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Causes and effects of fast food

The popularity of fast food restaurants has increased internationally and they’re frequently visited by
the people of all ages. The formation of fast food why it has become popular but some serious effects
on human’s health and society will need to be considered.

In my opinion, the causes of this matter appear to be rooted in people’s busy lifestyle. For instance, due
to the long working hours of the parents, their time for making home-cooked meals for their children
and even themselves has been limited. As a consequence, they find it easier to order fast food and
eventually it will replace the home meals. Moreover, its affordability turns out to be the primary reason.
Food expense can be reduced and more money will be saved for other purposes. For example, enjoying
delicious food at a restaurant can be quite costly but fast food restaurants offer tasty meals with a low

The possible effects of this issue include physical health problems and less healthy food consumption.
First of all, consuming junk food leads to the increase of body fat, worsen the metabolism, which may
result in diabetes, obesity or heart disease. It is said that most of the junk food contain high calories,
sugar and salt but less nutrients. Therefore, the more fast food we consume, the worse our health
condition gets. More importantly, fast food are expanding its influence by offering great deals to
consumers which makes people eat less healthy food. As a result, more people are heavily affected by
this eating habit as their health condition going down significantly without being recognized.

In conclusion, having fast food for daily meals has a huge impact on people’s lifestyle nowadays. It is
mainly caused by the fast paced life and the affordability of fast food which results in severe health
problems and leads to an unhealthy eating habit.

2. Causes n effects of air pollution

Global warming has become a serious concern for many countries, and one of the widely faced issues
relates to air pollution. The primary contributors to air pollution include vehicular emissions and
deforestation which lead to detrimental effects on both environment and human health.

One of the major cause of air pollution is the utilization of vehicles. A majority of individuals are more
likely to use motorbikes and cars due to its popularity and convenience. In fact, the combustion of
gasoline and diesel fuels in cars and trucks releases pollutants such as carbon monoxide, hydrocarbons
and nitrogen oxide. Urban area with high traffic density often experience elevated level of air pollution
due to vehicular emissions. Another significant cause of air pollution is deforestation. People cut down
trees for numerous reasons, particularly for construction and paper production. Trees act as natural
filters, absorbing pollutants and releasing oxygen. When forests are cleared, this essential purification
process diminishes, allowing pollutants to accumulate in the air. The loss of trees also leads to an
increase in the level of carbon dioxide, exacerbating climate change.

Foremost among the effects of air pollution is its adverse impact on respiratory health. Human’s lungs
can only absorb oxygen and deliver it to everywhere in human’s body, if more carbon dioxide is taken in
frequently, severe conditions such as asthma and chronic bronchitis are more likely to be developed.
Moreover, air pollution significantly impacts the climate system and contributes to global warming.
Greenhouse gases, such as carbon dioxide, trap heat in the atmosphere, leading to the greenhouse
effect and the subsequent rise in global temperatures. This phenomenon has far-reaching
consequences, including the melting of polar ice caps, rising sea levels, and extreme weather events.

In conclusion, air pollution is a pressing issue that affects human health, the environment, and the
climate system. Taking immediate and effective measures to reduce emissions and promote sustainable
practices is essential to combat this problem and create a cleaner and healthier future for all.

3. Causes n effects of water pollution

Water is one of the most critical elements in existence. Natural and artificial activity both
degrade water. Water contamination has become a severe environmental issue and a danger to
human survival. There are various factors that contribute to the water pollution namely
industrial waste and its possible effects on marine life will need to be considered.

To begin with, industries and industrial sites across the world are a major contributor to water
pollution. Industries and industrial sites across the world are a major contributor to water pollution.
Many industrial sites still do not have proper waste management systems in place. In those cases,
industrial waste is dumped into nearby freshwater systems. When sewage is not treated properly, it can
very easily pollute the water and make its way into rivers, streams and other bodies of water that lead
directly to the sea. The toxic chemicals in the waste produced by these industries not only have the
potential to make water unsafe for human consumption, they can also cause the temperature in
freshwater systems to change.

Water pollution poses a significant threat to marine life, impacting various species and
ecosystems in several ways. Industrial waste brings toxic chemicals to underwater environment
which can be lethal to marine life. For example, corals, seagrasses and other crucial marine
habitats are sensitive to changes in water quality. The destruction of these habitats directly
impacts the species relying on them for shelter, breeding and feeding. Marine mammals such as
dolphins and whales are particularly vulnerable to water pollution. They may ingest pollutants
directly or through contaminated prey. This can result in death or serious health issues, affecting
their immune systems.

In conclusion, water pollution is mainly caused by waste from factories and industrial sites and
its severe effect on underwater ecosystem will get even worse if people keep ignoring it. Waste
management and public awareness need to be improved in order to preserve water quality and
protect the invaluable ecosystems and resources dependent on clean water.
4. Effects of deforestation

The practice of cutting down forests for other uses, known as deforestation, is a global issue that is
becoming more and more problematic. It has led to numerous environmental problems. Some of these
include the loss of wildlife and animal-human conflicts.

First of all, deforestation has greatly damaged the ecosystem balance. Animals and plants require a
certain climate and environment to live peacefully and forests serve as habitats for vast species of plants
and animals. Animals have to leave their nests due to loss of natural habitat when forest lands are
cleared, thereby impacting the biodiversity. While some of them move to other places to survive, others
are unable to adapt to the environmental changes and get extinct. Deforestation causes the extinction
of many plants and animal species, which negatively affects the food chain. Herbivores find it hard to
look for food on cleared lands and often starve to death. Consequently, the carnivores that depend on
the eat of herbivorous animals are affected. As a result, herbivorous animals going extinct or starving
while the carnivores are also unable to get the required diet.

Another possible effect of deforestation is the increased conflict between humans and wildlife. As
forests are cleared to build residential or industrial areas, many wild animals move to other greener
areas to live while some roam around in the neighboring places and are often seen entering the
residential areas. As a result, there are now more instances of conflict between people and wildlife,
which is detrimental to both. They are both always afraid that the other will attack them.

In conclusion, we can state that deforestation has impacted numerous species of wild plants and
animals. A few have become extinct, some have suffered illnesses, and still others have lost their homes.
Without any fault of their own, people are making them suffered. Stopping deforestation is necessary to
put an end to this cruelty to animals

5. Effects of overcrowding

The world is facing many problems that come from humans. There has been a myriad of issues in cities
all over the world. For a long time, overcrowding has been one of the most pressing problems affecting
human life.

First of all, overcrowding has

negative effects on human
living standards in
cities. One factor is their
career, for instance, because a
lot of people live in the
same city, people need to
compete with more people
and face more difficulties
to get a chance to attend the
desired workplace and
become employed. If they
are not able to obtain a
suitable position in spite of
their valuable abilities, they
can face low-quality service
in their work, such as an
inappropriate salary or
overworking time. Moreover,
the infrastructure of health
facilities is getting
overloaded. Therefore,
people usually cannot be
cured with qualified facilities
or medical treatment that
influences life quality
First of all, overcrowding has
negative effects on human
living standards in
cities. One factor is their
career, for instance, because a
lot of people live in the
same city, people need to
compete with more people
and face more difficulties
to get a chance to attend the
desired workplace and
become employed. If they
are not able to obtain a
suitable position in spite of
their valuable abilities, they
can face low-quality service
in their work, such as an
inappropriate salary or
overworking time. Moreover,
the infrastructure of health
facilities is getting
overloaded. Therefore,
people usually cannot be
cured with qualified facilities
or medical treatment that
influences life quality
First of all, overcrowding has negative effects on human living standards in cities. One factor is their
career, for instance, because a lot of people live in the same city, they have to compete with others and
face more difficulties to get a chance to attend the desired workplace and become employed. If they are
not able to obtain a suitable position, they will face low-quality service in their work such as
inappropriate salary or overworking time. Moreover, hospitals may struggle to meet the demands of a
densely populated area, leading to longer wait times and reduced quality of care. Similarly, overcrowded
schools find it hard to maintain effective learning environment.
Another effect of overpopulation is the increase of environmental pollution. More and more industrial
sites and factories are expanding mostly in cities. Besides, urban area with traffic density often
experience elevated level of air pollution due to vehicular emissions. Water pollution is another aspect,
populated areas are not provided enough waste management systems. Therefore, a huge amount of
trash is dumped into the freshwater systems such as rivers or streams which directly flow into the ocean
and apparently harm the marine life.

In conclusion, the effects of overcrowding ripple across various aspects of society, influencing living
conditions and contributing to environmental pollution. These effects are practical evidence for people
to observe and acknowledge.

6. Effects of illiteracy

7. Effects of computer on our everyday lives

8. Effects of poverty on an individual

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