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My Senior High School Success Story

By Ailah Lou Magan (HUMSS 12)

Hearing the word Senior High School, at first I felt so nervous, Questions come up to
my mind like am I ready for this? Do we need to go to Senior High School? Is it helpful to
us? I hesitate a lot hearing that words when I was in Junior High. When it was implemented
in the country a lot of positive and negative comments arrived, many people said it will be a
big help for the improvement of our country but, majority of them thinks that Senior High
School was a burden for every student. It may affect them physically, mentally, emotionally
and financially.

Everything changed when I become a Senior High School Student. An undecided

young lady enters Talakag National High School, without knowing what strand would she
get, observing the environment, teachers, students and everything in Talakag National High
School, I felt so strange. My first strand, the Accountancy, Business and Management. I was
challenged a lot when I enter that strand, all those math stuffs frustrated me. In my five
months stay in ABM, I realized that it was not for me so I shifted into another strand the
Humanities and Social Sciences Strand. In this strand I find where I belong. I can really
assure everyone that Senior High was not easy at first but, as time passed by I get used to it.

In Senior High School, I had experienced a lot of things like 2-3 hours of sleep,
waking up 2 o’clock in the morning for the requirements, in Senior High you need to
maintain your grades and you need to work hard for it. It was very Difficult compared to
Junior High. Stress, Struggles, Depressions and Failures, I have experienced all of them.
Senior High School was really difficult but, I never give up because I have a goal and that is
to graduate.

In my Grade 12 year, I become more comfortable to the school and teachers. In

observing the school, I get used to their rules and I had applied everything that I have learned
from them. I thought Grade 12 will be easier that Grade 11 but, it was harder that I thought.
My patience and critical thinking was really tested. In dealing with the school problems, my
problem solving skills was tested also. The school also opens opportunity to join different
competitions and it molded me to become ab competitive person.

In Senior High School many things can be sacrificed like your time, efforts and hard works
but with the help of the School, the teachers, the parents and the students itself, we can
become successful in our different way. Indeed, Senior High School was really difficult yet,
the memories and learnings that I have gained in my Senior High School years will help me
to be prepared in college and will always be treasured by me.

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