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North East University Bangladesh

Assignment on
Assessment questions:(Chapter -8)
Course title: Organizational Behaviour
Course code:MGT-311
Prepared for:
Shamim Al Aziz Lalin
Assistant Professor
Dept. of business NEUB
Prepared by:
Nasima Akter Roksana
Id No:210101010001

Department of business Administration

Submission date:21/11/23

Q1.What is the job characteristics model? How does it motivate employees?

Job characteristics model:The Job Characteristics Model (JCM) is a framework developed by
Hackman and Oldham that focuses on five core job characteristics: skill variety, task identity,
task significance, autonomy, and feedback.
These characteristics are believed to influence employee motivation and job satisfaction:
1.Skill Variety:The extent to which a job requires employees to use a variety of skills and
abilities. Skill variety is the degree to which a job requires a variety of different activities so the
worker can use a number of different skills and talent. For instance, the work of a garage owner-
operator who does electrical repairs, rebuilds engines, does bodywork, and interacts with
customers. scores high on skill variety. The job of a bodyshop worker who sprays paint 8 hours a
day scores low on this dimension.
2.Task Identity:The degree to which a job involves completing a whole and identifiable piece of
work. Task identity is the degree to which a job requires completion of a whole and identifiable
piece of work. A cabinetmaker who de signs a piece of furniture, selects the wood, builds the
object, and finishes/ it to perfection has a job that scores high on task identity
3. Task Significance:The impact and importance of a job on others or the organization as a
whole. Task significance is the degree to which a job has an impact on the lives or work of other
people. The job of a nurse handling the diverse needs of patients in a hospital intensive care unit
scores high on task significance; sweeping floors in a hospital scores low.
4.Autonomy:The level of independence and control employees have over their work. is the
degree to which a job provides the worker freedom, independence, and discretion in scheduling
the work and de- termining the procedures in carrying it out. A salesperson who schedules his or
her own work each day and decides on the most effective sales approach for each customer
without supervision has a highly autonomous job. A salesperson who is given a set of leads each
day and is required to follow a standardized sales script with each potential customer has a job
low on autonomy
5.Feedback:The extent to which employees receive information about their performance.
Feedback is the degree to which carrying out work activities generates direct and clear
information about your own performance. A job with high feedback is assembling iPods and
testing them to see whether they operate properly. A factory worker who assembles iPods but
then routes them to a quality-control inspector for testing and adjustments receives low feedback
from his or her activities.
The model suggests that jobs with high levels of these characteristics lead to increased intrinsic
motivation, job satisfaction, and overall performance. When employees find their work
meaningful, experience autonomy, and receive feedback, it enhances their sense of responsibility
and achievement, contributing to higher motivation levels.

Q2.What are the three major ways that jobs can be redesigned? In your view, in what
situations would one of the methods be favored over the others?
Jobs can be redesigned in three major ways:
1. Job Enlargement: Involves adding more tasks to a job to broaden the scope of the work. This
can reduce monotony and increase variety. Job enlargement is the combining of job tasks across
the same level within a company. Implementing job enlargement widens the scope of individual
team members to include more tasks and responsibilities. By combining tasks, managers increase
the interest and engagement in work among their teams.
2.Job Rotation:Involves moving employees through different tasks or jobs within the
organization. This helps employees develop new skills and gain a broader understanding of the
organization. If employees suffer from overroutinization of their work, one Aternative is job
rotation, or the periodic shifting of an employee from one task to another with similar skill
requirements at the same organizational level (also called cross-training) At Singapore Airlines, a
ticket agent may take on the duties of a baggage handler. Extensive job rotation is one of the
reasons Singapore Airlines is rated one of the best airlines in the world and a highly desirable
place to work.
3.Job Enrichment:Focuses on increasing the depth of a job by giving employees more control
and responsibility over their work. This often includes tasks that require higher-level skills and
provide a sense of achievement. Job enrichment expands jobs by increasing the degree to which
the worker controls the planning, execution, and evaluation of the work An enriched job
organizes tasks to allow the worker to do a complete activity, increases the employee's freedom
and Independence, increases responsibility and provides feedback so individuals can assess and
correct their own performance.
The choice of method depends on the specific organizational goals and the needs of the
- Job Enlargement: Might be favored when employees express dissatisfaction with repetitive
tasks, and the organization seeks to add variety to their roles.
- Job Rotation: Is beneficial when the organization wants to enhance employees' skills and
provide them with a broader perspective on various functions within the company.
- Job Enrichment: Is suitable when the goal is to improve intrinsic motivation and job
satisfaction by giving employees more meaningful and challenging tasks.
Ultimately, the decision would depend on the organizational context, the nature of the work, and
developmental needs of the employees.

Q3:What are the three alternative work arrangements of flexitime, job sharing and
telecommuting? What are the advantages and disadvantages of each?
The three alternative work arrangements of flextime, job sharing, and telecommuting are:
Flextime: Flextime, sometimes also called flextime, is a working schedule which allows
employees to choose when to start and end their workday, and/or how long to take their break
for, within agreed limits set by management.
Job sharing: A job share arrangement is a full-time job split between two individuals, each with
responsibility for the success of the total job. Job sharing allows two staff members to share the
responsibilities of one full-time position, typically with prorated salary and paid time off.
Telecommuting: the practice of working from home, making use of the internet, email, and the
telephone. “by promoting telecommuting, businesses can help reduce the impact they have on
the environment"
The advantages and disadvantages of each.
1. Flextime:
Advantages: Offers employees flexibility in choosing work hours, improves work-life balance,
and can increase productivity.
Disadvantages: Coordination challenges among team members, potential difficulty in
maintaining consistent communication, and may not be suitable for roles requiring constant
2.Job Sharing:
Advantages: Allows for a better work-life balance, promotes diversity in the workplace, and
provides continuity in tasks if one employee is absent.
Disadvantages: Communication and coordination between job-sharing partners may require extra
effort, potential for misunderstandings, and challenges in ensuring seamless transitions between
Advantages: Increased flexibility, potential cost savings for both employees and employers,
reduced commuting time, and access to a wider talent pool.
Disadvantages: Communication challenges, potential feelings of isolation, difficulty in
monitoring productivity, and not all jobs are suitable for remote work.
Each arrangement has its own set of benefits and drawbacks, and the effectiveness depends on
factors such as job nature, company culture, and individual preferences.

Q4:What are the employee involvement programs? How might they increase employee
Employee involvement programs:
By involving workers in the decision making process in areas that affect their jobs, employee
involvement programs aspire to give workers more control over how they perform their jobs,
which leads to greater motivation and job commitment by the employee.
Some common employee involvement programs include:
1.Participative Decision-Making: Involving employees in decisions related to their work, such as
process improvements or team goals, can make them feel valued and engaged.
2.Quality Circles: Small groups of employees come together to identify, analyze, and solve
work-related problems, contributing to a sense of shared responsibility and accomplishment.
3.Employee Suggestion Programs: Providing a platform for employees to submit ideas for
improvement, fostering a culture where their insights are acknowledged and implemented.
4.Employee Recognition Programs: Acknowledging and rewarding employees for their
contributions, whether through formal recognition programs, awards, or praise, can boost
5.Training and Development Opportunities: Investing in employees' professional growth and
providing learning opportunities can increase their skills, confidence, and job satisfaction.
By following ways they increase employees motivation:
Fostering a Sense of Purpose: When employees are involved in decision-making, they
understand the significance of their contributions, leading to a stronger sense of purpose.
Providing Recognition: Feeling appreciated and recognized for their efforts motivates
employees to perform at their best and reinforces a positive work culture.
Enhancing Job Satisfaction: Involvement programs often lead to improved job satisfaction as
employees experience a greater connection to their work and the organization.
Encouraging Continuous Improvement: Programs like quality circles and suggestion
initiatives empower employees to contribute to the ongoing improvement of processes, creating a
dynamic and motivating work environment.
Overall, these programs nurture a collaborative and empowered workforce, contributing to
increased motivation and commitment among employees.

Q5.What is variable pay? What are the variable-pay Programs that are used to motivate
employees? What are their advantages and disadvantages?


Variable Pay is the portion of sales compensation determined by employee performance. When
employees hit their goals, variable pay is provided as a type of bonus, incentive pay, or
commission. Base salary, on the other hand, is fixed and paid out regardless of employees
meeting their goals.

The variable-pay Programs that are used to motivate employees:

Variable-pay programs are compensation arrangements where employees receive additional pay
beyond their fixed salary, and these programs are designed to motivate and reward employees
based on specific performance criteria. Here are some common types of variable-pay programs:

1. Bonuses:
 One-time or periodic payments made as a reward for achieving individual, team, or
company goals.
 Provides a direct link between performance and financial reward, encouraging
employees to meet or exceed targets.

2.Profit Sharing:
 Employees receive a share of the company's profits, distributed regularly or as a lump
 Aligns employees' interests with the company's financial success, fostering a sense of
shared responsibility and motivation to contribute to profitability.

 Similar to profit sharing, but tied to specific improvements in productivity, efficiency, or
cost savings.
 Encourages teamwork and collaborative efforts to achieve common goals, as
improvements benefit the entire team.

4.Stock Options:
 Grants employees the option to buy company shares at a predetermined price.
 Ties employee financial gain to the company's stock performance, fostering a sense of
ownership and commitment to long-term success.

5.Commission-based Pay:
 Compensation is based on a percentage of sales or revenue generated by the employee.
 Directly links effort and results, motivating employees to maximize their sales or
production activities.

6.Performance-Based Awards:
 Non-cash awards such as gift cards, travel vouchers, or merchandise given in recognition
of outstanding performance.
 Provides tangible rewards for exceptional effort, contributing to a positive work

7. Recognition Programs:
 Non-monetary programs that acknowledge and celebrate employees' achievements.
 Boosts morale and motivation by acknowledging and appreciating employees'

Variable-pay programs are effective in motivating employees by connecting their performance to

tangible rewards, whether financial or non-financial. The key is to align these programs with
organizational goals and ensure they are transparent, fair, and achievable to maintain their
motivational impact.

Advantages of Variable-Pay Programs:

Motivation: Directly ties pay to performance, motivating employees to excel in their roles.
Retention:Can enhance employee retention by rewarding loyalty and long-term contributions.
Alignment: Aligns individual and team goals with organizational objectives, fostering a sense of
shared purpose.
Disadvantages of Variable-Pay Programs:
Complexity:Designing and implementing variable-pay programs can be complex and require
careful consideration.
Subjectivity: Evaluation criteria may be subjective, leading to potential disputes or
Short-Term Focus: Some programs may encourage short-term thinking at the expense of long-
term goals.
The effectiveness of variable-pay programs depends on organizational culture, industry, and how
well they align with the overall business strategy. When properly designed and communicated,
these programs can be powerful tools for employee motivation and engagement.

Q6:How can flexible benefits motivate employees?


Flexible benefits can motivate employees further by helping solve problems that may have
already been inhibiting motivation.It could be financial worries or health worries for example,
which flexible benefits can help solve.By giving employees more options when it comes to their
benefits with flexible benefits, employees can take advantage of the options that will help solve
the key issues in their life.
 For example, health worries can be solved where an employee can utilise health and
wellbeing employee benefits through flexible benefits technology.
 The impact on motivation is even greater where the employee can make the direct
connection between the resolution of their issue and the flexible benefits their employer
has provided.
This again helps improve the relationship between the employer and the employee, improving
motivation even further.
Q7.What are the motivational benefits of intrinsic rewards?


An intrinsic reward is an internal reward that employees achieve from completing their tasks or
projects successfully. These rewards are mostly psychological and are based on the person’s own
effort and abilities. Intrinsic rewards elicit a positive emotional reaction and work to motivate
employees to continue to improve as well as make lasting behavioral changes when needed. For
example, when someone completes a task successfully, they will often experience a sense of
satisfaction and achievement. This intrinsic reward then motivates the employee to continue to
complete that task successfully in the future to further experience those positive emotions.
Examples of intrinsic rewards in the workplace include:

 Pride in your work

 Feelings of respect from supervisors and/or other employees
 Personal growth
 Gaining more trust from managers
 Doing work that’s enjoyable
 Feelings of accomplishment
 Learning something new or expanding competence in a particular area
 Allowing employees to choose which projects they work on
 Being part of a team


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