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Physics of a car crash 1

Physics of a car crash

Parneet Kaur Makkar

Louise Arbour Secondary School


Ms Ryan

Dec 22, 2023

Physics of a car crash 2


The project investigates car crash analysis, highlighting key causes and proposes safety

measures for improved road safety. The province of Ontario's traffic accident data, physical

variables influencing crashes, and safety measures such as Vision Zero are all important


Introduction: Traffic accidents are a major issue, particularly in densely populated areas

like Ontario. This study looks closely at car crashes, highlighting critical physics elements and

safety measures to lower the number of collisions. The goal of the research is to present a

thorough understanding of the physics concepts—such as momentum, force, and kinetic energy

—that are relevant to car crashes. Through the examination of these variables, we can pinpoint

the essential elements that influence the force of collisions and create practical plans to lessen

their effects. This research also emphasizes how important safety features like airbags, seat belts,

and regular auto maintenance are in reducing the risk of collisions and injuries.

Statistics on Traffic Accidents in Ontario: The frequency of traffic accidents is correlated

with the density of the province's population, with driver irresponsibility being the main cause.

Statistical analysis has been used to identify high-risk zones, which include Highway 401

between London and Windsor, North York, Scarborough, and Brampton. The most recent year

saw 23,878 road crashes that resulted in fatalities and injuries, or 65.24 accidents per day on

average, according to the Ministry of Transportation. Of those crashes, 511 were fatal. These

statistics highlight the need for increased efforts to promote safe driving practices and implement

stricter traffic regulations. Additionally, initiatives such as public awareness campaigns and
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improved infrastructure can play a crucial role in reducing the number of accidents and fatalities

on Ontario's roads.

Analyzing collisions in cars requires looking at a lot of different physics parameters, such

as drag, momentum, mass, kinetic energy, response time, and force of collision. Skid marks,

vehicle routes, and damage patterns are closely examined to determine pre-collision speed,

impact speed, and other important information. Understanding these components is essential to

recreating events and developing preventative strategies. Authorities can create practical accident

prevention methods by having a thorough understanding of the physical components of crashes.

With this knowledge, safer road networks may be designed and safety-focused legislation can be

put into effect. There is also potential to lower the frequency of accidents on Ontario's roadways

by teaching drivers the value of obeying traffic laws and employing defensive driving strategies.

Safety Measures and Risk Factors:

Speed Reduction:

Speed reduction is an essential safety measure because speeding is a major factor in fatal


Reduced speeds are safer for both cars and pedestrians, so even small drops in speed can

have a big effect on accident statistics.

Driving distraction management:

Physics of a car crash 4

Road safety depends critically on controlling distractions while driving.

A safe driving environment mostly consists of minimizing internal and external

distractions within the car and being aware of distracted driving rules.

Impaired Driving Dangers and Consequences:

Driving while intoxicated, whether from drugs or alcohol, is extremely dangerous,

especially for inexperienced drivers.

The risks connected with drunk driving can be reduced by promoting awareness

programs and alternate modes of transportation.

Fatigue and Driving Dangers:

Since fatigue can seriously damage one's ability to drive, methods for lowering the

hazards associated with fatigue are required.

The key to minimizing driver fatigue-related accidents is to plan, identify signs of

exhaustion, and employ alternate modes of transportation.

In Canada, Parachute is leading the initiative known as Vision Zero, which is a radical

approach to road safety. The project stresses shared responsibility among stakeholders, including

legislators, planners, automobile manufacturers, and road users, and strives for zero fatalities or

injuries in road transportation. Parachute's Vision Zero initiative focuses on implementing

measures such as improved infrastructure, stricter regulations, and public awareness campaigns
Physics of a car crash 5

to reduce the risks associated with driver fatigue. By promoting the importance of rest breaks,

encouraging drivers to prioritize their well-being, and providing education on the dangers of

driving while tired, Vision Zero aims to create a culture of safety on Canadian roads. This

comprehensive approach acknowledges that addressing driver fatigue requires a collective effort

and emphasizes the need for ongoing collaboration between various stakeholders to achieve its

ambitious goal.

The research concludes by providing a comprehensive overview of the techniques and

research employed in the investigation of vehicle crashes for road safety. Our mission is to

contribute to ongoing efforts to create safer driving environments through the analysis of

accident data, the understanding of collision mechanics, and the recommendation of safety

precautions. The incorporation of Vision Zero principles highlights the importance of adopting a

collaborative approach to achieve the ultimate goal of eliminating accidents and injuries on our

roadways. The installation of safety measures can be made more thorough and effective by

involving a variety of stakeholders, including government agencies, law enforcement,

transportation departments, and community organizations. This cooperative effort guarantees

that infrastructure and other factors related to road safety are taken into consideration. Together,

we can work towards creating a future where road accidents are a thing of the past.

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