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Universidad de Guadalajara

Sistema de Educación Media Superior

Lengua Extranjera II
Actividad Integradora 4 “My friend has a problem”
Maestro (a):
1. Write 5 advices for the next problematic situations to try to find the solution. Use the
verb should or shouldn’t.
1. De las siguientes situaciones problemáticas escribe 5 consejos para darle solución,
utiliza el verbo should o shouldn´t.
Situation 1:

My friend Susan is really depress because she broke up with her boyfriend. She is
crying all the time and she eats a lot since then. She doesn’t want to do exercise. She
just want to watch TV. She feels lonely and she wants to see her ex-boyfriend again.
What advice can you give her? What should she do? What shouldn’t she do?
Write 5 advices to her.
1. arreglate
ponte bonita
deja de llorar
salgamos a una fiesta
vamos a comer
Situation 2:

My friend Louis took his dad car without permission but he had an accident! He
crashed his dad’s car in a stop signal!!! He doesn’t know what to do! He is scare
because he doesn’t have a driver license. And the police is coming!
What advice can you give him? What should he do? What shouldn’t he do?
Write 5 advices to him.
1. hablar con su papa
2. no manejar asi
3. pensar mas las cosas
estar tranquilo

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