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Q - Do you go to school daily

ANS - Yes i go daily

Q - How do you like your new school, ?
ANS- Yes, i like it , i have also made new friends here.
Q- Do you miss your old school ?
ANS - No

Q- Do you know that your mother had hit your brother ?

ANS- Yes, I had seen her slapping my brother once
Q- Has your mother ever hit you ?
Q- Who gets you ready for school ?
ANS- My grandmother
Q- Who gives you breakfast, lunch and dinner?
ANS- My grandmother only
Q- How do you like your grandmother ?
ANS - I like her a lot

Q- Have you ever seen Mumma and Ajay Uncle fighting ?

ANS - No, but i have heard them arguing.
Q- How do you like the company of your brother Rohan ?
ANS - We spend a lot of time together, I cannot live without him
Q - If your brother chooses to live with daddy with whom you will live ?
ANS- I would live with my father
Q- If you have to choose between Ajay Uncle and your father, whom would
you choose ?
ANS- Keep silent for 3 seconds and then say slowly my father, then i will ask
you to say it loud then say it loud again

Suggestion -

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