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Accuracy of intraoral scanners

Digital impressions by intraoral scanning (IOS) have become an increasingly popular

alternative to conventional impressions. It’s easy to understand that a precise IOS could lead
to omitting the need for impression materials, trays and cast. Further an accurate IOS could
avoid the long and terrible sensation the patients suffer every time an impression is to be

A systematic review written by Dr. Jaafar Abduo and his group aimed to evaluate the accuracy
of the available IOS systems for dental impressioning, and to identify the influencing factors
on accuracy. A total of 2305 studies were initially obtained. After applying the inclusion
criteria, 32 studies were suitable for the analysis.

Overall, there is tendency for the studies of this systematic review to support the superior
accuracy of PVS and polyether impressions over IOS impression. This observation appears to
be dependent on the span of the impression. For single tooth scanning or for short span
abutments impression, the accuracy of IOS impression, is similar to the PVS and polyether
impression. For whole arch scanning, the studies consistently revealed the superiority of PVS
impression over IOS impression.

The authors evidenced that the scanning systems and the powder application do not appear
to be a major influencing factor on the accuracy of the impressions. On the other hands, it
appears that there is an influence of the scanning sequence and camera movement on the
accuracy of the virtual model. Registering the whole arch dimension from each scanning step,
for example, appears to be advantageous as it reduces the systematic deviation from stitching
of the images. Moreover there is some evidence that smooth surfaces are easier to capture by
light scanners in comparison to irregular and corrugated surfaces. Thus it’s reasonable for the
clinician to modify the preparation design by ensuring smooth and regular surfaces with
rounded internal line angles.

To conclude is showed in this review that, for diagnostic purposes and short-span scanning,
the accuracy of IOS systems is comparable to the accuracy of conventional impressions.

To deepen:

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