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2023 / 2024
1 hour 30 minutes

NAME: ___________________ CLASS: __________

1. You may only open the question paper when instructed.
2. This question paper consists of FIVE parts, Part 1, Part 2, Part 3,
Part 4 and Part 5.
3. All answers should be shaded or written in the Answer Sheet, at
the back of the question paper.
4. Answer all the questions.
5. Check your answers.

For Examiner’s Use

Name of Examiner:
Parts Marks for the parts Marks obtained for
the parts

1 8
2 8
3 8
4 8
5 8
Total 40
Parent’s signature:
Part 1

Questions 1 to 8
Read the text carefully. Choose the best answer A, B or C. For each of the question,
shade A, B or C in the answer sheet.

1. The bag shop is having a sale on ________________.

A. Monday
B. Thursday
C. Saturday


It is important to recycle to save the

environment. We need to recycling for many
reasons. One of the main reasons is that it will
help to save our planet. Recycling also saves
energy and resources. Lastly, by recycling, it
reduces the amount of greenhouse gases
being released.

2. It is important to recycle because it______________________.

A. helps to save planet Earth

B. helps to recycle the environment
C. helps to reduce the amount of recycling of the Planet

3. The poster above shares about the _______________.

A. time when skateboarding became popular

B. period and series of events related to skateboarding
C. celebration of Go skateboarding Day, in United States

Linda Are you going to the event this Saturday?

Becca I would not miss it for the world.
Linda I look forward to meet our friends and teachers.
Becca I am going too. See you at the reunion!

4. What does Becca mean when she says “I would not miss it for the world”. It
means Becca is ______________.

A. excited to go for the reunion

B. nervous to go for the reunion
C. distracted to go for the reunion

5. We are encouraged to watch the participants of the ‘Talent Show’ because
they have ______________.

A. unique charisma and charm

B. given their best performance
C. been in the show since 16 July 2023

Aquaria is located at the heart of KL, surrounding with lots of shopping malls and famous Petronas
towers. It gives a pleasant and aesthetic view for the visitors. Here you can see so many sea
creatures such as sharks, turtles, coral reefs and many others. There are about 5000 marine
species. You need to go through the tunnel, and you can see them surrounding you. It is an
amazing experience; it feels like diving to the bottom of the sea! Live feeding is carried out
throughout the day in different parts of aquarium which is a captivating experience. We got lucky
because it was sharks feeding time while we were going through the Shark tunnel. It's best to check
the feeding schedule on the website before going. Tickets are inexpensive if your purchase them
through online agents like Flyme or even your hotel concierge, it is truly value for money. The
aquarium covers a fairly large area. You should be able to stroll through in 2-3 hours.

6. Which of the statement below is true?

A. Visitors must purchase tickets online.

B. Visitors can watch live feeding throughout the day and the different marine
C. Visitors have to travel through the tunnel and watch live feeding once a

RM 599 RM 899
RM 1099
Solid built Big storage
capacity Good & Fast
Decent Charging
Performance Easy to operate
Lightweight &
Long Battery Good Camera Thin
Dual Camera

Real You 123 Open X 50 Haiyo T27

7. You are a student and need a new handphone. You use the phone mainly to
call or text your parents and friends. Which of the phones should you buy?

A. Open X50
B. Haiyo T27
C. Real You 123

Shopping list
Items to buy Which section it is located
Butter Dairy Products
Spaghetti Pasta and Grains
Coffee Beverages and Drinks

8. Fahmi’s mother called him and added two more items for him to buy. She
wants him to buy Cheese and Carbonated water. Which section can the two
items be found?

A. Dairy Products and Pasta and Grains sections

B. Beverages and Drinks and Dairy Products sections
C. Pasta and Grains and Beverages and Drinks sections

Part 2
Questions 9 to 16
Read the text below and correct the underlined errors. For each of the question,
write the correct word in the space provided on your answer sheet.


People in the olden days used to communicate through letters and is confined to only
the learned (0) but rich. The life of our fore fathers (9) is different from ours because
of science and technology. Nowadays, we are able to communicate easier and faster.
Currently, there are many ways in which people communicate. Social media (10) am
a very popular form of communication because of its user-friendly features. Using
them is as (11) easier as ABC. Social media platforms like Twitter, Facebook and Tik
Tok (12) is give people an opportunity to communicate through the distance. Social
media has also become a platform for business to thrive. Businesses are using the
social media platforms (13) likes TikTok to connect with their customers. Nonetheless,
it has both advantages and disadvantages. One of (14) a important benefits is that
knowledge is not confined within the walls of the classrooms. The world is a student’s
classroom. On the other hand, excessive use (15) off social media has its
consequences. People are addicted to social media or invasion of privacy are just (16
) a examples of disadvantages that social media have on its users. As users, we need
to strike a balance in the usage of social media.
[ 8 marks]

0. and

Part 3
Read the text below and answer questions 17 to 24. For each question, shade A, B
or C in the answer sheet.


Parkour is an activity or sports that involves overcoming obstacles like moving,

running, jumping and climbing from one point to another in a city. It was first
introduced by Raymond Belle in France and developed by his son, David Belle and a
group of friends in the late 1980’s. It was made famous by David and his group of in
1997, when they formed a group, “Yamakasi” and made a film which was released in
Parkour does not require a specific training or accessories. Your body is the only tool
you use with perseverance, discipline, and instinct. You need to find a suitable area or
a parkour hall to practice the techniques and the movements, and train to improve
your muscles. Also, it is very important to have a coach with you to learn quickly and
correctly. A suitable sports shoe and comfortable sportswear are usually enough. The
choice of shoes is very important for you to be comfortable as well as to avoid
injuries. You can play parkour at any time and any place.

Questions 17 to 24
Complete the following table.
Write no more than five words and / or a number from the text for each of the
answer. For each of the question, write your answer in the space provided on your
answer sheet.


What is Parkour 17 An activity that ____________________

The person who started Parkour 18 ____________________________

When was “Yamasaki” film shown 19 ____________________________

Place to practice Parkour 20 _____________________ area

or 21 _________________________

Advantage of having a coach for Parkour 22 ___________________________

The importance of having good shoes 23 ___________________________ and

24 ____________________________

Part 4
Read the information below and answer questions 25 to 32.
For each question, write your answer in the space provided on your answer sheet.

-Persistent haze has an Stay indoors as much as possible

adverse effect on everyone
especially high-risk people Reduce outdoor activities
such as children, the
elderly, pregnant women, Regularly wash your face and parts
heart and respiratory of your body that are exposed to
patients, and those who
are sensitive to dust,
smokers and those who
work outside the office or Always get the latest information on
home haze from the mass media and follow
the advice of the authorities

Air pollutant index (API) Status Meaning

0 - 50 Good Air quality is satisfactory, poses little or no risk
51 - 100 Average Air quality is acceptable. Affects only people who are
unusually sensitive to air pollution
101 - 200 Unhealthy Everyone may begin to experience health problems.
201 - 300 Very unhealthy More serious health problems experienced by
>301 Hazardous Health warnings of emergency condition. The entire
population is more likely to be affected.

For Questions 25 to 28, write True or False for each statement in the space
provided on your answer sheet.
25 An API reading of more than 301 is Unhealthy _______
(1 mark)
26 Only pregnant women are affected by haze. _______
(1 mark)
27 During haze, we should reduce the time spent outdoors. _______
(1 mark)
28 One of the tips mentioned is that we need to only wash our _______
hands and face. (1 mark)

For Questions 29 to 32, write no more than 5 words and / or a number. You should
write your answers in the answer sheet.
29 The high- risk group and smokers are _________________ [1 mark]
30 We should get ___________________ from authorized sources. [1 mark]
31 When the API is at the unhealthy range, ___________________ [1 mark]
health problems.
32 One of the tips to beat the haze is to _____________ in the [1 mark]

Part 5
You are going to read about a Lim Wei Lam.
Four sentences have been removed from the text. Choose from the sentences (A -D)
to fill in each gap (33 to 36).
For each of the question, shade the correct answer (A-D) on your answer sheet.

Lim Wei Lam

My name is Lim Wei Lam. I am in Form 1 and I am thirteen years old. Everyone says
that I am a good student and I like to study. My favourite subjects are chemistry and
biology. I hope to go to university because I would like to help my family. 33
I love the colour so much that my room is painted with the colour.

I play the guitar well. I started playing guitar since I was ten years old. 34

The guitar describes who I am in terms of the genre of music. I usually play guitar
with my friends. 35

I also like to play video games. I started playing simple games like Tetris and Super
Mario Bros. However, as I grew older, my interest in video games became more
sophisticated. 36 Some people might view video games as a waste of time,
as for me, video games is a form of entertainment and a stress reliever. Most of the
time, I play with my brother.

A They will come over to my house and we play together at least once a
B My favourite colour is purple.
C I love the challenge that comes with playing video games.
D I love playing guitar because I loved the way that it sounded.

You are going to read a text on Cyber Security.
Four sentences have been removed from the text. Choose from the sentences (A -D)
to fill in each gap (37 to 40).
For each of the question, shade the correct answer (A-D) on your answer sheet.

Cyber Security

There are millions and billions of users and websites in the vast community known as

cyberspace. People use it for a variety of activities. Anyone can simply access

anything online in the current technological era due to internet. 37

Additionally, the faster internet connection has greatly boosted the rate of data

circulation. This explains why cyber security has grown to be a significant issue for

The government has created a number of cybercrime-related laws in an effort to curb

the spread of the crime and to protect people's interests. 38 A task force was

also set up to combat cybercrime as quickly as possible.

Cybercrime is an attack that can be harmful to both an individual and a business.

39 These cyber-attacks could have negative effects on the country and the
business. Hence, there is a need to increase security measures. 40

A A cyberattack can cause to a data leak that caused a significant loss for a
business or a person.
B As a result, crime in general and cybercrime in particular have surged
C There are four main categories of cybercrime, according to a popular
definition—hacking, money, privacy, and cyber terrorism.
D These laws also provide defence against cybercrime.




2023 / 2024
1 hour

NAME: ___________________ CLASS: __________

1. You may only open the question paper when instructed.
2. This question paper consists of TWO parts, Part 1 and Part 2.
3. You need to answer both the questions.
4. All answers should be written in the space provided in the question
5. Check your answers.

For Examiner’s Use

Name of Examiner:
Parts Marks for the parts Marks obtained for
the parts

1 20
2 20
Total 40
Parent’s signature:
Part 1
[20 marks]
Read a message from your brother, Lo Han,

Lo Han!
Dad mentioned that he’s having an open house for Chinese New Year, next week. He is unsure if we should do it at grandma’s or
our house. Dad also mentioned about the kind of food to serve to guests on that day.
Could you give some suggestions?
Lim Lim

In about 80 words, write a note to your brother to give some suggestions.

Part 2
[20 marks]
You read in the papers regarding flood that occurred in the different states in
In about 70 – 90 words, write an essay about the ways in which people can help
flood victims.
You may use the notes below to help you.


How to help

Help clean up
Give Money flood damaged

Write your essay here.


2023 / 2024

Part 1 (8 marks)
1. C 2. A 3.B 4.A
5. A 6. B 7.C 8.B

Part 2 (8 marks)
9. was (irregular past tense) 10. is (simple present tense)
11. easy (simile) 12. are giving (present continuous)
13. like (simple present tense) 14. the (article)
15. of (phrasal verb) 16. some (Countable noun)

Part 3 (8 marks)
17. involves overcoming obstacles 18. Raymond Belle
19. 2001 20. a suitable
21. a parkour hall 22. (you) learn quickly and correctly
23. comfortable / avoid injuries. 24. avoid injuries / comfortable

Part 4 (8 marks)
25. False / F 26. False / F
27. True /T 28. False / F
29. affected by 30. the latest information on haze
31. everyone may begin to experience 32. remain / stay

Part 5 (8 marks)
33. B 34. D 35.A 36.C
37. B 38. D 39.A 40.C

2023 / 2024

Part 1 (20 marks) Suggested Answer

 Accept any relevant / acceptable answers.

I am happy to hear that Dad is having an open house next week. I think it is a good idea to have the open
house at grandma’s. Grandma’s house is much bigger than ours and we can invite more relatives. You also
mentioned about the food that we should have. I would suggest that we order halal food for the open house, so
that our Muslim relatives and friends are able to join us. Hope it helps!

Lo Han
78 words

Part 2 (20 marks) Suggested Answer

 Accept any relevant / acceptable answers.

Flood occurs when there is an extended period of heavy rain. One of the ways to help the victims of floods
is to donate household essentials. Floods destroy properties, homes and possessions. Hence, if we were to donate
household necessities like food, water, clothing and etc., this will reduce the financial constraint on the families
affected by the flood.
Besides that, we can also help to clean up their houses, such as cleaning and sweeping. As the saying goes,
“Many hands make light work”.

84 words

12/1 PAPER 1
2023 / 2024
1 hour 30 minutes

NAME: ___________________ CLASS: __________

1. You may only open the question paper when instructed.
2. This question paper consists of FIVE parts, Part 1, Part 2, Part 3,
Part 4 and part 5.
3. All answers should be shaded or written in the Answer Sheet, at
the back of the question paper.
4. Answer all the questions.
5. Check your answers.

For Examiner’s Use

Name of Examiner:
Parts Marks for the parts Marks obtained for
the parts

1 8
2 8
3 8
4 8
5 8
Total 40
Parent’s signature:

Part 1
Questions 1 to 8
Read the text carefully. Chooses the best answer A, B or C. For each of the
question, shade A, B or C in the answer sheet.

A Chinese Tale

@chinese_tales 10.46 30 June 155K Views

There was once a Chinese tale about a man who spent many years fishing on the
riverbank. People looked and wondered, and shared what a remarkable way of fishing.
The story spread through the country, eventually reaching the emperor’s palace. The
emperor then came looking for the fisherman himself. The emperor then asked, “What
do you expect to catch with this hook?” calmly the man answered, “You, my emperor”.

84 Retweets 148 Quotes 2000 likes

1. Where did the man go fishing?

A. At the country.
B. At the riverbank.
C. At the emperor’s palace.

I wish there was a robot that let me clean me room with shiny mops and old dust pans,
I want explosive mess-be-gone, robotic cleaning whales,
They all know how to save the Earth and vacuum with their tales,
But since there aren’t aliens who’ve learned to make my bed,
I guess I’ll have to just sit here and play my video games instead!
- Steve Hanson

2. Why did the writer decide to play video games instead of cleaning his room?

A. There were no aliens that can help him.

B. There were shiny mops and old dust pans.
C. The mess in the writer’s room was cleaned by the cleaning whales.

3. Based on the poster, how long does an egg develop into a larva?

A. 2 days
B. 5 days
C. Within days

4. The main objective of “OPERATION WIPE-OUT” is to _______________.

A. get rid of mosquitoes

B. have more residents admitted to hospital
C. show that hospitals are breeding grounds

Customer I would like to buy a laptop as a present for my sister’s
Shop I have this laptop. It is RM 2 500. It comes in 2 colours, red
Assistant and blue. Would you like to take a look?
Customer I’m afraid, it is beyond my budget. Do you have anything
Shop That’s the cheapest that we have.

5. Which word below is a synonym for the phrase, “it is beyond my budget”?

A. look
B. cheap
C. expensive

Percy Jackson -The Lighting Thief

I like this book. It has a creative and suspenseful story line and
lovable characters. The hero of the story is Percy Jackson, son of
Poseidon – God of the Sea, destined to save the world. The
imaginary story takes place in a world where modern day and
ancient Greek mythology are combined in a hilarious chain of
events. The story is written in “teen” language which helps readers
to understand and enjoy the story better. The tale also has a touch
of mystery, letting us solve “riddles” in a race against the book’s
I recommend this book to anyone who enjoys fantasy, adventure
and thriller genres. It’s written for teenagers but it’s definitely not
limited to teenagers.

Mika (highly recommended)

6. Based on Mika’s book review, which of the sentence below is false.

A. It is an imaginary story.
B. The hero in the story is Poseidon.
C. The story is suitable for everyone who loves adventure story.

Hi Mary. I texted to ask you if I should buy from this new online
platform Lolz. I am unsure if it’s safe. Have you bought anything
from Lolz?

Yes. Lisa. Mmmm, the name Lolz is so familiar. I remember it now.

My elder sister, Mel likes to shop at Lolz. I have also read reviews
about it, online. What I know is, Lolz is an online platform that has
secure payment method, such as credit cards and e-wallets to
protect buyers when making purchase. They also have customer
protection policies to protect buyers, such as 10-day return policy.

Thanks Mary. I think I shall buy the dress that I saw on Lolz.

7. Based on the conversation above, Lisa decided to buy from Lolz because of
the ________________________.

A. fact that Mary likes to shop at Lolz.

B. statement that Mary has experience buying from Lolz.
C. assurance from Mary that Lolz is a safe and good online shopping

Mat Kilau
Mat Kilau, a legendary Malay warrior, famous for fighting against the
colonials headed by the British Resident, Hugh Clifford. The fight
that took place in the late 19th century, came to be known as the
'Pahang War' in the 1890s. Mat Kilau is well known for his
fearlessness, courage and as Malaya warrior who fought against
English colonization. He had contributed a lot to this nation. One of
his contributions was during Lubuk Terua war. During the war, he
played his role very well and his bravery, strength and courage led
the Malays to victory. Mat Kilau also built a mosque, in Kampung
Pulau Tawar which is still around, till this very day.

8. What were the qualities that Mat Kilau had that helped the Malays to win the
Lubuk Terua war?

A. Mat Kilau was courageous and brave.

B. Mat Kilau fought and played his role very well.
C. Mat Kilau was helpful and a builder of mosque.

Part 2
Questions 9 to 16
Read the text below and correct the underlined errors. For each of the question,
write the correct word in the space provided on your answer sheet.

The Story Behind a Name

Our name is our Brand. It is the first impression people have of us when
meeting (0) four the first time. That is why the task of naming offspring is
important to all parents and for the Chinese, it is a special ritual.

Chinese names (9) is generally made up of two to four characters. Each

character has its own meaning, which makes each Chinese name into a tiny,
meaningful phrase. With this in mind, Chinese parents (10) typical name their
children in accordance with their (11) wish and expectations that they have for
them. The characters of my Chinese first name, “Wan Yan” means “beautiful
like a flower”. The story is that when I was (12) bare a year old, I visited my
grandfather who upon seeing me for the first time, (13) declare that I was a
beautiful infant. It was my family’s wish for me from then on, to blossom in spirit
and personality like a beautiful flower. I (14) does not get my name when I was
one month old, which is a custom. It took almost a whole year for me to get (15)
my. It was important for my (16) parent to seek the opinion of my grandfather-
another good example of honouring our elders.

Adapted from

[ 8 marks]

0. for

Part 3
Read the text below and answer questions 17 to 24. For each question, shade A, B
or C in the answer sheet.

Mark Zuckerberg before Facebook

Mark Zuckerberg co-founded the social-networking website Facebook out of his college dorm
room at Harvard University. Zuckerberg did not complete his studies to concentrate on the
site, the user base of which has grown to more than two billion people. The story of how
Facebook was portrayed in the 2010 film The Social Network.
Zuckerberg’s father, Edward Zuckerberg, was a dentist. He had a dental practice attached to
the family's home. His mother, Karen, worked as a psychiatrist before the birth of the couple's
four children — Mark, Randi, Donna and Arielle.
Zuckerberg developed an interest in computers at an early age; when he was about 12, he
used Atari BASIC to create a messaging program he named "Zucknet." His father used the
program in his dental office, so that the receptionist could inform him of a new patient without
yelling across the room. The family also used Zucknet to communicate within the house.
Zuckerberg continued to harness his computer skills and went on to create Facebook.
Questions 17 to 24
Completewith the
his friends, he table.
following also created computer games just for fun. "I had a bunch of friends who
were artists," he said. "They'd come over, draw stuff, and I'd build a game out of it."
Write no more than five words and / or a number from the text for each of the
answer. For each of the question, write your answer in the space provided on your
answer sheet.

Mark Zuckerberg before Facebook

Co-Founder of Facebook 17 __________________________

Title of film that was based on Facebook 18 ___________________________

Zuckerberg’s parents worked as 19 _________________________ and

20 _________________________

Name of the messaging programme that 21 _________________________

Zuckerberg first created

The first people to use the messaging programme 22 _________________________ and

23. _________________________

What did Edward Zuckerberg use the messaging 24 inform ________________________

programme for

Part 4
Read the information below and answer questions 25 to 32.
For each question, write your answer in the space provided on your answer sheet.

What I like about online shopping is that

there’s no crowd or queues. It is so Reasons People like to
convenient. I do not have to look for shop online
available parking lot to park my car. 80
Adrian 70
Online shopping is so convenient. The
stores are open 24/7. I don’t have to worry
about the store hours. I can shop at
lunchtimes, after work, whenever and 40
Lola wherever! 30
I love a good bargain. With online 20
shopping, I am able to compare prices for 10
the bag that I would like to buy and get 0
Mimi the lowest price without having to leave
my home. It is easy and painless!
I shop online because of the many
discounts, websites and third- party
retailers who offer goods at reduced
prices. I get the latest deals and
George promotions.

For Questions 25 to 28, write True or False for each statement in the space
provided on your answer sheet.
25 People like online shopping because the shops are open 24/7. _______
(1 mark)
26 There are only a few online stores offering discounts. _______
(1 mark)
27 Online shoppers do not have to leave their homes. _______
(1 mark)
28 According to the graph, one of the reasons why people shop _______
online is that it saves times. (1 mark)

For Questions 29 to 32, write no more than 5 words and / or a number. You should
write your answers in the answer sheet.
29 Shopping online allows people to _________________ prices. [1 mark]
30 Mimi likes online shopping because it is __________________. [1 mark]
31 There are ___________________ at reduced price, for online [1 mark]
32 Based on the graph, the third most popular reason for people to [1 mark]
shop online is because it has __________________.

Part 5
Questions 33 to 36
You are going to read about Hunger Games.
Four sentences have been removed from the text. Choose from the sentences (A -D)
to fill in each gap (33 to 36).
For each of the question, shade the correct answer (A-D) on your answer sheet.
Hunger Games
The Hunger Games Series of books by Suzanne Collins. It tells the story of Katniss
Everdeen, a 16-year-old girl who lives in North America after a great war. The world
is now divided up into 12 districts that are all run by the winner of the war, the Capitol.
33 Two children are chosen at random from each district to fight to the
death. The winner gets fame and fortune and their family is safe. 34 Katniss
little sister Prim gets chosen, but Katniss volunteers to take her place.

There are altogether 3 books in this series. In the first book, Hunger Games
follows Katniss and Peeta, the other kid from district 12, as they prepare and then
fight in the Hunger Games. In the second book Katniss and Peeta are considered
rebels. 35 They have to enter the Hunger Games again, this time to fight
against past winners. Again, they defy the Capitol setting up the finale in book three.
36 In this book, you find out if Katniss and Peeta can finally survive and get
their revenge on the Capitol. A lot happens and the ending may be different from
what you expect.

A The Capitol wants to get back at them for how the first book ended.
B The losers will have to fight to the death.
C The third book continues where the second book left off.
D In order to keep power over the people in the districts, the Capitol holds a
contest called the Hunger Games every year.

You are going to read a text on Penang Time Tunnel.
Four sentences have been removed from the text. Choose from the sentences (A -D)
to fill in each gap (37 to 40)
For each of the question, shade the correct answer (A-D) on your answer sheet.

Penang Time Tunnel

Located in Penang, Malaysia on Jalan Green Hall, Penang Time Tunnel awaits. My
family and I together with my uncle and grandma went to the Time Tunnel. 37
The Museum includes a historic explanation about Penang and a wonderful 3D art
area to take photos at the end.

As you step into the main entrance, you will see a few sculptures and paintings on
the wall. 38 There will be people standing near the desk who share
information about the display. At the end of the tour on history of Penang, I did a quiz.
The quiz was kid friendly.

On the 2nd floor of the museum there is the ART area. 39 Lucky for me, I
brought my camera along. I took many pictures.

I conclude that the museum visit was great! The way they included art and history
was awesome! 40 I hope others who visit Penang can also go there and
enjoy it as much as I did!

A On the right, you will see a desk.

B Here you can see 3D mural art street such as rickshaw and a café.
C It is also called the Penang History Museum.
D Learning about Penang was amazing.



2023 / 2024
1 hour

NAME: ___________________ CLASS: __________

1. You may only open the question paper when instructed.
2. This question paper consists of TWO parts, Part 1 and Part 2.
3. You need to answer both the questions.
4. All answers should be written in the space provided in the question
5. Check your answers.

For Examiner’s Use

Name of Examiner:
Parts Marks for the parts Marks obtained for
the parts

1 20
2 20
Total 40
Parent’s signature:
Part 1
[20 marks]
Read a message from your friend, Min Hui.

It is the holidays. I am bored at home. I have done nothing but sleep all day. I know
you like to read and have many books. Could you recommend a book in your
collection for me to read? Is it also ok that you lend me the book?

I hope you are able to help me.

Min Hui

In about 80 words, write an email to Hani to give suggestions.

Dear ________,

Your friend,

Part 2
[20 marks]
You recently watched a movie.
In about 70 – 90 words, write an essay about a movie that you recently watched.
You may use the notes below to help you.

What is the
movie about

Title of the

Would you Why do you like

recommend the movie
others to watch

Write your essay here


2023 / 2024 PAPER 1

Part 1 (8 marks)
1. B 2. A 3.B 4.A
5. C 6. B 7.C 8.B

Part 2 (8 marks)
9. are (SVA) 10. typically (Adverb of Manner)
11. wishes (Plural noun) 12. barely (Adverb of Time)
13. declared (simple past tense) 14. did (Auxiliary Verb)
15. mine (Possessive Pronoun) 16. parents (Plural Noun)

Part 3 (8 marks)
17. Mark Zuckerberg 18. The Social Network
19. dentist 20. psychiatrist
21. Zucknet 22. father
23. family members / people in his family 24. him of a new patient

Part 4 (8 marks)
25. True / T 26. False / F
27. True /T 28. True / T
29. compare 30. easy and painless
31. third- party retailers who offer goods 32. better prices

Part 5 (8 marks)
33. D 34. B 35.A 36.C
37. C 38. A 39.B 40.D

2023 / 2024

Part 1 (20 marks) Suggested Answer

 Accept any relevant / acceptable answers.
Dear Min Hui,
How are you? I hope you are well. I am writing to share with you books that you

can read during the holidays. I looked through my collection of books. I think I have the book

that would interest you. The title of the book is, Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief. You

can drop by my house anytime to take the book. I will be home.

See you soon!

Your friend,
71 words

Part 2 (20 marks) Suggested Answer

 Accept any relevant / acceptable answers.
Last holiday December holidays, my family and I decided to watch Harry Potter- The Sorcerer’s Stone
movie. We watched the movie on Netflix. My Dad made popcorns and Mom made pizza for us to eat while watching
the movie. The movie lasted for about two and a half hours. I love the movie because I like Daniel Radcliff. I think
he is a good actor. I really enjoyed watching the movie and would recommend anyone who is into wizards and magic
to watch it.
84 words

12/1 PAPER 1
2023 / 2024
1 hour 30 minutes

NAME: ___________________ CLASS: __________

1. You may only open the question paper when instructed.
2. This question paper consists of FIVE parts, Part 1, Part 2, Part 3,
Part 4 and part 5.
3. All answers should be shaded or written in the Answer Sheet, at
the back of the question paper.
4. Answer all the questions.
5. Check your answers.

For Examiner’s Use

Name of Examiner:
Parts Marks for the parts Marks obtained for
the parts

1 8
2 8
3 8
4 10
5 6
Total 40
Parent’s signature:
Part 1

Questions 1 to 8
Read the text carefully. Choose the best answer A, B or C. For each of the question,
shade A, B or C in the answer sheet.

1. What is the colour of the missing cat?

A. It is oren.
B. It is orange.
C. It is Pauline.

Malaysia and Indonesia are the world’s
biggest palm oil producing nation. Palm oil is
usually grown in the tropics. The palm tree
produces high quality oil used mainly for
cooking in developing countries. It is also
used in food products such ice cream,
cleaning products, detergents and cosmetics.

2. Which of the sentence below correctly describes palm oil?

A. Palm Tree Oil is a low - quality form of oil.

B. Palm Tree Oil is found in many useful products.
C. Palm Tree Oil is used to only make food products.

3. The sign reminds us to _______________.

A. throw rubbish in its proper place

B. make oceans look good with trash
C. take care of dustbins so that it will look good like the oceans

Dear Mason,

My Grandma is unwell. My Mom says that

she will be staying with us for a few days. I enjoy
having my grandmother staying with us. The thing is,
she likes to get me to do this and that when she can
always do it herself. Mom says I have to be patient with
her. I guess I just have to be more accommodating.


4. Based on the message, we learn that Milan will have to try to ____________.

A. smile more at his grandmother

B. meet his grandmother’s wishes or needs
C. talk to his grandmother and bring her out often

Dear Farah,

My family and I had just returned from a one-week holiday to

Redang Island. We had a wonderful time. The water was crystal clear and
we spend most of our time going snorkeling. We even sat under the stars
and had a barbeque.

The only disappointment was the amount of litter that we found

on the beach while driving the ATV. It was difficult to get around because
our path was always blocked by either plastic bottles or left over food. It was
so unsightly and the stench was terrible.

My father had informed the manager of the resort that we

were staying in. He promised to look into the matter.

Your friend,
Wei Ming

5. Wei Ming had a pleasant stay at the resort in Redang Island, except for the

A. barbecue under the stars

B. manager of the resort that they were staying in
C. sight and smell coming from the litter on the beach

6. The main aim for Nini’s Café to put up the poster is to ______________.

A. advice students to show their Student Pass to dine-in

B. tell patrons of the opening hours of all Nini’s Café outlets
C. inform customers of a newly launched branch of Nini’s Café


The melting of ice masses in the polar regions has a significant impact on the
animals living there. As the ice melts, it changes the habitat and source of
food for these animals, making it harder for them to survive. An example is
the polar bears. Polar bears rely on sea ice for hunting, so as the ice melts,
areas in which they hunt for food decreases. Similarly, walruses and seals
rely on sea ice for resting and giving birth, so as the ice melts, they have less
space to do so. Additionally, melting of ice can also lead to a decline in the
population of krill, which is a key food source for many polar animals, such as
whales and penguins. Overall, the melting of ice masses in the polar regions
has serious impact on the animals living in the polar regions and it is
important to take steps to lessen this impact.

7. Which of the statement below is false?

A. Polar bears rely on sea ice for giving birth.

B. Krill is the main food source of whales and penguins.
C. Melting of ice in the north and south poles affects the habitat and source of
food of animals living in the polar regions.

8. Based on the book review above, which of the reasons below would make
people want to read the book.

A. The Title and who the Reviewer is.

B. The characters in the story and summary of the book.
C. The number of stars and how the reviewer finds the book.

Part 2
Questions 9 to 16
Read the text below and correct the underlined errors. For each of the question,
write the correct word in the space provided on your answer sheet.

Malaysian Food

Malaysian food is known for its colourful and flavourful taste, with diverse influence
and rich history. Historically, Malaysia (0) is a part of an incredibly successful spice
trade, (9) when dated back to the 15th century. The welcoming and open-minded
nature of Malay culture (10) lead to the influx of different nationalities that (11) have
influence our cuisine, with ingredient choices taking inspiration especially from the
north and east. Chinese influences can be seen in the (12) use off soy sauce and
noodles throughout Malaysia. Food from northern parts of the country took
characteristics from Thai food, displayed through (13) an use of lemongrass and
ginger. Southern parts of Malaysia tend to (14) has richer sauces.

Although there are so many different attributes within the Malay cuisine, we (15)
have took all of the best parts of neighbouring culinary qualities and combined them
to form (16) an distinct cultural identity, which we call our own.

[ 8 marks]

0. was

Part 3
Read the text below and answer questions 17 to 24. For each question, shade A, B
or C in the answer sheet.

The Dirtiest Beach in the World

The dirtiest beach in the world is the Kamilo Beach. It is so dirty that is has been
nicknamed as “Plastic Beach”. It is also one of the dirtiest places on the planet.
Kamilo beach is located in the south-eastern tip of Hawaii. Kamilo is a wasteland of
plastic debris. In fact, thousands of kilograms of man-made trash, such as hair
brushes to water bottles, get washed up on its shores. Some of the waste is carried
from as far away as Japan and Russia and as old as a few decades.
One reason why Kamilo beach is so polluted is because of its unique location that has
forced the island to put up with the unwelcome “guests”. Kamilo beach is located near
the Great Pacific Garbage Patch. It is a high-pressure area that traps ocean debris.
The Great Pacific Garbage Patch was first discovered by Captain Charles J. Moore in
1997. A study carried out in 2019 by the Journal Proceedings of the National
Academy of Science found that Hawaiian fish begin eating plastic particles just days
after being born.
Questions 17 to 24
Complete the mind map.
Write no more than five words and / or a number from the text for each of the
answer. For each of the question, write your answer in the space provided on your
answer sheet.

Types of rubbish
19 ______________ Also known as
20 ______________ 17 ______________
Countries trash came
21 ______________ The Dirtiest beach in
the world Location
22 ______________
18 ______________

A high-pressured area in the When was a research

Pacific Ocean carried out
23 ____________________ 24 ______________

Part 4
Read the information below and answer questions 25 to 34.
For each question, write your answer in the space provided on your answer sheet.

Our Animal Friends

Man, relationship with animals has been around since the beginning of time. The
relationship between man and animals is considered to be more reliable and long
lasting. Pet animals react better to our care, love and friendship. Man’s friendship with
man may not last long, but it is of permanent nature with the domesticated and pet
animals. Animals, birds and other creatures are never ungrateful. Once friends, they
are always friends. They will never turn hostile or become our enemies regardless of
what happened. They are loyal and faithful. They do not know betrayal, deceit or foul
play. That is why they have been so useful to mankind. Many of the animals are our
real and true friends. They live in perfect harmony and friendship with us.

Cats, dogs, horses, cows, elephants, hens, ducks, monkeys etc., are our friends. Cats
are kept as pets, for they kill rats and other rodents. They are also very good to play
with. In many countries cats are very popular as pets. They make good companions.
Dogs are kept as pets for protection and safety. They are matchless in terms of
faithfulness and loyalty. They help in hunting, rearing sheep and protecting properties.
They also help in detecting and tracking of thieves and criminals. For the police, they
are very useful in this aspect. Dogs are intelligent and have a very sensitive nose.
Their sense of smell is very sharp. Dogs have always been man’s oldest friend. They
are trained for many other purposes as well. They are very good guides and usually
help the blind to move around. They draw sledges in snow-bound areas. They can
also save travellers lost in snow-storms or buried in snow and ice. St. Bernard’s dogs
are famous for such rescuing services.

Horses are domesticated, for they are well-known for their speed, strength, agility,
faithfulness and an unerring road sense. They are dependable friends both in war and
peace. The name of the horse Chetek of Maharani Pratap is a famous name in history.
They can also perform many pranks, tricks and feats. It is really delightful to see a horse
dance or perform tricky jumps. Similarly, elephants have been great and reliable friends
of mankind from times immemorial. An elephant is very intelligent, brave, faithful and
hardworking animal. It can be used in fights, to carry loads, for rides and hunting. Being
an intelligent animal, it never forgets both the acts of kindness and acts of wrongdoing.

Questions 25 to 32
Write no more than five words and / or a number from the text for each of the
answer. For each of the question, write your answer in the space provided on your
answer sheet.
25 Man’s relationship with animals is more _____________________________.
[1 mark]
26 Animals that are friends with Man will not turn against us or
_________________________________, no matter what happens. [1mark]

27 Cats are kept as pets, can be played with and make ___________________.
28 Dogs are regarded as ___________________________________________.
29 The breed of dog that helps in search and rescue.
30 Horses are used in war and peace, hence they are regarded as a
31 Dogs, horses and elephants are domesticated and kept as pets because of
their _________________________________________________________.

32 How many animals are described in great detail in the text above?

Questions 33 and 34
Complete the table with a word from the text.
For each question, write your answer in the space provided on your answer sheet.
Meaning Word

33 misdeed ______________________________

34 well known ______________________________

Part 5
Questions 35 to 40
You are going to read about heritage.
Six sentences have been removed from the text. Choose from the sentences (A -H)
to fill in each gap (35 to 40). There are two extra sentences which you do not need to
use. For each question, write your answer in the space provided on your answer

For each of the question, shade the Heritage

correct answer (A-D) on your answer sheet.

Family history is important. Knowing about one’s family history creates a better
understanding of life and appreciate what we have. I have discovered many
things that I would not have known if I did not ask my parents about it. 35
My great grandparents on my mother’s side were poor. They had six children and
they lived from hand to mouth. 36 It was the village headman who
encouraged and convinced my great grandfather to leave China and come to
Malaysia. 37 The rest of the children were left under the care of a relative.
In Malaysia, my great grandfather worked in a rubber plantation during the day
and sold noodles at night. 38 Despite that, they made sure my grandfather
went to school. My grandfather did well in school and graduated from University
of Malaya. 39 He got married in 1960 and my mother was born in 1962.
40 My great grandfather stopped working and managed to bring three out
of his five children which he left in China to Malaysia. My great grandparents
have passed on, but their struggles are not forgotten.

A Life for my great grandparents became better.

B My great grandparents only brought my grandfather to Malaysia.
C He worked in the Ministry of Finance as an accountant for five years
before getting married.
D My great grandfather borrowed money.
E The furthest that I can trace my lineage is through my mother.
F My great grandfather married my great grand grandmother.
G My great grandfather worked as a farmer.
H Life was hard for my great grandparents.



12/2 2023 / 2024
1 hour

NAME: ___________________ CLASS: __________

1. You may only open the question paper when instructed.
2. This question paper consists of TWO parts, Part 1 and Part 2.
3. You need to answer both the questions.
4. All answers should be written in the space provided in the question
5. Check your answers.

For Examiner’s Use

Name of Examiner:
Parts Marks for the parts Marks obtained for
the parts

1 20
2 20
Total 40
Parent’s signature:
Part 1
[20 marks]
Read an email from your friend, Borhan.

It’s my Mum’s birthday in a fortnight’s time. My dad is busy with work and
my elder sister has exams. I need to plan a birthday party for my Mum. Who
do you think I should invite for the party and what gift should I get for my

In about 80 words, write an email to Borhan to give some suggestions.


Your friend,

Part 2
[20 marks]
You recently visited a restaurant that was just opened.
In about 100 – 120 words, write an essay about your experience.
You may use the notes below to help you.

Would you
recommend the
What did you eat
Where it is

Name of

How did you get Who did you go

to know about with
the restaurant

Write your essay here.


2023 / 2024

Part 1 (8 marks)
1. B 2. B 3.A 4.B
5. C 6. C 7.A 8.C

Part 2 (8 marks)
9. which (relative clause) 10. led (past tense)
11. has influenced (present perfect tense) 12. of (phrasal verb)
13. the (article) 14. have (auxiliary verb)
15. taken (present perfect tense) 16. a (article)

Part 3 (8 marks)
17. Plastic Beach 18. south-eastern tip of Hawaii
19. hair brushes / water bottles 20. water bottles / hair brushes
21. Japan / Russia 22. Russia / Japan
23. The Great Pacific Garbage Patch 24. 2019 / twenty nineteen

Part 4 (8 marks)
25. reliable and long lasting 26. become our enemies
27. good companions 28. man’s oldest friend
29. St. Bernard’s 30. dependable friend
31. faithfulness 32. Four / 4
33. wrongdoing 34. famous

Part 5 (8 marks)
35. E 36.G 37.B
38.H 39. C 40. A

2023 / 2024

Part 1 (20 marks) Suggested Answer

 Accept any relevant / acceptable answers.

From: (your name)
Dear Borhan,
How is everything with you. I hope you are not stressed up with
planning a birthday party for your Mum. Please do not worry help is here. I think
you should invite your mum’s relatives like your grandparents, uncles and cousins
to the party. I forgot, your Mum’s friends as well. Regarding the gift, I remembered
that you once mentioned that your mother likes jewellery, a bracelet would be nice.

Hope it helps!

Your friend,
(your name)
77 words

Part 2 (20 marks) Suggested Answer

 Accept any relevant / acceptable answers.
Last weekend, my family and I had dinner at a newly opened restaurant, Dinnerville in Damansara. My
family and I was at One Utama and happened to see the restaurant. It was new and we wanted to try it out.
We tried almost all the dishes in the menu. I ate the Spaghetti Carbonara. It was the best Spaghetti
Carbonara that I had eaten. It was creamy with lots of chicken meat and shitake mushrooms. My father ordered
the Special Pizza for everyone to share. It was gone within minutes after it was served. The service was
impeccable and waitress were quick to serve the customers.
I would really recommend Dinnerville restaurant to my relatives and friends.
117 words


12/1 PAPER 1
2023 / 2024
1 hour 30 minutes

NAME: ___________________ CLASS: _______

1. You may only open the question paper when instructed.
2. This question paper consists of FIVE parts, Part 1, Part 2,
Part 3, Part 4 and part 5.
3. All answers should be shaded or written in the Answer
Sheet, at the back of the question paper.
4. Answer all the questions.
5. Check your answers.

For Examiner’s Use

Name of Examiner:
Parts Marks for the Marks obtained
parts for the parts

1 8
2 8
3 8
4 10
5 6
Total 40

You should spend about 15 minutes in this part.
Read the text carefully in each question. Choose the best answer A, B or C.
For each question, mark the correct answer A, B or C on your answer sheet.

1. To attend the above birthday party, you need to

A. show the invitation to Emily.
B. send a text message to the host.
C. go to the Green Lane McDonald's.

2. From the message, we know that

A. Kelly needs to go to the shop.
B. Kelly must pay for the groceries first.
C. Sheila has ordered the groceries from the shop.


 Each passenger is permitted 1 carry-on item stored in the

overhead bin.
 Maximum size:22”x14”x9”(56cmx3cm x 36cm x 230 m x
 Passengers are also allowed 1 personal item such as purse,
briefcase, computer bag, camera bag, diaper bag, or an item
of similar size.
 Personal item must fit under the seat.

3. Passengers of the airline are allowed to bring

A. 2 carry-on item of similar size.
B. items that fit into the overhead bin.
C. only items that can be stored under the seat.

I'll be coming home a bit late today.I have prepared
lunch and dinner for you. Just reheat them in the
microwave.After lunch, make sure you do your
homework. You can watch the TV after you have
finished them. I'll be checking if you have done them
or not tonight.
4. From the note above, we know that the first thing that Geetha needs to do is

A. eat lunch.
B. watch TV.
C. do her homework.
Dear Mrs.Gupta,
I am delighted to inform you that your son has won the
National Essay Writing Competition. I hope you will
allow Sanjit to attend the prize-giving ceremony next
Sunday at the Main Hall at the District Education
Centre.Please make sure Sanjit wears his school
uniform on the day. Food will be provided by the
organiser on that day.

Best Regard, Mr.Ahmad

5. Mr. Ahmad is informing that

A. Sanjit has won a competition.
B. Sanjit needs to eat before the ceremony.
C. Sanjit is invited to a prize-giving ceremony.

Do you want to go shopping? Don't
forget to bring your own bags so you
can help save the planet. Reusing bags
reduces the amount of resources
needed to produce single-use bags.

6. The poster is to encourage the public to

A. use reusable bags.
B. use single-use bags.
C. save the environment.
Choose from over 1000 books in all genres at
our Book Fair! There are also exercise books
for students of all ages.

Get up to 40% off on purchases of books above

RM100. With every purchase, you'll also
receive a coupon for a free Boba Tea(Limited to
100 people only.)

7. What can customers expect from the Book Fair?

A. Exercise books for all ages.
B. Free Boba Tea with every purchase.
C. Over 1000 books are available in all genres.

8. The students
A. need permission to stay in class.
B. will be inspected by the prefects.
C. can't remain in class during assembly.
[8 marks]
You should spend about 15 minutes in this part.
Read the text below and correct the underlined errors. For each question, write the
correct word in the space provided on your answer sheet.


At only 14 years old, Zayd (0) know what it meant to work hard. His family (9)
are very poor, and every penny counted. So, he started working part-time as a helper
(10) on a small shop near his house. He would sweep the floors, stock the shelves, and
help customers with (11) his purchases. Even though it was a (12) tires work, he was
glad to be able to earn some money to help his family.

Despite the demand of his job, Zayd never (13) allow that get in the way
of his studies. He made sure to complete all his homework and study hard for
the exams. His diligence paid off as the school awarded him for being a great
student and getting excellent (14) result on his final exam.

Zayd was happy to (15) is acknowledged and felt proud of his achievements. He
knew that life could be tough, (16) and he was not afraid to work hard. He was
determined to keep working hard and make a better life for himself and his family.

9 10 11 12

13 14 15 16

[8 marks]
You should spend about 20 minutes in this part.
Read the text below and complete the following table with no more than three
words and/ or a number from the text for each answer.


The way we watch TV shows has been completely changed by video streaming
services. Netflix, Hulu, Disney+, and VIU are just some of the streaming
platforms that are available. In fact, video streaming services are now more
popular than regular TV, and for good reasons.

Having access to on-demand content is one of the greatest advantages of video

streaming services. Unlike traditional TV, where you have to wait for a specific time to catch
your favourite TV show, streaming platforms let you watch any show at any time. We no
longer need to plan our schedules around the TV shows we want to watch. Thanks to this
flexibility, video streaming services are more appealing to viewers, especially those with
hectic schedules.

Another key advantage of video streaming services is the sheer amount of content they
offer. Streaming platforms provide a wide library of content from various genres and
countries, unlike traditional TV, which has a set number of channels. Viewers now have the
chance to browse through and find new shows that they might not have otherwise found.

Finally, video streaming services frequently include ad-free viewing options. This is a
huge benefit for people who are sick of watching commercials. This lets viewers watch a
show without interruption while totally immersed.

In conclusion, video streaming services have significantly changed how we consume

television. It's no surprise that more and more people are using these platforms to catchup on
their favourite shows.
[8 marks]
You should spend about 20 minutes in this part.

Read the text and answer the questions that follow.

Choose no more than five words and/or a number from the text for each answer.

Mia was a bright and bubbly five-year-old child who loved going to the
playground.One sunny afternoon, Mia went to the playground with her
mother. Mia ran straight to the swings as soon as they got there.Mia was
having a great time, and she met a girl her age named Sophie.
As time went on, Mia's mother became distracted by her phone
and left Mia to play with her new friend. They were having so much fun
that they didn't notice a woman standing in the corner of the playground
watching them. The woman was wearing a long coat and sunglasses,
despite the sunny weather. The women continued to stare at the girls, but
they didn't think anything of it. Suddenly, the woman approached them
and said, "Hi, girls. Would you like to come with me to my car and have
some candy? I have some really delicious sweets."
Sophie reached for the woman's hand, but Mia immediately
sensed trouble. She remembered the Stranger Danger lesson from
kindergarten. She knew that she shouldn't go anywhere with someone she
didn't know. She yanked Sophie away and shouted, “No! We don't want
your candy. We don't know you!" The woman tried to grab them, but Mia
was too quick for her. The girls screamed for help as they rushed to the
opposite end of the playground.
A concerned parent in the area overheard their screams and
quickly came to check on them. When he saw the woman chasing the two
girls, he realised something was wrong. He sprinted towards the woman,
grabbed her arm, and yelled at the other parents to call the police. Mia and
Sophie's mother realised what was happening and ran straight towards
them. Within minutes, police arrived and arrested the woman. The mothers
hugged their daughters tightly and thanked the kind parent who had saved
their daughters' lives.
It's been years since that terrifying day, but Mia has never
forgotten the parent who came to her rescue. She often wondered what
could have happened if he hadn't been there, and she was grateful for the
brave and kind dad.
25. As soon as she arrived at the playground, Mia started having fun on
26. Mia made a new friend named Sophie who is also
years old.
27. A strange woman kept at the girls as they
28. The woman offered to Mia and
29. 29. Mia pulled Sophie away as she___________________.
30. Mia and Sophie immediately ran to the other side of the playground
31. Who helped Mia and Sophie get away from the
32. Both Sophie's and Mia's mothers expressed their
to the parent who had saved their
daughters' lives.

Questions 33 and 34

Complete the table below with a word from the text.

For each question, write your answer in the space provided on your answer sheet.

Meaning Word

33. pulled

34. scary

[10 marks]
You should spend about 20 minutes in this part.

Read the text below. Six sentences have been removed from the text.
Choose from the sentences (A-H) to fit each gap (35-40).


The sun was shining splendidly and the Wong family was excited to spend their
school holiday at the Lost World of Tambun theme park. For months, they had been looking
forward to their school holiday trip to the park. Kevin was eager to go on the rides.(35)____

When they arrived, they were treated to a spectacular dance performance performed
by the Malayana Warriors. (36)___. They spent the day seeing the animals at the petting
zoo, going on the rides, and playing in the water. Kevin and his family were having a great

As the day went on, the park became more crowded, making it harder to keep track
of each other. Kevin was in line for a ride when he realised that Ethan wasn't with him.(37)
Unfortunately, Ethan was nowhere to be seen. Then, Kevin informed his parents.
They immediately went into a frenzy looking for Ethan.

(38)____.So, they alerted the park staff. The security team started searching for
Ethan. The staff advised them to wait where they first lost Ethan. After 40 minutes of
waiting, they got a call from the staff.(39)____.The family was relieved to find Ethan safe
and sound. But Kevin's parents scolded Ethan for leaving without telling anyone.
They thanked the park staff and apologised for the inconvenience they had caused. (40)___.
But this time, they made sure to watch Ethan closely so he wouldn't get lost again. The Wong
family left the park that evening, grateful for the kindness of the park staff and Ethan's safe

A. After that, they continued having fun at the water park.

B. Then, they went out to have lunch at a nearby restaurant.
C. While Ethan, his younger brother, couldn't wait to see the animals at the petting
D. They had learnt a valuable lesson about staying together in crowded places.
E. He instantly panicked and started searching for Ethan.
F. When they entered the park, they could hear people laughing with joy on the rides
and attractions.
G. They found Ethan wandering around the Hippo Kingdom.
H. As the minutes passed, Kevin and his parents grew worried
[10 marks]
[20 marks]

You should spend about 20 minutes in this part.

Read the email from your pen-pal,Hosni.


My class is having a presentation for the English class next week. I am

thinking of presenting a topic either on video games, music, or health.
Which topic do you think is better? Can y'ou help me decide?
Please let me know what you think.

In about 70 words, write an email to Hosni to help him make a decision.


Hi _______________________,

[20 marks]
[20 marks]

You should spend about 40 minutes in this part.

In your class, you have been talking about social media.

In about 100 words, write an essay about your favourite social media platform.

You must use the notes below to help you.

Write your essay.

[20 marks]

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