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Brusov State University

Topic: Psychological Manipulation

Faculty/Group: TIC 1st course, 4th group

Student: Chris Aghababyan
Lecturer: Avakimova Elena

Erevan 2023
Manipulation is behavior aimed at changing the
behavior of other people. Does manipulation occur when
one person wants something from another and
persistently expresses that desire? Of course no: Because
then everything is clear. The recipient may or may not
respond to this request.

Manipulation begins when a person disguises his

desire under the guise of something else. For example, he claims to act entirely for the
benefit of the other person whom he pursues, and thinks of means with the help of which
it is possible, by pressing the "buttons" of the human psyche, to get anything; "It's not that
I want money from you, but you yourself really want to give me money."

A manipulator is a person who seeks material and non-material benefits, for

example influence, power, security. And the subject of manipulation in this case is the
one from whom you can get a lot.

Usually people become such subjects under two conditions:

First: he himself likes to manipulate other people, as if setting an example that

there is nothing reprehensible in this form of communication.

Second: when people are not transparent to themself, do not realize their
weaknesses. It is quite possible that there will be some "caring" person, an external
consultant who will try to play on these weaknesses and make him a toy through them.

Manipulators play through a sense of fear or threat: for example, business will be
taken over, secrets will be stolen, business will fail, competitors will overtake and
outperform, etc. Manipulation is when a person is constantly kept in fear and pushed into
actions that will supposedly protect them from it all. Let's say the profiteer is afraid or
wary of competition, and the clever, cunning "Manipulator" advises him to protect
himself. And then dictates its rules.

Eric Byrne gave his systematic approach to manipulation. According to him, in

each of us there is an adult who is able to calculate everything and there is a child who is
ready to listen to an adult.

The manipulator is a specialist in all these structures. It seems to us that he is

talking to us like an adult, but in fact he is talking to us like a child.

Manipulations can of course be performed by the person who "has the opportunity
to get close to the body". This is quite difficult to do in the absence of direct contact.

Electoral technologies often present themselves as subtle, ingenious manipulation

technologies. For example, during Yeltsin's second election campaign, the fear of the
return of the communists was mercilessly exploited. The real danger was multiplied. A
dilemma arose: Yeltsin or death. And in terms of Yeltsin, they managed to suppress any
fears and anxieties. And everyone went and voted. Here is an example of manipulation:
creating an artificial dilemma from which there seems to be no way out.

It is easy to spot a primitive manipulator because he is too persistent in pursuing

something, recommending, emphasizing, denying something. The most skilled, nimble
manipulators, of course, do not make such a mistake.

"Own transparency" is the only means of protection. Some psychological hygiene

must be developed. You should constantly ask yourself: What am I doing, why, for what,
what motivates me?

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