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Iceland belgeseli-inside job
3 banka özelleşti
120 milyar dolar borç alındı
Bankalar battı, işsizlik üç katına çıktı

Leahman Brothers battı, 2008 krizi başlangıcı, resesyona girildi

1980lerden sonra gelen deregülasyonlar krize yol açtı

deregülasyonlar büyük bankaşarın yolsuzluk yapmalarına yol açtı

Citibank 100 milyon dolar uyuşturucu

Türev ürünleri ğiyasayı istikrasızlaştı

Harvard Hukuk mezunu kadın bunları düzeltmek istedi

Lary summers

Home owner- lender- investemnt banks- ınvestors- AIG

subprime krediler

Akademisyenlerin görevini kötüye kullanıp finansal danışmanlıkla


Kirli Para- belgeseli

HSBS Bitol diye bir banka alıyor. Bu bankada karteller paralarını aklıyor.


Data toplamanın standartı causation/correlation


Number of cases are inceasing, variables are decreasing

Consept driven research

COMPARİNG WHİLE satisfating critikers

Adorno- more ı write, more ı smart

Ancient greek- More ı speak,more ı smart


Stepan ilk kez old professionalism and new professionailsm farkını koydu.
Samuel Hantigton argues the more professional of a military, more powerful state
daha güçlü demokrasiye yol açıyor. Amerikanın dış politaksını bu belirledi.

1961 constitution brought the national securty council.

Old professionalism = Military just do fight, politika ile yatırımla uğraşmaz.

Sartori says you have to know at least two countries in order to referance point

39 yaşından küçükler Rotation in government yaşamadı.

rotation in government is essential for the understand what unrotation in
government is

two different research method

cases do not have to be nation states.


Indian farmers are walking, my referance point is turkey, and turkey farmers are
not walking in the street

If india collapse, whole democraies will be affected. Because it is too big.

What are limits of Polorization?

Murat akan 28 şubaı çalıştı doktora öğrencisiyken. Hocası da Latin amerika


Germany is decentralized. There are federal states in Germany.


We can use staticstic while tuik is opposete the government.


love to obsession

Bir hikayeden generalize edemezsiniz.

regression analysis

Paris and Helen were not in Troy.

describtive number exercise:

-where the numbers came from

-How are they interrelated
-What are they mean

Comparission is one way of giving meaning

You putting ideaolgy against numbers

---- Capturing the secularism in Turkey

the ease of comparison

diversity is not only a challenge to secularism


diyanetin varlığı.
19.yüzyılda fransada da diyanet var.

It depens on the question

-----not the methods but the problem
-There is no rule about historical periodization. We can choose historical
periodization according to question/problem. We can compare a contemparary with a
historical event.

The ease of comparision: Turlish suck in numerous interpretations.

France and Turkey

Kemalist laism is a limited secularsim.

Name in the headder, title is small.

Sartori dediki leader of abstraction.

I cant have a book called Demokarsi in Russia and France, but I can have Political
regime in Russia and France. -leader of abstraction.

Parochialism- abuse of an concept -Turkey in presidential system. There is no

presidential system in turkey. Presidential regimes have two asembly.

The idea of cricitical cases, we can generate hypotheses and they give depths th

Turkey is a cricitial case when it comes to democracy, middeal east, religion. A

cases that can tell a narrative bigger than itself.


Kime karşı yazdığını da belirt.

English working class were

ıron law of oligarşi- every inst. reduce thei goal to self securing


Who were gonna talk to

You have to know marxist political economy

Marxist class base analysis

Protestant ethic and capitalism- max weber

Max weber:

1-You are working for god

2-Calvin says you do not have to do anything. Kader var. Her şey belli.
Predistination. Am I choosing, or not. Rising accumulation. They thouht that
kayboluyorlar. Kapitalizmin çarkı oldular. System logic

Unintented consequences

Weber looked to doctirines and point out correalation

Weber's Gap- calvinzm


buryying the kid has two meaning. Neaining of the act totaly changed

weberinzmin suyunu çıkarıyor, geriye marksisizm kalıyor. Burada hikaye bu

markist- thing are not like appear to be

appearance and reality

It is not Relation

-French culture

diversity and secularism.

diversity is the backbone of French Secularism

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