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Zumbrota-Mazeppa Schools

PLC Meeting Agenda

Meeting date: Wednesday, January 10th, 2024

PLC Facilitator: Shannon Johnson
PLC Members: Jamie Quam, Derek Hatten, Ben Sand

The Critical Questions of learning (for reference)

1. What knowledge and skills do we expect our students to learn?
2. How will we know if our students have learned expected outcomes?
3. How will we respond, when our students have difficulty with learning expected outcomes?
4. How will we respond when our students have already learned our expected outcomes?

Agenda Items:
1. Share Positive (5-10 mins)
2. Champion 3.0 Study : PLC Focus
a. Share the strategy you implemented
b. Document effectiveness of strategy
i. Guiding Questions
1. Did the strategy work for all students? Just some?
2. Did you make any modifications? Anything you would change?
3. What did it take for you to implement the strategy? Time? Materials?
Lesson Planning?
4. How much instructional/class time did it take to use the strategy?
5. Advice for other teachers who may utilize it?
6. Was one month a sufficient amount of time to properly implement the
c. Strategies can be used multiple times (2 months of school). Try different strategies
throughout the year, don’t just roll over the same strategy for 2+ months.
d. What new strategy will you use for the month of December/January?

i. For February, PLC members should pick a technique Section 6 or 7 (Pacing,

Building Ratio Through Questioning). These sections cover pages 237-315. There
are some techniques that cover 10+ pages, some that only cover two pages.
Members should pick a strategy, read about it for January, and be ready to give a
breakdown of the strategy at our next PLC.
3. MTSS Discussion - What do teachers need from the SAT committee?
a. Spreadsheets inside PLC folder
b. Infinite Campus Behavior Tickets
c. Update monthly, utilize for behavior and academic
i. Continue to update spreadsheets monthly to track all data
d. What interventions are being utilized in the classroom?
e. What are we doing to differentiate instruction for our high-flyers in class?
4. IGDP Testing
a. January check-in
i. Are your benchmark tests scheduled?
ii. Need round two of testing by mid-February

5. Submit any PLC related questions or feedback through on this doc:

3-6 PLC Feedback & Questions
Responses to November questions…
● Pine Island Observations on January 22nd. 10-11:30 (4th Grade

2023 MCA Neighbor Comparisons - Google Sheets

6. Site Items (Quinn)

a. Grades due Jan 22 at Noon. Window opens on January 12.
b. FastBridge Testing Window is January 3 - through January 31.

PTA Survey (Wendy Ahern sent it out)- fill out if time

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