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the English grammar mistakes in these sentences? -e'can-you-find-the-english-gramma.

were out to dinner.

Correct: We cleaned the whole/entire kitchen while our
parents were out to dinner.

We use all for plural nouns (all the students) and

for uncountable nouns (all the fumiture), but not
for singular nouns. When you want to talk about 100%
luve coGo o-
of one thing,use the whole or the entire.
on C
Incorrect: If I'm stressed out about something, I tend to
have problem to fall asleep.
Correct: If I'm stressed out about something, I tend to
have trouble I a hard time falling asleep.

This is just a more natural way to express this sentence.

We don't usually use the TO form of a verb after —pcm
"problem. " If you want to talk about the difficult action,
use "trouble"or "a hard time" and then the -INGformof
the verb.

Incorrect: One of the most importantissue is the lack of

parking spaces at the local mall.
Correct: One of the most importantissues is the lack of
noun +
parking spaces at the local mall.

Whenever you use the expression "One of... ", the nou e.ceoj

must be plural but the verb must be singular. For ov"ve

example, "One of my friends is sick. " "One of these

eggs was rotten."
Incorrect: If you don't mind, I'd prefer leave early
Correct: If you don't mind, I'd prefer to leave I
leaving early tomorrow.
Correct: If you don't mind, I'd rather leave early

1/10/2019, 9:54 pm
English grammar mistakes in these
sentences? —

After prefer, use TO + VERBor the

-ING form.
Afterrather, you can use the base form.

Incorrect: Do you have a few minutesto discuss about

this project?
Correct: Do you have a few minutesto discuss this
Correct: Do you have a few minutes to talk about this

Discuss is the same as talk about. Therefore, it is not

necessary to use "about" after "discuss. "

Incorrect: The survey we performedrecentlyshowed

that most of customers are satisfied.
Correct: The survey we performedrecentlyshowed that
most of the customers are satisfied.
Correct: The survey we performedrecently showed that
most of our customers are satisfied.
Correct: The survey we performedrecently showed that
most customers are satisfied.

After most of, you need to have an article like "the" or a

possessive like "my/his/our/their/etc." However, if you
use only most, then you don't need anything and you
can go straight to the noun: most people, most houses,

Incorrect: Although I've known him for a while, I still

can't believe how much stubborn he is.
Correct: Although I've known him for a while, I still can't
believe how stubborn he is.

Before adjectives like "stubborn, " use only how —for

example, how friendly, how cold, how expensive. We
use how much / how many withnouns —how much
English grammar mistakes in these sentences? —

money, how many friends, how much snow

Incorrect: This is a very simple procedure;it will take

less of ten minutes.
Correct: This is a very simple procedure; it will take less
than ten minutes.

VV'hencompanng two things, we use the word than. For

example. the city is bigger than the town.A bike is less
expensive than a car.

Incorrect: I've loved classical music ever since I was

Correct: I've loved classical music ever since I was a
Correct: I've loved classical music ever since I
was young.

When using an adjective like "young," you don't need an

article: / was hungry, I'm tired, etc. When using a noun,
you need an article: / was a manager, I'm a sports fan,

Incorrect: Would you like to take part of this activity?

Correct: Would you like to take part in this activity?

Ifyou "takepan of' somethingit means you literally

remove a piece of it. For example, "He took part of the
bread and dipped it in the soup. " "Take patt in" means to
participate. For example, "l took part in the chess

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Your Grammar?{stake.

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Grammar Exercise: Find the Mistakes!

(Intermediate ESL)
Note: This page is for students. Teachers, you can download this exercise as a worksheet here: Fix the
Mistakes (Speaking Activity)

This exercise is for intermediate-level students. Each of the below 20 sentences has a mistake.
Rewrite the sentence without the mistake, and then click on 'Answerto check your an-
swer. Explanations have been added to the answers that are not obvious.

Let's begin!

It is raining when I got home last night.


It was raining when I got home last night.

* Use past progressive for a longer action that was interrupted by a shorter action in the past.

2. My sister is annoying today, but usually she is nice.

e:Fin the Mistakes! (Intermediate ESL) istakes

My sister is being annoying today, but usually she is nice.

* Use a progressive tense (present progressive is used here) for actions and (some) adjectives that
are temporary. Your sister is not annoying; she is only being annoying today. For adjectives, this gen-
erally applies to adjectives that require an action (e.g. being silly, being rude) and not states (dead,

3. I have not ate anything today.


4. If I am a child, I would play outside.


If I were a child, I would play outside.

* Second counditional = If + past tense,subject + would/cou/d/might. The second conditional is used

would play outside.
for unreal situations. Fact: You are not a child. But, if you were a child, you

5. Everyone have seen that movie.


6. If we will be late, they will be angry.


It we are late, they will be angry.

If + subject +
* Being late is a real possibility, so you should use the first conditional. First conditional =
present simple, subject + wi//.

7. My father is thinking that I should stop smoking.


1/10/2019, Il
. Find the Mistakes! (Intermediate ESL)•arnm

Look! It is snow.


Look! It is
9. I fell asleep while I watched TV.


10. I have lived in Canada since 10 months.


11. There is a warm country.


It is a warm country. / That country is warm.

*In the above sentence, 'There'is an adverb that indicates a place. An adverb should not be the sub
ject of a sentence. Instead, use 'It' as the subject. It is a pronoun.

12. I have not an iPhone .


13. I haven't ever been to Korea.


I haven't been to Korea./ I have never been to Korea.

* 'ever' is only used with the present perfect in questions. It is not used
in statements.

14. The students have a good time in class today.

; xercise:Find the Mistakes! (Intermediate

The students@_r_e&y_jc
a good time in class today.

* The verb have is a

state verb, so it shouldn't be used in the progressive (—ing)tenses. However, to
'have a good time' is an
expression (just like have a baby, have a party). These expressions are actions.
so they can be used in the
progressive tense.

15. John probably isn't going to come to school tomorrow.


16. If the world ended tomorrow, I will be very sad.


If the world ended tomorrow, I would be very sad.

* This is the second conditional. It is for a present unreal condition. There is a very low chance the
world will end tomorrow. The speaker does not believe it will happen. Therefore, to show that it's
not a real possibility, we use the second conditional.

17. I still did my homework at 10:30 pm last night.


I was still ugjng my homework at 10:30 pm last night.

* IJse past progressive for actions that were in progress at a specific time in the past.

18. He can speak Japanese because he was born in Canada.


He can speak Japanese even though/although he was born in Canada.

* These ideas contrast each other, so we should use 'even


9. Lee afraid of snakes.

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