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Online Gambling

Negative impact :
1. Decreased concentration in learning
2. Hallucinations
3. Insomnia
4. Eye damage
5. Hearing loss
6. Wasting time

1. In order to stop being addicted, we must have intention or be serious or promise ourselves not to play
online games
2. Look for other activities, for example sports, or new things
3. Limit game playing time

Pornography for children

Negative Impact :
1. Addiction
2. Brain damage
3. Changes in behavior
4. Mental disorders
Solution :Both parents must begin to approach their children, continue to pay attention,It is important
to keep lines of communication open, limit the use of the internet and electronic devices, and create
activities with children.

No Social Interaction
Negative Impact:
1. Loneliness
2. Not confident
3. Losing enthusiasm for the future or thinking negatively about the future
4. Feeling stressed
5. Damaging mental health
• Build positive thoughts, you don't need to feel that other people are always watching and evaluating
you, don't also feel that other people don't like you and stay away from you
• Expand your association, don't choose friends, learn to organize
• When speaking, set your speech intonation well, don't speak in a hurry, make sure other people
understand what you want to convey
• Increase your empathy, listen more to other people, don't just want to be heard
Cyber Bullying
Negative Impact:
1. Angry
2. Depression
3. Anxious and also feel restless
4. Self-harm or making plans to commit suicide
5. Feeling ashamed and not confident
6. Feeling humiliated and many others
1. Don't be easily provoked.
2. So that cyberbullying does not continue for long, you should also report it to the authorities. Collect
evidence in the form of screenshots of negative comments from perpetrators or contents of chats.
3. You should immediately report the perpetrator's actions to someone you trust. For example, parents or
other close relatives.

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