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Question 1: This lime juice needs______before you can drink it.

A. diluting B. dissolving C. softening D. watering
Question 2: He was arrested because he had______the government.
A. come out against B. come in upon C. come down with D. come up to
Question 3: It's a long time since London was______in one of its infamous peasouper fogs.
A. enclosed B. enveloped C. encircled D. invaded
Question 4: Those smart phones are selling like______. Ifyou want one, you’d better buy
one now before they’re all gone.
A. shooting stars B. fresh bread C. hot cakes D. wild oats
Question 5: I can’t______of a word he is saying.
A. make sense B. grasp C. comprehend D. understand
Question 6: Statistics______now compulsory for all students taking a course in
A. are B. have been C. has been D. is
Question 7: On hearing the news she fainted and it was half an hour before she
A. came up B. came round C. came over D. came forward
Question 8: The passport she carried was______.
A. artificial B. imitation C. untrue D. false
Question 9: I haven’t had an accident yet but I’ve had a number of shaves.
A. narrow B. near C. close D. tiny
Question 10: You dropped it down the stairs? You're lucky it is still in one
A. whole B. piece C. entirely D. unit
Question 11:B.e careful not to______the tray too much or the glasses will slide off.
A. bend B. tilt C. incline D. twist
Question 12: Don't worry about trying to catch the last train home, as we can
______you up for the night.
A. take B. keep C. put D. set
Question 13: The silver medalist was later______for running outside her lane.
A. banned B. disqualified C. disallowed D. outlawed
Question 14: My father refused to eat meat that had been fired. He had in his
bonnet about causing cancer.
A. bug B. a bee C. a bull D. an ant
Question 15: I have a mere______of German.
A. smattering B. knowledge C. acquaintance D. command
Question 16: Can I______you another piece of cake?
A. convince B. persuade C. attract D. tempt
Question 17: He'll be very upset if you______his offer of help.
A. turn away B. turn from C. turn down D. turn against
Question 18: The woman______someone had stolen her purse, but although they searched
everyone in the shop, it wasn't found.
A. announced B. declared C. claimed D. said
Question 19: I dropped a______when talking with my best friend, and now he doesn't want
to talk to me.
A. rock B. stone C. brick D. sand
Question 20: When______a European, we should stick to the last name unless he suggests
that we use his first name.
A. speaking B. discussing C. talking D. addressing
Question 21: The little children watched the performance in______amazement.
A. wide-eyed B. cross-eyed C. eagle-eyed D. hawk-eyed
Question 22:B.y the time the ambulance arrived, a crowd of______had gathered.
A. spectators B. passers C. onlookers D. viewers
Question 23: The main cause of the strike was the management’s refusal to give
further consideration to the question of paying______.
A. differentials B. differences C. subsidies D. opportunities
Question 24: In the last month I was______my affairs in England and saying goodbye to all
my friends.
A. switching off B. hanging up C. winding up D. fading away
Question 25: They say he inherited his money from a______relative he had never met.
A. faraway B. remote C. distant D. far
Question 26: One of my classmates is always putting me______in public. It’s so
A. up B. off C. through D. down
Question 27: I know his name is 'Jim', but it was just a______of the tongue when I called
him ‘Tim’.
A. slide B. skid C. skim D. slip
Question 28: If you leave your baggage______at the airport, it will be taken away.
A. inattentive B. careless C. unattended D. neglectful
Question 29: When you are in a western country, your host may open a wrapped
gift in front of you. Opening a present in front of the gift-giver is______polite.
A. acquired B. considered C. known D. called
Question 30: The color of your shirt does not______that of your trousers.
A. suit B. fit C. harmonize D. match

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