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Malnutrition occurs when the body does not receive the proper
nutrients it needs to function optimally. This can lead to a range of
illnesses and disorders, both short-term and long-term. Here are 10
major health issues caused by malnutrition :
1) Kwashiorkor: A severe protein deficiency leading to swelling,
skin lesions, and impaired growth in children.
2) Marasmus: General malnutrition resulting in severe muscle
wasting, stunted growth, and weakened immunity.
3) Anaemia: Insufficient iron intake causing reduced red blood cell
production and fatigue.
4) Vitamin A Deficiency: Leading to vision problems, weakened
immunity, and impaired growth.
5) Scurvy: Lack of vitamin C causing bleeding gums, joint pain, and
weakened connective tissues.
6) Rickets: Inadequate vitamin D and calcium leading to weak
bones and skeletal deformities.
7) Beriberi: Thiamine (vitamin B1) deficiency causing nerve and
muscle dysfunction.
8) Pellagra: Niacin (vitamin B3) deficiency resulting in skin rashes,
digestive issues, and mental impairment.
9) Iodine Deficiency Disorders: Leading to goiter (enlarged
thyroid) and impaired thyroid function.
10) Osteoporosis: Inadequate calcium and vitamin D intake
leading to brittle bones.
1) Balanced Diet: Consume a variety of foods from all food groups
to ensure adequate nutrient intake.
2) Adequate Protein: Include sources like lean meats, beans, nuts,
and dairy products to maintain muscle and tissue health.
3) Iron-Rich Foods: Consume sources like lean red meat, poultry,
beans, and leafy greens to prevent anemia.
4) Vitamin-Rich Diet: Include fruits, vegetables, and whole grains
for vitamins A, C, and various B vitamins.
5) Dairy or Fortified Foods: Ensure sufficient calcium and vitamin
D intake for strong bones.
6) Diversify Carbohydrates: Choose whole grains, legumes, and
vegetables for sustained energy and nutrient balance.
7) Hygiene and Safe Water: Prevent infections by maintaining
good hygiene and drinking clean, safe water.
8) Breastfeeding: Encourage and support breastfeeding for infants
to provide essential nutrients.
9) Nutrition Education: Promote awareness about balanced diets
and the importance of nutrient-rich foods.
10) Supplements if Necessary: In cases where diet alone can't
provide necessary nutrients, consider appropriate supplements
under medical guidance.


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