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In the past two years, I have gone through a valorous period of personal

maturation and growth.

I learned to make fundamental decisions and to have self-control, while
managing difficult situations, both academically and socially. Personally, I see
myself more independent and responsible. I learned to manage my time and
resources more effectively. Also, I managed to taught myself to set realistic goals
in order to prioritize my activities. At the same time, I developed a good
understanding of my own and others', and even emotions, or maintaining
relationships of different kind in a more mature and healthy way. Now, I`m an
open-minded person, honest, relaxed, still with small expressing and stress
problems, but still with the ambition to overcome them. I started to appreciate
diversity and to be more tolerant while opening to different ideas and perspectives.
The whole process and the changes I supported were all the result of the challenges
which I have encountered, together with failures and successes, and many others
that have contributed to my maturation and development as a person in these past
two years.
As a small conclusion, I truly believe that these two years of my teen life
were one of the most important and fundamental into creating the person I am
today, even though I still aspire into being a better person

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