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Seminars in Pediatric Surgery 22 (2013) 179–184

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Neonatal pulmonary physiology

Ryan P. Davis, MD, George B. Mychaliska, MDn
Section of Pediatric Surgery, C.S. Mott Children's Hospital, University of Michigan Health Systems, Ann Arbor, Michigan

a r t i c l e in fo a b s t r a c t

Managing pulmonary issues faced by both term and preterm infants remains a challenge to the practicing
Keywords: pediatric surgeon. An understanding of normal fetal and neonatal pulmonary development and physiology
Neonatal physiology is the cornerstone for understanding the pathophysiology and treatment of many congenital and acquired
Lung development problems in the neonate. Progression through the phases of lung development and the transition to
Lung mechanics postnatal life requires a symphony of complex and overlapping events to work in concert for smooth and
Neonatal respiratory failure successful transition to occur. Pulmonary physiology and oxygen transport in the neonate are similar to
older children; however, there are critical differences that are important to take into consideration when
treating the youngest of patients. Our understanding of fetal and neonatal pulmonary physiology continues
to evolve as the molecular and cellular events governing these processes are better understood. This deeper
understanding has helped to facilitate groundbreaking research, leading to improved technology and
treatment of term and preterm infants. As therapeutics and research continue to advance, a review of
neonatal pulmonary physiology is essential to assist the clinician with his/her management of the wide
variety of challenging congenital and acquired pulmonary disease.
& 2013 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

Managing pulmonary issues faced by both term and premature Embryonic phase (3–7 weeks)
infants remains a challenge to the practicing pediatric surgeon. An
understanding of normal fetal and neonatal pulmonary develop- Lung growth begins in the third week of gestation with the
ment and physiology is the cornerstone for understanding the outgrowth of a small diverticulum from the ventral wall of the foregut
pathophysiology and treatment of many congenital and acquired called the primitive respiratory diverticulum or lung bud. This extends
problems in the neonate. Pulmonary complications remain a major in the ventral caudal direction into the surrounding mesoderm,
source of morbidity and mortality for neonates and represent an growing anterior and parallel to the primitive esophagus. Within a
evolving area of pioneering research. few days, the grove between the diverticulum and the foregut closes
with the only luminal attachment remaining at the site of the future
hypopharynx and larynx.2 By gestational day 28, the respiratory
Normal lung development diverticulum bifurcates into the right and left primary bronchial buds
(main stem).3 This is followed by a second round of branching
The respiratory system consists of elements of air conduction occurring around the fifth week, yielding the secondary bronchial
and exchange. The uptake of oxygen from the environment and buds. Finally, the third branching takes place during the sixth week
removal of carbon dioxide serve to maintain cellular aerobic postconception, producing 10 tertiary bronchi on the right and eight
metabolism and acid–base balance. In order to effectively on the left. The vascular components of the respiratory system also
perform these processes, normal structural and cellular devel- begin to develop with the pulmonary arteries forming as branches off
opment is essential. The respiratory system normally develops the sixth aortic arch while the pulmonary veins emerge from the
through five phases: embryonic, pseudoglandular, canalicular, developing heart.3 The primitive lung bud is lined by epithelium
saccular, and alveolar. The boundaries between these phases derived from endoderm, which will become the epithelium lining the
blend into each other with overlap at any given time point airways and alveoli. The lung buds grow into the surrounding
between areas of the lung and vary temporally among mesodermal cells that will differentiate into the blood vessels, smooth
individuals.1 muscle, cartilage, and other connective tissue. Ectoderm will even-
tually give rise to the innervation of the lung.1

Pseudoglandular phase (5–17 weeks)
Correspondence to: Section of Pediatric Surgery, C.S. Mott Children's Hospital,
University of Michigan Medical School, 1540 E. Hospital Dr, SPC 4211, Ann Arbor,
Michigan 48109. In the pseudoglandular phase, the lung is composed of multiple
E-mail address: (G.B. Mychaliska). epithelial tubules surrounded by extensive regions of mesenchyme,

1055-8586/$ - see front matter & 2013 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
180 R.P. Davis, G.B. Mychaliska / Seminars in Pediatric Surgery 22 (2013) 179–184

giving a glandular appearance. Cellular proliferation rate increases synthesis of mRNAs encoding surfactant proteins increase after
during this stage and by postconception week 16, all bronchial steroid administration.6–8
divisions are completed with further growth occurring only by
elongation and widening of existing airways. The intrapulmonary
arterial system develops branching in parallel with the bronchial and Physiologic control of lung growth before and after birth
bronchiolar tubules. The respiratory epithelium begins to differ-
entiate with cilia appearing in the proximal airways and cartilage While the fetus and neonate proceed through the phases of
begins to develop to support the airways.1 Concurrently, closure of lung growth and development, physiologic and physical factors
the pleuroperitoneal folds is completed. play an important role in directing this growth. While not all
factors affecting this process are well understood, the role of fetal
Canalicular stage (16–26 weeks) lung fluid and mechanical distension appear to play critical roles.
During fetal life, the lung produces a unique fluid, fetal lung fluid
During the canalicular stage, the capillary beds rapidly expand (FLF), that is a result of net transpithelial chloride and sodium flux
with condensation and thinning of the mesenchyme, starting the and is produced within the lungs and leaves via the trachea.9 As
first critical step in the formation of the gas exchange regions of the fluid moves from the lung toward the oropharynx, it is either
the lung. The ingrowth of capillaries results in thinning in one swallowed or contributes to amniotic fluid. Throughout gestation
population of overlying epithelial cells, narrowing the air–blood the volume of FLF increases10 and keeps the airway distended in
interface, and differentiating into type I pneumocytes that make order to stimulate growth.
up the alveolar wall. In other overlying epithelial cells, lamellar The volume of FLF is primarily regulated by the resistance to
bodies associated with surfactant synthesis appear, identifying lung liquid efflux through the upper airways and by fetal breathing
type II pneumocytes. The airways continue to develop with movements (FBM), which include the associated diaphragmatic
completion of the airways through the level of the terminal activity, and is largely independent of production. When there
bronchioles with their associated acinus. is no FBM (apnea), the transpulmonary pressure is usually 1–2 mmHg
above the amniotic sac pressure due to the elastic recoil of the
chest wall. Lung fluid efflux is prevented by high resistance of the
Saccular stage (24–38 weeks)
upper airways which prevents FLF loss and maintains an approx-
imately 2 mmHg distending pressure and fetal lung expansion.11
The terminal clusters of acinar tubules and buds dilate and
During periods of FBM, the larynx actively dilates to decrease the
expand into transitory alveolar saccules and ducts with a marked
resistance to FLF efflux, allowing fluid to leave at an increased rate.
reduction of the surrounding mesenchymal tissue. By 24 weeks,
To compensate during periods of FBM, rhythmic contraction of the
there is a sufficiently thin alveolocapillary membrane distance
diaphragm slows the loss of lung fluid and helps to maintain lung
(0.6 mm) to participate in gas exchange with the efficacy of
expansion during periods of low upper airway resistance, demon-
exchange being determined beyond this point by the total surface
strating that FBM serve to maintain lung expansion and promote
area available for exchange.3 By the end of this stage, three
lung growth. Sustained reduction of fetal lung expansion can slow
additional generations of alveolar ducts have formed and the
the structural development of both the vascular bed and alveolar
conducting airways have developed mucous and ciliated cells.
epithelial cell phenotypes. On the other hand, prolonged over-
Overall, cell proliferation slows and ultrastructural cytodiffereni-
expansion of the fetal lungs via tracheal occlusion is a potent
tation occurs. The saccules consist of smooth-walled airspaces and
stimulator for fetal lung growth and tissue remodeling.12 Addi-
a thick interstitial space. Type II epithelial cells continue to mature
tionally, it has been observed that fetal airways undergo peristaltic
and there is an increase in surfactant synthesis, but overall syn-
contractions similar to the gut, which move intraluminal contents
thesis levels remain low.
distally and cause expansion of end buds, which also likely play a
role in fetal lung growth and expansion.13
Alveolar stage (36 weeks–8 years)

This is the final stage of lung development and is characterized Gas exchange and oxygen transport and delivery
by the formation of secondary alveolar septa that divide the
terminal ducts and saccules into true alveolar ducts and alveoli. The most important function of the respiratory system is to
There is maturation of the alveolar–capillary membrane, which uptake oxygen from the environment in order to allow for aerobic
increases the surface area for gas exchange. As the terminal saccule metabolism to meet the changing energy demands of the fetus and
restructures during this stage the double capillary networks fuse, neonate. In neonates, the ability to receive adequate oxygen
becoming a single capillary network with each capillary being delivery depends on the partial pressure of oxygen in inspired
simultaneously exposed to at least two alveoli. The barrier to gas air, ventilation and perfusion matching, hemoglobin concentration
exchange thins to a few nanometers. Type I and type II cells and affinity, cardiac output, and blood volume.14 While the fetal
increase in number, but only type II cells are proliferating actively oxygen transport system is set up to provide optimal oxygen
suggesting that type I cells are derived from type II cells.3 When delivery and has the capacity to adjust delivery to match demand
alveolization is complete by 8 years of age, further lung growth in the setting of the intra-uterine environment, this system can be
occurs by increasing alveolar size. stressed as it adjusts to life outside the womb. The delivery of
oxygen to tissues depends on the pressure gradient between the
Glucocorticoids blood and the mitochondria and varies with regional oxygen
delivery, tissue oxygen consumption, and hemoglobin–oxygen
A major advance in the treatment of prematurity has been the affinity.
maternal administration of glucocorticoids in pregnant women Oxygen is transported through the blood stream either dis-
with preterm labor after 24 weeks in order to promote surfactant solved in aqueous solution or bound to hemoglobin. Arterial
production and maturation of the fetal lung.4,5 The exact mecha- oxygen content can be calculated using the following formula:
nism remains unknown; however, studies have shown that ana- arterial oxygen content ¼ (Hgb  1.36  SaO2) þ (0.0031 
tomic maturation, in particular thinning of the alveolar wall, and PaO2), where Hgb is hemoglobin concentration in grams, SaO2 is
R.P. Davis, G.B. Mychaliska / Seminars in Pediatric Surgery 22 (2013) 179–184 181

100 other mechanisms help the neonate to cope with the postnatal
environment. One of the most important phenomenon is an
increase in the concentration of 2,3 DPG during the first few days
Ar Increased O affinity of life. This increase has a small direct effect on fetal hemoglobin
te 80 - Alkalosis but also lowers the intracellular pH and thus decreases hemoglo-
- Hypothermia
ria Decreased O affinity
bin's affinity for oxygen.16
- Decreased 2,3 DPG - Acidosis
l - Fetal Hb - Hyperthermia
ox 60 - Increased 2,3 DPG
yg Transition to postnatal life
One of the most critical and fascinating periods in human
Sa 40 physiology is the changes that occur, usually in a matter of
minutes, which allow a human to transition from surviving in
ra the uterine environment to the postnatal environment. Around the
o time of birth, epithelial cells cease production of lung fluid and
n begin to actively absorb it back into the fetal circulation. This
process is facilitated by active sodium transport that is stimulated
by thyroid hormone, glucocorticoids, and epinephrine.1 During the
20 40 60 80 100 first breaths, pulmonary arterial pO2 increase and pCO2 decrease,
Paral Pressure of oxygen resulting in pulmonary vascular dilation, decreased pulmonary
vascular resistance, and constriction of the ductus arteriosus.
Fig. 1. The oxygen dissociation curve shows the percent saturation of Hgb at
Cessation of umbilical blood flow results in closure of the ductus
various partial pressure of oxygen and demonstrates the equilibrium between
oxyhemoglobin and deoxyhemoglobin. The sigmoidal shape is a result of the venosus and increase in systemic vascular resistance. This
cooperative binding between the four hemoglobin polypeptide chains. An impor- increases the left-sided heart pressures and closes the foramen
tant point is the P50, which is the partial pressure of oxygen at which erythrocytes ovale. With these changes, the transition to postnatal circulation is
are 50% saturated with oxygen. When oxygen partial pressure is high, such as in the complete and the process of postnatal pulmonary dependence is
lungs, hemoglobin binds oxygen with increased affinity. When the partial pressure
of oxygen decreases such as in the peripheral tissues, oxygen is preferentially
unloaded. Multiple factors including acid–base, temperature, and 2,3 DPG affect In order for gas exchange to occur in the developing lung, there
hemoglobin's affinity for oxygen, shifting the curve, resulting in more or less needs to be intimate contact between atmospheric oxygen and
unloading of oxygen at a given partial pressure. capillary blood flow. This requires adequate alveolar ventilation
and pulmonary blood flow. The neonate has a number of physio-
the arterial saturation of hemoglobin, and PaO2 is the arterial logic mechanisms that allow for matching alveolar ventilation
partial pressure of oxygen.1 If hemoglobin is 100% saturated, then (V) and pulmonary perfusion (Q) to optimize gas exchange. To
1 g of hemoglobin can deliver 1.36 ml of oxygen. The actual accomplish this, an adequate alveolar gas volume and functional
amount of oxygen carried by hemoglobin is variable and is defined residual capacity (FRC) must be established shortly after birth and
by the hemoglobin dissociation curve (Figure 1). Normally, hemo- sustained. Once the FRC is established, this serves as an intra-
globin is close to 100% saturated; however, the sigmoidal nature of pulmonary pool of oxygen. However, newborns are at an increased
the curve ensures that the hemoglobin saturation remains high risk for hypoxemia due to lower pO2 than adults with less intra-
even at low PaO2 levels. The hemoglobin dissociation curve is not vascular reserve, FRC closer to airway closure, and high metabolic
static, and hemoglobin's affinity for oxygen can be influenced by a demand in infancy resulting in quicker depletion of oxygen
number of factors. Hemoglobin has an increased affinity for oxy- stores.17
gen with a left shift of the oxygen dissociation curve in cases of
alkalosis, hypothermia, decreased 2,3 diphosphoglycerate (DPG),
or fetal hemoglobin. Hemoglobin's affinity for oxygen decreases in Surfactant
the setting of acidosis, hyperthermia, or increased 2,3 DPG. This
facilitates unloading of oxygen to the peripheral tissues. While many factors play a critical role in allowing for a smooth
Fetal hemoglobin plays an important role in the transport and transition to postnatal gas exchange, one of the most clinically
unloading of oxygen in the fetal and neonatal periods. Human relevant is surfactant. A critical concept in pulmonary physiology is
hemoglobin consists of three basic chain structures that include surface tension and its effects on the pressure drop across an
the α chain, β chain, and γ chain, which make hemoglobin A (HgA) interface separating two phases of matter, which was defined in
of α2β2 and hemoglobin F (HgF) of α2γ2. The β and γ chains differ the early 1800s by Young and Laplace.18 The pressure drop
from each other by a few amino acid residues. Fetal hemoglobin necessary to maintain or inflate air sacs of a given size is propor-
has a significantly higher affinity for oxygen, which favors uptake tional to its surface tension and inversely proportional to its radius.
of hemoglobin across the placenta. Near term, there is a period of The work of breathing is consequently directly proportional to the
accelerated erythropoiesis during which HbA synthesis predom- surface tension. During development, surfactant production
inates with a gradual and orderly transition in synthesis from γ to β increases as type II pneumocytes mature and alveoli increase in
hemoglobin chains.15 size. Surfactant is a mixture of phospholipids, neutral lipids, and
At birth, the oxygen demand in the infant increases by 100– specific proteins, which by virtue of the amphipathic nature
150%. Consequently, fetal hemoglobin with its increased oxygen decreases surface tension, stabilizes small alveoli, improves overall
affinity, which was adequate for a fetus, does not provide enough alveolar inflation, reduces the hydrostatic driving force for pulmo-
oxygen diffusion and delivery in the neonate. Post-natally, the nary edema, and decreases work of breathing. When deficient, it
infant's affinity decreases rapidly and reaches normal adult values can lead to severe respiratory failure. Exogenous administration
by 4–6 months, which corresponds to the amount of time has proven effective in prophylactic or rescue treatment for
necessary for the replacement of fetal hemoglobin by adult respiratory distress syndrome (RDS) in premature infants with a
hemoglobin.14 The amount of HbF decreases from around 75% to 40% reduction in death and a 30–50% reduction in the odds of
approximately 2% during the first year of life. Until this occurs, pulmonary air leaks.19
182 R.P. Davis, G.B. Mychaliska / Seminars in Pediatric Surgery 22 (2013) 179–184


Tidal Volume

Vital Total
capacity lung
Funconal volume

Fig. 2. Lung measurements: Tidal volume (TV) is the amount of gas moved during one normal inspiration and expiration. Functional residual capacity (FRC) represents the
volume of gas left in the lung following normal expiration. Inspiratory capacity is the maximum volume of air which can be inspired following a normal expiration.
Inspiratory reserve volume is the additional amount of air which can be inspired following normal inspiration. Expiratory reserve volume is the additional amount of air
which can be expired following normal expiration. Residual volume is the minimum lung volume possible, which is the air which remains in the lung following maximum
expiration. Vital capacity is the maximum amount of air which can be moved, maximum inspiration following maximum expiration. Total lung capacity is the total amount of
volume present in the lung.

Lung function and mechanics expressed by the following equation: respiratory system compli-
ance (CRS) ¼ 1/chest wall compliance (CCW) þ 1/lung compliance
Knowledge of static lung measurements (Figure 2) is essential (CL).2 The desire for the lung to collapse is balanced by the
to understand the physiology, pathophysiology, and response to outward elastic recoil of the chest wall, with FRC occurring at
therapeutic intervention. Tidal volume, vital capacity, inspiratory the end of expiration when these forces are in equilibrium. In
capacity, inspiratory reserve volume, and expiratory reserve vol- infants, the chest wall is composed primarily of cartilage and thus
ume can be measured directly using spirometer. On the other the CCW is greater in the infant and the pleural pressure is less
hand, total lung volume, FRC, and residual volume require speci- negative. As a result of the more compliant chest wall, the
alized techniques.1 Over the last 50 years, technological advances neonatal lung appears more prone to collapse.21 FRC is maintained
have allowed for measurements of neonatal lung function to move in newborns by increasing expiratory resistance through laryngeal
from the bench to the clinic with new ventilators able to provide abduction, maintaining inspiratory muscle activation throughout
breath-to-breath analysis of lung function. Alterations in FRC occur expiration, and initiating high breathing frequencies to limit
in many different disease states and alter gas exchange. Clinically expiration time.22 The FRC is reduced with edema, surfactant
important disease states, such as respiratory distress syndrome deficiency, and decreased alveolar radius.
(RDS), pneumonia, and hypoventilation secondary to pain, cause Resistance to gas flow is also an important determinant of
reductions in FRC and decrease the oxygen reservoir available pulmonary gas movement in the neonate. Resistance to airflow
impairing gas exchange. Treatments for decreased FRC include
recruiting collapsed units of lung with positive pressure, increas-
ing FRC, and increasing the oxygen reservoir available for gas
The mechanical properties of the lung play an important role in
neonatal respiratory physiology. The lung has physical properties High FRC
that resist inflation including recoil, resistance, and inertance, with
the dynamic interaction between these processes being respon-
sible for the effort required during normal spontaneous breath- Vo
ing.2 Elastic recoil is a property of the elastic lung tissue which lu Normal FRC
must be stretched for lung inflation to occur. According to Hooke's m
law, the pressure needed to inflate the lung must be in proportion e
to the volume of inflation. The change in volume divided by
change in pressure is the lung compliance. Dynamic compliance
is the volume change divided by the peak inspiratory transthoracic
pressure. Static compliance is volume change divided by peak
inspiratory pressure.20 Throughout the range of normal tidal Low FRC
volumes, this relationship is linear and starts to plateau at large
lung volumes (Figure 3). On a static compliance curve, ventilation
normally occurs in the steep portion where large changes in
volume occur for small changes in pressure. This is not true at Fig. 3. A static compliance curve demonstrating the relationship between changes
high or low lung volumes where large changes in pressure are in volume over pressure within a normal lung. Superimposed are dynamic flow–
volume loops. At normal FRC in the steep portion of the curve, smaller changes in
necessary for smaller changes in volume. pressure result in greater changes in volume. At large FRC, such as with mechanical
The total compliance for the pulmonary system is made up of ventilation, or low FRC, such as atelectasis, the dynamic flow–volume loops show
the compliance of the lung and chest wall. The relationship can be that a larger change in pressure is required to generate changes in volume.
R.P. Davis, G.B. Mychaliska / Seminars in Pediatric Surgery 22 (2013) 179–184 183

arises due to friction between gas molecules and the walls of the description of conventional ventilators is beyond the scope of
airway and because of friction between the tissues of the lung and this study; however, the clinical utility of various modalities has
the chest wall. The airway resistance makes up a significantly been examined in the recent literature. For example, a recent
greater proportion of the resistance, making up approximately 80% meta-analysis of pressure-controlled modalities vs volume-
of the total resistance, with 50% of the airway resistance.23 During controlled modalities demonstrated a significant decrease in
laminar flow, the pressure difference necessary for gas to flow pneumothorax and duration of ventilation as well as a decrease
through the airway is directly proportional to flow times a rate in chronic lung disease (CLD) in preterm infants treated with
constant–airway resistance.2 During turbulent flow, which occurs volume-controlled modes of ventilation as opposed to pressure-
at branch points, sites of obstruction, and high flow, the pressure controlled modes.27
necessary to move air is directly proportional to a constant times There are two types of high-frequency ventilation: high-
the flow rate squared. This constant is directly proportional to the frequency jet ventilation (HFJV) and high-frequency oscillatory
volumetric flow rate and gas density and is inversely proportional ventilation (HFOV). HFJV provide smaller volumes (1–3 ml/kg)
to the radius of the airway and gas viscosity. Airway diameter is more often at a much higher rate (240–660 breaths per min)
possibly the most important clinical factor affecting airway resist- and expiration is passive. Oxygenation is proportional to mean
ance, because airway resistance varies inversely with radius to the airway pressure and ventilation is proportional to amplitude (peak
fourth or fifth power. Airway resistance is decreased during inspiratory pressure vs PEEP).25 Jet pulsations produce high-
inspiration as the pleural pressure becomes negative due to velocity laminar flow that has the ability to bypass airway
expansion of the chest wall, which increases airway and alveolar disruptions. HVOF differs in that it delivers smaller tidal volumes
diameter and decreases resistance. During expiration, the pleural (1–2 ml/kg) and at an even faster rate (8–15 Hz). The lung is
pressure increases and the airways are compressed. Collapse is inflated to a static volume and then oscillated around the mean
prevented by cartilage and gas pressure in the lumen, which can airway pressure.
become a problem especially in small preterm infants with poorly For infants (generally 434 weeks EGA) who cannot be success-
supported central airways. fully ventilated using these modes of ventilation, extracorporeal
life support (ECLS) is an option. ECLS is indicated in cases of acute
cardiopulmonary failure that is unresponsive to maximal ther-
Assisted ventilation apy.28 The veno-venous mode provides respiratory support and
the veno-arterial mode provides cardiorespiratory support. ECLS is
Pediatric surgeons encounter many clinical scenarios where used for days to a few weeks in neonates to allow native organ
neonates require assisted ventilation. Neonatal respiratory failure function to return. Three clinical measurement systems have been
has been treated with mechanical ventilation since the 1960s.24 developed to identify these patients (Table), all of which are
Initially, adult ventilators were modified for neonatal use. The first associated with extremely high mortality. However, the decision
devices designed for neonates were continuous flow, time-cycled, to initiate ECLS is based on clinical judgment and the patient's
pressure-limited devices to provide intermittent mandatory ven- response to maximal medical therapy.
tilation (IMV).25 There were many limitations to these ventilators
as physicians could only vary fraction of inspired oxygen, peak
inspiratory pressure, positive end-expiratory pressure, inspiratory Clinical
time, rate, and circuit flow. In the 1980s, high-frequency jet
ventilation (HFJV) was introduced. During the 1990s, microproc- Abnormalities in fetal lung growth and development can lead
essors were incorporated into neonatal ventilators, greatly to a wide range of clinical problems in the newborn period. One of
expanding the scope of neonatal ventilation with clinicians able the most important clinical problems is preterm birth (birth before
to control a greater number of variables, including target modality, 37 weeks EGA), which occurs in 11% of births in the United States
mode of ventilation, minute ventilation, cycling mechanism, assist and remains the leading cause of morbidity and mortality in
sensitivity, and rise time with light-weight transducers giving real- industrialized nations, accounting for 60–80% of deaths in infants
time breath-to-breath information allowing easier adjustment of without congenital abnormalities.29 The more premature the
ventilator settings depending on patient illness.26 infant, the greater the risk for pulmonary complications;
Currently, ventilators in clinical use are classified as either extremely low gestational age newborns (ELGANs) born before
those which deliver tidal ventilation (conventional) or devices 28 weeks EGA are at the greatest risk. These infants are born at the
which deliver smaller gas volumes at rapid rates (high-frequency transitional period between the canalicular and saccular phases
ventilators). Conventional ventilators have significantly improved which in when the air–blood barrier is just beginning to thin to the
over recent years with the addition of microprocessor chips. They point where gas exchange is possible. Despite maternal steroids,
continue to have standard modes of ventilation including inter- surfactant, and sophisticated ventilatory strategies including new,
mittent mandatory ventilation (IMV), synchronized intermittent less-invasive modalities, respiratory failure and chronic lung dis-
mandatory ventilation (SIMV), assist-control ventilation (AC), and ease in survivors are common. Since extremely premature infants
pressure support ventilation (PSV). These modalities can be further have underdeveloped lungs not suitable for gas exchange, a novel
modified to deliver either target pressure or volume. Further solution is to recapitulate the fetal environment with extracorporeal

Indexes used to determine infants who are eligible to be placed on ECLS.

Index Equation Evidence

Oxygenation index (OI) OI ¼ (MAP  FiO2  100)/PaO2 OI 4 40 in 3–5 postductal gases predictive of 80% or greater
Postductal alveolar-arterial oxygen (A  a)DO2 A (A a)DO2 despite 8 h of maximal therapy predicted 79%
gradient mortality33
Ventilator index (VI) (Respiratory rate  PaCO2  peak inspiratory pressure)/ VI and OI greater than 40 associated with 77% mortality34
184 R.P. Davis, G.B. Mychaliska / Seminars in Pediatric Surgery 22 (2013) 179–184

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