He suggested to meet to discuss how to organize the fair.
D. He suggested to meeting to discuss how to organize the fair.
35. Nobody has invited me, so I’m not going to the party.
A. Because I haven’t been invited, I’m going to the party.
B. Because of I haven’t been invited, I’m not going to the party.
C. Because I have been invited, I’m not going to the party.
D. Because I haven’t been invited, I’m not going to the party.
36. They have a great interest in artificial intelligence.
A. They are great interested in artificial intelligence.
B. They are greatly interested in artificial intelligence.
C. They aren’t great interested in artificial intelligence.
D. They aren’t greatly interested in artificial intelligence.
37. Although it rained heavily, we all enjoyed the excursion.
A. Despite it rained heavily, we all enjoyed the excursion.
B. Despite the rain heavy, we all enjoyed the excursion.
C. Despite the heavy rain, we all enjoyed the excursion.
D. Despite the heavily rain, we all enjoyed the excursion.
38. Our school library contains over 50 thousand books.
A. There is over 50 thousand books in our school library.
B. There are over 50 thousand books in our school library.
C. There have been over 50 thousand books in our school library.
D. There has been over 50 thousand books in our school library.
39. She loves Japanese food. She goes to that Japanese restaurant every week.
A. She loves Japanese food so she goes to that Japanese restaurant every week.
Teacher: Bui Thi Kim Thuy Bien Giang Secondary School
B. She loves Japanese food because she goes to that Japanese restaurant every week.
C. She loves Japanese food because of she goes to that Japanese restaurant every week.
D. She loves Japanese food as she goes to that Japanese restaurant every week.
40. “Where are you going on your holidays?” I asked them.
A. I asked them where they are going on their holidays.
B. I asked them where are they going on their holidays.
C. I asked them where they were going on their holidays.
D. I asked them where were they going on their holidays.
The end


Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word whose underlined
part differs from the other three in pronunciation in each of the following questions.
1. A. arranged B. wanted C. climbed D. stayed
2. A. lazy B. sticky C. supply D. baggy
Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that differs from the
other three in the position of primary stress in each of the following questions.
3. A. habitat B. athletics C. interview D. memory
4. A. benefit B. commercial C. encourage D.
embroider Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the underlined
part that needs correction in each of the following questions.
5. Tom has got the job. You must congratulate him for his
success. A B C
6. The cooker who is in the kitchen doesn’t work anymore.
7. She will pay less but she uses two energy-saving
bulbs. AB C
Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each
of the following questions.
8. He went to a seaside resort because he was on water-skiing.
A. bright B. eager C. keen D. interested
9. It took him years to the shock of his wife dying.
A. take on B. get over C. go off D. put off
10. He was advised that he singing lessons.
A. should take B. will take C. had taken D. took
11. He will not be to vote in this year's election.
A. old enough B. enough old C. as old enough D. enough
old as
12. extended family include several generations living together in the same house.
A. A B. An C. The D. Ø
Teacher: Bui Thi Kim Thuy Bien Giang Secondary School
13. The crowd at the basketball game were wild excitement.
A. for B. like C. in D. with

Teacher: Bui Thi Kim Thuy Bien Giang Secondary School

14. I've tried those tablets and they are not_ in helping me stop coughing.
A. effective B. successful C. profitable D. helpful
15. Which is _, Mount Everest or K2 in the Himalaya?
A. higher B. the higher C. highest D. the highest
16. He couldn't reach the goal, surprised me.
A. who B. whom C. which D. that
17. He will take US to the town _ we can see old temples.
A. that B. which C. when D. where
18. This is the first time I the experiment on plant breeding.
A. have done B. do C. would do D. did
Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the most suitable response to
complete each of the following exchanges.
19. Tom: "Congratulations! You've passed the exam." ~ John: "_ "
A. No, I don't think so B. Many thanks C. Sorry, I don't D. Not at all
20. Lan: “Why don’t we go out for a picnic?” ~ Trang: “ _”
A. Congratulations! B. That’s a good idea.
C. Because I’m busy. D. You’re very kind to say so
Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word CLOSEST in
meaning to the underlined word in each of the following questions.
21. Don't worry, you can count on me. I’ll try my best to help you.
A. look after B. live on C. rely on D. stand for
22. We had a discussion in class today about requiring students to wear, school uniforms.
A. ban B. arrangement C. reduction D. debate
Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE
in meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.
23. If we had taken his sage advice, we wouldn't be in so much trouble now.
A. unwilling B. clever C. unwise D. eager
24. When you put on clothing or make-up, you place it on your body in order to wear it.
A. take off B. look after C. wash up D. get on
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to
indicate the correct word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks.
It is estimated that about three billion people use the internet computer network
around the world. Most people use the Internet to (25) information or for entertainment. A
new study, however, shows US that almost 10% of Internet users are using it SO often that
it is seriously harming their lives. The study says that these people may find it difficult to
stop using the Internet because they have become addicted. Someone who is addicted finds
it extremely difficult to stop (26) _ activity. According to a psychologist in the field.
30% of Internet users claim that they use the Internet to escape from (27) or
emotions. The study also shows that having a chat or discussion with strangers on the
Internet is one of the most (28) activities.
25. A. take B. get C. make D. catch
26. A. the B. a C. an D. Ø
27. A. trouble B. nuisance C. dangers D. problems
Teacher: Bui Thi Kim Thuy Bien Giang Secondary School
28. A. liking B. desired C. addictive D. hunted
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet
to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions.
It is a common saying that we do not fully value a thing until we lose it. We often value
the love and worth of a friend when he has been taken from US by death more than when he
was with US in the flesh; it is only when we have left school or college that we understand
the greatness of our opportunity of education, which has gone forever; and it is the sick and
the ailing who realize the value of good health, when we are young and strong, we cannot
imagine what it is to be weak and ailing. We are so used to vigorous health that we take it
for granted. The organs of our body work so smoothly that we scarcely know we have lungs
and liver, heart and stomach. But when any of these gets upset and gives US pain and
sickness, we learn by bitter experience what an unspeakable blessing it is to be well.
Loss of health makes US miserable, and a burden to ourselves and our friends. It
cripples our efforts so that we cannot accomplish many of the good and great things we
might have done. It spoils our life. What must we do to keep our health?
We must be moderate in eating and drinking and wise in the choice of plain,
wholesome simple food. Gluttony has killed thousands, and strong drink tens of thousands.
We must, when young, get plenty of sleep, which is "nature's sweet restorer", and not try to
burn the candle at both ends. We must live as much as possible in the open air and keep our
rooms well ventilated. We must get sufficient and regular physical exercise, and keep our
bodies clean. And we must avoid bad habits and secret sins as we avoid the devil, and keep
our thoughts clean and our bodies pure. Our ideal must be the sound mind in the sound
29. Accordingtothe passage, weoftenappreciateourfriends .
A. only when they are with US B. only when they are good to US.
C. only when they passed away D. only when they live a long way from US.
30. We do not take care of our health because .
A. we are always in good health B. most of the diseases can be cured nowadays
C. we are so accustomed to good health D. we are so busy making a living
31. Poor health makes us. _
A. useless B. unable to fulfil our expectations
C. a shame to our friends D. fail to become famous
32. The best title for the passage is. _.
A. Health and Human Aspirations B. Health and Our Success
C. How to Keep Our Health D. The Value of Health
Mark letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that is closest in
meaning to the original sentence in each of the following questions.
33. “I will help you,” Bob said to me.
A. Bob told me he would help me.
B. Bob asked me to help him.
C. Bob said that he would help you.
D. Bob warned me that he would help her.
34. They had decorated the tree with colored balls.
Teacher: Bui Thi Kim Thuy Bien Giang Secondary School
A. Colored balls had been decorated under the tree. 100

Teacher: Bui Thi Kim Thuy Bien Giang Secondary School

B. The tree had been decorated with colored balls. 101
C. They had decorated colored balls and the tree.
D. With colored balls the tree had looked beautiful.
35. I don’t want to hear you complaining any more.
A. I’ve had enough of your complaining.
B. I wish to hear you complaining more and more.
C. Why don’t you complain more?
D. I’m too busy to listen to your complaining.
36. I didn't arrive in time to see her.
A. I was early enough but I didn't see her.
B. She was late so I couldn’t see her.
C. I wasn't early enough to see her.
D. I am so late that I can't see her.
37. The exercise was so difficult that we couldn’t do it.
A. It was so a difficult exercise that we couldn’t do it.
B. It was too a difficult exercise that we couldn’t do it.
C. It was enough a difficult exercise that we couldn’t do it.
D. It was such a difficult exercise that we couldn’t do it.
38. He is sorry he is not able to speak English well.
A. He wishes he can speak English well.
B. He wishes he could speak English well.
C. He wishes he is able to speak English well.
D. He wishes he was able to speak English well.
39. Tom passed the test easily.
A. Tom have no difficulty passing the test.
B. Tom has no difficulty passing the test.
C. Tom had no difficulty passing the test.
D. Tom didn’t have no difficulty passing the test.
40. My friend cannot run as fast as me.
A. I can run faster than my friend.
B. I cannot run faster than my friend.
C. I can run faster as my friend.
D. I can run faster more than my friend.
The end

Teacher: Bui Thi Kim Thuy Bien Giang Secondary School

Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word whose underlined
part differs from the other three in pronunciation in each of the following questions.
1. A. volcano B. locate C. oversleep D. icon
2. A. closed B. looked C. rained D. followed
Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that differs from the
other three in the position of primary stress in each of the following questions.
3. A. surface B. remind C. wander D. spacecraft
4. A. minority B. expedition C. technology D.
Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the underlined part that
needs correction in each of the following questions.
5. One reason birds have been so successful is because of their able to escape from
danger quickly.
6. Dreams are commonly made up of either visual and verbal
images. A B C D
7. Water has been vital to the development and survivor of
civilization. A B C D
Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each
of the following questions.
8. The school all the students to take an interest in arts.
A. noticed B. encouraged C. supposed D. managed
9. I like sitting on the beach watching the in the evenings.
A. sunshine B. sunrise C. sunlight D. sunset
10. There is water in the well but not enough for everyone in the village.
A. few B. a few C. little D. a little
11. I bought these magazines have something to read on the trip.
A. for B. so that C. so as to D. in order
12. I have been invited to a wedding _ 14 February.
A. in B. of C. on D. at
13. You don't seem very _ about the party. Don't you want to go tonight?
A. enthusiast B. enthusiastic C. enthusiasm D.
14. All , no matter how small, will be much appreciated.
A. contribute B. contributed C. contributions D. contributor
15. I wish Susan harder for her examination.
A. will work B. worked C. has worked D. works
16. Mary was really by the beauty of Hanoi.
A. impress B. impression C. impressed D. impressive
17. Would you mind if I _your dictionary?
A. borrow B. am borrowing C. borrows D. borrowed
Teacher: Bui Thi Kim Thuy Bien Giang Secondary School
18. She a letter when the telephone rang. 103
A. wrote B. was writing C. was written D. has written
Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the most suitable response
to complete each of the following exchanges.
19. Jim: “What about collecting used paper, bottles and plastic bags every day?” - Ha
and Mai: “ ”
A. Because they can pollute the environment. B. How come? Who can do that?
C. That's a very good idea. Let's do that. D. What about this weekend?
20. Phuong: “I'm taking my TOEFL test tomorrow.” - Daisy: “ ”
A. Good fortune. B. Good luck. C. Good outcome. D. Good success.
Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word CLOSEST in
meaning to the underlined word in each of the following questions.
21. The Internet is available only in cities and towns, so we cannot easily get access to it in
the countryside.
A. visiting B. existing C. safe D. helpful
22. The naughty boy was scolded for breaking the neighbour's window yesterday.
A. told off B. complimented C. caught D. taken care of
Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in
meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.
23. A small fish needs camouflage to hide itself so that its enemies cannot find it.
A. cover B. beautify C. show D. locate
24. Solar energy doesn't cause pollution, but it is not cheap.
A. expensive B. effective C. commercial D. possible
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to
indicate the correct word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks.
Since the world has become industrialized, there has been an increase in the number
of animal species that have become extinct or nearly extinct. Bengal tigers, (25) _
were once found in a large number in jungles, now are thought to be only 2,300 in number.
By the year 2025 their (26) in the world is estimated to be down to zero. The
dangerous thing is that people don't hunt them for money but mainly (27) _ they
enjoy hunting them. Animals like the Bengal tiger, as well as other endangered species are
very important to the world's ecosystem. International laws protecting these animals must
be passed to save them. Countries around the world have begun to solve the problem in
many ways. Reserves and national parks have been established. Money provided by world
organizations has been spent on maintaining the parks. The use of products made from (28)
species has been stopped.
25. A. whose B. which C. that D. who
26. A. population B. amount C. quantity D. diversity
27. A. for B.therefore C. because D. so
28. A.dangerous B. danger C. endangered D. endanger
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to
indicate the correct answer to each of the questions.

Teacher: Bui Thi Kim Thuy Bien Giang Secondary School

104 TV”.
One of the biggest trends in television in recent years has been the rise of “Reality
These shows, in which ordinary people are placed in unusual situations and then filmed
without a script, have become some of the highest rating shows on television. Early
programs of this genre, including Big Brother (from the Netherlands) and Survivor (from
the United States), have led to dozens of copycat programs in many different countries. A
common element to many of these programs is that a number of contestants are placed in a
closed environment in which they are filmed 24 hours a day, and every week contestants
are thrown off the show. What is it about these shows that makes them so popular? Perhaps
it is because viewers enjoy watching ordinary people with real emotions being placed in
extraordinary, situations. Or perhaps it is that people are really voyeurs - they enjoy being a
spy, looking secretly into other people’s lives.
29. In recent years, "Reality TV has become more and more _.
A. interesting B. unusual C. popular D. enjoyable
30. The underlined word ‘‘which” in the passage refers to _.
A. a common element B. a closed environment
C. every week D. the show
31. What is true about “Reality TV”?
A. They are made by ordinary people. B. They create many copycat programs.
C. They describe people’s lives. D. They are filmed without a script.
32. We can infer from the passage that .
A. “Reality TV” used to be more trendy
B. “Reality TV" is becoming more and more competitive
C. viewers enjoy watching something real but unusual
D. viewers can become spies to look into other people’s lives
Mark letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that is closest in
meaning to the original sentence in each of the following questions.
33. He started working in this company five years ago.
A. He has worked in this company for five years.
B. It was five years ago did he start working in this company.
C. He hasn’t worked in this company for five years.
D. It is five years since he has worked in this company.
34. The woman was too weak to lift the basket.
A. Although she was weak, she could lift the basket.
B. The woman shouldn't have lifted the basket because she was so weak.
C. She was so weak that she couldn't lift the basket.
D. The woman lifted the basket, so she wasn't very weak.
35. "If I were you, I would take a break," Tom said to Daisy.
A. Tom wanted to take a break with Daisy.
B. Tom advised Daisy to take a break.
C. Tom suggested not taking a break.
D. Tom wanted to take a break, and so did Daisy.
36. They got success since they took my advice.
A. They took my advice, and failed.
Teacher: Bui Thi Kim Thuy Bien Giang Secondary School
B. If they did not take my advice, they would not get success. 105
C. But for taking my advice, they would not have got success.
D. My advice stopped them from getting success.
37. They did not let me in because I was not a member of the club.
A. They invited me although I was not a member of the club.
B. They did not allow me to enter because I was not a member of the club.
C. They invited me to the clubs as if I had been a member.
D. They asked me to get out of the club because I was not a member.
38. The last time I went to the museum was four years ago.
A. I have not been to the museum for four years.
B. Four years ago, I often went to the museum.
C. My going to the museum lasted four years.
D. At last I went to the museum after four years
39. They are not allowed to go out in the evening by their parents.
A. Their parents do not want them to go out in the evening.
B. Their parents never let them to go out in the evening.
C. Going out in the evening is permitted by their parents.
D. Although their parents do not allow, they still go out in the evening.
40. This is the first time I attend such an exciting holiday.
A. The first holiday I attended was exciting.
B. I had the first exciting holiday.
C. My attendance at the first holiday was exciting.
D. I have never attended such an exciting holiday before.
The end


Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word whose underlined
part differs from the other three in pronunciation in each of the following questions.
Question 1: A. grate B. staple C. marinate D. shallot
Question 2: A. dials B. calls C. talks D. plays
Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that differs from
the other three in the position of primary stress in each of the following questions.
Question 3: A. fashion B. pattern C. symbol D. design
Question 4: A. prisoner B. disaster C. agency
D. president
Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the underlined part that
needs correction in each of the following questions.
Question 5: She wishes her parents come here tomorrow.
A. wishes B. parents C. come D. here
Question 6: Copper comes from seven types of ores that also containthe other materials.
A. types B. ores C. also contain D. the other
Question 7: His doctor advised him to stop to smoke.
Teacher: Bui Thi Kim Thuy Bien Giang Secondary School
A. His B. advised C. to stop D. to smoke 106
Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each
of the following questions.
Question 8: Have you ever met the man Mary’s cousin?
A. who married B. who is married C. whom married D. who was married
Question 9: They are living in a house that in 1930.
A. is built B. was built C. built D. was building
Question 10: If the weather worse, we won’t go to the beach.
A. gets B. will get C. got D. would get
Question 11: I’m learning English _ I want to get a good job after school.
A. but B. because C. so D. therefore
Question 12: My sister is very fond _ eating chocolate candy.
A. at B. about C. of D. with
Question 13: My sister is very of spiders.
A. terror B. terrify C. terrified D. terrifying
Question 14: The interviewer asked me why I learning English.
A. like B. will like C. liked D. would like
Question 15: Your father doesn’t work in that bank, he?
A. is B. isn’t C. does D. doesn’t
Question 16: You look terrific today! That color really_ !
A. wears B. matches C. fits D. suits
Mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the most suitable response to complete each of the
following exchanges.
Question 17: “Well done! That’s a very nice
picture!” “ ”
A. Thanks. It’s nice of you to say so. B. Wow. What’s a nice compliment!
C. Yes. I think so too. D. Right. I’ve painted a nice picture.
Question 18: “Must I finish my homework
now?” “ ”
A. Yes, you may. B. Yes, you need.
C. No, you can’t. D. No, you needn’t.
Mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined
word(s) in each of the following questions.
Question 19: The graduation is sad, because the time we studied together has come to an
A. succeeded B. begun C. finished D. changed
Question 20: Under the major’s able leadership, the soldiers found safety.
A. guidance B. intensity C. flagship D. ability
Mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined
word(s) in each of the following questions.
Question 21: If you follow these simple rules, not only will you save money, but also the
environment will be cleaner.
A. earn B. count C. waste D. replace
Teacher: Bui Thi Kim Thuy Bien Giang Secondary School
Question 22: Animal communication is not a straightforward subject. It’s complicated 107
because animals communicate differently with each other.
A. impossible to express B. difficult to understand
C. easy to interpret D. interesting to study
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to
indicate the correct word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks.
Jeans are very popular with (23)_ people all over the world. Some people say that
jeans are the “uniform” of youth. But they haven’t always been popular. The story of jeans
(24) _ almost two hundred years ago. People in Genoa, Italy made pants. The cloth
made in Genoa was (25) “jeanos”. The pants were called “jeans”. In 1850, a
salesman in California began selling pants made of canvas. His name was Levi Strauss. Because
they were so strong, “Levi’s pants” became (26) with gold miners, fanners and
cowboys. Six years later Levis began making his pants with blue cotton cloth called denim.
Soon after, factory (27) in the US and Europe began wearing jeans. Young people
usually didn’t wear them.
Question 23: A. rich B. old C. young D. poor
Question 24: A. start B. starts C. was starting D. started
Question 25: A. call B. calls C. calling D. called
Question 26: A. famous B. popular C. good D.
wonderful Question 27: A. workers B. drivers C. cowboys
D. fanners
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B or C on your answer sheet to indicate
the correct answer to each of the questions.
Smoking causes lung cancer, which is the number one cancer among men. Ninety percent
of the people who get lung cancer die. Smoking is also the leading cause of mouth cancer,
tongue cancer, and throat cancer. Many smokers have heart disease arid pneumonia. Smoking
causes one million early deaths in the world every year.
Smokers not only harm themselves but also harm others. Smokers breathe smoke out into
the air. They breathe it out on their children and their wives or husbands. Children whose parents
smoke have more breathing and lung problems than other children. Women who are married
to smokers are more likely to have lung cancer than those married to non- smokers.
We are all aware that smoking is bad. So why do people smoke?
Question 28: The number one cancer among men is .
A. tongue cancer B. throat cancer C. lung cancer D. mouth cancer
Question 29: The main cause of mouth cancer, tongue cancer and throat cancer is .
A. drinking B. overeating C. breathing D. smoking
Question 30: Every year, smoking causes about one million .
A. cancer patients B. killing diseases C. early deaths D. injured men
Question 31: The word “it” in the passage refers to _ .
A. cancer B. smoke C. air D. breath
Question 32: Who are more likely to have lung cancer and lung problems?
A. People who live in the city. B. Who live with smokes.
C. People who live with non-smokers. D. People who live in the country.
Teacher: Bui Thi Kim Thuy Bien Giang Secondary School
Choose one sentence that has the same meaning as the root one. 108
Question 33: “Do you know Long’s address?” he asked me.
A. He asked me for Long’s address. B. He asked me if someone knew Long’s address.
C. He asked me if I know Long’s address.D. He asked me if I knew Long’s address.
Question 34: They are building a new bridge over the river.
A. A new bridge is building over the river.
B. A new bridge is being built over the river.
C. A new bridge is going to build over the river.
D. A new bridge is built over the river.
Question 35: I used to go to the cinema on Sundays.
A. I usually went to the cinema on Sundays. B. I got used to going the cinema on
C. I didn’t go to the cinema on Sundays. D. I usually go to the cinema on Sundays.
Question 36: You feel unhealthy because you don’t take any exercise.
A. If you don’t take any exercise, you will feel healthy.
B. If you took more exercise, you would feel healthier.
C. If you take more exercise, you will feel healthier.
D. If you were healthier, you would take more exercise.
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that best
combines each pair of sentences in the following questions.
Question 37: “Alice in the Wonderland” was written for children. It appeals to many adult
A. Though for children written, “Alice in the Wonderland” appeals to many
adult readers.
B. Though written for children, “Alice in the Wonderland” appeals to many
adult readers.
C. Though it written for children, “Alice in the Wonderland” appeals to many
adult readers.
D. Though writing for children, “Alice in the Wonderland” appeals to many
adult readers.
Question 38: The agreement ended six-month negotiation. It was signed yesterday.
A. The agreement ended six-month negotiation which was signed yesterday.
B .The agreement which was signed yesterday lasted six months.
C. The negotiation which lasted six months was signed yesterday.
D. The agreement which was signed yesterday ended six-month negotiation.
Question 39: Think it through very carefully. Or else, you will not come up with the right
A. If you think it through very carefully, you will not come up with the right answer.
B. Although you think it through very carefully, you will not come up with the
right answer.
C. However carefully you think it through, you will not come up with the right answer.

Teacher: Bui Thi Kim Thuy Bien Giang Secondary School

D. Unless you think it through very carefully, you will not come up with the 109
right answer.
Question 40: He felt very tired. However, he was determined to continue his work.
A. As the result of his tiredness, he was determined to continue his work.
B. He felt so tired that he was determined to continue his work.
C. Feeling tired, he was determined to continue his work.
D. Tired as he might feel, he was determined to continue his work
The end


Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word whose underlined
part differs from the other three in pronunciation in each of the following questions.
Question 1: A. garbage B. standard C. solar D. lunar
Question 2: A. worked B. wanted C. stopped D. asked
Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that differs from the
other three in the position of primary stress in each of the following questions.
Question 3: A. dancer B. cycling C. traffic D. balloon
Question 4: A. develop B. introduce C. discover D. continue
Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the underlined part that needs
correction in each of the following questions.
Question 5: We can savenature resources by usingsolar energy.
A. save B. nature resources C. using D. solar
Question 6: Mr. Thanh, who sing English songs very well, is my teacher of English.
A. who sing B. English songs C. well D. is
Question 7: My father asked us not to spending too much timeplaying computer games.
A. asked B. not to spending C. too much D. playing
Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of
the following questions.
Question 8: Do you mind if I turn the T.V? I want to watch the news.
A. off B. out C. down D. on
Question 9: They are used outdoors and under pressure.
A. to work B. to be working C. to working D. Worked
Question 10: She asked me what .
A. is my name B. my name is C. my name was D. my name
Question 11: They have known each other they were children.
A. to B. for C. while D. Since
Question 12: It’s very kind you to help me.
A. to B. of C. with D. for
Question 13: If you eat too quickly, you may not attention to whether your hunger
is satisfied.
A. pay B. take C. keep D. Show

Teacher: Bui Thi Kim Thuy Bien Giang Secondary School

Question 14: If children don’t play sports, they sleepy and tired. 110
A. would feel B. will feel C. would have felt D. had felt
Question 15: Our plane arrives in Hanoi at two o’clock in afternoon.
A. Ø - the B. the - the C. a - a D. the - an
Question 16:If he had driven more _ , he wouldn’t have had an accident.
A. careful B. careless C. carefully D. carelessly
Mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the most suitable response to complete each of the
following exchanges.
Question 17: “Thank you very much for helping the disadvantaged children here!”
-“ ”
A. What a pity! B. It’s our pleasure.
C. Sorry, we don’t know D. That’s nice of you.
Question 18: “Take care! Have a seat trip back!” -“ ”
A. Thanks for coming B. Sounds good
C. Thanks, bye D. Good luck next time
Mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined
word(s) in each of the following questions.
Question 19: They were qualified for the job, but they were not recruited.
A. competitive B. selected C. competent D. applied
Question 20: Wage discrimination affects women negatively.
A. motivates B. influences C. encourages D. affords
Mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined
word(s) in each of the following questions.
Question 21: Fresh water is very important to life because no one can live without it. Yes it is
one of the limited and most endangered natural resources on our planet.
A. Clean B. Drinkable C. Polluted D. Running
Question 22: One way to protect our environment from pollution is to reduce
wasteful consumption.
A. costly B. excessive C. safe D. economical
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to
indicate the correct word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks.
Since the world has become industrialized, there has been increase in the number of
animal (23) that have become extinct or nearly extinct. Bengal tigers, (24)__ were once
found in large number in jungles, now are thought to be only 2,300 in number. By the year
2025 their (25) in the world is estimated to be down to zero. “The dangerous thing is that
people don’t hunt them for money but mainly_ (26) they enjoy hunting them. Animals like
the Bengal tiger, as well as other endangered species are very important to the world’s
ecosystem. International laws protecting these animal must be passed to save them. Countries
around the world have begun to solve the problem in many ways. Reserves and national parks
have been established. Money provided by world organizations has been spent on maintaining
the parks. The use of products made them from (27) species has been stopped.
Question 23: A. kinds B. types C. families D. species

Teacher: Bui Thi Kim Thuy Bien Giang Secondary School

Question 24: A. whose B. which C. that D. who 111
Question 25: A. population B. amount C. quantity D. diversity
Question 26: A. for B. therefore C. because D. so
Question 27: A. dangerous B. danger C. endangered D. endanger
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B or C on your answer sheet to
indicate the correct answer to each of the questions.
My first piece of advice to people who want to start getting fit is don’t buy an
exercise bike. Typically, people who buy them use them for a week or so and then forget
about them. There are effective if they are used regularly but you need to be determined.
Most people will find it much easier to go for a gentle jog around the park.
As well as being easy to do, jogging is also relatively cheap compared to most other
sports. You don’t need to buy expensive clothes if you’re just going running around the
park or on the beach. The main thing is that they’re comfortable, and that they keep you
warm in the winter and cool in the summer. There is one piece of equipment, however,
that you will have to spend time and money on, and that’s your running shoes.
Remember that you are not looking for a fashion item, but for something that will
support your feet and protect you from injury. They can be expensive, but if they are
good quality they will last you a long time. It’s always best to get expert advice, and the
best place for that is a sports shop.
As for the actual jogging, the secret is to start gently, and not to do much at the beginning
– especially if you haven’t had any exercise for a long time. Try a mixture of walking
and running for ten minutes about three times a week at first. Once you are happy doing
that you can then start to increase the amount you do gradually. After a few months you
should hope to be able to run at reasonable speed for twenty minutes three or four times a
week. It’s important that you feel comfortable with whatever you do. If you do, you’ll
start to enjoy it and will probably keep doing it. If it makes you feel uncomfortable,
you’ll probably stop after a short time and return to your bad habits. In any case, training
too hard is not very effective. Research has shown that somebody who exercise for twice
as long as or twice as hard as another person doesn’t automatically become twice as fit.
(Source: Solutions intermediate student’s book)

Question 28. Which of the following would serve as the best title for the passage?
A. Exercise B. Gentle jogging C. Keeping fit D. Running shoes
Question 29. What is true about the exercise bikes?
A. Exercise bikes do not help you get fit.
B. It is more costly than most other sports.
C. Many people prefer it to gentle jogging.
D. Most people don’t use it for very long.
Question 30. The word “determined” in the passage probably means .
A. Confident B. decisive C. flexible D. positive
Question 31. According to the author, you should .
A. go jogging around a park or on the beach

Teacher: Bui Thi Kim Thuy Bien Giang Secondary School

B. go to sports shop for high quality running shoes
C. keep warm at all the times when you are jogging
D. spend time and money on fashionable items
Question 32. It is started in the passage that .
A. you are advised to start jogging by walking for ten minutes
B. you should expect to feel much uncomfortable when jogging
C. you should jog three days a week and walk on the other days
D. you won’t necessarily be lot fitter by running twice as
fast Choose one sentence that has the same meaning as the root
one. Question 33.He started learning French six years ago.
A. He has learned French for six years.
B. It was six years ago did he start learning French.
C. He hasn’t learnt French for six years.
D. It is six years since he has learnt French.
Question 34. People believed he won a lot of money on the lottery.
A. He is believed that he won a lot of money on the lottery.
B. He won a lot of money on the lottery, it is believed.
C. He is believed to have won a lot of money on the lottery.
D. He was believed to win a lot of money on the lottery.
Question 35. “Leave my house now or I’ll call the police!” shouted the lady to the man.
A. The lady threatened to call the police if the man didn’t leave her house.
B. The lady said that she would call the police if the man didn’t leave her house.
C. The lady told the man that she would call the police if he didn’t leave her house.
D. The lady informed the man that she would call the police if he didn’t leave her house
Question 36. The last time I went to the museum was a year ago.
A. I have not been to the museum for a year. B. A year ago, I often went to the museum.
C. My going to the museum lasted a year. D. At last I went to the museum after a
year Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that
best combines each pair of sentences in the following questions.
Question 37: The woman was very weak. She couldn’t lift the basket.
A. Although she was weak, she could lift the basket.
B. The woman shouldn't have lifted the basket because she was so weak.
C. She was too weak to lift the basket.
D. The woman lifted the basket, so she wasn't very weak.
Question 38: They did not let me in. I was not a member of the club.
A. They invited me although I was not a member of the club.
B. They did not allow me to enter because I was not a member of the club.
C. They invited me to the clubs as if I had been a member.
D. They asked me to get out of the club because I was not a member.
Question 39: They made too many mistakes. Therefore, they failed in the exam.
A. They made very many mistakes that they failed in the exam.
B. They made too many mistake for them to fail in the exam.

Teacher: Bui Thi Kim Thuy Bien Giang Secondary School

C. They made so many mistakes that they failed in the exam.
D. They made such many mistakes that they failed in the exam.
Question 40: The coffee was not strong. It didn’t keep us awake.
A. The coffee was very strong, but it couldn’t keep us awake.
B. We were kept awake because the coffee was strong.
C. The coffee was not strong enough to keep us awake.
D. The coffee was so hot that it didn’t keep us awake.
The end

Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word whose underlined
part differs from the other three in pronunciation in each of the following questions.
1. A. walked B. finished C. fixed D. mended
2. A. spend B. invent C. media D. access
Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that differs from the
other three in the position of primary stress in each of the following questions.
3. A. typhoon B. disaster C. temperature D. experience
4. A. eruption B. tornado C. predict D. snowstorm
Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the underlined part that needs
correction in each of the following questions.
5. It is normal for students to be nervous when they were preparing for a new school
year. A B C D
6. This is the best place which I think of for our
holiday. A B C D
7. The teacher felt angrily when he saw what was happening in the
classroom. A B C D
Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of
the following questions.
8. Students will a two-hour examination at the end of the year.
A. take B. make C. come D. do
9. This job is a lot different _ what I’m used to.
A. with B. from C. about D. for
10. The young birds depend their parents for food several weeks.
A. at B. into C. on D. by
11. She was that she always came top of the class.
A. so clever B. too clever C. such clever D. clever enough
12. I could not eat I was very hungry.
A. despite B. in spite of C. although D. because of
13. English is thought to be _ Math.
A. harder than B. more hard than C. as hard than D. the hardest to

Teacher: Bui Thi Kim Thuy Bien Giang Secondary School

14. The city will have to find a solution to reduce traffic jams, ?
A. will it B. won’t it C. won't they D. will they
15. He made a of Roman coins and medals.
A. collect B. collective C. collection D. collector
16. According to our school's regulations, students use mobile phones in class.
A. mustn’t B. shouldn’t C. needn’t D. won’t
17. go on a diet, you will not lose weight.
A. If you B. If you not C. Unless you D. Unless you don’t
18. She wore the party last night.
A. a long white wedding dress B. a white long wedding dress
C. a wedding white long dress D. a long wedding white dress
Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the most suitable response to
complete each of the following exchanges.
19. Mike and Jenny are at their first meeting.
- Mike: "Let me introduce myself. I'm Mike." - Jenny: " ."
A. You are welcome B. It's my pleasure
C. I'm very pleased D. Pleased to meet you
20. Two roommates are studying and the room is dark.
- Linda: "Would you mind opening the window?" - Jane: " _. "
A. I agree with you B. Yes, you can
C. Not at all D. Yes, I'd love to

Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word CLOSEST in
meaning to the underlined word in each of the following questions.
21. Maths and English are compulsory subjects in this course.
A. effective B. difficult C. required D. separated
22. What benefits does TV bring about to people's life?
A. difficulties B. disadvantages C. advantages D. pictures
Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in
meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.
23. Playing computer games for too long is not good for our eyesight.
A. careful B. effective C. harmful D. enormous
24. It was getting late, so we hurriedly gathered all our things and ran home.
A. leisurely B. quickly C. joyfully D. mutually
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to
indicate the correct word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks.
One thing that was really a turning point for me was when I learned Spanish. I was always
kind of scared of learning a foreign language, yet I was really envious of kids (25) could
speak another language. When I started learning Spanish, (26) , I found that I was
pretty good at it. The moment I reached that breakthrough stage - you know, when you
discover you can actually speak and (27) with people in the
language - I felt really proud of myself.

Teacher: Bui Thi Kim Thuy Bien Giang Secondary School

I realized that learning a foreign language was not an impossible thing after all. Now I can
speak three: Spanish, Italian, and German. And I am (28) _ Korean this year.
25. A. who B. which C. whom D. what
26. A. therefore B. however C. though D. but
27. A. practice B. express C. talk D. communicate
28. A. doing B. making C. taking D. speaking
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to
indicate the correct answer to each of the questions.
One of the most urgent environmental problems in the world today is the shortage of
clean water. Having clean drinking water is a basic human right. However, acid rain,
industrial pollution and garbage have made many sources of water undrinkable.
Lakes, reservoirs and even entire seas have become vast pools of poison. Lake Baikal in
Russia is one of the largest lakes in the world. It contains a rich variety of animals and plants,
including 1,300 rare species that do not exist anywhere else in the world. Yet, they are being
destroyed by the massive volumes of industrial effluent which pour into the lake every day.
Even though laws have been made, the governments do not have the power to enforce them.
Most industries simply ignore the regulations. The Mediterranean Sea occupies 1% of the
world's water surface, but it is the dumping ground for 50% of all marine pollution. Almost
sixteen countries regularly throw industrial wastes a few miles offshore.
Water is free to everyone. A few years ago people thought that the supply of clean
water in the world was limitless. Today, many water supplies have been ruined by pollution
and sewage. Clean water is now scarce, and we are at last beginning to respect it. What should
we do to save this precious source?
29. What is the main idea of the reading text?
A. People are throwing poisons into bodies of water.
B. Clean water is becoming scarce due to pollution and sewage.
C. Laws have been made to prevent countries from polluting the environment.
D. Sea water is increasingly polluted by industrial wastes.
30. According to the reading text, Lake Baikal .
A. is the smallest lake in Russia
B. has 1,300 rare and endangered animals
C. is located in the Mediterranean Sea
D. gets a large amount of industrial sewage every day
31. What does the word "them" in the passage refer to?
A. plants B. governments C. laws D. animals
32. The word "marine" is closest in meaning to .
A. underground B. mountainous C. inland D. aquatic
Mark letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that is closest in
meaning to the original sentence in each of the following questions.
33. Billionaire Pham Nhat Vuong founded Vinfast Automobile Company in 2017.
A. Vinfast Automobile Company is founded by billionaire Pham Nhat Vuong in 2017.
B. Vinfast Automobile Company was founded by billionaire Pham Nhat Vuong in 2017.

Teacher: Bui Thi Kim Thuy Bien Giang Secondary School

C. Vinfast Automobile Company were founded by billionaire Pham Nhat Vuong in 2017.
D. Vinfast Automobile Company has been founded by billionaire Pham Nhat Vuong in 2017.
34. "I am working for an international bank in Hanoi now," my brother said.
A. My brother said (that) he was working for an international bank in Hanoi then.
B. My brother said (that) he was working for an international bank in Hanoi now.
C. My brother said (that) he was working for an international bank in Hanoi at this time.
D. My brother said (that) he was working for an international bank in Hanoi.
35. If you don’t follow the guidelines from The Ministry of Health, you may be affected
by Covid-19.
A. Unless you don’t follow guidelines from The Ministry of Health, you may be affected
by Covid-19.
B. Unless you followed guidelines from The Ministry of Health, you may be affected by Covid-
C. Unless you follow guidelines from The Ministry of Health, you may not be affected
by Covid-19.
D. Unless you follow guidelines from The Ministry of Health, you may be affected by Covid-
36. The last time we met Nguyen Quang Hai football player was two months ago.
A. We have met Nguyen Quang Hai football player for two months.
B. We haven’t met Nguyen Quang Hai football player since two months.
C. We haven’t met Nguyen Quang Hai football player for two months.
D. We haven’t met Nguyen Quang Hai football player for two months ago.
37. Jenifer is more intelligent than all the other students in my class.
A. No student in my class is as intelligent as Jenifer is.
B. No student in my class isn’t as intelligent as Jenifer is.
C. No student in my class is as intelligent than Jenifer is.
D. No student in my class is more intelligent as Jenifer is.
38. My sister failed the exam because she was lazy.
A. Because my sister’s laziness, she failed the exam.
B. Because of my sister’s laziness, she failed the exam.
C. Because of my sister was lazy, she failed the exam.
D. Because of my sister laziness, she failed the exam.
39. “What is your name?” Mary asked Tom.
A. Mary asked Tom what his name is. B. Mary asked Tom what his name was.
C. Mary asked Tom what his name were. D. Mary asked Tom what your name was
40. Jack can’t tell you about that sight because he doesn’t see it.
A. If Jack saw that sight, he couldn’t tell you about it.
B. If Jack didn’t see that sight, he could tell you about it.
C. If Jack saw that sight, he could tell you about it.
D. If Jack didn’t see that sight, he couldn’t tell you about it.

Teacher: Bui Thi Kim Thuy Bien Giang Secondary School

Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word whose underlined part
differs from the other three in pronunciation in each of the following questions.
1. A. played B. climbed C. warned D. needed
2. A. count B. touch C. down D. sound
Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that differs from the
other three in the position of primary stress in each of the following questions.
3. A. correct B. loyal C. selfish D. careful
4. A. engineer B. national C. architect D. scientist
Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the
following questions.
5. Many people still refuse to admit that smoking harm to people’s health.
A. makes B. does C. creates D. experiences
6. My children are very bored staying inside and watching TV.
A. with B. of C. at D. on
7. The story was that I couldn’t help laughing when I read it.
A. too funny B. such funny C. very funny D. so funny
8. It was late, I decided to go home.
A. however B. but C. although D. and
9. He doesn’t drive so his father does.
A. carefully than B. the most carefully C. as carefully as D. carefully as
10. They will buy a new house when they get enough money, ?
A. will they B. won’t they C. do they D. don’t they
11. If you _ all of my questions, I could do anything to help you
A. answered B. answer C. had answered D. will answer
12. John never comes to class on time and .
A. neither does Peter B. so does Peter C. so doesn’t Peter D. neither doesn’t Peter
13. The problem never happened.
A. that I expected it B. who I had expected C. I had expected it D. I had expected
14. They live in .
A. a little lovely old village B. a lovely little old village
C. an old lovely little village D. a lovely old little village
Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the most suitable response to
complete each of the following exchanges.
15. Peter: “I lost my wallet on my way to school this morning.”
Anna: “ ! You must be careful next time.”
A. Take care B. Excuse me C. What a pity D. You’re welcome
16. John: “Would you like to go hiking with us?”
Mary: “ .”
A. No, I don’t like B. I hate to go hiking
C. I’d love to, but I don’t feel well today D. yes, I’d like
Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in meaning
to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.
17. I like playing sports like badminton. It is an exciting way to exercise.
Teacher: Bui Thi Kim Thuy Bien Giang Secondary School
A. interesting B. regular C. normal D. boring
18. Experiences at work help women to widen their knowledge.
A. eliminate B. broaden C. restrict D. spoil
Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in
meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.
19. His rude comments made other facebookers very angry.
A. pleasant B. honest C. polite D. kind
20. We can even learn foreign languages such as English, Russian on computers.
A. known B. native C. natural D. expected
Read the followingpassage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the
correct word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks.
There have been concerns about health problem in the area recently as the last reported to cause the
pollution. To stay from worries, we decided (21) a health check with the local doctor. We
phoned to make an (22) at 9 o'clock the next morning, the doctor welcomed us (23)
the door with a lovely smile. After (24) necessary forms, we were given different tests. All the
tests were done very quickly with the net of modern (25) . As she did the checks, the doctor
said that a lot of people were worried about air pollution and came to help for health checks like us.
21. A. have B. to have C. having D. had
22. A. employment B. management C. appointment D. arrangement
23. A. at B. in C. of D. on
24. A. noting B. writing C. filling D. gapping
25. A. tools B. equipment C. work D. materials
Read the followingpassage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the
correct answer to each of the questions.
Charlie Chaplin was an English actor, director, producer, and a composer. He is known as the
most creative person of the silent-film era. Charlie Chaplin’s portrayal of the tramp won the hearts
of people all over the world. Charlie was born in London on the 16 th of April, 1889. He spent his
childhood in poverty and hardship. In 1910 he began to perform pantomime in the United States.
He first appeared on screen in 1914. He created his world-famous character, the Tramp, and he
played this classic role in more than 70 films during his career. He also composed background
music for most of his films. In 1972 Chaplin received an Honorary Academy Award for ‘ the
incalculable effect he has had in making motion pictures the art form of this century’. Chaplin died
on the 25th of December, 1977, at his home in Switzerland.
26. In 1910 he began to perform pantomime in .
A. the US B. London C. Switzerland D. England
27. When did he start appearing in films?
A. in 1910 B. in 1914 C. in 1972 D. in 1977
28. Charlie Chaplin is very famous for .
A. his state performance B. his background music
C. his character “the Tramp” D. his composing background music
29. Which of the following is not true?
A. Charlie Chaplin was an English artist B. He played classical music
C. Charlie Chaplin died at the age of 88 D. He received an award in 1972.
30. The word “career” is the closest meaning to
A. pantomime B. play C. life D. life-work
Teacher: Bui Thi Kim Thuy Bien Giang Secondary School
Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the underlined part that needs
correcting in each of the following questions.
31. She studied enough hard, so she passed the exam easily.
32. My house had its roof blew off in the storm last night.
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer to indicate the sentence that is closest in meaning
to the original sentence in each of the following questions.
33. They are going to build a swimming pool in this area next month.
A. A swimming pool is going to be built in this area next month.
B. A swimming pool is built in this area next month.
C. A swimming pool is going to build in this area next month.
D. A swimming pool they are going to build in this area next month.
34. “I can play the piano very well” said Lan
A. Lan said that I could play the piano very well.
B. Lan said that she could play the piano very well.
C. Lan said that she can play the piano very well.
D. Lan said that I can play the piano very well.
35. Put on your coat or you will freeze to death in this weather.
A. If you put on your coat, you will freeze to death in this weather.
B. If you put on your coat, you would freeze to death in this weather.
C. Unless you put on your coat, you would freeze to death in this weather.
D. Unless you put on your coat, you will freeze to death in this weather.
36. Although he took a taxi, he arrived late for the concert.
A. Despite taking a taxi, he arrived late for the concert.
B. Taking a taxi, he arrived late for the concert.
C. Though taking a taxi, he arrived late for the concert.
D. In spite taking a taxi, he arrived late for the concert.
Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the meaningful sentence from the
cues given.
37. He / say / he / be/ artisan / workshop / since 2010.
A. He said he was an artisan of the workshop since 2010.
B. He said was an artisan at the workshop since 2010.
C. He said he had been an artisan of the workshop since 2010.
D. He said he has been an artisan atthe workshop since 2010.

38. I / look forward / make / own conical hat / Tay Ho village / Hue.
A. I look forward to making my own conical hat in Tay Ho village in Hue.
B. I look forward making my own conical hat in Tay Ho village in Hue.
C. I look forward to make my own conical hat in Tay Ho village in Hue.
D. I am looking forward to make my own conical hat in Tay Ho village in Hue.
39. They / live / Moscow/ before / they / move / London.
A. They had lived in Moscow before they moved to London.
B. They lived in Moscow before they move to London.
Teacher: Bui Thi Kim Thuy Bien Giang Secondary School
C. They lived in Moscow before they had moved to London.
D. They had lived in Moscow before they had moved to London.
40. Teacher / ask / me / if / speak / English / fluent /.
A. The teacher asks me if I speak an English fluent.
B. The teacher asked me if I spoke English fluently.
C. The teacher asks me if I can speak English fluent.
D. The teacher asked me if do I speak English fluently.
The end

Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word whose underlined part
differs from the other three in pronunciation in each of the following questions.
1. A. sings B. leaves C. coughs D. stays
2. A. chemistry B. teach C. speech D. exchange
Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that differs from the
other three in the position of primary stress in each of the following questions.
3. A. damage B. destroy C. erupt D. describe
4. A. family B. practical C. conclusion D. uniform
Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the
following questions.
5. As estimated in the report, the storm great damage to the mountainous area.
A. make B. cause C. lead D. bring
6. Elizabeth is fond going to dances.
A. in B. of C. at D. with
7. The book into many languages recently.
A. is published B. has been published C. has published D. is publishing
8. I remember him somewhere.
A. seeing B. see C. to see D. saw
9. I in heavy traffic every day.
A. used to drive B. am used to driving
C. get used to drive D. used to driving
10. This is the only one of the novels translated into English.
A. that has ever been B. which has ever
C. that have ever been D. has ever been
11. How many took part in the 22nd Sea Games?
A. competitors B. competitive C. competes D. competitions
12. His eyes were so bad that he read the number on the board.
A. shouldn’t B. can’t C. mustn’t D. couldn’t
13. It is 10 years we first met together.
A. after B. while C. when D. since
14. We might be able to catch last train if we hurried.
Teacher: Bui Thi Kim Thuy Bien Giang Secondary School
A. a B. an C. the D. no article
Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the most suitable response to
complete each of the following exchanges.
15. - Jane: “Thank you very much for inviting me to your house!”
- Laura: “ .”
A. My pleasure is that B. That’s fine C. Take a seat D. It’s my pleasure
16. - Linda: “Would you mind lending me your bike?”
- Maria: “ .”
A. Yes. Here it is B. Not at all C. Yes, let’s D. Great
Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s)CLOSEST in meaning
to the underlined word(s)in each of the following questions.
17. People are busy buying gifts, cleaning and decorating the house and cooking traditional foods
to welcome Tet holiday now.
A. national B. customary C. important D. favourite
18. This is the instance where big, obvious non-verbal signals are appropriate.
A. situation B. attention C. place D. matter
Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s)OPPOSITE in
meaning to the underlined word(s)in each of the following questions.
19. Although it’s a long day for us, we feel we are contented with what we do.
A. dissatisfied B. excited C. shocked D. interested
20. Before our mordern age, people had a more physical and active lifestyle.
A. ancient B. lazy C. serious D. peaceful
Read the followingpassage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the
correct word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks.
Solar energy is a long lasting source of energy, and it can (21) almost anywhere. To
generate solar energy, we only need solar cells and (22) ! Solar cells can easily be
installed on house (23) , so we don’t need any new
space. Compared to other renewable sources, they also possess many advantages: wind and
water power rely on turbines which (24) noisy, expensive and which take
up large space. Solar cells are totally silent and (25) .As they have no moving parts,
they require little maintenance and have a long lifetime.
21. A. be used B. is used C. be using D. to be used
22. A. the earth B. the planet C. the sun D. the moon
23. A. yards B. roofs C. gardens D. doors
24. A. is B. be C. are D. was
25. A. polluted B. polluting C. non-polluted D. non-polluting
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate
the correct answer to each of the questions.
Every nation and every country has its own customs and traditions. In Britain traditions play a
more important part in the life of the people than in other countries. Englishmen are proud of their
traditions and carefully keep them up.
It has been the law for about 300 years that all theaters are closed on Sundays. No letters are
delivered, only a few Sunday papers are published.

Teacher: Bui Thi Kim Thuy Bien Giang Secondary School

To this day an English family prefers a house with a garden to a flat in a modern house with
central heating. English people like gardens. Sometimes the garden in front of the house is a little
square covered with cement painted garden in imitation of grass and a box of flowers.
Holidays are especially rich in old traditions and are different in Scotland, Ireland, Wales and
England. Christmas is a great English national holiday, and in Scotland it is not kept, except by
clerks in banks, all shops and factories are working.
26. What is the best title for the passage?
A. Traditions and Customs in Great Britain B. The importance of Traditions and Customs
C. Traditional Life vs Modern Life D. Englishmen’s Hobbies
27. How important are tradition in Britain?
A. It is slightly important B. It is more important than in other countries
C. It is rather important D. It is somewhat important
28. The word “it” in the last paragraph refers to .
A. Christmas B. a national holiday C. old traditions D. England
29. The words “keep them up” is closest in meaning to .
A. preserve them B. take care them C. leave them D. take them
30. Vacation aren’t special occasions in .
A. Scotland, Ireland, Wales and England. B. Wales, Britain, Scotland and Ireland.
C. Scotland, Ireland and Britain D. Wales, Britain and Ireland.
Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the underlined part that needs
correcting in each of the following questions.
31. When did you go last to the theatre?
A. When B. did you C. go last D. the theatre
32. The kitchen is not very big but there is a lot of cupboards.
A. very big B. but C. is D. cupboards
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer to indicate the sentence that is closest in meaning
to the original sentence in each of the following questions.
33. “We like our uniform very much", the students said.
A. The students said we liked our uniform very much.
B. The students said they liked our uniform very much.
C. The students said they liked their uniform very much.
D. The students said they like their uniform very much

34. It was a two – hour flight from Hanoi to Ho Chi Minh city.
A. It took two hours to fly from Hanoi to Ho Chi Minh city.
B. It takes two hours to fly from Hanoi to Ho Chi Minh city.
C. It took two hours flying from Hanoi to Ho Chi Minh city.
D. It takes two hours flying from Hanoi to Ho Chi Minh city.
35. Study hard or you can’t pass the exam.
A. If you study hard, you can’t pass the exam.
B. Provided that you study hard, you can pass the exam.
C. Unless you study hard, you could pass the exam.
D. In case you study hard, you couldn’t pass the exam.

Teacher: Bui Thi Kim Thuy Bien Giang Secondary School


36. Because Jane was sick, she couldn't come to class.

A. Because of Jane's sickness, she couldn't come to class.
B. In spite of Jane's sickness, she couldn't come to class.
C. But for Jane's sickness, she could come to class.
D. Due to Jane's sickness, she could come to class.
Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the meaningful sentence from the
cues given.
37. Lan / be /taller / work / fashion model.
A. If Lan were taller, she would work like a fashion model.
B. If Lan is taller, she will work as a fashion model.
C. If Lan were taller, she will work as a fashion model.
D. If Lan is taller, she would work as a fashion model.
38: hilltop/ have/ good/ view/ our village

A. The hilltop can make our village views better.

B. From the hilltop, our village can be well viewed.

C. From the hilltop, we can have a better view of our village.

D. From the hilltop, our village can have a better view.

39. Father’s Day / be / celebrated / third / Sunday / June / countries.

A. Father’s Day celebrated the third Sunday in June in countries.
B. Father’s Day is celebrated on the third Sunday in June in some countries.
C. Father’s Day is celebrated on third Sunday in June in some countries.
D. Father’s Day celebrated the third Sunday in June in some countries.
40. These/ baskets/ make/ thin/ bamboo/ strips.
A. These baskets were made in thin bamboo strips.
B. These baskets were made by thin bamboo strips.
C. These baskets are made of thin bamboo strips.
D. These baskets are made with thin bamboo strips.
The end

Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word whose underlined part
differs from the other three in pronunciation in each of the following questions.
1. A. passed B. watched C. played D. washed
2. A. proud B. about C. around D. would
Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that differs from the
other three in the position of primary stress in each of the following questions.
3. A. reply B. appeal C. enter D. support
4. A. habitat B. pollution C. construction D. equipment
Teacher: Bui Thi Kim Thuy Bien Giang Secondary School
Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the
following questions.
5. “Can you me a favor?”
A. make B. do C. take D. bring
6. This computer isn’t capable running this software.
A. in B. of C. at D. with
7. Our house in 1986.
A. built B. was building C. was built D. has been built
8. Tomorrow we are going to meet Maryam, _ comes from Malaysia.
A. who B. whom C. whose D. that
9. He couldn’t meet his idol he got stuck in a traffic jam.
A. because B. or C. so D. although
10. His house looks very large and beautiful. It is house.
A. a seven-room B. a seven-rooms C. a seven room D. a seven rooms
11. You like playing computer games, ?
A. do you B. don’t you C. won’t you D. aren’t you
12. She is the most girl I have ever known.
A. attract B. attraction C. attractive D. attractively
13. It’s very hot today. I wish I on the beach now.
A. am B. will be C. were D. had been
14. Paola: "I don’t like chocolate
desserts! "Nicolas:“ .”
A. Neither do I B. So do I C. I don’t, neither D. I do, too
Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the most suitable response to
complete each of the following exchanges.

15. John and Mary have been dating for two weeks and he is asking her to go out for dinner.
- John: "Would you like to have dinner with me?"
- Mary: “ .”
A. I'm very happy B. Yes, I'd love to C. Yes, so do I D. Yes, it is
16. Jame: “You look beautiful with your new hairstyle!”
- Laura: " "
A. Not at all. B. Very kind of your part.
C. It is very kind of you to say so. D. Willingly.
Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in meaning
to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.
17. When being interviewed, you should concentrate on watch the interviewer is saying or asking
A. be related to B. be interested in
C. pay attention to interest in
18. School uniform is required in most of Vietnamese schools.
A. divided B. depended C. compulsory D. paid
Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in
meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.
Teacher: Bui Thi Kim Thuy Bien Giang Secondary School
19. I am optimistic that the future is going to turn out more successful than the past.
A. afraid B. hopeful C. realistic D. pessimistic
20. I’m available this afternoon if you want to meet up then.
A. tired B. ready C. busy D. free
Read the followingpassage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the
correct word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks.
Jeans are very popular with young people all (21) the world. Some people say that jeans
are the "uniform" of youth. But they haven't always been popular. The story of jeans started almost
two hundred years ago. People in Genoa, Italy made pants. The cloth (22) was made in
Genoa was called "jeanos". The pants were called "jeans". In 1850, a saleman in California began
selling pants made of canvas. His name was Levi Strauss. (23) they were so
strong, "Levi's pants" became (24) with gold miners; farmers and
cowboys. Six years (25) ; Levis began making his pants
with blue cotton cloth called denim. Soon after, factory workers in the United States and Europe
began wearing jeans. Young people usually didn’t wear them.
21. A. in B. on C. over D. above
22. A. which B. who C. what D. whom
23. A. Although B. But C. Because D. So
24. A. famous B. popular C. good D. wonderful
25. A. ago B. before C. later D. soon
Read the followingpassage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the
correct answer to each of the questions.
Solar energy is a long lasting source of energy which can be used almost anywhere. To
generate solar energy, we only need solar cells and the sun! Solar cells can easily be installed on
house roofs, so no new space is needed and each user can quietly generate their own energy.
Compared to other renewable sources, they also possess many advantages. Wind and water power
rely on turbines which are noisy, expensive and easy to break down. Solar cells are totally silent
and non-polluting. As they have no moving parts, they require little maintenance and have a long
However, solar energy also has some disadvantages. We can only generate solar energy during
daytime because the system depends on sunlight. Besides, solar cells require large area to work
effectively. The main disadvantage of solar energy is that it costs about twice as much as
traditional sources such as coal, oil, and gas. This is because solar cells are expensive. Scientists
are hoping that the costs of solar cells will reduce as more and more people see the advantages of
this environmentally friendly source of energy.
26. What does the passage primarily discuss?
A. Advantages and disadvantages of solar energy.
B. Solar energy's advantages over other sources of energy.
C. The cost of solar energy.
D. Solar energy as an alternative for fossil fuels.
27. What does the word “they” in line 3 refer to?
A. solar energy users. B. other renewable resources.
C. advantages. D. solar cells.
28. Which of the following is the main disadvantage of solar energy mentioned in the passage?
A. It is expensive. B. Solar cells require large areas to operate.
Teacher: Bui Thi Kim Thuy Bien Giang Secondary School
C. It is unfriendly to the environment. D. It depends on sunlight.
29. The word “advantages” is closest in meaning to .

Teacher: Bui Thi Kim Thuy Bien Giang Secondary School

A. very bad. B. resources C. benefits D. friendly
30. What is NOT mentioned as an advantage of solar cells?
A. They require little maintenance. B. They are non-polluting.
C. They cost little to produce. D. They operate quietly.

Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the underlined part that needs
correcting in each of the following questions.
31. She studied very well although her difficult living conditions.
32. Everybody that I know like to eat chocolates and ice-cream.
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer to indicate the sentence that is closest in meaning
to the original sentence in each of the following questions.
33. People say that they bought this shop last year.
A. It was said that they bought this shop last year.
B. They are said to buy this shop last year.
C. It is said that they bought this shop last year.
D. They were said to have bought this shop last year.
34. “How much does this book cost?” He said to me.
A. He asked me how much that book costs.
B. He wanted to know the price of that book.
C. He wanted to know how much did that book cost.
D. He asked me to buy that book.
35. His mother tongue is French. He speaks English like a native.
A. Because his mother tongue is French, he speaks English like a native.
B. Due to his mother tongue being French, he speaks English like a native.
C. In spite of his mother tongue is French, he speaks English like a native.
D. Although his mother tongue is French, he speaks English like a native.
36. Bill and Peter are not old enough to ride motor-cycles.
A. Bill and Peter are too young to ride motor-cycles.
B. Bill and Peter are so young to ride motor-cycles .
C. Bill and Peter are so young that they ride motor-cycles.
D. Bill and Peter are young enough to ride motor-cycles
Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the meaningful sentence from the
cues given.
37. Father’s Day / be / celebrated / third / Sunday / June / countries.
A. Father’s Day celebrated the third Sunday in June in countries.
B. Father’s Day is celebrated on the third Sunday in June in some countries.
C. Father’s Day is celebrated on third Sunday in June in some countries.
D. Father’s Day celebrated the third Sunday in June in some countries.
38. These/ baskets/ make/ thin/ bamboo/ strips.
A. These baskets were made in thin bamboo strips.
B. These baskets were made by thin bamboo strips.
C. These baskets are made of thin bamboo strips.
D. These baskets are made with thin bamboo strips.
Teacher: Bui Thi Kim Thuy Bien Giang Secondary School
39. Phong/ walk/ fast/ it/ really/ hard/ keep up with/ him.
A. Phong walks fast, and it’s really hard for keep up with him
B. Phong walks fast, so it was really hard to keep up with him
C. Phong walks fast, and it’s really hard to keep up with him
D. Phong walks fast, so it was really hard for keep up with him
40. Last weekend/ I/ go/ Van Phuc village/ buy/ nice/ silk scarf/ mother.
A. Last week I went to Van Phuc village to buy nice silk scarf for my mother.
B. Last week I went to Van Phuc village and bought a nice silk scarf for my mother.
C. Last week I went to Van Phuc village to buy nice silk scarf to my mother.
D. Last week I went to Van Phuc village and buy a nice silk scarf to my mother.
The end

Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word whose underlined part
differs from the other three in pronunciation in each of the following questions.
1. A. lead B. head C. meat D. heat
2. A. dangers B. products C. reserves D. mountains
Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that differs from the
other three in the position of primary stress in each of the following questions.
3. A. bamboo B. panda C. danger D. wildlife
4. A. architect B. computer C. elephant D. luxury
Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the
following questions.
5. I can’t this network because I don’t have an account.
A. accept B. access C. surf D. get
6. We should put garbage bins around here to prevent lazy students throwing trash.
A. with B. from C. about D. by
7. The gentleman to we spoke yesterday is making a speech.
A. who B. whose C. whom D. that
8. Ho Chi Minh City is the largest city in Viet Nam. , it is not the capital of Viet Nam.
A. But B. However C. So D. Therefore
9. I suggest some money for poor children.
A. raise B. to raise C. raised D. raising
10. The film was any of the others.
A. much better than B. much good than C. so better as D. as much better as
11. There were a number of cottages scattered across the hillside.
A. now and then B. here and there C. here and now D. there and here
12. I hoped this book would help me with my history project, but in fact it wasn’t very .
A. inform B. informed C. information D. informative
13. Ann is ill today. The doctor said that she to stay in bed for a few days.
A. should B. can C. ought D. must
14. Several people were hurt in the accident but only one to hospital.
A. was taken B. was taking C. has taken D. has been taking
Teacher: Bui Thi Kim Thuy Bien Giang Secondary School
Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the most suitable response to
complete each of the following exchanges.
15. - David: “It’s terrible. I don’t think I will be able to pass the exam. ”
- Mary :“ ”
A. Let’s try it. B. Don’t worry. Everything will be all right.
C. Ok. What’s that? D. Why not pass it?
16. Mary and Laura are colleagues. Laura is commenting on Mary’s new house.
- Laura: "What a lovely house you have!"
- Mary: “ _”
A. No problem. B. Thank you.Hope you drop in.
C. Of course not.It’s not costly. D. Thanks.I think so.
Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in meaning
to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.
17. Next month, we’re going to visit Rome, where there are a lot of very old buildings.
A. enormous B. ancient C. modern D. marvelous
18. If the petrol goes up, I will have to use a bicycle to work.
A. falls B. increases C. decreases D. raises
Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in meaning
to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.
19. At 8 o’clock the plane took off into the air and soared above the clouds.
A. decreased B. got dressed C. landed D. slowed down
20. My friend and his soccer coach are incompatible. They are always arguing.
A. too different to work together B. almost exactly the same type
C. really disliking each other D. getting on very well
Read the followingpassage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the
correct word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks.
Today, computer companies sell many different programs for computers. First, there are programs
for doing math problems. (21) , there are programs for scientific studies. Third, some
programs are like fancy typewriters. They are often used by writers and business people.
(22) are made for courses in schools and universities. And finally, there are
programs for fun. They include word games and puzzles for children and adults.
There are many wonderful computer programs, but there are other reasons to like
(23) . Some people like the way computers hum and sing when they
(24) . It is a happy sound, like the sounds of toy and childhood. Computers also have
lights and pretty pictures. And computers even seem to have (25) . That may sound
strange, but computers seem to have feelings. Sometimes they seem happy, sometimes they seem
angry like a human being.
21. A. Two B. Second C. Twice D. Double
22. A. Programs B. Other C. Others D. They
23. A. programs B. reasons C. games D. computers
24. A. work B. have worked C. are working D. worked
25. A. movies B. thinking C. senses D. personalities
Read the followingpassage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the
correct answer to each of the questions.
Teacher: Bui Thi Kim Thuy Bien Giang Secondary School
Up to now, there are still many people thinking films are things that are made to be shown on
screen for entertainment. It is not right. There are many other kinds of film that are made for other
purposes. For example, educational films are made for school. They are about the certain subjects
that students are learning. Especially, when a person who learn a foreign language, educational
films in the target language are very useful. Industry needs training films which introduce about
machinery and equipment, and how to operate and work on them. Documentary films present
factual events and circumstances of a social, political or historical nature. It is films that help us
widen our knowledge of countries, cultures and people. Sitting on the arm chair in front of a TV
set, a viewer can enjoy the beauty of nature all over the world, see many historic spots, and meet a lot
of interesting people. A film, either good or bad, is the result of the collaboration of many
individuals with many different specific skills and talents. And we, the viewers, should choose
only suitable films to enjoy.
26. According to the passage, all films are made .
A. only for entertainment B. to be shown in theaters
C. to help students study foreign language D. for many purposes
27. Educational films are made .
A. for training manual workers B. to enter students
C. for teaching and learning D. for schools and for industry
28. Making a film .
A. requires a lot of money and efforts B. involve the talents and skills of many people
C. can take a lot of time D. is a collaboration between filmmakers and
29. Which of the following sentences is not mentioned in the passage?
A. Not all films are made to be shown in theaters.
B. You can learn a lot about other countries by seeing films
C. Foreign films are essential for people who learn foreign language.
D. The ending film should be happy.
30. What does the word “they” in the passage refer to?
A. people B. kinds of films C. purposes D. educational films

Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the underlined part that needs
correcting in each of the following questions.
31. I met a lot of interested people while I was studying at City University
32. A shoemaker in the village felt sorry for her and made her a pair of red shoe.
33. The house is too old. It’s high time you have it rebuilt.
34. Her father used to being a professor at the university. Many students worshipped
him. A B C D
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer to indicate the sentence that is closest in meaning
to the original sentence in each of the following questions.
Teacher: Bui Thi Kim Thuy Bien Giang Secondary School
35. Mr Pike is repairing the refrigerator at the moment.

Teacher: Bui Thi Kim Thuy Bien Giang Secondary School

A. The refrigerator has been being repaired at the moment by Mr Pike
B. The refrigerator is repaired by Mr Pike at the moment
C. The refrigerator is being repaired by Mr Pike at the moment
D. The refrigerator is being repairing by Mr Pike at the moment
36. That painting was given to the gallery in 2001. It is worth one hundred million dong.
A. That painting was given to the gallery in 2001 which is worth one hundred million dong.
B. That painting was given to the gallery in 2001 is worth one hundred million dong.
C. That painting which was given to the gallery in 2001 it is worth one hundred million dong.
D. That painting which was given to the gallery in 2001 is worth one hundred million dong.
37. Jim’s family is poor. We usually help him.
A. Because Jim’s family is poor, so we usually help him.
B. Although Jim’s family is poor, but we usually help him.
C. Because Jim’s family is poor, we usually help him.
D. Jim’s family is poor, because we usually help him.
38. Nothing is more precious than happiness and health.
A. Happiness and health are the most precious things.
B. Happiness is more precious than health.
C. Health is more precious than happiness.
D. Happiness and health are more and more precious.
39. “John left here an hour ago” said Jane.
A. Jane told me that John had left there an hour before.
B. Jane said John left there an hour before.
C. Jane told John to have left there an hour before.
D. Jane told me that John to leave there an hour before.
40. This is the first time they have experienced the wonderful feeling in space.
A. They have experienced the wonderful feeling in space before.
B. They experienced the wonderful feeling in space several times before.
C. They never experienced the wonderful feeling in space before.
D. They have never experienced the wonderful feeling in space before.
The end

Teacher: Bui Thi Kim Thuy Bien Giang Secondary School

Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word whose underlined part
differs from the other three in pronunciation in each of the following questions.
1. A. tastes B. washes C. buses D. arranges
2. A. chemistry B. headache C. machine D. Christmas
Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that differs from the
other three in the position of primary stress in each of the following questions.
3. A. disease B. humour C. cancer D. treatment
4. A. dependent B. chemical C. humorous D. wonderful
Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the
following questions.
5. The people in my village their living by growing and selling vegetables.
A. take B. earn C. do D. work
6. You are old enough. I think it is high time you applied a job.
A. for B. on C. of D. in
7. If our sources of energy ends, our life .
A. would destroy B. destroys C. will destroy D. will be destroyed
8. He is always busy. He has time to relax.
A. much B. a little C. little D. a lot of
9. I'm fed up with the same TV programme every night.
A. watch B. watching C. to watch D. watched
10. Your sister used to visit you quite often, ?
A. didn’t she B. doesn’t she C. wouldn’t she D. hadn’t she
11. He stop making personal calls at work, or he will lose his job.
A. would rather B. had better C. could D. will
12. Mrs. Hoa has
A. straight long black hair B. long black straight hair
C. long hair straight black D. long straight black hair
13. I don't know where from.
A. does she come B. she does comes C. she comes D. is she comes
14. You will have to work hard if you want to .
A. success B. succeed C. successful D. successfully
Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the most suitable response to
complete each of the following exchanges.
15. Hung: "Thank you very much for a lovely party"
- Hoa: “ _. ”
A. You’re welcome B. Thanks C. Cheers D. Have a good day
16. Jane: “Congratulations! You have got high marks in the last term. ”
Mary: “ ”
A. Really? Never say so. B. I’d love to say so.
C. Thank you very much. D. You’re welcome
Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s)CLOSEST in meaning
to the underlined word(s)in each of the following questions.
Teacher: Bui Thi Kim Thuy Bien Giang Secondary School
17. His school is located in the mountainous area.
A. lain B. stood C. situated D. stayed
18. There are some drawbacks in the city life nowadays.
A. improvements B. advantages C. changes D. disadvantages
Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s)OPPOSITE in
meaning to the underlined word(s)in each of the following questions.
19. One in seven accidents is caused by sleepy drivers.
A. awake B. unwell C. exhausted D. talkative
20. Keep only fish that you will eat; release the rest.
A. catch B. free C. take D. have
Read the followingpassage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the
correct word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks.
Earnest Hemingway was born in Oak park, a small town in the state of Illinois.As a boy he was
often taken on frequently hunting and fishing trips (21) his father to Michigan (22)_
he soon got acquainted with the life of the Indians and such virtues as courage and endurance.After
school Hemingway (23) as a newspaper reporter and then joined a volunteer ambulance unit
to take part in World War I.After the war he came home (24) a hero.He lived for several
years in Paris after that.He joined a group of expatriated American writers who considered
(25) a lost generation.In Paris he published "Three Stories and Ten Poems" (1923)and "In
Our Time" (1924) in which his own experiences of life are revealed, and which brought him fame
21. A. with B. for C. by D. to
22. A. where B. which C. that D. when
23. A. works B. was working C. has worked D. worked
24. A. an B. like C. as D. the
25. A they B. them C. their D. themselves
Read the followingpassage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the
correct answer to each of the questions.
Pollution can be seen not only throughout the world, but also in our own homes.It comes from
household chemicals, the amount of water people use and the waste people produce and throw
away.What can be done to stop this pollution? Surprisingly, a person can help save the
environment by doing simple things.
First, we need to recycle, which allows products to be used over and over again.Recycling can
also reduce the number of trees cut down to produce paper products.It takes very little effort.It is
not hard to place plastic and glass bottles, aluminum cans and paper in a bin.Anyone can do it.
Second, we need to watch the amount of water used at home.It can be conserved by taking
short showers instead of baths, repairing leaky faucets, using the dishwasher or washing machine
only when fully loaded, or simply turning the faucet off while brushing your teeth.
Third, we need to reduce waste.We need to recycle whenever possible, but should also try to
use this waste effectively.For example, grass clippings and food scraps can be made into compost
for plants.The average person produces 4.3 pounds of waste every day, but we can reduce that
amount by recycling and reusing.If we do our part in our own homes, we can help keep the planet
from becoming more polluted.

Teacher: Bui Thi Kim Thuy Bien Giang Secondary School

26. What does the passage primarily discuss?
A. The ways to save the environment. B. The costs of recycling
C. Types of pollution D. The disadvantages of using plastic products
27. Recycling can help us .
A. never cut down trees B. sell more paper products
C. place garbage bins easily D. use products again and again
28. In order to save water, we can do all of the following things EXCEPT .
A. fully use the washing machine B. repair leaky faucets
C. take short showers instead of baths D. turn the faucet off while brushing your teeth
29. Recycling helps to reduce waste because .
A. plants need to develop B. waste can be recycled
and reused
C. a person can do it in his home D. an average man produces compost for plants
30. The word “It” in paragraph 2 refers to .
A. cutting down B. the number C. recycling D. effort
Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the underlined part that needs
correcting in each of the following questions.
31. I look forward to see you on Tuesday after work.
32. Whenever I open my mouth to speak English I always feel that other peoples are laughing
33. These houses look very old. They should repaint.
34. I wish that I hadn’t made too many mistakes in my essay.
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer to indicate the sentence that is closest in meaning
to the original sentence in each of the following questions.
35. The meal we had in the restaurant was so nice.
A. It was such a nice meal in the restaurant.
B. The restaurant always served nice meals.
C. The restaurant where we had the meal was so nice.
D. We had a meal in a nice restaurant.
36. “What do you think Steve is doing in the garden?” she asked.
A. She asked what Steve is doing in the garden.
B. She asked what is Steve doing in the garden.
C. She asked what was Steve doing in the garden.
D. She asked what Steve was doing in the garden.
37. The school I studied at last year was better than this one.
A. This school is not as good as the one I studied at last year.
B. This school was as good as the one I studied at last year.
C. I studied in a good as the one I studied at last year.
D. The school I studied at last year was not as good as this one.
38. Sally decided not to do her homework and went to night club.
A. Sally went to a night club because she didn’t have any homework.
B. Sally went to a night club instead of doing her homework.
Teacher: Bui Thi Kim Thuy Bien Giang Secondary School
C. Sally was too lazy to do her homework.
D. Sally went to a night club after doing her homework.
39. We stayed in that hotel despite the noise.
A. Despite the hotel was noisy, we stayed there.
B. We stayed in that noisy hotel, and we enjoyed it.
C. Although that hotel was noisy, we stayed there.
D. Because of the noise, we stayed in the hotel.
40. He lost his job three months ago.
A. It has been three months since he has lost his job.
B. It is three months since he lost his job.
C. They are three months since he lost his job.
D. It is three months ago since he lost his job.
The end


Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word whose underlined part
differs from the other three in pronunciation in each of the following questions.
1. A. raised B. walked C. laughed D. helped
2. A. reduce B. fence C. prevent D. receive
Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that differs from the
other three in the position of primary stress in each of the following questions.
3. A. travel B. attract C. prepare D. allow
4. A. effective B. beautiful C. intereting D. dangerous
Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the
following questions.
5. When I was at the primary school, my grandmother me to school every day.
A. took B. is taking C. takes D. was taking
6. Chinese by more than one billion people all over the world.
A. was spoken B. speaks C. is spoken D. is speaking
7. If she , tell her to leave a message.
A. called B. will call C. calls D. would call
8. She asked her boy friend .
A. where her hat was B. where was her hat
C. was where her hat D. her hat was there
9. Smoke and waste chemicals make the air and water .
A. pollution B. polluted C. pollutant D. pollute
10. In the 18th century, workers liked wearing jean cloth because it was strong and did not
A. wear off B. wear out C. wear on D. wear down
11. The film wasn’t really good, ?
A. was it B. wasn’t it C. doesn’t it D. does it
12. I wish I enough money to buy a laptop.
Teacher: Bui Thi Kim Thuy Bien Giang Secondary School
A. will have B. have C. have had D. had
13. Where are the photos were taken at the Christmas party?
A. who B. which C. whom D. what
14. The word “jean” comes from a kind of that was made in Europe.
A. material B. substance C. plant D. cotton
Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the most suitable response to
complete each of the following exchanges.
15. Susan and Denis are talking about their favourite sports.
Susan:“Do you like playing soccer, Denise?”
Denise:“ _”
A. That’s right. B. What for?
C. You like it. D. Yes, but I prefer playing tennis.
16. Hana:“I think we should take a shower instead of a bath to save water. ”
Jenifer:“ ”
A. How do we save energy? B. That’s a good idea.
C. Let’s take a shower. D. What do you save?
Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in meaning
to the underlined word(s)in each of the following questions.
17. I am disappointed that people have destroyed this land.
A. dissatisfied B. happy C. pleased D. interested
18. Tet is a festival which occurs in late January or early February.
A. causes B. begins C. happens D. carries
Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in
meaning to the underlined word(s)in each of the following questions.
19. At times, this can be risky, and the keepers have been injured and one has been killed.
A. good B. useful C. healthy D. secure
20. Use water sparingly and keep water clean.
A. dusty B. dirty C. wicked D. halfway
Read the followingpassage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the
correct word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks.
The human civilization underwent many changes and development with the passage of time. In
course of time, cities became the major centers of livelihood. A city has large population compared
to a town and a village. Life is full (21) activities in a big city. It is a center of education,
trade and industry, (22) , etc. Life in a big city starts early in the morning. School children,
office-workers, and others fill (23) roads, bus-stops and the vehicles. The market places get
crowded with people. Life in the city has certain charms. The factories and the industrial centers
give employment to thousands of people. Those (24) work hard in cities rise in life. Here,
neighbors live like (25)_ . Everyone finds himself in hurry and worry. The atmosphere is
polluted. There is competition in every sphere. However, cities add to the economic development
of a nation.
21. A. of B. on C. in D. terrorism
22. A. recreation B. pollution C. crime D. against
23. A. an B. the C. a D. much
24. A. whose B. whom C. which D. who
Teacher: Bui Thi Kim Thuy Bien Giang Secondary School
25. A. family B. enemies C. strangers D. friends
Read the followingpassage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the
correct answer to each of the questions.
One of the most urgent environment problems in the world today is the shortage of clean
water.Having clean drinking water is a basic human right.But acid rain, industrial pollution and
garbage have made many sources of water undrinkable.Lakes and even entire seas have become
large pools of poison.Lake Baikal in Russia is one of largest lake in the world.It contains a rich
variety of animals and plants, including 1, 300 rare species that do not exist anywhere else in the
world.But they are being destroyed by the massive volumes of industrial pollutants which pour
into the lake everyday.Even where law existed, the government did not have the power to enforce
them.Most industries simply ignore the regulations.The Mediterranean Sea occupies 1% of the
world's water surface.But it is the dumping ground for 50% of all marine pollution.Almost sixteen
countries regularly throw industrial wastes a few miles off shore.Water is free to everyone.A few
years ago people thought that the supply of clean water in the world was limitless.Today, many
water supplies have been ruined by pollution and sewage.Clean water is now scarce, and we are at
last beginning to respect this precious source.We should do something now.
26. One environment problem in the world today is .
A. industrial pollution B. population explosion
C. acid rain D. the fresh water shortage
27. What is the message to the readers?
A. We should do something to protect our water resources.
B. We should encourage people to use safe water.
C. We should limit the clean water in the world.
D. We should use a lot of clean water.
28. Many sources of water are not drinkable because of the following reasons
A. industrial pollution B. acid rain C. poison D. garbage
29. What is a serious problem of Lake Baikal in Russia?
A. The government did not have the power to enforce laws and regulations.
B. It contains a rich variety of animals and plants.
C. It is polluted by massive volumes of industrial wastes discharged into it.
D. It has 1, 300 rare species that do not exist anywhere else in the world.
30. How many countries throw industrial wastes into the Mediterranean Sea regularly?
A. nearly 16 B. exactly 16 C. less than 15 D. exactly 15
Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the underlined part that needs
correcting in each of the following questions.

31. He didn’t give me any ink, so I couldn’t write no more.

32. I went to the library to get as many information as I could.
33. The participants said that they have to separate the rice from the husk and then cook the rice.
34. Jane looked sadly and worried this morning. I wonder what happened to her.
Teacher: Bui Thi Kim Thuy Bien Giang Secondary School
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer to indicate the sentence that is closest in meaning
to the original sentence in each of the following questions.
35. That’s the garage where I left my car last week.
A. I had my car repaired last week but I left it there.
B. I had my car repaired and have left it there since last week.
C. That’s the garage where I went to have my car repaired last week.
D. I have had my car repaired since last week.
36. She hasn’t played the piano for five years.
A. The last time she didn’t play the piano was five years ago.
B. She played the piano five years ago.
C. The last time she played the piano was five years ago.
D. She didn’t play piano five years ago.
37. Tom said, “I want to visit my friends this weekend. ”
A. Tom said he wants to visit his friends this weekend.
B. Tom said he wanted to visit his friends this weekend.
C. Tom said he wants to visit his friends that weekend.
D. Tom said he wanted to visit his friends that weekend.
38. You must never take your helmet off while you are riding a motorcycle.
A. Helmets must be worn at all times when you are riding a motorcycle.
B. You must never wear your helmet while you are riding a motorcycle.
C. Helmets should be taken off at all times when riding a motorcycle.
D. You must never take off your helmet before you are riding a motorcycle .
39. I thought parking was allowed here.
A. In my opinion, only you are allowed to park here.
B. I was under the impression that parking was allowed there.
C. They allowed people to park here.
D. They didn’t allow people to park here.
40. When I was a child, we went to the local park every Saturday afternoon.
A. When I was a child, we used to go to the local park every Saturday afternoon.
B. When I was a child, I sometimes went to the local park every Saturday afternoon.
C. We are used to going to the local park every Saturday afternoon.
D. We have been used to the local park every Saturday afternoon since I was a child.
The end

Teacher: Bui Thi Kim Thuy Bien Giang Secondary School

Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word whose underlined part
differs from the other three in pronunciation in each of the following questions.
1. A. sports B. develops C. roofs D. floods
2. A. great B. steak C. beach D. break
Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that differs from the other
three in the position of primary stress in each of the following questions.
3. A. important B. special C. generous D. favourite
4. A. persuade B. threaten C. conserve D. suggest
Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the
following questions.
5. She’s running slowly through the park. She’s .
A. walking B. riding C. jogging D. driving
6. He can’t buy that bicycle because he has money.
A. a lot of B. much C. little D. few
7. Wearing uniforms helps poor students feel equal others.
A. up B. on C. off D. to
8. Not many students know the of learning English.
A. importance B. importantment C. important D. import
9. There are two temples and of them are very old.
A. one B. all C. both D. each
10. After Mary her degree, she intends to work in her father’s company.
A. will finish B. is finishing C. finishes D. will have finished
11. Thousands of lives were saved the scientists had warned them about the tsunami.
A. although B. however C. because D. therefore
12. No house in the village is than mine.
A. more beautiful B. beautifuler C. beautiful D. as beautiful
13. Mary often drinks coffee in the evening, ?
A. doesn’t Jane B. does not she C. does she D. doesn’t she
14. I wish Miss Brown come here and stay with us next week.
A. should B. can C. would D. will
Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the most suitable response to
complete each of the following exchanges.
15. Anna: “Thank you very much.” - Ba: “ ”
A. That's very kind of you. B. You’re welcome.
C. Great! D. Well done!
16.- Mother: “Could you do me a favor?”
- Kate: “ ”
A. No, thanks. I’m fine. B. Yes, that’s kind of you.
C. Yes, sure. D. Thanks. I'd love to.
Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s)CLOSEST in meaning
to the underlined word(s)in each of the following questions.

Teacher: Bui Thi Kim Thuy Bien Giang Secondary School

17. The whole village was wiped out in the bombing raids.
A. changed completely B. cleaned well
C. destroyed completely D. removed quickly
18. Mr.Parker grows maize on his farm.
A. rice B. corn C. vegetable D. tree
Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s)OPPOSITE in
meaning to the underlined word(s)in each of the following questions.
19. We cannot clean up our polluted rivers and seas overnight.
A. cleared B. purified C. honored D. respected
20. We can do something to save the earth.
A. waste B. kick C. shoot D. throw
Read the followingpassage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the
correct word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks.
Agriculture is the world’s most important industry. It provides us with almost all our food. It also
(21) materials for two other basic human needs – clothing and shelter. (22) , agriculture
provides materials used in many industrial products, such as paints and medicines. About half of
the world’s workers are employed in agriculture – far more than in (23) industry.
Agriculture is one of the world’s oldest industries. It began about 10, 000 years ago in the Middle
East. By that time, certain Middle Eastern tribes had discovered how to grow plants from seeds and
how to raise animals in captivity. Having mastered these skills, they could begin to practise
agriculture. As agriculture developed and farm (24) increased, fewer people were needed to
produce food. The non farmers could then develop arts, crafts, trades and other activities of
civilized life. Agriculture therefore not only greatly (25) the food supply but also made
civilization possible.
21. A. gives B. supplies C. brings D. takes
22. A. However B. Yet C. In addition D. Although
23. A. any other B. others C. some D. the other
24. A. land B. animals C. output D. houses
25. A. caused B. added C. provided D. influenced
Read the followingpassage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the
correct answer to each of the questions.
In the last 50 years, the media influence has grown widely with the advance of technology. First
was the telegraph, then the newspaper, the radio, the television and now is the Internet. We live in
a society that depends on information and communication to keep moving.
What we need to be aware is that most of our decisions, beliefs and values are based o what we
know for a fact, our assumptions and our own experience. In our work we usually know what we
have to do based on our experience and professional knowledge. However, in our daily lives, we
rely on the media to get the facts and figures about what is important and what we should be up to
date with.
As a result, we have to put our trust on the media as an authority to give us the needed
information. However, the influence of mass media on our life, work and society is so big that we
should know how it really works to select the right pieces of information.
28. According to the passage, what is the most recent type of mass media?
A. TV B. newspaper C. the Internet D. telegraph
29. In our work, what do we rely on in order to know what to do?
Teacher: Bui Thi Kim Thuy Bien Giang Secondary School
A. experience B. authority C. study D. technology
30. What can be used to replaced “be aware” in the second paragraph?
A. have B. understand C. depend D. consider
31. Which of the following is closest meaning to “trust” in the last paragraph?
A. value B. belief C. assumption D. experience
32. In order to have the right information, we need to .
A. understand how the mass media works B. make good decisions on the mass media
C. get the most current news and facts D. use our experience and professional knowledge
Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the underlined part that needs
correcting in each of the following questions.
31. I wonder if you have ever visit my country because more and more tourists are coming now.
32. The film on television made us so boring that we went to bed early.
33. No matter what happens, he will not let me to borrow his computer.
34. Mr.Smith is an old customer and the honest man.
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer to indicate the sentence that is closest in meaning
to the original sentence in each of the following questions.
35. Jerry said, “I’m studying English a lot at the moment. ”
A. Jerry said I am studying English a lot at the moment.
B. Jerry said he is studying English a lot at the moment.
C. Jerry said I was studying English a lot a moment.
D. Jerry said he was studying English a lot at the moment.
36. Our teacher always makes us do our homework before we leave the class.
A. We are always made to do our homework before we leave the class by our teacher.
B. We are always made do our homework before we leave the class by our teacher.
C. We always are made to do our homework before we leave the class by our teacher.
D. We always are made do our homework before we leave the class by our teacher.
37. She felt sick. She tried to stay cheerful.
A. Although her sickness, she tried to stay cheerful. B. Due to her sickness, she tried to stay cheerful.
C. Despite her sickness, she tried to stay cheerful. D. Because her sickness, she tried to stay cheerful.
38. All the guests enjoyed themselves at the party apart fromGeorge.
A. George was the only one who enjoyed himself at the party.
B. George was the only one who didn’t enjoy himself at the party.
C. All the guests including George enjoyed themselves at the party.
D. All the guests except George didn’t enjoy themselves at the party.
39. They moved to this suburb in 1997.
A. They lived in this suburb in 1997. B. They have moved to this suburb since 1997.
C. They have lived in this suburb since 1997. D. They have lived in this suburb before.
40. This tea is too hot. I can’t drink it.
A. This tea is so hot that I can drink. B. This tea is such hot that I can’t drink
C. This tea is too hot for me to drink. D. This tea is too hot that I can’t drink.
The end
Teacher: Bui Thi Kim Thuy Bien Giang Secondary
Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word whose underlined part
differs from the other three in pronunciation in each of the following questions.
1. A. wants B. says C. looks D. laughs
2. A. rather B. them C. neither D. think
Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that differs from the other
three in the position of primary stress in each of the following questions.
3. A. consonant B. hamburger C. tomorrow D. cucumber
4. A. hotel B. color C. picture D. student
Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the
following questions.
5. When you come tomorrow, why not your girlfriend with you?
A. fetch B. take C. bring D. carry
6. You will see him when he here tomorrow.
A. will come B. has come C. came D. comes
7. It was impossible for her to tell the , so she had to invent a story.
A. joke B. tale C. truth D. lie
8. He often tennis in his free time.
A. plays B. is playing C. will play D. to play
9. My sister is studying hard her exam.
A. to B. at C. in D. for
10. Your explanation reasonable.
A. is not sound B. does not sound C. is not sounded D. is not sounding
11. “I it will come at all today?” – “ Neither do I’’
A. think not B. think C. don’t think D. do think not
12. I hope that this winter won’t be last year.
A. as cold than B. as cold as C. as cold like D. so cold like
13. he was seen to be an aggressive politician, he was a quiet and loving family man at home.
A. Although B. Despite C. In spite of D. Nevertheless
14. The man told us that the next train would arrive .
A. at three thirty B. at three thirty o’clock
C. in three thirty D. in three thirty o’clock
Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the most suitable response to
complete each of the following exchanges.
15. Peter:“What happened to them last night? They look depressed!”
Mary:“ .”
A. Nothing went wrong. B. Everything good.
C. They received something. D. I don’t think anything happened.
16. Tom:“Oh, no! I can’t find my dictionary!”
Jane:“ .”
A. Thank you for letting me know.
D. Don’t worry. It will be back very soon.
C. It is a nice surprise. You should be glad about it!
D. Chill out. Try to remember when you last used it.
Teacher: Bui Thi Kim Thuy Bien Giang Secondary School
Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in meaning to
the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.
17. The man decided to devote himself full-time to social work.
A. bring B. help C. work D. dedicate
18. Tonny was so absorbed in his assignment that he forgot all about his dinner in the oven.
A. bored B. interested C. obliged D. distracted
Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in meaning
to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.
19. She called in my office this morning and we had a collective chat.
A. secret B. friendly C. personal D. public
20. He tried to start the car but he was unable to keep it running.
A. stop B. left C. ignite D. drive
Read the followingpassage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the
correct word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks.
There is possibly no one who has not heard of Walt Disney, one of the most famous cartoon
producers in the twentieth century, and (21) most people know hardly anything about him.
(22) he is considered one of the most successful men in history, he left school at the age of
sixteen and then studied arts for a short time. By the (23) years of this century, he had already
started producing some cartoons with his brother, who never to become as famous as
(24) Disney. Walt
Perhaps his most well-known cartoon character is Mickey Mouse, first appeared in a 1928 film called
“Steamboat Willie”. One of the most (25) cartoons of all time is “Snow White and the Seven
Dwarfs”, which was the first full-length cartoon in the history of the cinema.
21. A. yet B. then C. already D. however
22. A. Despite B. In spite of C. Although D. Even
23. A. primary B. early C. beginning D. initial
24. A. achieved B. reached C. succeeded D. managed
25. A. common B. excited C. popular D. known
Read the followingpassage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the
correct answer to each of the questions.
In many modern countries, people think of a family as a mother, a father and their children. But this
is not the only kind of the family group. In some parts of the world, a family group has many other
members. This kind of large family is called an “extended family” or a “joint family”.
The joint family includes all living relatives on either the mother s or the father’s side of the family. It
is made up of grandparents, parents, brothers, sisters, uncles, aunts and cousins. They live together in
a large house or in huts built close together.
Early people probably lived in joint families. They had to be part of a large group in order to survive.
The members of the group helped each other hunt. They worked together to protect themselves from
dangerous animals and other enemies.
In developed countries, some people still live in joint families. The members of a joint family share
their earnings and property. If one member of the group becomes ill or has bad luck, the others help
the person. As in the past, the members of the joint family offer each other help and protection.
26. What is the main idea of the passage?
A. Family types B. Living in joint families
Teacher: Bui Thi Kim Thuy Bien Giang Secondary School
C. Extended families D. Relatives in families
27. According to the passage, members of an extended family live .
A. together B. separately
C. far from one another D. close to the city center
28. Which of the following is NOT true about early people?
A. They hunted in groups. B. They fought against wild animals.
C. They had enemies. D. They shared their earnings.
29. What is the phrase “to be made up” closest in meaning to .
A. connect B. include C. live D. hope
30. According to the passage, which is shared among joint-family members?
A. possessions B. earnings C. luck D. hope
Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the underlined part that needs
correcting in each of the following questions.
31. Of the two lectures, the first is possibly the best, partly because the one who delivered it had
such a wonderful style.
32. John got his sister read his assignment, and then asked her to write the report for him because
he did not have enough time.
33. Her parents don’t allow her go out in the evening.
34. Our teacher said that all the exercises should done at home.
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer to indicate the sentence that is closest in meaning to
the original sentence in each of the following questions.
35. We bought our house last year.
A. Our house was sold last year. B. Our house was bought last year.
C. Our house has been bought for a year. D. Our house has been bought since last year.
36. She feels happy because she has passed her exam.
A. Her good exam result makes her happy. B. She feels happy to take the exam.
C. She feels happy because of the coming exam. D. She feels happy because the exam has finished.
37. Although she took a taxi, Susan arrived late for the party.
A. Susan arrived late for the party because she didn’t take a taxi.
B. Susan arrived late for the party because of the taxi.
C. In spite of taking a taxi, Susan arrived late for the party.
D. Although she took a taxi, Susan can’t come to the party in time.
38. The journey to Bristol took six hours.
A. It was a six-hour journey to Bristol. B. It was a six-hours journey to Bristol.
C. The journey to Bristol was short. D. It was six-hour journey to Bristol.
39. “Can I borrow your car, Helen?” said Mary.
A. Mary asked Helen if she can borrow her car.
B. Mary asked Helen if she could borrow her car.
C. Mary asked Helen she can borrow her car.
Teacher: Bui Thi Kim Thuy Bien Giang Secondary School
D. Mary asked Helen she could borrow her car.
40. This is the most interesting film I have ever seen.
A. I saw that film because it is interesting.
B. If I knew the film was interesting, I would see it earlier.
C. I don’t think it is the most interesting, I would see it earlier.
D. I have seen a lot of films but this is the most interesting of all.
The end

Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word whose underlined part
differs from the other three in pronunciation in each of the following questions.
1. A. stopped B. agreed C. listened D. cleaned
4. A. butcher B. butter C. summer D. plumber
Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that differs from the
other three in the position of primary stress in each of the following questions.
3. A. cinema B. position C. family D. scientist
4. A. arrest B. purchase C. accept D. publish
Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the
following questions.
5. You better be careful not to miss the train.
A. would B. should C. did D. had
6. It is written English, which is not systematically phonetic that difficulties to foreigners.
A. causes B. gives C. makes D. does
7. There is _______ new English book on the desk.
A. a B. an C. the D. Ø
8. If I had enough time now, I to my parents.
A. would write B. write C. will write D. wrote
9. When my father was young, he in the army for four years.
A. served B. has served C. had served D. has been served
10. That is the new teacher about the students are talking.
A. that B. whose C. who D. whom
11. the traffic was bad, I arrived on time.
A. Because B. Since C. Despite D. Although
12. Lan has a big of foreign stamps.
A. collector B. collection C. collecting D. collective
13. Greg prefers watching football _ playing it.
A. than B. as C. to D. for
14. Your umbrella is blue, ?
A. was it B. isn’t it C. doesn’t it D. did it
Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the most suitable response to
complete each of the following exchanges.
Teacher: Bui Thi Kim Thuy Bien Giang Secondary School
15. Speaker 1:“It’s rather cold in here. Do you mind if I close the window?”
Speaker 2:“ ”
A. Yes, please B. Sure, please C. No, go ahead D. I don’t like it
16. Student 1: “What are you thinking of doing when you leave school?”
Student 2: “ _”
A. I’m not sure. Maybe something with history
B. I’m not that great at technology.
C. Not much. My dad is an engineer.
D. Oh, languages are definitely not my strengths.
Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in meaning
to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.
17. The house comprises two bedrooms, a kitchen and a bathroom.
A. consist of B. gets C. divides D. takes
18. How can you find anything when the house is so messy?
A. spotless B. dirty C. clean D. tidy
Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in
meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.
19. She spoke in a quiet voice so as not to wake him.
A. speechless B. noisy C. silent D. cautious
20. Despite opposition from his family, he quit school and became an actor.
A. stopped B. left C. continued D. remained
Read the followingpassage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the
correct word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks.
When man first learnt how to make fire, he began to use fuel for the first time. The fuel he used
was probably wood. As time passed, man eventually discovered that substances such as coal and
oil would (21) .
Coal was not used very widely as a (22) of energy until the last century. With the coming of
the industrial revolution, it was soon realized that production would double if coal was used
instead of wood. Nowadays, (23) of the huge factories and electricity stations would be unable to
function if there was no coal.
In the last twenty or thirty years, (24) , the use of coal has declined. As the result, there have
been changes in the coal industry. It is (25) that more people would use coal if oil and gas
were not available.
21. A. heat B. burn C. fire D. light
22. A. resource B. reason C. cause D. source
23. A. much B. many C. more D. few
24. A. however B. therefore C. because D. since
25. A. believed B. considered C. made D. provided
Read the followingpassage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the
correct answer to each of the questions.
Not so many years ago, the word vitamin was known only to a few scientists. Today it is very
widely used, and the importance of vitamins in your foods is common knowledge.
Vitamins are life-giving substances found in foods and are needed for the proper growth and
general health of the body. The different kinds of vitamins are indicated by letters of the
Teacher: Bui Thi Kim Thuy Bien Giang Secondary School
alphabet. At the

Teacher: Bui Thi Kim Thuy Bien Giang Secondary School

present time, vitamins A, B1, B2, C, D, E and G are known. A proper diet should contain a
collection of foods in which all of these vitamins are present. Vitamins are also prepared and sold
in tablet and capsule form.
Each vitamin has its particular work to do in the life-giving process. Vitamin B1, for example,
benefits appetite and digestion. It also helps the body grow. Another vitami helps the blood to clot,
so that danger of bleeding to death in case of injury is lessened. Still another makes the eyes stronger
of seeing at night. Airplane pilots need plenty of this vitamin. Scientists think vitamins may have
some effect on keeping the hair from turning gray.
28. Which of the following can be infered from the passage?
A. Scientists have known about vitamins for centuries.
B. Vitamins are medicines given to cure diseases.
C. To get all the vitamins a person must eat a variety of foods.
D. A few people know the value of vitamins.
29. This article as a whole is about .
A. diet in relation to health B. prevention of diseases
C. what vitamins are and what they do D. how scientists discovered vitamins
30. We know the name of vitamins through .
A. the pictures B. the food
C. the letters of the alphabet D. the different tastes
31. The word “another” in the last paragraph refers to which of the following?
A. vitamin B. food C. diet D. medicine
32. Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?
A. Vitamins can be taken only by eating the foods in which they are found.
B. Vitamins can be preparedin tablet and capsule form.
C. Vitamins have an important effect on health.
D. Each vitamin has its particular work to do.
Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the underlined part that needs
correcting in each of the following questions.
31. I know you are too busy to stay, but I look forward to see you again.

32. I feel really tired. I wish I didn’t go to the party last night.
33. On winter day, we all used to sit around the fire and told stories.
34. When I was on holiday last summer, I was going to the beach everyday.
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer to indicate the sentence that is closest in meaning
to the original sentence in each of the following questions.
35. They managed to finish the project in time for the presentation.
A. The project will be finished in in time for the presentation.
B. They failed to finish the project in time for the presentation.
C. They succeeded in finishing the project in time for the presentation.
D. It was difficult for them to finish the project in time for the presentation.

Teacher: Bui Thi Kim Thuy Bien Giang Secondary School

36. I haven’t been to London since I left my college.
A. I didn’t go to London when I left college.
B. The last time I went to London was when I left my college.
C. I have been to London since I left my college.
D. I have been to London to visit my college.
37. Her good exam result gave us no surprise.
A. She did well in the exam, which made us surprised.
B. We were not surprised at her good exam result.
C. We were surprised at her good exam result.
D. We thought she had got better exam result.
38. Mr. Long is a strict teacher in our school. Do you know him?
A. Do you know him Mr. Long is a strict teacher in our school?
B. Do you know Mr. Long, he is a strict teacher in our school?
C. Do you know Mr. Long, a strict teacher in our school?
D. Do you know a strict teacher in our school is Mr. Long?
39. “My teacher gave me this exercise yesterday. ” said the girl.
A. The girl said (that) my teacher gave me this exercise yesterday.
B. The girl said (that) her teacher gave her this exercise yesterday.
C. The girl said (that) her teacher had given her this exercise yesterday.
D. The girl said (that) her teacher had given her that exercise the previous day.
40. The doctor doesn’t have enough time to see you now.
A. The doctor has a little time to see you.
B. The door is too busy to see you now.
C. The doctor doesn’t want to see you now.
D. If the doctor has enough time, he will see you now.
The end

Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word whose underlined part
differs from the other three in pronunciation in each of the following questions.
1. A. typhoon B. goose C. blood D. stool
2. A. approaches B. sprinkles C. garnishes D. refuses
Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that differs from the other
three in the position of primary stress in each of the following questions.
3. A. money B. machine C. history D. mother
4. A. elephant B. sympathy C. solution D. animal
Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the
following questions.
5. Our form teacher couldn't come to the party’, was a pity.
A. that B. which C. what D. this
6. After two years’ hard work, she in finding a job.
A. managed B. succeeded C. was able D. achieved
7. He is one of the most people I have ever met. He never says anything interesting.
Teacher: Bui Thi Kim Thuy Bien Giang Secondary School
A. bore B. bores C. bored D. boring
8. I have got two sisters, of whom is married.
A. both B. all C. neither D. none
9. - “Shall I put the books on the floor?”
- “No, I want to keep
A. tidy the room B. the room tidily C. the room is tidy D. the room tidy
10. There’s somebody behind us. I think we .
A. are following B. follow C. have followed D. are being followed
11. A lot needs to the house before anyone can move in.
A. doing B. be done C. to do D. done
12. I when he came last night.
A. have read B. am reading C. read D. was reading
13. She was she could not say anything.
A. too surprised at the news that B. such surprised at the news
C. very surprised at the news D. so surprised at the news that
14. It rained three days without stopping.
A. during B. for C. since D. while
Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the most suitable response to
complete each of the following exchanges.
15. - Peter: “ Thank you very much for all that you’ve done!”
- Nick: “ .”
A. No matter B. Yes, I’m proud of it C. It’s not worth it D. Don’t mention it
16. - Mai: “ Shall we go to the Ethnology Museum this weekend?’
- Susan: “_ .”
A. Nothing more to say B. Yeah. It sounds interesting
C. Why ask that question? D. No. You must be
Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in meaning
to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.
17. Before our modern age, people had a more physical and active lifestyle.
A. clever B. moving C. bright D. smart
18. All teachers should be aware of the real challenges that visually handicapped pupils have to face.
A. images B. tasks C. positions D. difficulties
Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in
meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.
19. We still remember looking at the brilliant stars in the clear night sky
A. dim B. moving C. bright D. smart
20. The boy on the soccer team were hungry after the game , so they went o eat pizza
A. bumpy B. happy C. starving D. full
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate
the correct word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks.
It is usually very hard to become familiar (21) the culture of a foreign country. If you live a
long time in that country, you will find out how little you really know about its culture. Books are
often of little use (22) they concentrate on differences between your own culture and that of
Teacher: Bui Thi Kim Thuy Bien Giang Secondary School
the foreign country. A lot of information they contain is not correct. It is even difficult for us to
become (23)_ of the culture of our own country. A recent (24) showed that British
people did not know what was really typical of their country! They listed stereotypes when they
were asked to (25) the things they thought were typical of Britain.
21. A. with B. about C. for D. on
22. A. instead B. but C. despite D. because
23. A. interested B. amazed C. aware D. famous
24. A. novel B. survey C. cartoon D. interview
25. A. inform B. draw C. describe D. assist
Read the followingpassage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the
correct answer to each of the questions.
Francis Bacon, one of the most important philosophers of England, was born in London and educated
at Cambridge University. When he was only 15, he went to France to work for the English
ambassador. Two years later he went back to England to study law. At the age of twenty- three he
was chosen to parliament. His ideas about how scientist should study things in nature help to bring
the modern way of thinking called the scientific method.
One of the Bacon’s best known books was his Essays. Each Essay was a short piece of writing in
which he tried to give a lesson by discussing sides of a subject such as studying, conversation, friends
and healthy living. In many of his books, Bacon explained how scientists should study things as
they really existed in nature and then tried to figure out what caused a particular thing to be as it
was. Later, by doing experiments, the scientist could see that any one cause would always have the
same result. This method, which is called inductive reasoning, is used by all the scientists today,
but it was new in Bacon’s time.
26. From the passage we know that _
A. Francis Bacon was the most important philosopher of England.
B. Francis Bacon had good education.
C. Francis Bacon worked for a French ambassador at the age of 15.
D. Francis Bacon stayed in France until he was 23.
27. It can be known that Francis Bacon was famous for .
A. inventing the scientific method B. his books
C. his essays D. being a member of parliament.
28. His essays gave many useful lessons on all of the following EXCEPT .
A. studying B. conversation C. friends and healthy living D. fighting
29. The phrase “ inductive reasoning” in the last paragraph means .
A. to discover general laws from particular facts or examples.
B. to reach a conclusion by reasoning from general laws to a particular case.
C. to study things as they used to be.
D. to study things in a particular way.
30. Which of the following is NOT true?
A. Bacon was a learned man.
B. Bacon did a lot of philosophy.
C. The inductive reasoning was used in Bacon’s time.
D. Bacon gave scientists a lot of useful advice.
Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the underlined part that needs
correcting in each of the following questions.
Teacher: Bui Thi Kim Thuy Bien Giang Secondary School
31. I was tired after walking so far, so I stopped taking a rest.
32. He put on his coat and leaves in a hurry.
33. Only seventeen on one hundred business calls get through to the correct person on the first
34. New universities are being establish at a slower rate nowadays due to the lack of funds.
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer to indicate the sentence that is closest in meaning
to the original sentence in each of the following questions.
35. “Would you like to come to my party?” said Frankie.
A. Frankie invited me to his party. B. I invited Frankie to my party
C. Frankie asked me to my party. D. Frankie said I could come to his party
36. People rumoured that her husband had died in the battle.
A. Her husband is rumoured to die in the battle.
B. Her husband died in the battle, and it is the truth.
C. People knew that her husband died in the battle.
D. Her husband was rumoured to have died in the battle.
37. I found it difficult to communicate in English.
A. I didn’t like to communicate in English.
B. I was not used to communicating in English.
C. Communicating in English was no difficulty for me.
D. I preferred communicating in English.
38. She worked very hard. She could not please her step
mother. A She worked very hard in order to please her step mother.
B. Although she worked hard, she could not please her step mother.
C. She worked very hard, so that she could please her step mother.
D. Unless she worked very hard, she could please her step mother.
39. Juniper was kayaking in the ocean. He saw a humpback whale at that time.
A. Juniper saw a humpback whale which was kayaking in the ocean.
B. Juniper was kayaking in the ocean when he saw a humpback whale.
C. Before kayaking in the ocean, Juniper saw a humpback whale.
D. Without kayaking in the ocean Juniper saw a humpback whale.
40. The bridge was very low. The ship couldn’t go under it.
A. It was a very low bridge, and big ships could go under it
B. The bridge wasn’t low enough for the ship to go under it.
C. It was a low bridge because the ship couldn’t go under it
D. The bridge was so low that the ship couldn’t go under it.
The end

Teacher: Bui Thi Kim Thuy Bien Giang Secondary School


Teacher: Bui Thi Kim Thuy Bien Giang Secondary School


Teacher: Bui Thi Kim Thuy Bien Giang Secondary School


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