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1. Which one of the following disciplines is studied in ethology? (2003)

(A) Heredity (C) Reproduction
(B) Physiology (D) Behaviour
2. The unicellular organism, Euglena, swims using its flagellum towards areas of increased light intensity.
What is this kind of response to stimulus called? (2003)
(A) Negative kinesis (C) Negative phototaxis
(B) Positive kinesis (D) Positive phototaxis
3. Wood lice increase their movement in different directions in response to increased light intensity. This is an
example of which of the following? (2003)
(A) Positive taxis (C) Kinesis
(B) Negative taxis (D) Phototropism
4. Which of the following types of movements in response to a stimulus has no specific direction? (2004)
(A) Taxis (C) Gravitropism
(B) Kinesis (D) Phototropism
5. Why is that the woodlice are typically found under logs, stones, bark and amongst leaf litter? (2004)
(A) To be sheltered in a dry windy environment.
(B) To run away from the area where the air is humid.
(C) To make sure that they are in the hottest place all the time.
(D) To reduce the rate at which water is lost from their bodies.
6. Woodlice are observed avoiding light and heat by quickly moving to moist and darker areas. Which
behaviour of these animals helps them to detect differences in light intensity and move to the darker and
moist part of the habitat? (2008)
(A) Instinctive learning (C) Positive phototaxis
(B) Negative phototaxis (D) Insight learning
7. Which of the following is responsible for the bending of a young plant towards a unidirectional source of
light? (2008)
(A) Reduced photosynthesis on dark side
(B) Faster growth rate on the dark side
(C) Reduced auxin concentration on dark side
(D) Increased rate of cell division on the light side

8. Which of the following activities of an organism do we call a behaviour? (2009)
(A) Reception of external stimulus
(B) Reception of internal stimulus
(C) Responding to stimulus
(D) Lack of receptors to receive stimulus
9. Which of the following statements can be considered as better definition of the biological concept of
behaviour? (2009)
(A) The reactions of a person or an animal in response to an external or internal stimulus
(B) The responses or reactions or movements that a living plant makes in any situation
(C) A system of coordinated response by an organism to an external or internal stimulus
(D) A receptor of some kind of stimulus that an organism has which produces a response
10. If an actively growing potted seedling is kept horizontally, which of the following would eventually happen
to the seeding? (2009)
(A) The shoot would bend upward
(B) The root would bend upward
(C) The seedling would stop growing
(D) The seedling would grow horizontally
11. Which one of the following can best explain behaviour? It is (2013)
(A) the co-ordinated response of an organism to an internal or external stimuli.
(B) the tendency for parts of plants to grow towards light.
(C) the actions or reactions of a person or animal in response to external or internal stimuli.
(D) a cell or group of cells that receives and processes stimuli.


12. Which one of the following is true about an innate behaviour? (2003)
(A) It is non–adaptive behaviour. (C) Members of a species behave similarly.
(B) It is learned behaviour. (D) It is environmentally determined
13. It is said that a goat mother accepts and nurses as her own kid any young that she smells at a certain critical
period, and rejects all others. This is an example of: (2003)
(A) Habituation (C) Insight learning
(B) Imprinting (D) Sensitization
14. With which of the following hibernation is most associated in animals? (2003)
(A) Migration (C) Annual biological cycle
(B) Availability of food in the store (D) Daily biological cycle
15. Which of the following is NOT classified as a learned behaviour? (2005)
(A) Insight (C) Latent
(B) Innate (D) Conditioned
16. To what kind of animal behavior can the spinning of a web by a spider be classified? (2005)
(A) Learned behaviour (C) Instinctive behaviour
(B) Experiential behaviour (D) Accidental behaviour
17. Behaviour that is repeated on a daily basis is referred to as: (2006)
(A) Lunar (C) Circannual
(B) Circadian (D) Seasonal
18. Which of the following behavioural biologists is known for his study about imprinting behaviour in
animals? (2007)
(A) W. Kohler (C) Ivan Pavlov
(B) B.F. Skinner (D) Konrad Lorenz
19. Baby ostriches tend to follow the first moving object that they see as they hatch out of the eggs. What kind
of animal behaviour does this demonstrate? (2007)
(A) Positive taxis (C) Positive kinesis
(B) Innate behaviour (D) Learned behaviour
20. Which of the following is NOT true about instinctive behaviour? (2007)
(A) It can be developed further through learning.
(B) It is triggered by a key stimulus.
(C) It has a fixed action pattern.
(D) It is adaptive for the species.

21. Which one of the following is an example of an orientational innate behaviour? (2007)
(A) Kinesis in woodlice
(B) Blinking of the eyes
(C) Sudden withdrawal of limbs from hot object
(D) Nest building by weaver birds
22. Which hormone promotes human sleepfulness in darkness and controls the sleep–wake cycle? (2007)
(A) Insulin (C) Melatonin
(B) Adrenaline (D) Thyroxine
23. Which of the following is NOT true about innate behaviours? (2008)
(A) Can be improved by trial and error (C) Present at birth or on hatching
(B) Common to all members of the species (D) Do not have to be learned
24. If someone suddenly removes his/her hand from a very hot object, which of the following types of
behaviour is manifested? (2008)
(A) Reflex action (C) Learned behaviour
(B) Imprinting (D) Sensitization
25. Which type of animal behaviour happens without learning? (2009)
(A) Innate (C) Insight
(B) Latent (D) Conditioned
26. A reflex action that involves internal organs such as the heart is referred to as __________? (2009)
(A) Somatic reflex (C) Spinal cord reflex
(B) External reflex (D) Autonomic reflex
27. Which of the following organs serves as a coordinating system in a reflex action? (2009)
(A) Spinal cord (C) Nerve cells
(B) Sense organs (D) Muscle
28. Which of the following is NOT a learned behaviour? (2009)
(A) Imprinting (C) Conditioning
(B) Habituation (D) Trial and error
29. In which of the following is there a MISMATCH between the type of innate behaviour and the resulting
action/response? (2010)
(A) Instinctive behaviour – Imprinting in birds
(B) Orientational movement – Weaving a web in spiders
(C) Reflex action – Blinking of the eyes in humans
(D) Instinctive behaviour – Nest building in birds

30. Which of the following statements about instinctive actions is NOT true? (2010)
(A) require learning. (C) are innate.
(B) are adaptive (D) have fixed pattern.
31. Of the following patterns of innate behavior in animals, which one is considered the simplest? (2011)
(A) Reflex action (C) Taxis movement
(B) Instinctive behavior (D) kinesis movement
32. The daily cycle of activity that occurs over a 24-hour period of time is called a: (2011)
(A) Circadian rhythm (C) Stimulus-response
(B) Kinesis behavior (D) Taxis behavior
33. One of the following is true about a behavior that has a fixed action pattern. (2011)
(A) It is always done in the same way.
(B) It is a learned behavior.
(C) It can be perfected through experience
(D) It does not need a stimulus to trigger it.
34. One of the following behavioral pattern of human babies is more or less similar to the imprinting of newly
hatched goose? (2011)
(A) Fixed action pattern (C) Attachment-formation
(B) Habituation (D) breast suckling
35. The quick withdrawal of your hand from a hot plate is an example of (2013)
(A) fixed action pattern. (C) biological clock.
(B) innate behaviour. (D) key stimulus.
36. Which one of the following processes describes a biological clock? (2013)
(A) Removal of one’s thumb from hot objects quickly
(B) The growing of plants towards light
(C) Circannual migration of birds from temperate to tropical areas
(D) Kinesis and taxes of woodlice and other simple animals
37. Instinctive behaviour (2014)
(A) is common to all members of a species.
(B) varies from individual to individual.
(C) may be modified by new experiences.
(D) develops through trial and error.


38. In Pavlov’s classical conditioning experiment on dogs, which one of the following is the
unconditioned response? (2003)
(A) The sound of the bell before presenting food.
(B) The sight of food from far away.
(C) The salivation of the dog at the sight of food.
(D) The salivation of the dog at the sound of the bell.
39. Among the following, which one is a learned behaviour? (2003)
(A) Reflex action (C) Imprinting
(B) Habituation (D) Fixed action pattern
40. In the classical conditioning experiment performed by Pavlov on dogs, which of the following
alternatives is the unconditioned stimulus? (2004)
(A) The sound of the bell (C) The salivation at the sound of the bell
(B) The smell of the food (D) The salivation at the smell of the food.
41. What do we call the learned behavior if a mouse that had just escaped from the mouth of a cat jumped
violently at a slight touch by a trivial object? (2005)
(A) Latent learning (C) Conditioning
(B) Sensitization (D) Imprinting
42. An experimental animal stopped responding to a stimulus that has been repeated so many times. What type
of learned behaviour is this? (2006)
(A) Latent learning (C) Imprinting
(B) Habituation (D) Operant conditioning
43. Suppose when you enter a room you notice an unpleasant smell which you eventually forget about its
presence, what is this behaviour called? (2007)
(A) Latent learning (C) Habituation
(B) Insight learning (D) Operant conditioning
44. In Pavlov’s experiment on the classical conditioning of dogs, what does the reaction of the dogs to the
sound of the bell represent? (2007)
(A) The conditioned stimulus (C) The unconditioned stimulus
(B) The conditioned response (D) The unconditioned response
45. Which of the following involves trial and error learning? (2008)
(A) Operant conditioning (C) Sensitization
(B) Habituation (D) Classical conditioning

46. Which of the following is a learned behaviour? (2008)
(A) Suckling of the newborn at mother’s breasts
(B) Salivation by conditioned dogs at the sound of a bell
(C) Withdrawal of hands suddenly from hot objects
(D) Blinking of the eyes when something gets into them
47. To which category of behaviour does the human behaviour that involves the strengthening of existing
responses or the formation of new responses to existing stimuli that occur because of practice or repetition
belong? (2009)
(A) Learned behaviour (C) Innate behaviour
(B) Instinctive behaviour (D) Inborn behaviour
48. Which of the following is NOT grouped under genetically pre-programmed patterns of behaviour? (2009)
(A) Reflex actions in humans (C) Conditioned behaviour
(B) Orientation behaviour (D) Instinctive behaviours
49. A boy who had seen a snake crossing his way earlier, jumped up violently when grass touched his legs.
Which behaviour is it? (2010)
(A) Sensitization (C) Conditioning
(B) Habituation (D) Imprinting
50. In which of the following ways does learned behaviour differ from innate behaviour? (2010)
(A) Learned behaviour is adaptive in nature.
(B) Learned behaviour is genetically determined.
(C) Learned behaviour is functional at the first attempt.
(D) Learned behaviour is modified by new experiences.
51. Habituation and imprinting illustrate that behaviours are made up of: (2010)
(A) reversible stimulus-response learning.
(B) both innate and learned components.
(C) unchanging response to preset stimuli.
(D) simple responses to complex stimuli.
52. A small girl who had observed her mother making a telephone call, one day made a call on her own. Which
learning behaviour does this exemplify? (2010)
(A) Latent learning (C) Sensitization
(B) Insight learning (D) Trial and error
53. What is the behavior that an animal learns to ignore a trivial stimulus that is repeated many times? (2011)
(A) Sensitization (C) Insight learning
(B) Latent learning (D) Habituation

54. If a chimpanzee piles up boxes and climbs on it to reach a bunch of banana hanging from a ceiling, which
behavior is manifested? (2011)
(A) Operant conditioning (C) Latent learning
(B) Trial and error learning (D) Insight learning
55. Which animal behavior pattern is best illustrated by the famous Pavlov’s dog? (2011)
(A) Habituation (C) Associative learning
(B) Latent learning (D) Instinctive behavior
56. “Skinner box” is used for experiments in: (2011)
(A) classical conditioning (C) migration
(B) taxis (D) operant conditioning
57. One of the following is NOT true about operant conditioning. (2011)
(A) It is concerned with learnt behavior. (C) It is based on innate behaviors.
(B) It is based on reward and punishment. (D) It is based on consequences of actions.
58. Identify learned behaviour from the following. (2013)
(A) Dog trained to hunt.
(B) Honey bee making honey.
(C) Child withdraws hand from hot things.
(D) Ants making nest.
59. The behaviour which trainers look, if modified, could lead to the desired behaviour and reward such a
behaviour is (2013)
(A) innate. (C) reflex.
(B) instinct. (D) operant.
60. Which one of the following examples of behaviour describes when an animal stops responding to stimulus
or cue after a period of repeated exposure? (2013)
(A) Imprinting (C) Habituation
(B) Reflex (D) Conditioning
61. A police man trained a dog on how to find explosive materials through sniffing; on another instant the same
police man observed a week old puppy following him on the roadside. Which one of the following is correct
about the behaviours of the animals in the observation? (2013)
(A) The first case is genetically encoded and the second is adaptive.
(B) Both of the cases indicate natural behaviour of the animals.
(C) Both of the cases indicate learned behaviour of the animals.
(D) The first cases develop through trial and error and the second is genetically coded.

62. Which one of the following statements is an example of latent learning? (2014)
(A) The random movement of woodlice in response to changes in light intensity and humidity.
(B) Knowledge of a mice about the immediate environment of its burrow may help it escape from predator.
(C) Foraging bees returning from successful trip dance on the honey comb to recruit others to harvest a
(D) Female baboon turn its buttock toward the dominant male to signify readiness to mate.


63. What is the role of the worker honey bee just after it emerges? (2004)
(A) Forage for nectar, pollen and water (C) Guard the hive
(B) Clean out dirty honeycomb (D) Build honeycomb
64. During seasons of reproduction, the males of some species of birds produce colorful feathers to attract
females. What do ethologists call this method of communication in animals? (2004)
(A) Visual (C) Auditory
(B) Chemical (D) Touch
65. Which of the following do bees use to inform other bees about the location and distance of a new source of
nectar they discover? (2005)
(A) Pheromones (C) Buzzing noise
(B) Waggle dance (D) Vibration of wings
66. The group of Ethiopian wolf which does NOT contribute to territory marking with their urine containing
pheromones is______________. (2005)
(A) Adult males (C) Sub–adult males
(B) Adult females (D) Sub–adult females
67. Which of the following is more true about the male of the honey bee? (2006)
(A) It has no father (C) It is sterile
(B) It is diploid (D) It regulates the colony
68. In which of the activities of the honey bee colony are worker bees involved? (2006)
(A) Laying eggs (C) Reproductive function
(B) Serving as queens (D) Taking care of the larvae
69. To which one of the following classes of stimuli do pheromones belong? (2008)
(A) Auditory (C) Visual
(B) Smell (D) Touch
70. What is the survival value of a social behavior in which some birds move in large groups? (2011)
(A) Protection of a territory (C) Technique for trapping prey
(B) Displaying courtship activities (D) Protection from predators
71. Which one of the following is an example of social behaviour? (2014)
(A) Exaggeration of size by fluffing up of feathers
(B) Singing of frogs on spring nights
(C) Marking a territory with urine
(D) Caring for offspring that are not one’s own

72. Which one of the following behaviours is a courtship behaviour? (2013)
(A) Touch (C) Ritual fighting
(B) Scent marking (D) Defending a den
73. The Ethiopian wolf (Canis simensis) lives and hunt in packs. During patrolling their habitat, both male and
female wolves of the group maintain their area with urine containing pheromone. This pattern of behaviour
best exemplifies (2013)
(A) courtship behaviour. (C) operant behaviour.
(B) territorial behaviour. (D) learned behaviour.


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