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achieved with NRZ signals with the use of both schemes of 1.

modulation. Microstrip antennas have a number of advantages over con-
ventional antennas, namely, small size, light weight, low pro-
ACKNOWLEDGMENTS duction cost, and conformal nature. However, for many appli-
The authors wish to thank Dr. V. Hagele for the comparisons cations, for example, hand-held mobile communication sys-
with the SOA model. This study is in the framework of E E C tems, half-wave microstrip antennas etched on a low-cost
ACTS program (Contract No. AC045, UPGRADE). dielectric substrate is still too large to b e accommodated on
the portable phone. A well-known approach to reduce the
REFERENCES size of a half-wave patch to a quarter wave, is to introduce a
1. C. T. H. F. Liendenbaum. J. J. E. Reid, L. F. Tiemeijer, A. J. Boot, shorting wall at one of the radiating edges. Hiraswa and
P. I. Kuindersma. I. Gabitov, and A. Mattheus, "Experimental Haneishi [l] has shown that the length of the patch can be
Long Haul 1300-nm Soliton Transmission on Standard Single made sufficiently shorter than a quarter wave by replacing
Mode Fibres Using Quantum Well Laser Amplifier," Proc. Euro- the shorting wall with a shorting pin at the corner of the
pean Conference on Optical Comniunication 1993, Florence. Italy. patch.
September 25-29, 1994, pp. 233-236. In this article we present a modification of this design with
2. A. Mecozzi, "Soliton Transmission Control with Semiconductor a view to reducing the length of the antenna even further.
Amplifiers," Opt. Lett., Vol. 20. No. 15, 1995. pp. 1616-1618. The length reduction is achieved by meandering the patch,
3. S. Betti, G. De Marchis. and E. Iannone, "Polarization Modulated
which causes the effective length of the patch to b e greater
Direct Detection Optical Transmission Systems," J. Lighrwa1.e
Te.cltttol.. VOI. 10. 1992, pp. 1Y85-1997.
than its physical length. Consequently, for the same length,
1. F. Matera, A. Mecozzi. and M. Settembre. "Light Depolarization the resonant frequency of the new antenna becomes much
in Long Fiber Links." Electron. Lett.. Vol. 31, No. 6, 1995, lower than that of the patch of a conventional design [l]. In
pp. 473-475. the following sections we present the design concept, the
5. F. Matera. M. Romagnoli, and B. Daino, "Alternate Polarization experimental results, and the theoretical analysis of the me-
Soliton Transmission in Standard Dispersion Fibre Links with ander patch antenna.
No In-Line Controls." Elecfron. Left.. Vol. 31, No. 14. 1995,
h. G. P. Agrawal and N. A. Olsson. "Self-phase Modulation and
Spectral Broadening of Optical Pulses in Semiconductor Laser Figure 1 shows the schematic of the antenna. The antenna is
Amplifiers," lEEE J. Quantum Electron., Vol. 25, No. 11. 1989, etched on a substrate of thickness 3.2 mm and a dielectric
pp. 2297-2306. constant of 2.6. The patch is shorted to the ground by using a
7. F. Matera and M. Srttembre, "Comparison of the Performance of pin of diameter 0.5 mm, and is fed by a 50-0 coax. The
Single-Channel Optically Amplified Transmission Systems," Mi- length and width of the antenna are 3.0 cm and 1.5 cm,
croware Opf. Technol. Left., Vol. 10. No. 4, 1995, pp. 207-210. respectively. To observe the effect of the slot length ( I ) on
8. F. Matera and M. Settembre. "Comparison of the Performance of the resonant frequency, patches with various slot lengths
Optically Amplified Transmission Systems." J. Lighnvai,e Technol.. were fabricated, and the rest of the parameters were left
VOI. 14. No. 1, 1996. pp. 1-12.
unchanged. Column 2 in Table 1 show the measured resonant
frequency due to various slot lengths. It is evident from the
Receic,ed 1-12-96
table that an increase in the slot length reduces the resonant
Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, 13/1. 10-12
frequency of the antenna. Column 3 shows the required
Q 1996 John Wiley & Sons. Inc. length of a half-wave microstrip patch antenna (HW), which
CCC 0895-2477/96 has the same width, is etched on the same dielectric sub-
strate, and resonates at the same frequency. Column 4 shows
the percentage reduction in the length of the new antenna
compared to the half-wave microstrip antenna. Also, from the
table, it can be easily seen that there is a 9% reduction in the
length of the antenna for a slot length of 12.5 mm, as
compared to the length without the slots. It was also observed
COMPACT MICROSTRIP PATCH that the width of the slot does not have any significant effect
ANTENNA on the resonant frequency.

Supriyo Dey and Raj Mittra

Electromagnetic Communication Laboratory
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineermg
University of Illinois
I feed point

Urbana, Illinois 61820 -shorting pin

Microstrip antenna, small antenna, meander patch antenna, short-
1.5 an

circuited patch antenna

Thia article describes the design and dec,elopment of a relatively compact
microstrip patch antenna. At resonance. the lengih of the antenna is
approxitnate!v one-eighfh of the effecticr waL,elength. The currenf distri-
bution on the patch surface has been analyzed with the use of the mefhod
of moments. 0 1996 John Wiky & Sons, Inc. Figure 1 Schematic design of the antenna


TABLE 1 Variation of Resonant Frequency of the Antenna 5
with Slot Length and the Corresponding Length of Half-Wave
Patch Antenna and Percentage Reduction in the Length of
New Antenna Compared to Half-Wave Patch Antenna
Percentage k
Slots Resonant Length Reduction E -5

Length ( 1 ) Frequency for HW (Compared !i

(cm) (GHz) (cm) to HW) .Ea -10
0.00 1.0750 9.05 66.85 2
0.25 1.0250 9.51 68.45 -15
0.50 1.0125 9.63 68.85
0.75 0.9370 10.43 71.23
1.oo 0.8620 11.36 73.60 -90 -45 0 45 90
1.25 0.8125 12.07 75.15
Angle (deg.)

Figure 4 H-plane radiation pattern of the antenna at 937 MHz



0.925 0.93 0.935 0.94 0.945 0.95

Frequency (GHz)

Figure 2 VSWR plot of the antenna

For the test case, a patch with a slot length of 7.5 mm was
used to measure the other antenna characteristics. Figure 2
shows the VSWR plot of the antenna. From the plot it is
clear that the VSWR of the antenna is 2.2 at a resonant
frequency of 937 MHz. As is typical of short-circuited mi-
crostrip patch antennas, the impedance bandwidth of the
antenna is very narrow. The 3:l VSWR bandwidth is only 3
The E- and H-plane radiation patterns of the antenna at
937 M E are shown in Figures 3 and 4, respectively. The

5 , I Figure 5 Surface current distribution for various slot lengths.

(a) I = 0 mm, (b) 1 = 7.5 mm,(c) I = 12.5 mm

pattern is almost omnidirectional in the E plane; however,

the H-plane pattern does show a lobed pattern near the
horizon. The variation in the radiation patterns in the E and
H planes can be attributed to the size of the ground plane,
which is small.

-20 I I
-90 -45 0 45 90 To gain an understanding of the physical behavior of the new
Angle (deg.)
patch antenna, it was analyzed using the method of moments
[2]. The current distribution on the patch surface at reso-
Figure 3 E-plane radiation pattern of the antenna at 937 MHz nance is shown in Figure 5 for three different slot lengths

( I = 0 mm, 1 = 7.5 mm, and 1 = 12.5 mm). For a patch duration 80 ps, the receiced pulses have full widths at half maximum
without slots, the current flows primarily in a straight line (FWHM) of 160 and 320ps forfiber lengths equaling 120 and 240 km,
from one side to the other. From Figures 5(b) and 5k), it is respectiL,ely. The system sensitivity degradation due to dispersion is
explicitly eilaluated. It is shown that a sensitivivpenal(y of up to 5 dB
clear that the presence of the slots forces the current to
can be incurred over the transmission spans considered. 0 1996 John
travel through a much longer path. This explains the decrease
Mley & sons, Inc.
in the resonance frequency of the meander patch antenna.
Also, it is evident from the figures that the patch length of
the current flow increases with increasing slot length. This 1. INTRODUCTION
confirms the experimental observation of the reduction in the Pulse position modulation (PPM) has been proposed as a
resonant frequency with an increase of the slot length. From format that can exploit the abundant monomode-fiber band-
the figures i t is also clear that an increase in the slot width width to offer high sensitivity over the optical link. The
does not significantly increase the path length to the flow of typical sensitivity improvement (using p-i-n-FET and
the current. This validates the earlier results that the change p-i-n-BJT receivers) over direct detection and coherent OOK
in the slot width does not bring any significant change in the systems is in the range of 5-12 dB [l-41. The implications of
resonance frequency. the extra sensitivity over a long-haul link or in a multiuser
environment are apparent.
4. CONCLUSION Recently there has been increased theoretical and practi-
The design of a compact meander patch antenna has been cal interest in using optical amplifiers, particularly erbium-
presented. The length of the antenna is 70% less than that of doped fiber amplifiers (EDFA), as front ends to optical
a half-wave microstrip patch antenna. It is anticipated that receivers in order to improve the sensitivity [5-71. The use of
this design will find application in hand-held communication erbium-doped optical amplifiers has greatly increased the
systems where light weight and compactness are the most transmission distance in optical-fiber communication systems.
desirable criteria. In consequence, chromatic dispersion has become one of the
main limiting factors to long-haul transmission at high data
REFERENCES rates. It can produce distortion in the demodulated wave-
1. K. Hiraswa and M. Haneishi, Analysis. Design and Measurement of form, resulting in intersymbol interference in the received
Sniall and Low-Profile Antennas, Artech House, London, 1992, signal and in a reduction of transmission system performance.
Chap. 5. We propose a new hybrid EDFA PPM system and investi-
2. J . R . Mosig, Numerical Techniqice~for Microwac,e und Millimeter- gate its sensitivity over a dispersive optical-fiber channel. We
Wai,e Passive Structures, John Wiley & Sons, New York, 1989, demonstrate that such a system can offer up to 9.2-dB sensi-
Chap. 3. tivity improvement over a comparable optically preamplified
OOK system. Pulse dispersion has more important conse-
quences in PPM systems because of the temporal nature of
the PPM format, where the pulse position is utilized to
Microwave and Optical Technology Letters. 13/I, 12-14 convey the data. Using computer simulation techniques, this
0 1996 John Wiley & Sons. Inc.
article determines the effects of chromatic dispersion with
CCC 0895-2477/96
fibre length and investigates the behavior of the received
pulse shape with respect to the fiber length. The pulse shape
at the receiver end of the fiber is obtained through mathe-
matical modeling of the dispersive effect of the single-mode
fiber. I t is shown that a sensitivity penalty of up to 5 dB can
be incurred in a transmission span equaling 240 km.The use
of equalization techniques to reduce this penalty is the sub-
The optical signal observed at the output of the fiber, x,,,(t>,
A. Hussain, J. M. H. Elmirghani, and R. A. Cryan is calculated from x,,(t), with the use of the equivalent
Department of Electrical Electronic Engineenng and Physics low-pass representation of the transfer function of a single-
University of Northumbrla at Newcastle mode fibre [8]:
Newcastle Upon Tyne, NE1 8ST

Optical communication, optical amplifiers, dispersion, PPM where

An optically preamplified pulse position modulation (PPM) system oper-
y --D(A)--B*L. (2)
?I C
ating at 622 Mbit/ s and h = 1.53 p m is analyzed, and is shown to offer
a sensiticQ benefit of 9.2 dB oc,er an equiralent OOK system. Fiber
chromatic dispersion is taken into account and is used to estimate the B is the bit rate, D is the fiber chromatic dispersion, A is the
receiced pulse shape. Pulse dispersion can potentially induce a significant operating wavelength, c is the speed of light, L is the fiber
performance penalty in PPM system because of the temporal nature of length, and f is the frequency offset from the optical carrier
the PPM format. Thr results show that for a transmitted pulse of frequency (f, = c/A) under dc operation of the laser.


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