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Ballaran, Rj A.
Rentuza , Rey Dumagat
XI Gemelina from Mat-i National High School
Interviewing a Student
Research 1.
Initial Interview with a Student

I am Frech Añasco SSCT student second year college from Mat-

i S.C.
As a student, I also incountered a lot of problems in my life but I
did'nt lose hope .
For me studying is very important to overcome success for my
life to get better in the future. All I do is stick to goals accomply
the tasks and assignment to be done . Specially I have a lot if
inspirations in my life the first one is God and families and the
rest are my love ones, friends and more . Without thus people, I
cannot achieve my ambition in my life.

As a student , there's a lot of issues that I observed in our society

specially when you are far from home to school and takes time
to travel .

All I do is wake up early to have enough time to prepare to

school to arrive in exact time.

For me and my partner Rey, studying is not easy, you may

incountered a lot of different situations in your daily life living
that you have to take and fight for it . Indignations,
Discriminations all if them us not actually worth to be failed if it
is, its not too late to get back and do your best .

As a student also is not easy, lot of responsibilities, tasks to

comply including the financial problems but at last you may find
yourself stronger than before.

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