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As a customer, not everyone is statisfied with even the best products or

services. Consequently, complaints from customers are unavoidable.

Some prefer to give complaint in writing, while others prefer to complain
in person. In my opion, I prefer to have face-to-face conversation.
Firstly, I believe that it is the most economic way to complain about a
product or poor service. We don’t need to spend time on thinking about
what we should write down in our letter, organize it and then go to the
post office to send it. It might take time for our letter to sent to the
company and time to respond. In some cases, that we are made to wait
so long worsens the situation in that we might get more angry or
gradually forget about our complaint. We even can make a decision of
not to have any contact with that company any longer.

In brief, we should complain about a product or poor service rather

keeping a slient manner. However, we should be thorough and
understandable. The most importance is the way we complain so that
we can receive the better.
Thanks a lot.

Tumas Piragas

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