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Ag. SA Oil-storage tanks of various height-to-diameter ratios. Three 96,000-bbl tanks 120 ft in diameter by 48 ft high with three ftre walls 172 ft in
tffometet by 24 ft high appear in the background. (Courtesy of Hammond Iron Works.)

'~of the foundations and lhe cost the lnnd in the tank C4 = annual cost of the installed foundation undt>r
area• tbat is clinrgeabl~ to the tank as well as by the cost of the vessel, dollars per s<1uare foot of tank-
lhc bottom, shell. and roof, if required. The value of the bottom area
land ch~rgeable to the tank may be in terms of an c5 = annual cost of the land in the uink area
annqal cost per unit area. For purposes of tank proportion- chargeable to the tank, dollars prr S<fUare
inir. it is alw convenient to express the cost of the founda- foot of tank-bottom area
tion. bottom. shPll. and roof, if used. in tenns of cost per C = total annual cost of the vessel, dollars per
unit arM al' follows. year
Let /) = 11imtit•tc•r of llw \t•s~·l.ft•t•t + ra + r1 + (3.2)
JI lwi1d1t of tlu• \t•ssrl. ft>t•t

4l' Simplifying the ..,,.,A .. ., .. ,..
H= (3.1)
of D, we

When A 1 = area of the shell, square fe<'t C=

A 2 = area of I he ves.'*11 bottom or
area of the roof, sc:1uare feet To determine the optimum tank
.,,D2 Eq. 3.3, it is necessary to determine which of the cost terrns
4 are variables prior to differentiation.
c 1 = annual co~l of fabricated dollars per 3.3a Tanks Having Shell Thickness Independent /)
square fool and H. The stre~ in the shell is a functihn of holh
r 2 = annual cost of fabricated uu·l-•·u'1u, dollars per dmtmeiter and the of
"LJUare fool 3.18 and 3.19. Pemmns the minimum
c3 = annual cost of lhe fabricated dollars per shell thicknes.'l is limited to
SftUare fool of nrtnf•1N.P·n and to }:i in. for tanks of
356 Properties of Selected Rolled Structural Members

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