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Assignment 3: ResPiRAtORY sYstem

Answer all questions with ONE or TWO words. Revise the topic by
watching Elite Expertise videos and handouts. Answers for all the
questions along with explanation will be discussed during our live

Q1. Functional unit of the lungs is called-

Q2. Name the 3 inflammatory mediators which trigger asthma-
Q3. The medical terminology of shortness of breath-
Q4. Histamine is released from-
Q5. What is the mechanism of action of corticosteroids-
Q6. NSAIDS inhibit which enzyme-
Q7. Beta-blockers (including selective at higher doses) cause shortness
of breath. True/False
Q8. Exposure to allergens is a triggering factor for asthma. True/False
Q9. Exposure to hot air is a triggering factor for asthma. True/False
Q10. Give 2 examples for methylxanthines-
Q11. Example for long acting anti-cholinergic agent-
Q12. Give 2 examples for short acting sympathomimetic agents-
Q13. Give an example for mast cell stabilizer-


Assignment 3: ResPiRAtORY sYstem
Answer all questions with ONE or TWO words. Revise the topic by
watching Elite Expertise videos and handouts. Answers for all the
questions along with explanation will be discussed during our live

Q14. List out the 3 inhalational corticosteroids-

Q15. Example for leukotriene antagonist is-
Q16. Beta-2-agonist drugs increase the cAMP levels. True/False
Q17. What is the onset of action of salbutamol-
Q18. Hyperkalaemia is one of the major side effects of salbutamol.
Q19. Terbutaline is an example for long acting beta-agonist. True/False
Q20. Regular use of beta-2-agonist puffers will develop tolerance.
Q21. Inhalational corticosteroids are the drugs of choice in acute
asthmatic attacks. True/False
Q22. What is the mechanism of action of aminophylline-
Q23. Theophylline needs therapeutic drug monitoring. True/Fale
Q24. When we combine erythromycin with theophylline, we need to
reduce the dose of ciprofloxacin by 2/3rd . True/False


Assignment 3: ResPiRAtORY sYstem
Answer all questions with ONE or TWO words. Revise the topic by
watching Elite Expertise videos and handouts. Answers for all the
questions along with explanation will be discussed during our live

Q25. What class of drug is Montelukast-

Q26. What is the dose of intravenous hydrocortisone in acute
asthmatic attacks.
Q27. What is the dose of intravenous hydrocortisone in other acute
inflammatory conditions.
Q28. What is the onset of action of formoterol-
Q29. The peak effect of salmeterol can be seen in – minutes.
Q30. In bronchitis, alveoli will lose their elastic recoiling property.
Q31. Emphysema is characterised with inflammation and increased
mucous secretion in the bronchial smooth muscles. True/False
Q32. Exposure to tobacco smoke is the triggering factor for COPD.
Q33. Alph-1 antitrypsin deficiency is a rare genetic disorder and it’s a
pre-disposing factor for COPD.


Assignment 3: ResPiRAtORY sYstem
Answer all questions with ONE or TWO words. Revise the topic by
watching Elite Expertise videos and handouts. Answers for all the
questions along with explanation will be discussed during our live

Q34. Bluish discolouration of the skin is known as-

Q35. Increased mucosal secretions is the characteristic feature of
cystic fibrosis. True/False
Q36. In cystic fibrosis the hepatic microsomal enzymes activity will be
reduced. True/False
Q37. Recurring bacterial respiratory infections is the characteristic
feature of cystic fibrosis. True/False
Q38. In Australia all the newborn babies must be screen for which
respiratory problem.
Q39. The genes for cystic fibrosis are recessive and the child will carry
each copy of the genes from both parents. True/False
Q40. What is the drug of choice for cystic fibrosis-
Q41. Cough centre is located at-


Assignment 1: CARdiOvAsCulAR sYstem
Answer all questions with ONE or TWO words. Revise the topic by
watching Elite Expertise videos and handouts. Answers for all the
questions along with explanation will be discussed during our live

Q42. Which cough syrups must be avoided in patients with

uncontrolled hypertension.
Q43. Dihydrocodeine is the drug of choice for severe cough in COPD.
Q44. Bromhexine is the drug of choice for dry, non-productive cough.


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