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1 – Write question.

a) Do you have any time to go to the movies with me?

Sorry, I don’t have any time to go to the movies with you.

b) Do you want to eat for breakfast?

Yes, I want some bread and jelly.

c) Do you want any milk in coffe?

No, I don’t want any milk in coffee.

d) Do you have any questions?

No, thank you. I don’t have any questions.

e) Do you have many books at home?

Yes, I have a lot of books at home.

f) Do you have any friend?

I have many friends. I went to the mall with them yesterday.

2 – Substitution practice.
a) Did you learn how to play the electric guitar quickly or slowly?
a) Did they learn how to play the violin quickly or slowly?

b) They work from eight a.m. until five p.m. during the week.
b) They work from eight p.m until five a.m. during the week.

c) Did they read any books last weekend.

c) Did we read any magazines last monday.

d) I traveled to California, but my kids stayed with their aunt.

d) We traveled to Brazil, but my children stayed with ours neighbors.

e) Did you go to the grocery store to buy vegetables?

e) Did you go to the convenience store to buy some candies?

f) He played tennis with his friends and then he went to the library.
f) He played soccer with his cousins and then he went to the library.

g) They went on a leisure trip last week./ They went by train.

g) She went on a vacation trip last year./ She went by car.

h) I worked as a secretary at that office.

h) I worked as a manager at that office.

I) The library didn’t open today./ I need to go there to study math.

I) The school didn’t open today./ I need to go there to learn science.

j) Did you like the prices at that mall?/ I liked them very much.
j) Did you like the chairs at that theater?/ I liked them very much.

3 – Written practice.
a) Você quer comer algumas bolachas?
Do you want to eat any cookies?

b) Ele teve algum tempo para conversar com o gerente?

Did he have any time to talk to the boss?

c) Ela não disse que foi ao mercado comprar algumas coisas?

Didn’t she say went to the market to buy any things?

d) Ela não tem nenhum primo em Nova Iorque.

She don’t have any cousin in New York.

e) Nós fomos à praia em janeiro com nossos parentes.

We went to the beach in january with ours relatives.

f) Eu aprendi a falar inglês rapidamente na escola.

I learned to speak English quickly at school.

g) O seu filho dormiu bem ontem?

Did your son sleep well yesterday?

h) Eles não dormiram durante a viagem./ Eles dormiram até tarde ontem.
They didn’t sleep during the trip. They slept until late yesterday.

i) Eles não foram à escola hoje?

Didn’t they go to school today?

j) Eu não tenho livro nenhum para estudar hoje.

I don’t have any book to study today.

4 – listening.

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