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Que 1. Define Political Science and discuss its scope.
Ans. Synopsis
1. Introduction
2. Definition of Political Science
 Classical and Traditional definition
 Modern definition
3. Scope of political Science
4. Conclusion
Que2. Discuss the relationship of political science with history,
psychology, and sociology.
Ans:- Synopsis
1. Introduction
2. Political Science and History
3. Political Science with Psychology
4. Political Science with Sociology
5. Conclusion
Que3. Discuss the factors responsible for the growth and
development of the state.
Ans:- Synopsis
1. Introduction.
2. Factors-
 Geography and Resources
 Economic Factors
 Political Institution
 Legal System
 Cultural and Social Factors
 International Relations
 Demographic Factors
 Technological Advancements
 Conclusion
Que4 . Define sovereignty and define its salient features and
Ans:- Synopsis
1. Introduction

2. Definition
3. Salient Features, or
4. Characterstics of Soverignty
5. Conclusion
Que5. What do you understand by Rights ? Decsribe the various
chararcterstics and forms of right.
Ans:- Synopsis
1. Introduction.
2. Definition .
3. Characteristics of Rights.
4. Forms of Rights or Kinds of Rights.
5. Conclusion.
Que 6. What do you understand by liberty? Exlain kind of liberty and
its relationship with equality
Ans:- Synopsis
1. Introduction
2. Aspects of liberty
3. Kinds of Liberty
 Natural liberty
 Moral liberty
 Civil liberty
 Political liberty
 Individual liberty
 Economic liberty
 National liberty
Religious Liberty
4. Relationship with Equality
5. Conclusion
Que7. Critically evaluate the theory of separation of powers.
Ans:- Synopsis
1. Introduction
2. Evolution or Contribution of Montesquier
3. Basic principles of theory
4. Merits or importance of separation of powers
5. Demerits or Criticism of separation of powers
6. Applicability
7. Conclusion
Que8. What is the meaning of Welfare state? Discuss the
functions of welfare state in modern age.
Ans:- Synopsis
1. Introduction
2. Definition
3. Features of welfare of state
4. Function of welfare of state
5. Conclusion
Que9. Define Political Parties and discuss its Function.
Ans:- Synopsis
1. Introduction
2. Definition
3. Characteristic Features
4. Function of Political Parties
5. Conclusion
Que 10. What do you understand by rights ? Discuss the
theories of rights and rights of citizens.
Ans:- Synopsis
1. Introduction
2. Definition of Rights
3. Kinds of Rights
4. Theories of Rights
 National theory or National theory
 Legal theory
 Idealist theory
 Green theory
 Marxiam theory
5. Rights of Citizens
6. Conclusion
Que11. What do you mean by Authority? Explain the difference
between Authority and Power.
Ans:- Synopsis
1. Introduction.
2. Classification of Authority
 Charismatic Authority
 Traditional Authority
 Rational legal Authority
 Political Authority
3. Difference between Power and Authority
4. Conclusion
Que12. ‘Rights and Duties are two sides of the same coin’
Ans:- Synopsis
1. Introduction
2. What is Rights?
3. What is Duties?
4. Rights and Duties Relationship
5. Conclusion
Que13. What is the important of Judiciary? Describe the main
condition for free and fair judiciary.
Ans:- Synopsis
1. Introduction.
2. Role of Judiciary and Meaning.
3. Importance of Judiciary.
4. Conditions for free and fair Judiciary.
5. Conclusion.
Que14. Describe the Merits and Demerits of Dictatorship,
Parliamentary and Presidential Contribution.
Ans:- Synopsis
1. Introduction
2. Dictatorship
3. Merits and Demerits of Dictatorship
4. Parliamentary Government
5. Merits and Demerits of Parliamentary Government
6. Presidential Goverment
7. Merits and Demerits of Presidential Government
8. Conclusion
Que15. Discuss the different Systems of Governance.
Ans. Synopsis
1. Introduction
2. Democratic Governance
3. Dictatorship and Totalitarian Governance
4. Monarchy Governance
5. Oligarchies or Aristocratic Governance
6. Conclusion

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