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1 – Unscramble.
a) cash, she, enough, have doesn’t, that buy, to
She doesn’t have cash enough to buy that...

b) cousin, one, bucks, my, has, thousand

My cousin has one thousand bucks.

c) money, books, to, enough, does, have, buy, he, those

Does he have money enough to buy those books?

d) have, they, new, a, don’t, password

They don’t have a new password.

e) needs, to, time, geography, roommate, study, my, more

My roommate needs more time to study geografy.

f) about, three, has, cups, she, of, tea

She has about three cups of tea.

2 – Substitution practice.
a) When does she have to speak with my brother?
a) When does she have to study with my roommate?

b) He wants to eat donuts and drink hot coffee for breakfast.

b) He wants to eat toast and drink ice tea for dinner.

c) Where does Larry study Spanish in the morning.

c) Where does Larry study English in the morning.

d) Doesn’t she speak English with you?

d) Does he speak Portuguese with you?

e) My cousin has to help my parents at the store this weekend.

e) My cousin has to help her neighbors this weekend.

f) When does your brother go to the movies?

f) When does your manager go to church?

g) She needs to buy meat and soda for lunch.

g) She needs to buy fish and chicken for lunch.

h) My Italian friend wants to study French./ Don’t you like Japanese?

h) My German friend wants to study Spanish./ Don’t you like Chinese?

I) How many books does she have to sell?/ About 10 books.

I) How many CDs does she have to buy?/ About 10 CDs.

j) He doesn’t like to eat bread and jam for breakfast.


j) He doesn’t like to eat cheese and jelly for breakfast.

3 – Written practice.
a) Ela não entende japonês e alemão./ Ela entende francês.
She doesn’t understand Japanese and German. She understand French.

b) Meu pai compra leite para nós toda semana.

My father buy milk to we every week.

c) Desculpe, mas meu sobrinho não vende carros./ Você precisa de um carro?
Sorry, but my nephew doesn’t sell cars. Do you need a car?

d) Minha irmã quer comprar um livro para meu pai.

My sister wants to buy a book to my father.

e) Quanto dinheiro seu primo tem?

How much money does your cousin have?

f) Ela não quer falar comigo agora?

Doesn’t she want to speak with me now?

g) O que a Jeniffer quer comprar na loja?

What does Jeniffer want to buy at the store?

h) Quando sua sobrinha joga tênis?/ Ela joga toda quinta-feira.

When does your niece play tennis? She plays every thursday.

I) Preciso ir ao mercado comprar rosquinhas, queijo e café.

I need to go to the market to buy donuts, cheese and coffee.

j) Quantos cupons você precisa?/ Eu preciso de 2 cupons.

How many coupons do you need? I need two coupons.

4 – Listening

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