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Section: Date Submitted:


OBJECTIVE: To investigate Reynolds number for water using Reynolds Number apparatus.
a.) Reynolds Apparatus test rig
b.) A dye and stop watch

Fluid distribution networks and heating and cooling applications frequently involve
liquid or gas movement through pipes and ducts. In this type of application, a pump or fan forces
the fluid through a flow section. There are two types of fluid flow through a pipe: laminar and
turbulent. Osborn Reynolds was the one who initially proved these two sorts existed. A number of
factors, including the fluid's temperature and type, velocity (V), flow rate (Q), diameter of the
circular pipe (D), and velocity (V), influence the change from laminar to turbulent flow. Osborne
Reynolds conducted a thorough experiment in the 1880s and found that the fluid's ratio of viscous
to inertial forces determined the flow regime. This ratio, which is stated for internal flow in a
circular pipe, is known as the Reynolds number. The following represents the Reynolds number

Re = Inertial forces = V D = ρVD

Viscous forces ν μ

V = flow velocity, m/s
D = diameter of tube, m
ν = kinematics viscosity of the fluid, m2/s (μ/ρ)
μ = viscosity of fluid, Ns/m2 (kg/m.s)
ρ = density of water, kg/m3

The water velocity (V) is determined by:

V = Flowrate (m3/s) = Q (m/s)

Cross section area (m2) A

Where, flow rate (Q) is given by:

Q = Water volume (m3) = Q (m3/s)

Time (s) t
The Reynolds Number equipment will be utilized in this experiment. This device is made
comprised of a water-filled constant head supply tank. This tank has a bell-mouth exit that has a
clear tube attached to it. There is a regulating valve at the tube's exit. Above the supply tank is
installed a dye tank filled with colored dye. A dye injection is made in the middle of the pipe while
water flows through it.

The dye maintains its filamentous shape at lower velocities, suggesting the presence of laminar
flow. The dye becomes erratic and waves as the velocity increases and a transitional flow is
attained. An additional rise in velocity reveals that the dye filament becomes increasingly erratic,
and eventually the dye diffuses over the tube's whole cross section. At this point, the water flow
pattern is quite erratic and the turbulent flow has evolved.

1. Fully open by-pass valve.

2. Fully close flow control valve.
3. Start the pump. Wait until water is discharged from by-pass valve.
4. Slowly close the by-pass valve. The water will be pumped into supply tank. Control the by-
pass valve until the water start filling the transparent tube. At the same time, control the by-
pass valve so that water level in supply tank remains constant at 70% of supply tank
5. Slowly open the flow control valve to remove all air bubble inside transparent tube. Then
close the flow control valve. Ensure the water level in supply tank remains constant at
70% of supply tank capacity by control by-pass valve.
6. Start the dye injection. Then, slowly open flow control valve. Wait for some time. A steady
line of dye will be observed. Adjust dye flow, if required.
7. During steady line phase (laminar region), take the time for 135 ml of water.
8. Slowly open the flow control valve, the water flow will increase. In the same time ensure
water level in supply tank remains constant. As the increasing of the water flow, dye line
will be disturbed. Measure this flow rate.
9. Further increase the flow by open the flow control valve. The disturbances of dye line will
increase and at certain flow; the dye line diffuses over the entire cross section. Measure this
flow rate.
10. Slightly increase the flow and then slowly reduce the flow. Measure the flow rate at which
diffused dye tends to become steady, (the beginning of transition zone while reducing
11. Further reduce the flow and measure the flow rate at which dye line becomes straight and
12. Record your observation in Table 5.1. Calculate Reynolds Number of each the flow.

13. 4.0 Procedure

14. Fully open by-pass valve.
15. Fully close flow control
16. Start the pump. Wait until
water is discharged from by-
pass valve.
17. Slowly close the by-pass
valve. The water will be
pumped into supply tank.
18. the by-pass valve until the
water start filling the
transparent tube. At the same
19. control the by-pass valve so
that water level in supply tank
remains constant at 70%
20. of supply tank capacity.
21. Slowly open the flow
control valve to remove all air
bubble inside transparent tube.
22. Then close the flow control
23. Ensure the water level in
supply tank remains constant
at 70% of supply tank
24. by control by-pass valve.
25. Start the dye injection.
Then, slowly open flow
control valve. Wait for some
26. A steady line of dye will be
observed. Adjust dye flow, if
27. During steady line phase
(laminar region), take the time
for 135 ml of water.
28. Slowly open the flow
control valve, the water flow
will increase. In the same time
29. ensure water level in supply
tank remains constant. As the
increasing of the water
30. flow, dye line will be
disturbed. Measure this flow
31. Further increase the flow by
open the flow control valve.
The disturbances of dye line
32. will increase and at certain
flow; the dye line diffuses
over the entire cross section.
33. Measure this flow rate.
34. Slightly increase the flow
and then slowly reduce the
flow. Measure the flow rate at
35. which diffused dye tends to
become steady, (the beginning
of transition zone while
36. reducing velocity.)
37. Further reduce the flow and
measure the flow rate at which
dye line becomes straight
38. and steady.
39. Record your observation in
Table 5.1. Calculate Reynolds
Number of each the
40. flow.


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